Civil Rights Movement and the 1960s Scavenger Hunt

By: Samantha Villarreal
The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963
Civil Rights Movement and the 1960s Scavenger Hunt
1. Who was the attorney (lawyer) that helped to win the case of Brown Vs. The Board of Education of
Topeka in 1954? Search
2. In 1955 a 14-year old boy from Chicago was beaten and shot to death. What was his name? Why
did the people who murdered him target him? Search
3. In December of 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus. This
action helped launch a boycott of the bus system. What was the name of that boycott? Search
4. In Feb of 1957 four black students began a sit-in at a segregated Woolworth’s lunch counter and
triggered many similar nonviolent protests throughout the south. What were the names of the
four students? What was the city and state this happened in? Search
5. In Sept of 1957 nine black students were blocked from entering their school and federal troops
were needed to help them go to school. What was the name of the high school they were
attending? What was the name that they were given? Which President decided to send in the
troops? Search
6. Follow the search link to the Latino Civil Rights Timeline. In 1968 Mexican American students
staged a walkout at their school protesting unequal treatment by the schools. What were 3 things
they felt were unfair? Search
7. Follow the search link to the Latino Civil Rights Timeline. List an event between 1940 and 1970
that seems interesting to you. Record the date and event. Search
8. Follow the search link to “Integrating Ole Miss.” What was the name of the African American
student who wanted to register at the University of Mississippi? What year was it? Search
9. Follow the link to the interview about the Birmingham Children’s Crusade (Also known as The
Children’s March). What was the date of this march? How many children were arrested that day?
What advice did Carolyn McKinstry have “for kids who want to make a difference”? Search
10. In June of 1963, a white racist named Byron De La Beckwith murdered a leader in the movement
for civil rights. What was the name of the man that was murdered? How many years did it take for
De La Beckwith to be put in prison? Search
11. On November 22, 1963 President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. What city and state was he in
when it happened? Who was arrested for his assassination? Search
12. What was the dropout rate for Mexican American students in 1967? In what year did the East Los
Angeles Walkouts or “Blowouts” occur? What were the names of the high schools that
participated? Search
By: Samantha Villarreal
13. In 1969, how many Mexican American cheerleaders were allowed on the squad at the Crystal City
high school? On December 9, 1969, students staged a walkout that lasted several days. About how
many students ended up on the picket line? Search
14. On August 28, 1963 Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech. What was
the full name of the march that led to the Lincoln Memorial when he gave his speech? Search
15. What president signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964? What was important about this Act? Search
16. When Malcolm X was young what did he say to his teacher that he wanted to be when he grew up?
How did the teacher respond? When was he assassinated? Search
17. In 1965 people marched from Selma to Montgomery. What was the date of the march? Why did it
become known as “Bloody Sunday”? This march helped to pass which “act”? Search
18. Review the events of 1965 on the timeline. What was “Operation Rolling Thunder”? By this year,
about how many U.S. troops were in Vietnam? Search
19. On April 4, 1968 Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated as he stood on the balcony of
his hotel. What was the name of the hotel? What was the name of the man who pled guilty to the
crime? Search
20. In 1969 the Apollo program completed its mission to the moon. What was the exact date that the
first man set foot on the moon? What was the name of the space shuttle? Name the astronauts that
were on the mission. Search
21. Follow the link to 1960’s Flashback. Search the category list on the left side of the page to answer
the following questions. What was the # 1 movie in 1963? Who won the best actor academy
award? What was the # 4 song on the Billboard Top 10 List in 1963? What was one of the top
News Headlines in 1963? Search
19. Follow the link to a site dedicated to 1960s music. This site shows the music of the 60s divided into 5
genres. List those 5 categories. Name 2 popular songs and their artists from 1963. Search
20.Follow the link to the top names of the 1960s. What was the # 1 boy name and #1 girl name? Is your
name on the list? If so, what #? Search
21. Sports and the Civil Rights Movement. Search the page that documents athletes and their
accomplishments during the civil rights movement. What sport did Wilma Rudolph participate in? Who
was “the other man who integrated baseball”? Search