Handling Basics - Carolina Raptor Center

Capture and Transport
Carolina Raptor Center
 Frequently,
when a bird is found, the finder is
either unable to capture the bird, or is afraid to
approach it. It is therefore up to a volunteer to
safely capture and transport the bird.
 Always
use proper equipment for the size and
condition of the bird.
Equipment for small birds
Lighter, gardening-style gloves can
be used for small species such as
NSWO (Northern saw-whet owl),
EASO (Eastern screech owl),
AMKE (American Kestrel),
MIKI (Mississippi kite),
SSHA (Sharp-shinned hawk).
Equipment for most larger birds
Heavier, welders’
gloves can be used
for most other species
except for eagles
Equipment (Contd.)
 Larger
gloves make it more difficult to feel how
well the bird is restrained.
 However,
not using thick enough gloves will result in
handler injury.
 Gloves that fit too well may also compromise handler
looser glove will make it more likely that a bird only gets
glove in its grasp rather than crushing your fingers.
Equipment (Contd.)
 Check
your gloves frequently for wear and
damage, such as split seams, thin spots in the
leather, etc.
Other Supplies
 CRC “packet” to give to public
 Flashlight
 Long-sleeved jacket (in case you have to chase the
bird through brambles or underbrush)
Safety First!
 Safety
 Leather
 Current tetanus shot
 Goggles
 Evaluate
 Is
the situation
traffic a danger?
 Are you uncomfortable in the neighborhood?
 If you are meeting the finder, are they behaving oddly?
Capturing birds
 Equipment
 Gloves
– fishing nets from Target or Wal-Mart will work
 Something to contain the bird in after it is caught
 Net
These particular nets have
been modified ( rim
padded, netting replaced
with pillow case)
Capture – contd.
 In
some cases, where the
bird is seriously injured,
very weak, or very
young, it may simply be
a case of walking up,
picking up the bird, and
placing it in a box.
Capture – contd.
If the bird is still able to run, corner using structures or
vegetation, or with assistants helping to distract the bird.
 In the case of most birds except vultures, “rushing” the
bird quickly will cause it to roll over on its back with its
feet in the air, making it easier to capture. This is a
defensive posture – be cautious of the talons!
 Cover the bird with blanket or net to keep from
running/flying away or grabbing you with its feet
Capturing birds (contd.)
 This
method does not
work well with
 Vultures
are very fast
runners and must
either be cornered or
surrounded by
Building captures
 Occasionally
a bird will be trapped in a garage or
other building.
 If the ceilings are low enough, a fishing-type net
with a 3-4’ handle can be used.
 If
you have an assistant, have them flush the bird
towards you; this makes it easier to anticipate where the
bird is going and get it in the net.
 Hint: the bird will almost always fly as close as
possible to the ceiling
Building captures (contd.)
 Once
the bird is in the net, immediately place the
open side of the net against a wall or the floor to
prevent the bird from flying back out
Chimney rescues
 Some
birds, especially cavity nesters, will become
trapped in chimneys
Chimney rescues – contd.
 Supplies:
 Old
 Old blanket or towels to put around fireplace to avoid
getting soot on the floor
 Goggles to keep soot out of your eyes
 Ski mask or cap to keep soot out of hair
 Pole with noose on the end
Chimney rescues - contd.
Simple pole “noose”
3-4’ of flexible plastic tubing
 6-7’ Rope
Tape or otherwise secure one end of
rope on the outside near one end of
the tube
 Run the free end of the rope through
the tube
Chimney rescues – contd.
Put down towels
 Carefully look up through flue – is the bird visible?
 Grasp by feet/legs with a gloved hand if you can reach the
bird. Otherwise, use the “noose” to hook around legs.
Pull bird down through flue (wings will fold up, allowing
it to pass through)
 Chimney birds often have damage to the eyes and lungs
from soot; may be starved or dehydrated if have been
trapped for long
Unusual situations
Adult Eastern
Screech owl
Capture - handling
 Treat
bird as if any limb may be broken
 Always wear your protective gloves
Full Body Grab
 This
is the safest grab for a very weak or lethargic
bird, where its injuries are unknown
 Using both hands, grab the wings and fold them
against the body. Your thumbs will be on the
bird’s back, palms over its wings, and fingers
wrapping around the front of the body
 Note
that this will leave both legs unrestrained
Full Body Grab
Full Body Grab (contd.)
 Use
this method on
 Small
 All babies
 Bones
 Birds
are still soft and fragile, and so are easily broken
where you suspect there is a broken leg or pelvis
 Vultures (weak legs)
Capture contd.
 Med
/ large birds: wrap in towel and pick up by
entire body if possible. Make certain that the legs
are restrained, however – these are the bird’s
primary weapons.
How to Restrain the Legs
The strongest and safest
method of restraining
the legs for most birds
is to grasp both legs in
one hand, just above the
 One leg should be held
between the thumb and
index finger, the other
between the index and
middle fingers.
Capture – contd.
 Once
the legs have
been restrained, use the
other hand to fold its
wings against its body
 Hold
the upper portion
of the wings so that you
are restraining shoulder
and wrist
 Because
vultures have very weak legs, always use
a full-body grab when capturing
 They will try to bite and/or vomit, so hold them so
that the head is as far away from you as possible.
Capture – contd.
 In
all cases, be sure to restrain / support all limbs.
Flailing a broken wing can increase tissue damage.
Using a broken leg to support the bird’s weight can
also cause further damage
Removing Stray Talons
 Birds
will generally try to defend themselves; this
can result in the bird grasping the glove – or you! –
very tightly.
 If
the glove is loose enough, slide your hand out of the
glove and let the bird have it for the moment.
 If the bird has too strong a grip on you (or a talon in
you), there are two potential methods to get it loose.
Removing Stray Talons
 Method
 Force
the hock joint straight. This will frequently force
the toes to either let go or at least loosen.
Removing Stray Talons
Method two:
Toss the bird in the air as if you are going to let it go.
 Don’t actually let go!
 Thinking it is about to escape, the bird will frequently release its
grasp in preparation for flight.
 Be very careful to use this method away from furniture, walls,
cars, or anything else a bird could injure itself or break feathers
For obvious reasons, you would not want to use this on a bird where a
broken bone is suspected
 Many
particularly owls and
vultures, will also bite,
so keep the head away
from your body as well
Transporting the bird
 Place
the bird into a secure carrier.
 Plastic pet carriers work well.
 Will
hold most raptors except eagles
 Unlike cardboard carriers, can be cleaned
 Also unlike cardboard carriers, the bird probably can’t
chew its way out
 Place
a clean towel
in the bottom
Transporting the bird
 Cardboard
 Be
boxes can be used as well
sure to put in air holes before putting the bird inside
 Add a clean towel for the bird to rest on
Transporting the bird
 Kennels
 Be
can also be used during transport.
sure to place a towel over the door and any
“windows” in the sides to keep the bird calm during
 No radio, limited human voices while transporting
Transporting the bird (contd.)
 If
you have to keep the bird overnight
 Room
 Quiet and dark area— a closet or “extra” bathroom
works great if you don’t have a spare room
 No food or water
Engaging the Public
 Marketing,
marketing, marketing!
 Optimal time to get finder excited about CRC
 Transporting
can be just as much about educating the
finder as rescuing the bird
 Many finders may become donors and will tell others
about our organization
Engaging the Public
What to give to the finder:
A CRC brochure
A “Free Admission” pass
A Volunteer business card when available (you can put your
information on here if you would like)
If you run out, be sure to pick up more next time you are at
Engaging with the Public
 Explain
to them that we are a nonprofit
 Encourage finders to visit CRC and walk nature
 Explain that they will not be able to visit “their”
bird while it is in the rehabilitation program, but
we can invite them to the release if they are
Engaging the Public
 You
are representing CRC, and the public sees you
as an expert. Giving incorrect or contradictory
information will reflect badly on their perception
of the entire organization
 Do
not speculate on cause of injury if you do not know.
 Do not speculate on the species if you do not know.
 Reassure
the finder that the bird will be identified and given a
thorough exam at our facility
Quiz Time!
 Tell
me one thing
that is different about
vulture capture and
 Thank
you for becoming a transport volunteer!
With almost 700 birds admitted to CRC in 2008,
we could not do it without you!