File - US Government

Chapter 5 QR: Political Parties
1. Define political party.
2. Who may start a political party?
3. What is a one-party system?
4. Explain elections in one-party system.
5. Give examples of countries that had one-party systems throughout history.
6. Define a two-party system.
7. What are the two major parties in the United States?
8. What is the US not considered a two-party system?
9. Define multiparty system.
10.Explain proportional representation.
11.What is a coalition?
12.List the four roles of political parties.
13.List the three areas of political party influence.
14.What does it cost to join a political party in the US?
15.What does it mean to be considered an independent party member?
16.What is a grassroots organization?
17.What is a political machine?
18.Define patronage.
19.How are congress and state legislatures organized to carry on their work?
20. How is congress organized?
21.What is the name of two original parties in the US?
22.Define Consensus
23.Describe the winner-take-all system.
24.What is a single-member- district?
25. Who was the leader of the “Federalist Party”?
26.Who led the Anti-Federalist party?
27.Who founded the Democratic - Republican Party?
28.What was this party renamed?
29.What were the primary goals of the new Democratic Party?
30.Who led the Wig party?
31.What was the fundamental problem with the wig party?
32.What was the goal of the Republicans in 1850 and who was their
presidential candidate?
33.The Great depression brought what president to office?
34.Define spilt-ticket.
35.Define economic protest party.
36.Define splinter party.
37.Define ideological party.
38.Define single-issue party.
39.What are the two influences of minor parties in our country?