Genetic Disorders SB13U1 2013-14 Lee/Taylor APA formatting help: Go to the school library web site, click on the Research Toolkit tab on the left. Click on the green tab on the right: Research Success @ your Library. The password is: tdsbresearch The APA formatting pages are at the very back – pages 75 to 80. Using and Citing reference texts in the library (PRINT): THALASSEMIA The condition known as thalassemia occurs when “one of two hemoglobin proteins” in the blood “is reduced or absent.” The disease manifests itself when “a faulty gene [is] inherited from both parents.” Use the guide if you need help with citing the quoted text. The information is taken from volume 3 of Diseases and Disorders. Author: none, date of publication: 2008, publisher: Marshall Cavendish, place of publication: New York. Type the book citation here: TAY-SACHS DISEASE How are infantile and late onset Tay-Sachs (LOTS) different? (point-form): Volume 3 of Human Diseases and Conditions provides an answer. Author: Neil Izenberg, Place of publication: New York: Publisher: Charles Scribner’s Sons, date: 2000. Cite the book source here: Using and Citing eBook Sources (VIRTUAL REFERENCE): ACHONDROPLASIA On the school library web site, go to eBooks, then open the Gale Virtual Reference Library. Use “achondroplasia” as your key word search term and open the Encyclopedia of Genetics, revised edition. Open the first result entitled “Dwarfism”. What percentage of dwarfs are affected by this form of “skeletal dysplasia”? _____________%. To obtain a citation in APA format, follow these easy steps. Make sure you are at the top of the page for the article. See the tabs across the top. Click on the tab entitled “Citation Tools”. A box will open that will allow you to generate a citation. This tab opens up with MLA as the default. You will have to click on APA format. Click “Save” and then you can open the file, copy and paste it into your References list. Copy and paste the citation here: GAUCHER’S DISEASE As you did for achondroplasia, go to the Gale Virtual Reference Library. Here’s an example of how the first entry on a results list is not necessarily the best. Notice that the first two entries are for biotech/pharma companies and the third is a brief overview of the topic with Gaucher’s disease mentioned only as part of a list. The fourth entry from the Gale Encylopedia of Science will help you find out what an IEM is. IEM stands for: ______________________________________________________________ Use the citation tools to cite this source here: Using and Citing Sources online (WEB SITES AND DATABASES) THALASSEMIA Open “Secondary Subjects” on the school library web site. Click on Scientific American and use “thalassemia” as a key word search term. Notice that the first entry is from a 1999 issue of Scientific American in their “Ask the Expert” section. Why is chelation therapy sometimes needed for people who have b thalassemia major? (point form): Follow the instructions for citing a magazine article found on the web (p.79 of the research guide) and include the citation here: TAY-SACH’S Go to the Science Reference Center Search (through the school library web site online databases). Search “Tay Sachs” and scan the articles for one that discusses children suing medical authorities. When was the legal precedent set in Israel for wrongful life lawsuits? Include the citation here: GAUCHER’S DISEASE Go to the online database tab on the school library web site. Open the Science Reference Center. Use “gaucher’s disease” to do a search. Find the article reporting the discovery of the location of the gene defect. According to the article, which chromosome is the site of the mutation when it occurs? ___1__ What is the name of the enzyme which is deficient? _______________When was this discovery confirmed?________ Use the “cite” tab on the right to find the APA citation and copy and paste it here: