Computing SubLHIN Population Projections in the South East Region August 2014 Update Why Population Projections at SubLHIN level? Planning health services cannot be accomplished with only LHIN level data. Variation in socio-economic, health status, health behaviors and access patterns exists at SubLHIN geography. Population projections serve as the basis for determining the future demand for services. Approach for Computing Projections Designed for review and comparison with municipal planning initiatives Methodology Cohort component with migration and MOF adjustments Cohort component with migration but no MOF adjustment (Options without migration are no longer considered) MOF: Alignment to projections from Ontario Ministry of Finance Projection Specifications Period Census Years - 2011, 2016, 2021 (ReCAP) Interpolate annually for inter-census periods 2012-2015 and 20172020 Geography SE LHIN 15 SubLHIN regions, 7 Health Links Sex Age group (0-4, 5-9, … , 80-84, 85+) Cohort Component Method Assumes components of population change remain constant for the duration of the projection Main components are mortality, fertility and migration To project age/sex population cohort Pt+n , n year period after census at time t, where census population cohort is Pt , subtract estimated deaths (D), add estimated births (B) and add estimated net migration (M) Pt+n = Pt – D + B + M Extend method for subsequent periods Method can also consider changes in employment, labour force, industry or housing (not currently implemented). Original methodology reviewed by Dr. Eric Moore, Retired Professor of Demography, Queen’s University (Recap 2008) Data Sources CSD level census counts – 2001, 2006 and 2011 Statistics Canada CSD level population estimates – 2006-2013 Ministry of Finance (Intellihealth) CD and LHIN level population projections – 2013-2021 Ministry of Finance (Intellihealth) CSD level death counts– 2002-2011 Ontario Registrar General (Intellihealth) CSD level birth counts– 2007-2011 Ontario Registrar General (Intellihealth) Projecting the Survived Population In order to have sufficient representation, mortality (and survival) was computed at the Health Link level using an aggregation of deaths over a 5 year period (2006-2010) Health Link mortality rates were applied to respective SubLHINs Mortality rates were based on the average annual number of deaths and the average annual population. A Five-year survival rate is calculated. Assume overall 5 year age group survival rates apply to individual ages within group (except <1 year and 85+) Apply survival rates to population estimates for 2011 and survived population for subsequent years Calculating Mortality Rates 2011 Data quality issues – data not used Downward trend: use most recent 5 years instead of 10 years Survival Rates (%) by Health Link (Data Source: Ontario Vital Statistics Death Database 2006-2010) Projecting Births Estimate average annual age-specific fertility rates and sex ratio at birth by region/sex/age group using most currently available birth data (2007 to 2011 from Ontario Registrar General) Assume computed age-specific fertility rates and sex ratio remain constant for the projection period Assume overall 5 year age group fertility rates apply to individual ages within group Apply fertility rates to surviving women of child bearing age to determine expected number of births Apply sex ratio to distribute expected number of births by sex and subLHIN (2007 – 2011 births) Apply survival rates to expected male and female births to determine final projected number of births Apply Perth, Smiths Falls fertility rates for Lanark Highlands (Champlain LHIN) Age-specific Fertility Rates by SubLHIN, 2007-2011 Adjustment for Census Under coverage Census is affected by net under coverage error: difference between under coverage (people who are missed) and over coverage (people counted more than once or should not be counted) The 2011 Census Estimates from Stats Canada are already adjusted for net under coverage and no further adjustments are made for projections. Projecting Net Migration using Residual Method Estimate average annual rate of net migration by region/sex/age group using population difference between 2006 and 2011 census, after accounting for births and deaths Assume net migration rates remain constant for the projection period Assume 5 year age group net migration rates apply to individual ages within group Apply net migration rates to survived population and projected number of births South East SubLHIN Net Migration Rates (%), 2006-2011 Additional Adjustments Separate projections for Tyendinaga Mohawk (previously incompletely enumerated in Census) is no longer necessary. Census 2011 has made the adjustment for incomplete enumeration. Projections computed using growth rates 2006-2011 Additional Adjustments Alignment to projections from Ontario Ministry of Finance Requirement to ensure comparability with other computations at provincial level Align/ reconcile subLHIN projections on County level if possible (only Prince Edward County relates to subLHIN 1:1) The balance of the subLHINs is reconciled to balance of LHIN projections by the MOF. Lanark Highlands (Champlain LHIN) projections are not reconciled with MOF (data not available) Computing Projections for Intermediate Years Compute Projections using cohort component method for 2011, 2016 and 2021 Assume constant growth by subLHIN, sex and age group for inter-censal periods. Population Projections for SE LHIN Comparisons of 3 sets of projections Final Proj (2012): After MOF reconciliation (to LHIN level projections) Before MOF reconciliation (2014): based on births, deaths and migration only Final Proj 2014: After MOF reconciliation (to LHIN level projections, PEC to County level projections) Population Projections for SE LHIN Comparisons of 3 sets of projections by subLHIN, age group and year (2012, 2016, 2021) 1 of 5 Population Projections for SE LHIN Comparisons of 3 sets of projections by subLHIN, age group and year (2012, 2016, 2021) 2 of 5 Population Projections for SE LHIN Comparisons of 3 sets of projections by subLHIN, age group and year (2012, 2016, 2021) 3 of 5 Population Projections for SE LHIN Comparisons of 3 sets of projections by subLHIN, age group and year (2012, 2016, 2021) 4 of 5 Population Projections for SE LHIN Comparisons of 3 sets of projections by subLHIN, age group and year (2012, 2016, 2021) 5 of 5 Population Projections for SE LHIN Results Please forward any questions or comments to: Dirk Hogewoning Database Developer & Decision Support Consultant South East Local Health Integration Network Email: