(2011-2012 Academic Year)
First Semester (Fall)
ARCH 110
Basic Design I
(4, 4, 6) ECTS: 10
This course aims to give students the very basic inputs of design. Among these are: freehand
drawing, perspective drawing, basic design principles such as unity, balance, shape, values
and the use of colour. The course aims at giving students the basic concepts which underlie all
arts; the concepts of space, scale, proportion, texture, light etc. The elements of design,
besides others, are also taught: line, form, volume as well as their intersections. Students
learn to work in three dimentions and to make models. This course is spread over two
semesters as two independent courses.
ARCH 111
Graphic Communication I
(0, 4, 2) ECTS: 5
This course entails all the technical aspects of design; scale, drawing techniques, various
methods of presentation, etc. It is basically a course on technical drawing. It is expected that
students gain the skills and knowledge of communicating their ideas and design creations with
other parties such as clients, constructors and diverse professional engaged in the building
ARCH 113
Introduction to Architecture I
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 4
Students are expected to design one or more projects each term, starting in the third
semester. During their education they will therefore have worked at least six projects, which
is often the case elsewhere. Each project will be of a different type and from the first to the
last, they will be of increasing comlex. This course will teach students the very first steps of
the design process. Students will learn the basic inputs of plannimg laws and regulations,
building structure, types of buildings, and design inputs such as stairs, ramps and circulation
spaces, With knowledge acquired in this course, they are will be expected to embark on
simple projects in the following semester.
ARCH 115
History of Architecture I
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
The course introduces concepts related to art and culture, aiming to give first year students a
general view of the eastern and western civilizations, starting from prehistory and reaching to
the end of Byzantine era. The artistic and architectural characteristics of civilizations that will
be held in this semester are, Prehistoric civilizations, The Ancient Near East, Ancient Egypt,
The Aegean, Ancient Greece, The Etrucans, Ancient Rome and Early Christian and Byzantine
Era. These civilizations and ancient cultures will be studied emphasizing their art and
architecture discussed within a socioeconomic and political perspective.
MATH 115
Basic Mathematics I (3, 0 3) ECTS: 3
This course, to be given by the department of Mathematics for a period of one year, is
expected to concentrate on geometry, followed by space geometry. These areas are
considered more fundamental to students of design as they need to acquire principles of
design in space and objects in space and in order to be able to think in three dimentional
terms. Equations and inequalities, manipulation of algebraic expressions, trigonometry are
also treated in this first term.
SOFL 101
English for Academic Purposes I
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Students, having completed their first year education in English prepatory class or after having
passed the exemption exam, are expected to further their knowledge of English during this
first year of their education. They are also expected to familiarize with their professional
jargon. Students will also develop their skills in written and spoken English.
University Course
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
Please see the attached list for University courses.
Second Semester (Spring)
ARCH 120
Basic Design II
(Prerequisite ARCH 110)
(4, 4, 6) ECTS: 10
This course is a continuation of the same course given in the first semester. Students will
learn about colour, its use in various types of presentation, three dimentional rendering
techniques, e.g. perspective drawing, ergonomics, space planning, environmental issues
affecting design and social skills involved in interactive teamwork. During the year students
prepare many classworks and homeworks. This course, together with the former, forms the
core of the first year education.
ARCH 112
Graphic Communication II (0, 4, 2) ECTS: 5
The course content is very much the same as the former, but at a higher level of comlexity.
Students are expected to do drawings during their lecture hours and to learn about drawing
standards and methods. Pages norms used, and diverse means used in presentation and also
ARCH 114
Introduction to Architecture II
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 4
Having acquired the basics of design in “Basic Design” and “Introduction to Architecture I”
courses, students will now be confronted with simple design issues. Design subjects include
building of such as public toilets, small shops, entrance gates, and design of small open
spaces. Lectures aim at introducing students the design process, the various stages involved in
this process and the criteria employed in producing projects.
ARCH 116
History of Architecture II
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
This first year spring semester course continues to develop a historical perspective throughout
the eastern and western civilizations, starting from the Romanesque Era and reaching to the
end of Baroque period in the west and Classical Islam, Seljuk Civilizations in the east with
particular emphasis on architecture and interior spaces. A comparative study of eastern and
western cultures will be made through the semester.
ARCH 118
Introduction to Building Construction
(2, 2, 3) ECTS: 5
Students will start getting acquinted with all kinds of building materials and their use in
building constructions; building systems, all types of foundations, walls and roofing. The
course will also deal with implementation of plans and projects on building sites.
MATH 116
Basic Mathematics II
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
Introduction to limits; definition of limits; basic rules of differentiation; integrals;and mainly
geometry-particularly space geometry-is considered. This course is also considered as the
continuation of the course given in the preceding semester.
SOFL 102
English for Academic Purposes II
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
The main objective of this course is based on teaching the specific language skills in order to
improve students’ knowledge of grammer, speaking and English for academic purposes. They
will be provided with skills which will help them explain and summarize academic texts.
Writing of term papers, articles and research reports will also be handled.
Third Semester (Fall)
ARCH 210
Architectural Project I
(Prerequisite ARCH 120)
(4, 4, 6) ECTS: 10
This will be the first architectural project of the students as the former projects of the first
year need not necessarily be concerned with buildings. Design topic will be relatively simple,
(such as the design of a small week-end house). During lectures students will be informed on
design standards, sketching, production of alternative designs, design evaluation, etc. and
students will start gaining skills in producing projects.
ARCH 209
Building Construction I
(2, 2, 3) ECTS: 5
Techniques and technology of using different materials: (wood, brick, stone, concrete, etc.),
will be introduced. Skill, labour and materials used in employing these materials will be
explained. Beams, slabs, walls, columns, roofs to be built-using different techniques and
materials- will also be elaborated. The basics of this course will be acquired in the proceeding
second semester, in the course titled “Introduction to Building Construction”.
ARCH 215
Building Materials I
(2, 0 2) ECTS: 2
Although some knowledge will have been acquired on building materials in the course titled
“Building Construction” given earlier, existing materials used within and outside buildings are
much more varied. Students will familiarise with tiles, cement, wood, timber, glass, all types
of metals, metal sheets, etc. Their qualities and the techniques of their use in buildings are
explained. Students will also familiarise with natural and manufacturad materials, their forms,
sizes and standards.
ARCH 217
Statics and Strength of Materials
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
This course aims to demonstrate the interactive roles of architects and engineers. Structural
types are explained and principles taught. Primary and secondary loads of buildings are
considered. Moments and basic states of stress and strain are also shown. This course goes
further in former studies (course on “Statics”), while elaborating structural theory of simple
beams, shear and bending moment diagrams; structural theory related to trusses, sectionjoint methods; structural theory related to buckling in columns; approximate sizes of
structural elements and brick and block wall designs.
INAR 209
Computer Aided Design I (Autocad)
(1, 2, 2) ECTS: 3
In this semester students are expected to learn about how computers can be employed in
design. Acquiring skills in using Autocad is among the principle aims of the course. Students
will familiarize with whatever is necessary in order to produce two and three dimentional
drawings and develop their skills in mastering design using digital technologies.
ARCH 221
History of Architecture III (2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
Having learned about the history of architecture and art in the first two semesters of their
education, students this time will concentrate on purely the history of architecture. City
planning will be dealt with at a minor level, as this is one of the main courses of the sixth
semester. Dwelling and various building types will be considered from the early times up to
the present, with specific expression on Turkish architecture of different periods like the
Ottoman and Seljoukide periods. European and other countinents’ architecture of various
periods (e.g. Baroque and Gothic) are also considered.
University Course
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
Please see the attached list for University courses.
HIST 011
Principles of Atatürk and History of Revolution I (2, 0, 2) ECTS: 1
The end of the Ottoman Empire; world conditions at the beginning of the twentieth century;
problems faced by Turkey; the war of independance; declaration of the republic and reforms
which follow. Students will learn how a new nation was born
TURK 011 Turkish I (2, 0, 2) ECTS: 1
Historical development of Turkish language. Morphologic properties of Turkey. Turkish written
and oral composition, exercises on oral composition, exercies on written composition.To learn
Turkish grammar. To learn historical development of Turkish language. To learn correct
writing and speech.
Fourth Semester (Spring)
ARCH 220
Architectural Project II
(Prerequisite ARCH 210)
(4, 4, 6) ECTS: 10
This is the second architectural project that students will prepare. The subject matter will be
somewhat more complex than that of the first semestre (e.g. a two storey summer house, a
primary school or a clinic). Teachings on design process will continue like in the former
project. The content of the project work will be decided by the teaching staff prior the
commencement of the semester.
ARCH 216
Building Construction II
(2, 2, 3) ECTS: 5
This course is basically a continuation of the course on Building Construction I, and the
subjects covered are similar, involving roofs, walls, slabs,etc. showing how each is handled in
projects using different materials and building methods. Students will gain practice within
class hours and by preparing homeworks.
ARCH 218
Building Materials II (2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
This course is again a continuation of the former course carrying the same title. Students will
be introduced a variety of materials which exist in the construction market, their standards,
qualifications, prices, and implementation details.
ARCH 222
History of Architecture IV (2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
In this lecture, the study of architectural theory will be firmly grounded in the contemporary
practice of architecture and its attendant social, economic and political conditions. The
course reaches back over the last fifty years to establish precedents for these current-day
preoccupations in architectural and critical terms. Students will look at buildings, writing and
movements as part of the evolving critiques of modernism from the 1970s onwards; in doing
so, the students will be familiarized with some of the most contemporary debates in
architecture and urban planning.
ARCH 224
Computer Aided Architectural Design
(1, 2, 2) ECTS: 3
Teaching is continued on three dimentional drawings and rendering. Commands related to
giving elevation, 3-D face and changing viewpoints will be covered. Students will learn to edit
three dimentional drawings, use paper space and view ports. It is expected that students will
learn 3D Max besides the emphasis given to ArchiCad.
ARCH 226
Building Structure: Concrete
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
This will be the students’ second course in construction engineering after Statics and Strength
of Materials in the former semester. It will emphasize mainly engineering inputs to
architectural design. The objective of the course is to introduce to students to the basics of
structure and structural design based on mechanics of materials, vectors and vector active
systems. Centroids and centre of gravity. Moments and moment of inertia. Analysis of beams
and trusses.
University Course
(2,0, 2) ECTS: 2
Please see the attached list for University courses.
University Course
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
Please see the attached list for University courses.
HIST 012
Principles of Atatürk and History of Revolution II
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 1
Course content is similar to that of the same course given in the previous semester. But the
issues taught are concerned with later periods.
TURK 012 Turkish II (2, 0, 2) ECTS: 1
Historical development of Turkish language. Morphologic properties of Turkey Turkish. Written
and oral composition, exercies on oral composition, exercies on written composition. To learn
Turkish grammar. To learn historical development of Turkish language. To learn correct
writing and speech.
Fifth Semester (Fall)
ARCH 310
Architectural Project III
(Prerequisite ARCH 220)
(4, 4, 6) ECTS: 10
Project work, to be carried out both at home and at the university, will consider yet a more
complex subject than the former (e.g. a primary school building or an apartment block) as a
design assignment. As earlier, studio work and lectures will occupy two half days of the
students’ weekly programme. All information and knowledge acquired in other lectures is
expected to christallize in the students’ project work.
Faculty Elective Courses
(16 credits) ECTS: 19
See attached list for alternatives.
ARCH 331
Office-Construction Site Training-I ECTS: 2
Students are expected to work in a construction site, for a period of 10 weekdays (2 weeks),
during their summer holidays at the end of their second year of education.
22 (ECTS: 31)
Sixth Semester (Spring)
ARCH 320
Architectural Project IV
(Prerequisite ARCH 310)
(4, 4, 6) ECTS: 10
This project work will deal with, for example, a multi-storey apartment building, while
tackling also its nearby terrain; otherwise, the project might be concerned with an office
building of similar complexity. Due consideraiton will be given also to site design and
landscaping. Work will be carried out in the studio as well as at home.
Faculty Elective Courses
(14 credits) ECTS: 16
See attached list for alternatives.
UFND 070 Social Responsibilities Project
(0, 2, 1) ECTS: 1
This is a course which all students of the university must take. It aims to plant and flourish the
seeds of being a correct citizen and national.
ARCH 332 Office-Construction Site Training-II
Students are expected to work in a construction site, for a period of 10 weekdays (2 weeks),
during their summer holidays at the end of their second year of education.
21 (ECTS: 29)
Seventh Semester (Fall)
ARCH 410
Architectural Project V
(Prerequisite ARCH 320)
(4, 4, 6) ECTS: 12
This fifth design project will be one where students are expected to explore a wide range of
knowledge and design ability related to a chosen subject. This will be a project of medium to
large scale, most probably within an urban context. Subjects may include a medium-size
hospital, a shopping complex with multiple functions or a hotel complex.
Faculty Elective Courses
(12 credits) ECTS: 15
See attached list for alternatives.
University Course
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
Please see the attached list for University Foundation courses.
ARCH 431 Office-Construction Site Training-III
Students are expected to work in an architect’s office, for a period of 10 weekdays (2 weeks),
during their summer holidays at the end of their second year of education.
Eighth Semester (Spring)
ARCH 420
Architectural Project VI
(Prerequisite ARCH 410)
(4, 4, 6) ECTS: 14
Students will develop a project individually, of a rather complex nature, and they will be
expected to display their total personal capacity to carry out professional work. This may
otherwise be called the “diploma project”. Design subjects will be chosen by students, but
will require the approval of final year design studio lecturers. As in other former projects,
evaluation of students’ performances will be made by a jury of lecturers and professional
Faculty Elective Courses
(11 credits) ECTS: 11
See attached list for alternatives.
University Foundation Course
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
Please see the attached list for University Foundation courses.
ARCH 432 Office-Construction Site Training-IV ECTS: 2
Students are expected to work in an architect’s office, for a period of 10 weekdays (2 weeks),
during their summer holidays at the end of their second year of education.
(ECTS: 29)
Fifth Semester (3rd Year) Electives
ARCH 367
Construction Detailing
(2, 2, 3) ECTS: 4
Architecture involves resolving details of many kinds which are required for external factors of
rain, sun and wind, to name a few. But detailing is essential also in interior spaces. The course
will deal with doors, windows, stairs and others and will involve exploration of diverse walling
and roofing systems in masonry, timber, metal, glass and plastics, as well as industrialised and
rationalised construction. This course can be viewed as a continuation of the previous courses
on building construction and building materials.
ARCH 369
Building Structure: Timber-Steel (3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
This course will explain how concrete is used in builings: principles, types, various methods
employed, etc. It will emphasize mainly engineering inputs to architectural design. It aims
also to establish a common language between engineers and architects, as well as teaching
students to build buildings which stand extreme climatic and other natural factors.
ARCH 371
Landscape Design
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
The objective of this course is to teach the students of architecture the art and techniques of
landscape architecture as much as it is related to their profession. Some of the main topics
dealt with are: Roads, pedestrian roads, pavements; car parking; land modelling; use of
vegetation; perception in design; space design and urban spaces; squares; usage of artificial or
fabricated materials: urban axes; usage of water in landscape design; urban accessories; and
green space design and hierarchy.
INAR 357
Environmental Control Systems I (2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
The general aim of this course is to deepen the knowledge and sensitivity of design principles
all regards building performances. In that sense it analyses architectural lighting, acoustics
and thermal comfort. Within these topics, the course will emphasize on passive(natural)active(mechanical) techniques, basic concepts, materials, measurement of criteria,
economical ways of usage, comparison of projects between centuries, effects on interior and
exterior spaces which must be considered at the earliest stage of the design process.
INAR 380
Architectural Heritage and Conservation
(2, 2, 3) ECTS: 5
Course aims to give a general knowledge about conservation and restoration concepts.
Students will study the development of the theory of contemporary conservation from the
19th century up to the present, both in Turkey and other countries; elements of historical
environment, methods of restoration and conservation problems in Turkey. Students will also
study measuring and producing drawings, restitution and restoration project of historic
buildings in the historic part of the town.
ARCH 380 Freehand Drawing in Architecture (3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
This course involves studying freehand drawing and introduces different freehand drawing
techniques and media. Students use various means of drawing (chalk, charcoal, ink, felt-tip
pens, pencils etc.) on various types of paper. Freehand drawings are made from live models,
various types of furniture, plants and animals, etc. in order to develop drawing skills of
ARCH 360 Advanced Computer Aided Design (3D Max) (3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Having learned to master computers as regards project design students wishing to develop
further presentation techniques are allowed to do so through this course.
ARCH 370
History of Turkish Architecture
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
In this course the origin of Anatolian and Turkish architecture and its architectural
development are examined . It cvers the historical period from the begining of Islam to the
end of the Ottoman period. Early Turkish Islamic architecture outside Anatolia, Seljuk and
Ottoman art and architecture in Anatolia are studied.
ARCH 365 Culture, Housing and Design
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Design of housing is studied from the very first settlement up until the present day. Types of
housing are looked at from the viewpoint of culture and its effects on details, ornament and
layout are studied while making comparisions with the beconomic situation of each period in
INAR 350 Computer Aided Design for Designers (ArchiCAD)
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Teaching is continued on three dimentional drawings and rendering. Commands related to
giving elevation, 3-D face and changing viewpoints will be covered. Students will learn to edit
three dimentional drawings, use paper space and view ports. It is expected that students will
learn 3D Max besides the emphasis given to ArchiCad
INAR 360 Semiotics in Design
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Verbal and non-verbal indications, functions on foundation of meaning, applications which will
be gained analyzing skills of indications on meaning and expression; investigation of
representative characteristic of space and objects. Theory and analysis of signs, indicators,
indications, meaning and semantics wiil be examined in the course.
INAR 370 Advanced Presentation Techniques
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Students can choose this course in the 5 or the 6th semester. Digital programs of Artlantis,
Piranesi and Photoshop are taught and these can be used in a number of places during
professional life.
INAR 351 People and Environment (3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Interrelationships of humans and the natural environment is looked at from a number of
perspectives: ecology, economics, development, etc. and students taught how sustainable
living and architecture is possible. The course also deals with the environment of designers in
the professional world.
Sixth Semester (3rd Year) Electives
ARCH 368
Urban Planning
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Concepts of urban design and planning, its perceptual and formal theories in the past and
present will be introduced. Since architects develop their designs within the limitations
imposed by planners they need to grasp how planning functions, get acquinted with the
planning jargon and legislation. The course will also introduce students various types of
development plans produced by town planners.
ARCH 372
Building Construction Project
(2, 2, 3) ECTS: 5
All buildings function with an intricate system of infrastructure. This infrastructure involves
electrical, sanitary and mechanical systems (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) and all
kinds of communication systems, (computer, TV, telephone etc.). This course will provide
students with a comprehensive overview of mechanical and other systems in buildings.
Physical design of todays buildings need to give due consideration to such issues with respect
to their physical, structural and functional dimensions and performance criteria.
INAR 368
Environmental Control Systems II (2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
The general aim of the semester course is to deepen the knowledge and sensitivity of design
principles towards building performances. In that sense it analyses architectural lighting,
acoustics and thermal comfort. Within these topics, the course will emphasize on passive
(natural)-active (mechanical) techniques, basic concepts, materials, measurement of criteria,
economical usage, comparison of projects between centuries and effects on interior and
exterior spaces which must be considered at the earliest stage of the design process.
ARCH 360 Advanced Computer Aided Design (3D Max) (3,0, 3) ECTS: 3
Having learned to master computers as regards project design students wishing to develop
further presentation techniques are allowed to do so through this course.
ARCH 370 History of Turkish Architecture
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
In this course the origin of Anatolian and Turkish architecture and its architectural
development are examined . It cvers the historical period from the begining of Islam to the
end of the Ottoman period. Early Turkish Islamic architecture outside Anatolia, Seljuk and
Ottoman art and architecture in Anatolia are studied.
ARCH 362 Contemporary Construction and Structure Systems (3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
A variety of system are used at present in the building sector . Some are familiar to the Turks
and some are not. Course get students acquainted with new techniques used in
ARCH 364 Turkish Architecture of the Republican Period
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Studied are the styles and fashion in use after 1923 up to the present. This period coincides
with Bauhaus in Europe and its effects in Turkey as well on the modern movement represented
by Le Corbusier and others.
ARCH 366 Urban Conservation and Renewal
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Historical and architectural heritage needs to be conserved for future generations and for
culturals interests. Old buildings are also cleared to make room for new development. Both
these approaches demand careful planning programming implementation and management.
INAR 350 Computer Aided Design for Designers (ArchiCAD)
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Teaching is continued on three dimentional drawings and rendering. Commands related to
giving elevation, 3-D face and changing viewpoints will be covered. Students will learn to edit
three dimentional drawings, use paper space and view ports. It is expected that students will
learn 3D Max besides the emphasis given to ArchiCad
INAR 360 Semiotics in Design
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Verbal and non-verbal indications, functions on foundation of meaning, applications which will
be gained analyzing skills of indications on meaning and expression; investigation of
representative characteristic of space and objects. Theory and analysis of signs, indicators,
indications, meaning and semantics wiil be examined in the course.
INAR 370 Advanced Presentation Techniques
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Students can choose this course in the 5t or the 6t semester. Digital programs of Artlantis,
Piranesi and Photoshop are taught and these can be used in a number of places during
professional life.
INAR 356 Interior Landscaping
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Interior designers make use of a variety of landscaping elements (plants, flowers, pots, water
elements etc)in order to aesthetically and functionally create interior spaces. Students will
widen their perspective of such landscaping instruments.
INAR 358 Bioclimatic Architecture (3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
The use of climatic factors in designing buildings; historic and contemporary examples; new
techniques employed in attaining climatic comfort in using buildings.
Seventh Semester (4th Year) Electives
ARCH 469
Fundamentals of Professional Practice
(2, 2, 3) ECTS: 4
The course aims to give students an overview of professional practice and management. In
order to do this, all the realities of office works, contracting, and the legal framework will be
explained. Project organization and construction management are also treated within this
course. It is thus expected that students will leave Yasar University having acquired enough
knowledge of the real-life professional practice.
INAR 467 Design of Street Furniture (2, 2, 3) ECTS:4
Students will be explained how the design of various street furniture (such as sitting elements,
waste bins, flower containers, advertisement panels and lighting facilities) can be tackled.
Such elements can also exist in the open spaces of plots of various other buildings. Variety of
examples used throughout history will be shown; content and design relationships will be
elaborated and contemporary solutions indicated.
INAR 469 Design of Small Urban Spaces (2, 2, 3) ECTS:4
The course aims at the design of small urban squares, spaces left between buildings and those
located on streets. Students will consider site analysis, design concept, style, user standards
as well as aesthetics. They will be shown a variety of examples from home and abroad. The
course also considers the design of construction details and landscaping.
ARCH 461
Interior Design
(2, 2, 3) ECTS: 5
This course aims to expand the knowledge and design skills of students as regards interior
architecture. Details, new materials and contemporary examples one explained. Course
involves some in-class design assignments.
ARCH 463
Urban Design (2, 2, 3) ECTS: 5
Student interested in working on more complex design problems of urban design will confront
designs involving more of planning scales. Examples from different countries will be discussed.
ARCH 465 Urban Archeology
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
The archaeological heritages in urban areas refer to the basic evidence of past human
experiences. Therefore its protection and transmission to future generations is essential to
constitute historical continuity and integrated development in towns. This course aims to
provide the students with awareness about the threats of the historical towns in Turkey and
encourage them to contribute creative solutions for their conservation and presentation.
ARCH 467
Cinema and Architecture
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Imagination and constuction of film settings, buildings and spaces. The special architecture of
film buildings, their designs and productions. The architecture of cinemas and their effects on
the art of film making.
INAR 451
Exhibition Design
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Concept of different types of exhibition are explained and examples from Turkey and abroad
are shown. The spectrum extends from that of shop windows to big scale museums.
INAR 453
Design of Special Interior Space
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Hospital operation halls, physical training rooms, spaces for the physically handicapped are
only some examples to the special interiors. The course discusses a hide spectrum of similar
spaces design.
INAR 455
Advanced Space Design
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
The term advanced can be refering to spaces containing high technology equipment and/or
very new systems of building as well as that of space definitions. New systems employed in
contemporary heating, security, etc. are introduced.
INAR 457
Theories of Design (3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
The course is designed to be interactive and will consist of discussion, critical and analytical
reading and writing. It will question the causation of architecture and its theory through the
aspects of structures, interiors, decorative arts, landscape architecture, and urban design.
INAR 459
New Buildings in Old Settings
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Fitting new buildings into a historical context requires knowledge, art and insight. Succesful
and inappropriate examples are shown both from Turkey and abroad and the logic behind
various architectural approaches is explained.
INAR 461
Contemporary Turkish Architecture
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
The develepment of architecture since the declaration of the republic in 1923 is explained.
But special emphasis is given to the period between 1950 – 1980. The course considers the
period of the last 20 – 30 years in more details, with an emphasis on the lasest in
placentations, designs and their young architects.
INAR 463
Contemporary Design Research
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Various researchers of the design disciplines find it hard to carry out scientific research for
academic and other proposes. The course introduces statistical techniques of research, data
collection, their evaluation and their presentation by written and/or visual means. The course
suits especiallly those who much to continue with their MA or Ph.D. studies.
INAR 465
Architectural Photography (3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Introduction to art of photography: Relation between architects and photography, describing
the visual area of the architecture, using photography for presentation of the architectural
products; introducing the camera; points to do during the visualization phase of photography;
process of film wash: black and white, colored and slide photographs.
Eight Semester (4th Year) Elective Courses
ARCH 468
Project and Construction Management (2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
Definition and concept of project management, quality and scope of the project, steps of
project management and time management are the main topics of this course. The aim of the
course is to give a general idea about leadership and project management to get the student
ready for bussiness life.
INAR 468 Public Open Spaces (2, 2, 3) ECTS:4
Course aims at teaching the design of public open spaces such as urban squares, pedestrian
roads and parks. Students will learn the design and use of water elements, aesthetical
structures and plant material. Street furniture, technical infrastructure such as drainage
drinking water and electricity will be explained and examples shown from different parts of
the world.
INAR 470 Utopic Environments ( 3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Utopic designs help develop students ‘creativity and capacity to tackle complex problems.
Imaginative users, users and buildings have been considered throughout history and students
will be shown a variety of such examples while explaining solutions to intricate situations and
ARCH 478 Interior Space Furniture Design (2, 2, 3) ECTS: 4
The objective of the course is to provide students with the principles of furniture design and
develop their skills in designing furniture by creating a project around a given concept. The
course introduces students new materials and production techniques so that they can develop
and achieve detailed furniture designs successfully.
ARCH 472
.Mimar Sinan (3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
The course is designed to establish knowledge on the classical period of the Ottoman
Architecture and its eminent architect, Mimar Sinan. It will focus on the description of Sinan’s
architecture through building types and structural and spatial features which were designed
by him.
ARCH 474
Urban Lanscape
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
In their undergraduate students learn about lanscape architecture but subjects are not carried
up to the urban level due to the time limitations. This course deals with urban squares,
pedestrian streets, urban axes, design elements described by K.Lynch, use of water in towns,
ARCH 476
Cities and Architecture
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
This course carries design issues from the scale of architecture to the urban level. Thus those
interested in urban design benefit from the design of cities. Architecture is evaluated from
the view point of urban scale.
INAR 452
Legal Framework of Architecture (3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Architecture is practiced in a context where many different types of laws ans regulations are
used; the coastal law, law on conservation, regulations on various aspects of building, etc
must all be learned well by designers. The course aims to give students a comprehensive
picture of the legal framework prior to their graduation.
INAR 454
Lighting in Design
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
This course goes deeper into the details of how good lighting can be achieved within or
outside buildings and in special spaces like shows, shopwindows and other user areas.
Contemporary equipment and design approaches are explained.
INAR 456
Architecture of İzmir
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Students get more acguainted with the city in which they live and study. Buildings from
different periods in history are explained as well as those prominent ones pinpointing spaces.
Slides are shown and students are taken to daily site visits several times.
INAR 458
Sustainable Architecture
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Course shows how buildings can be made to fit their natural environments and use the natural
resources of their environment intelligently in order to decrease environmental pollution and
energy costs. Historical approaches are shown as well as contemporary designs.
INAR 460
Portfolio Design
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
The intent of this course is to prepare students for their future job applications. It aims to
teach them how to present their works in professional enviroments. The main objectives are,
to learn how to create a CV, and to prepare a professional designer portfolio in different
formats. At the end of the course, the students are expected to create a detailed CV and
design a portfolio of their own for the final assessment.
INAR 462
Intelligent Buildings (3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Digital technologies are entering contemporary buildings with an increasing variety and this is
expected to widen in the future. All engineering aspects of buildings, security and data
collection is made by computer systems and those interested in this field will acquire a much
wider perpective on their use.
INAR 464
Applied Architectural Photography
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
Students learn more about the use of digital photography as it is used in project preparation
and presentation. This course expands what the students have previously learned in this field.
INAR 466 Special Topics in Interior Design
(3, 0, 3) ECTS: 3
This course provides the student with an opportunity to design special spaces and topics more
deeply. Tv studios, theatre set decorations, dance studios, restaurant kitchens, turkish baths
can be shown as the examples of these topics. Application detailings with solutions, materials
and presentation techniques are also issues of this course.
UFND 010
Human Sciences
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
Today's work places, especially managerial tasks increasingly demand a high social
competence and necessitate a good foundation in behavioral sciences. In this course the
students acquire a basic knowledge of human behavior and social and group structures from a
sociological, psychological and anthropological perspectives.
UFND 020
Techniques of Reporting and Presentation
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
A report is a document characterized by information or other content reflective of inquiry or
investigation, which is tailored to the context of a given situation and audiance. Presentation
skills attempt to answer fundamental questions of how to prepare and deliver techical
material effectively. Proven techiques are presented. These will give the reader the necessary
skills to make more confident, enthusiastic and persuasive presentations. This course guides
students through the process of planning, writing, and presentation. It also gives students an
overview of business research methods and use of visual elements in business communication.
UFND 030 Design Culture
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
This course is tailored to address all disciplines at the university. It aims to encourage the
students to develop their own creative ideas by clarifying the related subjects such as
analytical thinking, design principles, design elements, design methods and solutions. The
course assists students in looking into the context intensely by showing them some creative
media samples, unique design products, architecture, interior design, fashion and art objects.
UFND 040 Aesthetics
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
Aestetic theories and their effects on art in general, is explained. These start with ancient
philosophers like Plato and Aristotale and extend to Lessing, Kant, Hegel, Nietzche, Benjamin
and Brecht. Theories are explained with examples from their reflections in contemporary
issues and works of art.
UFND 050
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
This course focuses on social problems, dilemmas and conflicts between individual and social
interests from different points of view. Aim of this course is to let students discuss on
different topics and let them see the complexity of solutions which are considered to be the
simplest ones. Three mojor points of Ethics are: principles of ethics, social responsibility and
project based study skills.
UFND 060
Project Design
(2, 0, 2) ECTS: 2
Meaning and types of projects, choice of subject stages of Project design; financial,
organizational and other feats of project design.
UFND 070
Social Responsibilities Project
(0, 2, 1) ECTS: 1
This is a course which all students of the university must take. It aims to plant and flourish the
seeds of being a correct citizen and national.