Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Course Title: Using PV’s Google Apps Domain Instructor: Robert Reppert, Sue Eby, Ladonna Czachowski Contact Information: rreppert@aea9.k12.ia.us, ebysue@pleasval.k12.ia.us, czachowskil@pleasval.k12.ia.us Location: PV Admin Center, 525 Belmont Road, Bettendorf Dates August 1, 2011 August 2, 2011 Times 8:00 am – 4:30 pm 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Other 1 Drake Credit 1 Relicensure Credit No audit option All assignments due by: August 16, 2011 Dates grades will be posted: August 19, 2011 Course description: This course will cover Google Docs, Calendar, Sites in the PV domain focusing on classroom usage. Teachers will develop lessons and assessments. Course outcomes and evaluation: Outcome: Teachers will set up 10 documents for shared work with students including at least one word processing, one spreadsheet, one form and one presentation. Evaluation: Small group sharing with member evaluation. Instructor review. Outcome: Teachers will set up a shared calendar for students. Evaluation: Calendar will include assignment due dates and a countdown for a special project Outcome: Teachers will create a site to share with other staff/public/students. Evaluation: Instructor will evaluate site based on appropriateness for intended use, and rubric. Grading criteria: Assignment Create 10 Docs for classroom use including one word processing, one spreadsheet, one Due Date August 16, 2011 Grade 95% score on the rubric = A or Pass Other Revised: 11-21-2008 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus form and one presentation Create a classroom calendar to share with students Create a site for use with students or another PV group August 16, 2011 85% score on the rubric = B or Pass August 16, 2011 75% score on the rubric = C score on the rubric = D score on the rubric = F Note: 100% attendance is required to pass any course offered through the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency. Participants taking the course for Relicensure must earn an “A” or “B” to pass the course. All the course work needs to be completed. Teacher impact statement: Teachers will become familiar with the PV Google Apps domain and learn how to share documents and calendars with students. Student impact statement: Students will be able to share documents and work collaboratively on assignments. Students will be able to use Google Apps anywhere, anytime and will no longer have incompatibility issues with software. Students will have the ability to “post” homework to the teacher without having to print or send a document via email. Iowa Teaching or Leadership Standards being addressed: Teaching Standard Standard 1- communicate with students Standard 3 – engage students in learning; uses technologies in instruction Standard 4 – deliver instruction that meets multiple learning needs of students Standard 7 – engage in professional growth Outline of course content: Date or Session 1 August 1 am 2 August 1 am 3 August 1 pm 4 August 1 pm 5 August 2 am Leadership Standard Content Google Docs – word processing Google Docs - spreadsheets Google Docs - presentations Google Docs - calendars Google Docs - sites Other Revised: 11-21-2008 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus 5 August 2 pm Work time Iowa Professional Development Model (IPDM): Theory: This course is not designed with the theoretical in mind. It has as its focus the practical application of interactive technologies used in the classroom to increase learning. Demonstration: Instructor demonstrates use of Google Apps Practice: Collaboration (coaching, feedback, reflection): Participants will share the docs, calendars and sites with others in the course to gain feedback and share examples that work in different classrooms. Course materials: All will be provided by the district Other: COURSE RUBRIC TITLE of the Course: Using PV’s Google Apps Domain Name: Robert Reppert/Sue Eby/Ladonna Czachowski OUTCOMES BEGINNING Score: F DEVELOPING Score: C ACCOMPLISHED Score: B EXEMPLARY Score: A Create 10 Docs for classroom use including one word processing, one spreadsheet, one form and one presentation Create a classroom calendar to share with students Completes fewer than 5 documents Submits 5-7 documents, but not all of the required types. Poor planning of how to use interactively with students. Submits 8-10 documents and all of the required types. Some interactivity planned. Submits at least 10 documents including all of the required types. Lesson plan to use the documents interactively with students Fails to complete the calendar Calendar does not include a countdown to a project Calendar includes assignment dates and a countdown to a project Create a site for use with students or another PV group Fails to complete the site Site provides static information only Site includes multiple pages with mostly static information Calendar includes assignment dates and a countdown to a project. Calendar is included on website. Site includes multiple pages with calendar, homework assignments, multi-media clips or links. SCORE Total: Revised: 11-21-2008 Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency Course Syllabus Comments: Revised: 11-21-2008