Anthony's Everything About Saturn

By, Anthony J. Lawrence
• Saturn’s symbol is thought to be an
ancient scythe or sickle.
• Saturn’s name came from the Roman
god of agriculture and time.
• Saturn in Latin is “Saturni” and in the
English language it means “Saturday.”
• Who discovered it?
The planet was known by the ancients.
• When did they discover Saturn?
• How was Saturn discovered?
People on earth can see Saturn with the naked
eye however, the first observation of Saturn
through telescope was by Galileo in 1610.
• Mass: 568,319,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 it could also
be written as 568,319 x 10 21.
• Volume: 827,129,915,150,897 km 3.
• Density: 0.687g/cm 3.
• Gravity: (Metric) 10.4* m/s 2,
(English) 34.3 ft./s2.
• Sink or float?
In water Saturn would float because it has a density less than
water’s, which is 1.00
• Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun.
Since it is the 6th planet from the sun is it
1.4 billion km. Lastly, Saturn is more or
less than 1,300,000,000km far Earth
• 1 year on Saturn is equivalent to 29 years
on Earth.
• It takes Saturn 10.7 hours to rotate on its
own axis
• Saturn is a gas giant. Due to Saturn being a
gas giant it does not have a solid surface.
• Saturn has a core composed of rock, ice,
water, and other minerals, made by intense
pressure and heat.
• Saturn has blue, brown, tan, green, gray, and
golden hues. It has a magnificent ring system.
Many time scientist can see Aurora on the
planets through telescopes.
• Saturn’s atmosphere is made up of three
components. Those components are
Hydrogen, Helium, and Methane.
• 97% Hydrogen.
• 3% Helium
• 0.05% Methane
• The mean temperature, at the tops of clouds, on Saturn
is 88 Kelvin(K) (-185°C; -290°F). Compared to Earth
and Florida no temperatures as cold as 88K have ever
been reached on Earth.
• Winds, in the equatorial region, reach 500 meters
(1,600 feet) per second.
• There are seven rings, whit different gaps and
division in between them. The gaps were
discovered by Giovanni Cassini, in the 17th
• Galileo discovered the rings
• The rings are 270,000 km in diameter and a few
hundred meters thick.
• They are made up of rocks, ice, silicate, and
carbon minerals
• Colors: yellow, gold, brown, gray (mainly)
• A form of water on Saturn is ice.
• This ice was created due to the
extreme cold on Saturn’s surface
and atmosphere
• There are 53 moons, plus 9 more awaiting
discovery, that revolves around Saturn.
• Some of Saturn’s moons may be capable to
support life.
• A famous moon of Saturn is Titan. Titan is
the biggest moon of Saturn’s moons; has a
cold, thick, and hazy atmosphere, with
temperature as low as -297°F, and Titan Is
745,000miles away from Saturn.
• Another one of Saturn’s moons is Phoebe.
• Phoebe is 8,049,668 miles away from Saturn, I is
roughly spherical, and is very dark. Phoebe reflects 6%
of sunlight, and was discovered by William Pickering,
August 1898.
• If a human traveled to Saturn they would
definitely choke on the atmosphere. They would
choke because Saturn’s atmosphere contain NO
• The gravity on Saturn would have little affect on a
human because Saturn’s gravitational weight is
1.08 relative to Earth’s 1.00. A 100lbs person
would weigh 108lbs on Saturn.
• On Saturn a human would burn up so if you are
planning on going, bundle up!
• 5 missions have been sent to Saturn since 2004.
The Cassini spacecraft has been exploring
Saturn’s rings and moons.
• Pioneer 11 was the first spacecraft to fly by
Saturn in 1979
• Saturn radiates 79% more energy than it receives
from the sun.
• Most flattened planet in our solar system
• Saturn has no volcanoes, 100-year-long storms;
robots have never been to the planet.
Pioneer 11
World to the Universe., 2010
Lunar and Planetary Institute. Solar System Exploration.
Solar System Exploration: Planets.
Saturn: Planet Profile.
Bill Arnett. Appendix 5: Planetary Linguistics., 2013
All About Astronomy. ,