The Implementation of Delta-Sigma Modulation in Digital-to-Analog Converter Group member: Zhaoxin Mamengduo Cfang Stanley 1 Project Idea Motivation: EE 505 CMOS Data Conversion circuits During the process of digital-to-analog converting Use Delta-sigma modulator to push noise in music to high frequency band Use speaker/headphone as the low-pass filter to filtrate high frequency white noise 2 Top Level Components PCM(digital) In Serial Delta-sigma modulation Low pass filter 3 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM,digital) Signal In Serial Level-shifter for DVD Output Signal Output signal(from DVD) voltage: -0.5V~+0.5V Schmidt trigger: SN74LS14N rheostat 4 Demo Film1 Play CD Film2 Input signal voltage shift Film3 Sleep mode 5 The Structure of DAC module 6 Input: PCM 7 The 3-stage Delta-sigma Modulation PCM Y1=X+(1-Z-1)•Q Y2=-Q1+(1-Z-1)•Q2 Y3=(-Q2)+ (1-Z-1)•Q3 8 Y= X+(1-Z-1)3•Q3 PWM Eleven PWM Signals 9 Output: PWM PWM: digital signal but has analog info. 10 Matlab Simulation: Noise is pushed to higher frequencies 11 Using Filter to Cutoff Noise 12 One Order Noise Shaping Model Q=Y-U U-Y=-Q U=X-Q 13 One Order Noise Shaping Model U(n)=X(n)-Q(n-1) Q(n)=Y(n)-U(n) Y(n)=X(n)-Q(n-1)+Q(n) =X(n)+Q(n)-Q(n-1) Q(n)-Q(n-1)=(1-Z-1)•Q Y=X+(1-Z-1)•Q 14 The 3-stage Delta-Sigma Modulation Y1=X+(1-Z-1)•Q Y2=-Q1+(1-Z-1) •Q2 Y3=(-Q2)+ (1-Z-1)•Q3 15 Y= X+(1-Z-1)3•Q3 Clock Synchronization with DVD Input signal(from DVD) is in serial: Need to decode SPDIF signal So need to synchronize clock with DVD 16 Clock Synchronization and Data Extraction 17 Clock Synchronization 44.1kHz frame rate×2 channel ×32 data×2 phase =5.6448MHz Keep detecting : temp1=temp2=temp3 & temp4=temp5=temp6 Then generate sampling clock @ center pulse 18 Clock Synchronization(cont.) 19 Data Extraction 20 Data Extraction(cont.) Keep detecting frame header 11100010 or 00011101 | 11100100 or 00011011 21 Sleep Mode(Power Saving) system 22 Volume Control Matlab verification Lower volume: right shift Larger volume: left shift Debounce module( real world) 23 Reference ams_ocq05.pdf ml 24 Thank you! Q and A 25