Fahrenheit 451

Essay Format
Some essays may be four
paragraphs; some may be five;
some may be six etc.
Introductory Paragraph:
objective of the
introductory paragraph is
to set up the thesis
Strategies for Intro. Paragraph
1. First sentence should get to the point.
– Example-Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 is a
science-fiction novel that predicts a chillingly
self-destructive society that accurately
parallels present day society.
– The first sentence is more general in scope
and builds to a much more specific thesis
More possible strategies for an
effective intro. paragraph
Give some brief summary of story that will
refresh reader’s mind of plot but be
certain that all commentary relates to the
upcoming thesis statement.
 Remember the main objective of all
commentary of intro. is to set up the
thesis statement, all aspects of it.
 A smooth transition to thesis is imperative.
Various Ways to Build a Bridge to
You might ask a few questions that will be
answered in the body of the paper.
 You might generalize on each prong
before stating the thesis.
 You might insert a quotation or two.
 You might write an open thesis before you
state your closed thesis.
Example of Open and Closed Thesis
Used Together
The novel explores and predicts the
downfall and destruction of society. Ray
Bradbury in his classic novel Fahrenheit
451 portrays a doomed society
preoccupied with selfish pleasure, violent
entertainment, and foolish indifference.
The Thesis Statement
The LAST SENTENCE of the introductory
paragraph should be the THESIS.
 The thesis statement is a sentence that
specifically states the purpose of your
 Thesis should be stated in parallel
 When related ideas have same
grammatical form, you have parallelism.
First Topic Paragraph (same as
second paragraph of essay)
1. THE FIRST SENTENCE of this paragraph
 2. After identifying topic, proceed to give
examples and illustrations that support
this topic. Quotes, explanations, and some
plot summary are necessary here.
 3. Support topic with multiple examples.
 4. Make transitions from each example.
Strategies for Writing Topic
Make transition from previous paragraph
(First topic paragraph has this already
built in because it follows thesis.) smooth
by incorporating the topic from previous
paragraph with the upcoming topic. Thus,
the topic sentences for all topic
paragraphs (excluding the first) will be a
transitional topic sentence.
Example for transitional topic
Not only does Bradbury warn that
conformity leads to complacency, but he
clearly prophesizes that a self-indulgent,
pleasure-seeking society breeds violence.
Give any information leading up to
example or illustration that might be
necessary for clarity.
Example: Through a conversation with
Montag, Bradbury portrays violence
through Clarisse. “’I’m afraid of children
my own age. They kill each other’” (30).
Illustrate and/or explain example,
and infer on topic for good focus.
Clarisse says that her grandfather
explained that once young people were
more responsible. Perhaps Bradbury’s
message warns that society is headed in a
downward trend. Violence seems to be a
symptom of an indulgent population.
Make transition to next example.
Another instance of violent vulgarity is
when Mildred suggests that Montag take
the Beetle out, drive it fast, and hit some
animals. She prescribes this because she
admits it makes her feel better. Once
again, F. 451 society proves ugly in its
violent nature.
Make conclusions clear.
warns that an
uneducated, pleasureseeking, consumer-oriented
society will certainly lead to
violence and chaos.
Short Quotations
Short quotations are four lines or less in the
text. They are part of the paragraph.
Set up: Bradbury seems to imply that Americans
are oblivious to the rest of the world through
Montag’s following comment. “’ I’ve heard
rumors; the world is starving, but we’re well fed.
Is it true the world works hard, and we play?’”
(73-74). The novel strives to make society more
introspective. Is Bradbury criticizing ignorance
and hedonism?
Interior and Regular Quotations
The previous slide used interior quotations
along with regular quotations. Use interior
quotations (with regular quotations) when
you are quoting dialogue. Use regular
quotations for narrations.
Example: “…[T]he river was mild and
leisurely, going away from the people who
ate shadows for breakfast and steam for
lunch and vapors for supper” (140).
 Long
 Long quotations are more than four
lines in the primary text. Doubleindent for all lines in left margin. Use
no quotations for narration and use
quotations for dialogue. Use
quotations when you see them.
Examples for Long Quotations
Using Ellipses
Faber explains to Montag about books:
“It’s not the books you need…. The
same things could be in the ‘parlor
families’ today through the…televisors,
but are not…. Take it where you can
find it, in old phonograph records, old
motion pictures….” (82)
Bradbury might be suggesting that we use our media
Long Quotation from Narration
Clarisse represents revelation to Montag as
expressed in the following simile:
She had a very thin face like the dial
of a small clock seen faintly in a dark
room in the middle of the night…with
a white silence and a glowing, all
certainty and knowing what it had to
tell of…further darknesses[] but moving
also toward a new sun. (10)
Concluding Paragraph
The concluding paragraph is to the essay
what the clincher is to the paragraph.
Save something profound for the end of
essay; don’t just sound like a parrot. Yes,
you need to echo the thesis, but your
conclusion reiterates the points you made
through out the essay but with finality. It
is the last impression you make on your
reader. Make it powerful.