ARE YOU READY FOR THE NAIC CORPORATE GOVERNANCE MODELS? CAROL STERN, FLMI, AIRC, ACS S E N I O R C O N S U LTA N T F I R S T C O N S U LT I N G & A D M I N I S T R AT I O N , I N C . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE MODELS STATUS IN THE STATE LEGISLATURES One state has already enacted the CGAD Models: Iowa – New Chapter 521H (§§ 521H.1 to 521H.8) Five states have proposed the CGAD Models: California - AB 553 (Section 1215.75 & Article 10.8) Louisiana – HB 199 (Section §§ 22:691.3 to 691.38) Rhode Island – SB 784 (Section §§ 27-1.2-1 to 27-1.2-10) Indiana - HB 1341 (SECTION 18. IC 27-1-4.1) Vermont HB 73 - (VT. Stat. Ann. 8, § 3316) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE-PART OF NAIC SOLVENCY MODERNIZATION INITIATIVE (SMI) The SMI focuses on key issues such as capital requirements, governance and risk management, group supervision, statutory accounting, financial reporting, and reinsurance. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE-PART OF NAIC SOLVENCY MODERNIZATION INITIATIVE (SMI) New Models fit with other elements of SMI: 2014 – Enhancements to Holding Company Models • Form F (Enterprise Risk) Reports filed and reviewed 2015 – Own Risk Solvency Assessment (ORSA) Model Act • ORSA Summary Reports filed and reviewed 2016 – Corporate Governance Models • Annual corporate governance disclosures filed and reviewed ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DEFINED The Models do not define corporate governance, but here’s our working definition: A framework of rules and practices by which a board of directors helps ensure accountability, fairness and transparency in an insurer’s relationship with all its stakeholders. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. NAIC ADOPTS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE MODELS NOVEMBER, 2014 • Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure (CGAD) Model Act • Corporate Governance Filing Regulation • Corporate Governance Annual Filing Guidance Manual – free of charge on the NAIC website • Approved by the NAIC November, 2014 and effective June 1, 2016 • These models are part of the state accreditation requirements so all states are expected to adopt without variations. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. SMALL COMPANIES ARE NOT EXEMPT The NAIC has made an affirmative decision not to exempt small companies from any corporate governance requirements. In fact, the NAIC Corporate Governance Working Group highlighted the need for small companies to focus on improving their corporate governance structure, strengthening their risk management governance, and ensuring that knowledgeable and qualified Board members make decisions that impact the company’s risk and finances. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. SMALL COMPANIES ARE NOT EXEMPT Susan Donegan, Commissioner of the Vermont Department of Financial Regulation, and Chair of the NAIC Corporate Governance Working Group explained: ”Some trade associations asked us to exempt the small companies, but the Working Group said the small companies needed the oversight in these models because there are few checks and balances of small firms’ governance. It was the intent of the NAIC to have no exemptions to these models.” ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. CONFIDENTIALITY PROTECTION • Same strong confidentiality language in CGAD as contained in other NAIC models, including the Insurance Holding Company Regulatory Act, the Risk-Based Capital Model Act and the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment. • Documents are proprietary and contain trade secrets, are confidential by law and privileged and not subject to freedom of information laws. Documents are not subject to subpoena, discovery nor admissible in evidence in any private civil action. The Commissioner cannot make the documents, materials or other information public without the prior written consent of the insurer. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. PURPOSE OF THESE NEW MODELS The NAIC adopted CGAD and the supporting Model Regulation to give insurance regulators a means to receive additional information on the corporate governance practices of U.S. insurers on an annual basis. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. IMPORTANCE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Key elements of effective corporate governance at the Board level include the following: • Clearly defined roles and responsibilities • Independent and active board members • Individuals who are suitable for their roles • Directors who act in good faith, and exercise a duty of care, loyalty and candor • Board that provides sufficient oversight for all significant company activities ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. WHAT ARE REGULATORS SAYING ABOUT THESE MODELS? “This model act was developed to promote regulatory oversight as well as protect the confidentiality of the insurer.” “Annual and transparent disclosure of corporate governance practices of insurers will ensure that state regulators have a comprehensive understanding of the corporate governance structure, policies and practices utilized by the insurer.” Joseph Torti, III, Rhode Island Deputy Director and Superintendent of Insurance and Banking. Chair of the NAIC Financial Condition Committee, which oversees the work of the NAIC Corporate Governance Working Group. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. STRONGER QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR BOARD DIRECTORS Regulators will be reviewing the makeup of the Board for appropriate background, experience and integrity to fulfill their prospective roles. The Board as a whole should possess the core competencies needed to oversee the insurance company. Examples of core competencies: financial literacy, accounting; business judgment; industry knowledge; management; leadership; vision and strategy. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. WHAT WILL INSURERS NEED TO REPORT? U.S. insurers will be required to provide a detailed narrative describing governance practices to their domestic regulator by June 1st of each year. The strict confidentiality measures should encourage insurers to be open and transparent in describing their governance practices to regulators. Insurers will be allowed some discretion in determining the level within the organization at which to report their corporate governance practices, depending upon their structure and organization. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. WHAT WILL INSURERS NEED TO REPORT? To eliminate some duplicative filings, CGAD gives the ability to reference information provided in other filings (e.g. SEC Proxy Statement, ORSA Summary Report, any other regulatory filing). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. WHAT WILL INSURERS NEED TO REPORT? Insurers are required to provide information in the following areas: Corporate Governance Framework & Structure • Rationale for current Board size and structure and discussion of the roles of CEO and Chair Board of Director Policies & Practices • Qualifications and experience of board members, as well as the processes for electing members of the board and evaluating the board’s performance ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. WHAT WILL INSURERS NEED TO REPORT? Insurers are required to provide information in the following areas (continued): Management Policies & Practices • Utilization of suitability standards, code of business conduct and ethics, and the process for overseeing compensation and succession planning Oversight of Critical Risk Areas • May include actuarial function, investment and reinsurance decisionmaking processes, market conduct and compliance, and risk management function oversight ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. WHAT WILL INSURERS NEED TO REPORT? • Model regulation instructs insurers to update disclosures each year on changes to corporate governance practices, framework, committees, policies and procedures to show changes from the prior year. • This update requires an attestation from the CEO or corporate secretary. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. 12 COMPONENTS OF EFFECTIVE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PROGRAMS Twelve Components of effective corporate governance programs 1. Adequate competency (industry experience, knowledge, skills) of members of the board of directors; 2. Independent and adequate involvement of the board of directors; 3. Multiple informal channels of communication among board, management and internal and external auditors to create a culture of openness; 4. A code of conduct established in cooperation between the board and management, which is reviewed for compliance and is formally approved by senior management; 5. Identification and fulfillment of sound strategic and financial objectives, giving adequate attention to risks; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. 12 COMPONENTS OF EFFECTIVE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PROGRAMS 6. Support by relevant business planning and proactive resource allocation; 7. Support by reliable risk management processes across business, operations and control functions; 8. Reinforcement of corporate adherence to sound principles of conduct and segregation of authorities; 9. Independence in assessment of programs and assurance as to their reliability; 10. Objective and independent reports of findings to the board or appropriate committees thereof; 11. Adoption of Sarbanes-Oxley provisions, whether or not mandated, including, but not limited to, auditor independence and whistle-blower provisions; and 12. Board oversight and approval of executive compensation and performance evaluations. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. EXAMINATIONS OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Financial Examination: Exhibit M of Financial Condition Examiners Handbook • Onsite review of corporate governance and risk management • Interviews of Directors and Senior Management • Review of Board minutes and activities • Overall Corporate Governance (CG) Assessment • Market Conduct exams: Possible review of CG Issues that might affect the market conduct of the company ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. DOCUMENTING A CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK • Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee Charter (one, two or three committees) • Corporate Governance Committee Charter (board level) • Board of Directors Corporate Governance Guidelines ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. DOCUMENTING A CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK • Suitability Criteria for Chief Executive Officers • Suitability Criteria for Board of Director Candidates • Enterprise Risk Governance Team Charter (Company level team) • Corporate Risk Policy (part of Code of Conduct) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. CGAD AND ORSA HAVE THE SAME GOVERNANCE REQUIREMENTS • Effective Governance with structures, policies and processes through which an organization or entity is managed and controlled; • A governance structure that clearly defines and articulates roles, responsibilities and accountabilities; • Documentation in by-laws, charters, policies and procedures to assure that the Board of Directors and any Board committees have been assigned the responsibility for governing the insurer; and • High level company personnel that help assure the Company has effective governance and ERM programs. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. CGAD AND ORSA HAVE THE SAME GOVERNANCE REQUIREMENTS Commissioner Donegan of Vermont: “The NAIC made a conscious decision to make the governance framework in ORSA and the CGAD exactly the same. Every member of the Board should be able to explain the Company’s risk appetite, risk profile and how risk management fits into the overall corporate governance framework.” ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. QUESTIONS??? Contact Carol Stern at or 816-391-2746 with any additional questions or if you would like more information about the Corporate Governance Kit. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED First Consulting & Administration, Inc. .