Chapter 18 section assessment 1

Brandon Battelle
What do many of the key terms, people and places listed at the beginning of the section have in
There are three estates all with different situations. The both have two sides, a side that’s doing better
than the other and a side that’s doing worse than the other. That’s what all the estates have in
What led to the storming of the Bastille, and therefore, to the start of the French Revolution?
The national assembly found its meeting hall to be locked and guarded. They swore never to separate
and to meet wherever the circumstances might require until we have established a sound and just
constitution. This then led to the storming of the Bastille.
How did the views of society differ between the nobles and peasants in 1789 France?
The views of the society were basically about how prices were rising as well as taxes. The noble’s views
are how they really wish they won’t get taxed all of a sudden and how they want to be paid more
Suppose that you are Jacques Necker. Write a paragraph that explains how your economic reform
program will benefit France.
My economic reform would benefit France because the nobles would get taxed just as much as the
people but also they would get paid more so it wouldn’t really hurt them anymore. The Society would
be taxed less as they make lower wages anyway. I would stop deficit spending so that we’d come out of
debt and that all laws or rules that would get passed, must be discussed with the people first so we have
a full agreement.
What issues arose when Louis XVI called the Estates-General in 1789?
The estates-General convened in May 1789. From the start, the delegates were deadlocked over the
issue of voting. Traditionally, each estate had met and voted separately. Each group had one vote.
With this system the first and second estates always outvoted the third estate, two to one. This time
the Third Estate wanted all three estates to meet in a single body, with votes counted “by head.” The
delegates of the third Estate took a daring step; they declared themselves to be the National Assembly.
They swore never to separate and to meet wherever the circumstances might require until we have
established a sound and just constitution.