- Our Schools

1.) What is one thing for sale in the
political cartoonon p.772?
2.) Did Warren Hardingn like
laissez-faire philosophy?
3.) Identify one issue discussed at
the Washington Conference of ’21’22.
4.) Did Harding & The Republicans
want to increase or decrease the
5.) Why was Harding never
prosecuted for any of the scandals in
1923 or 1924?
6.) Did farm prices increase or
decrease after WWI?
7.) Did you read?
today – 771-776
tomorrow – 785-791
Thursday – 795-802
wilson 12
harding 20
coolidge 24
hoover 28
roosevelt 32
Warren G. Harding 20-24
“amiable boob” “The Ohio Gang” –
most corrupt Ad. Since ________
The Good Advisors
Charles Evans Hughes (State)
Andrew W. Mellon (Treasury)
Herbert Hoover (Commerce)
Harding / Coolidge / Hoover Conservatism
but actually -
Conservative Supreme Court (4 / 9: )ICC –
Steel Strike of 1919 –
1922 RR Strike Union membership DOWN _____% 1920-30 -
Washington Conference 1921-22
5, 4 & 9 Power Treaties
5-5-3 ratio of battleships &
US & UK will not Open Door in China 2 Reasons Treaties Don’t Work:
no restrictions on no teeth -
Isolationism in the 1920s
1.) failure to ratify 2.) Kellog-Briand Pact -
3.) Fordney-McCumber
Tariff (1922) -
backlash -
Harding Scandals
Veterans Bureau Scandal ($200
mill) Teapot Dome Scandal
Sec. Interior Albert B. Fall takes
$100,000 bribe to give naval oil
reserves over to big biz
Calvin Coolidge
more of the same conservatism
The Agricultural Crisis
During WWI production goes ____
Demand is high because –
After the war production stays ___
After the war demand goes ______
because -
high production & low demand
 = surpluses & ____ prices
¼ farmers lose their farms in 20s
Coolidge vetoes gov. price controls
Because of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _
War Debt Reparations Problem
The Dawes Plan –
Results in -
The Spiral Begins
Smoot-Hawley Tariff (1930)
Highest in American History
Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929
speculation –
buying on margin -
Jeff Feucht was a greedy dumby
Smoot-Hawley Tariff (1930)
Highest in American History
Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929
speculation –
buying on margin Unemployment
1930: 4 million jobless
1932: 12 million jobless
Black Tuesday
6 Causes of GD
1 decline of manufacturing –
2 crisis in agricultural markets 3 widening gap btw rich & poor 4 over-reliance on credit 5 speculation in stock market 6 high tariffs / worldwide depression -
Herbert Hoover -28
“trickle-down” economics “rugged individualism” Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Public Works – The Boulder (Hoover) Dam
too little, too late The Bonus Army –
Manchuria, 1931 -
The Bonus Army
Herbert Hoover -28
“trickle-down” economics “rugged individualism” Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Public Works – The Boulder (Hoover) Dam
too little, too late The Bonus Army –
Manchuria, 1931 -
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
FDR – 1932 – 45
The Three R’s
relief –
reform –
recovery -
FDR & The 1st 100 Days
1st 100 Days (1933) – Banking & Finance
“Bank Holiday” –
1st 100 Days (1933) – Banking & Finance
“Bank Holiday” –
Emergency Banking Relief Act –
Glass Steagall Banking Reform Act FDIC Federal Securities Act –
Roosevelt’s New Deal Philosophy
role of government –
Keynesian Economics –
“pump-priming” –
deficit spending –
Enemy of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _
TOO FAR American Liberty League Al Smith said FDR was trying –
NOT FAR ENOUGH Dr. Frances Townshend –
Huey Long (“The Kingfish”) –
“share our wealth” –
Upton Sinclair -
The New Deal in American Politics
Democrats celebrate it
Lyndon Johnson (63-68)
tried to “finish” it
Republicans criticize “the welfare state”
Reagan (80-88)
eliminate “entitlements”
1st 100 Days (1933) – Banking & Finance
“Bank Holiday” –
Emergency Banking Relief Act –
Glass Steagall Banking Reform Act FDIC Federal Securities Act –
 Emergency Banking Relief Act
 Glass Steagall Banking Reform Act
 Federal Securities Act
 Civilian Conservation Corps
 Federal Emergency Relief Act
 Agricultural Adjustment Act
 Home Owner’s Loan Corporation
 Tennessee Valley Authority
 Works Progress Administration
 Social Security Act
 National Recovery Administration
 The Wagner Act
 Fair Labor Standards Act
New Deal Chart (25 HW Pts.)
Date Goal
Securities Act
* = 1st 100 Days
- regulate stock market
- avoid another ’29 crash
1. skim p.803-809
2. read p.816-821 for Friday
3. color New Deal Chart
4. prepare for Double Jeopardy! (Friday)
Monday: 35 & 36 Exam
Color Your New Deal Chart
Red = relief
Blue = reform
Green = recovery
Double Jeopardy! Categories
$$$$$$ Thinkin’
1st 100 Days (1933) – Jobs & Aid
1933 – unemployment rate = 25%
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Fed. Emer. Relief Act (FERA) –
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) –
Home Owner’s Loan Corp. (HOLC)–
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)-
The New Deal Continues –1933-40
Why? -
Works Progress Administration (WPA) –1935
massive public works program
most controversial part -
Social Security Act (1935)
Most far reaching New Deal program
The New Deal & Labor
National Recovery Administration (1933)
empowered fed. gov. set labor standards for
ruled unconst. By the Supreme Court in
Schechter v. United States (1935)
said -
The New Deal & Labor
 NRA was struck down so . . .
FDR got The Wagner Act (’35) passed:
1. created –
2. protected -
resulted in:
 Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO)
 sub-committee of AFL later breaks off
Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)
Roosevelt’s New Deal Philosophy
Only obstacle was __ _____ _____
FDR’s “court-packing plan”
the plan –
The result -
The “Conscience” of the New Deal
impact -
The New Deal for Native Americans
Indian Reorganization Act (1934)
John Collier, Commissioner of Indian
encouraged -
The New Deal Coalition
coalition =
The New Deal Coalition
1.) Union members
2.) urban poor & new immigrants
3.) Southern Whites
4.) African-Americans
results in -
Eleanor Roosevelt
The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934
2 “firsts” of the election of 1936
Muller and Adkins cases