Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
Bria Bowie
Period 5
The chorus tells you about the two
houses that have a certain grudge.the
play is about dignity and love. The
other stuff you can figure out alone.
Scene 1
Early in the morning in the public
square in Verona Sampson and Gregory
are the servants of the Capulets.In the
public square they are having a
conversation. When the Montagues and
the Capulets saw each other they started
to fight.
During the fight a man came and said if
they keep fighting they will get
consequences. And the consequences
back then were being killed. So all the
people stopped fighting an listened.
Then later on Romeo and Benvolio was
talking about Rosaline and if Romeo
was in love with her or if it was just
Scene 2
Later in the afternoon Capulet and Paris
were talking near Capulet’s house.
They are talking about Paris marrying
Juliet. Capulet wants his daughter to
marry Paris because he is a good man to
him and is on the Capulet side.
Then Capulet and the Montague’s meet
and Capulet sends his servants out to
meet other people in the country.
That’s when the servant runs into
Romeo and they start to talk about if
they are going to the dinner.
Scene 3
Later that evening before the party the
nurse and Lady Capulet are arguing
about how old Juliet is. The nurse is
saying that she remembers when Juliet
was whined off the dug.
Then Lady Capulet was talking to Juliet
about falling in love with Paris. She
was asking her if she could ever love
Then the serving man came in and said
he guest were on their way.
Scene 4
After the party Romeo goes and tells
Mercutio and Benvolio that he is in
love wit Juliet. They ask him what
happened to Rosaline.
They tell him “If love be rough with
you, be rough with love.” that means if
love is treating you wrong, treat it
wrong right back. Give love what it
gave you.
Scene 5
The servants clear the floor so they can
get ready to have the dance part of the
Romeo asks the servant if he knows
anything about Juliet, the servant tells
him what he knows.
When everyone is done dancing,
Romeo goes and looks for Juliet.
When they meet he kisses her hand and
ask her if he can kiss her lips.
After Juliet leaves Romeo talks to the
nurse and he finds out that Juliet is a
Romeo figures out that he doesn’t love
Rosaline anymore. He is falling for
Juliet. Romeo and Juliet are supposed to
be enemies but their love is to strong.
Scene 1
After the party Romeo leaves Benvolio
and Mercutio and goes to find Juliet.
They go look for Romeo but they cant
find him.
Romeo just wants to be near Juliet.
When Benvolio and Mercutio finally
realize they cant find him they give up
and leave.
Scene 2
Romeo is now on his way to talk to
Romeo and Juliet are talking to
themselves about each other but they
don’t know they are by each other.
Then they realize that they are near
each other and they start talking about
their love.
Then Juliet tells Romeo that she is
going to send a messenger to Romeo at
9:00 a.m.
Scene 3
Its early in the morning and Romeo
goes and sees Friar Lawrence.
Friar asks Romeo about Rosaline and is
surprised when Romeo tells him she is
forgotten. He doesn’t love her anymore.
After that Romeo tells the Friar that he
is falling in love with Juliet.
The Friar is very surprised when
Romeo tells him about Juliet because
they are enemies.
Scene 4
At 9:00 in the morning Juliet sends the
nurse to give Romeo a message.l
When the nurse gets there Romeo is
with all his friends, they are talking
about where Romeo was at last night.
Then Mercutio acts really rude to the
nurse by calling her names and pulling
up her dress.
Then the nurse pulls Romeo aside and
tells him all what Juliet said.
Then Romeo tells the burse to tell Juliet
to meet him at Friar’s so they ca get
Scene 5
Later on that evening Juliet was waiting
for the nurse to come back and tell her
what Romeo said.
Juliet then sees the nurse around the
corner and runs to her so she can find
out if Romeo wants to get married.
But when the nurse comes she tries to
stall because she thinks that Juliet
shouldn’t marry Romeo because he is a
She wants her to marry Paris.
Scene 6
Later on that after noon Romeo waits at
Friar’s church for Juliet.
When Juliet comes Romeo runs to her
because he misses his love.
The Friar does the spiritual part of the
wedding but they have to go
somewhere else to actually get married.
After they are done Romeo and Juliet
sneak off to some place so they can
finally get married.
The Wedding
• Romeo and Juliet run away so they can get
married.When they finally get to the church
to get married the pastor does the stuff.
When the pastor is done with the speaking
he now tells them that they are married and
can live happily ever after…..for now.
In this scene Tybalt and
Mercutio fights and Mercutio
is killed. Romeo gets mad and
goes and finds Tybalt so they
can fight. Romeo ends up
killing Tybalt also. And then
he is banished forever.
Scene 1
Tybalt comes to the Montague’s house
and starts to talk about Mercutio
When Mercutio and Tybalt start
fighting Romeo is trying to break them
Tybalt ends up killing Mercutio but
nobody notices until he’s dead.
Romeo goes after Tybalt because he is
mad he killed his friend
After Romeo and Tybalt start fighting
Romeo kills Tybalt.
Romeo’s punishment fro Prince Escalus
is that he is banished from Verona or
will be killed
Scene 2
The nurse comes and tells Juliet that
Tybalt is dead.
When Juliet finds out that Romeo killed
him she starts to cry.
Juliet thinks that Romeo is dead, but
then the nurse tells her he is alive.
But she gets the bad news that he is
banished from Verona.
Juliet is very sad because she will never
be able to see her husband again.
Scene 3
Romeo runs and hides at friar
Romeo is crying because he knows
that he will never be able to see
Juliet again.
Friar tells Romeo he is acting like a
Romeo also tells Romeo that he has
a plan so that he can see Juliet.
Scene 4
Lord Capulet is talking to Paris.
He is telling him that Juliet will not
come down because she is sad that
Tybalt died
But Juliet is not crying because Tybalt
she is crying for Romeo.
Lord Capulet tells Paris that he is going
to marry Juliet on Monday.
Scene 5
Romeo comes to see Juliet for the
last time before he has to leave
After he leaves Juliet and her
mother and the nurse and talking.
Juliet is crying to her mother about
Romeo but her mother thinks she is
talking about Tybalt.
Then Juliet tells her mother that she
doesn’t want to marry Paris
Then Lady Capulet tells her
husband and he tells Juliet that if
she doesn’t marry Paris she will be
kicked out.
In this scene Juliet takes the
poison and passes out. Also her
nurse and mother find her and
thinks she is dead. Lord Capulet
realizes everyone in his family
is dying.
Scene 1
In Scene 1 Lord Capulet and Paris are
talking and waiting for Juliet.
Paris acts all lovey dovey around Juliet
but acts hard and tough around her
Juliet goes and tells the Friar that if her
father forces her to marry Paris she will
kill her self.
After she tells Friar that, the Friar says
that is unnecessary because he has a
His plan is to drink the poison and he
will pass out for a while, then Romeo
will come and get her before she wakes
Scene 2
Lord Capulet is talking to the Friar and
thinks he is going to help him with
Lord Capulet tells friar that maybe he
can put into Juliet’s mind that she
should marry Paris.
But what Lord Capulet doesn’t know is
that the Friar is on Romeo and Juliet
Lord Capulet talks to the Friar about
Juliet marrying Paris two days before
she marries Romeo.
Scene 3
Juliet tells the nurse she wants to be
The nurse thinks that she wants to be
alone because of Tybalt’s death and
because she is nervous about getting
Juliet is about to take the poison but she
has things that she is worried about:
That she wont wake up
That she will wake before Romeo
comes to get her
Scene 4
This scene starts off with happiness
and excitement because Juliet is getting
ready to get married
When Lord Capulet finds out that Juliet
will marry Paris he is very happy.
But what he doesn’t know is that Juliet
only said that because she is going to
drink the poison.
When they are waiting for Juliet to get
ready she is taking the poison
Scene 5
In this scene they find Juliet
dead(passed out) on her bed.
Lord Capulet says “death of my son-inlaw”. That means that al of his family is
Paris is very upset because his wife to
be is now dead.
The Friar says that Juliet has probably
died because she was forced of
marrying Paris.
They said that they will have her
funeral when they were supposed to
have the wedding.
The wedding now funeral is on
The End