
What were the basic beliefs of Calvinism?
What were the beliefs of the Puritans?
Who were the separatists?
How did the Mayflower Compact lead the pilgrims towards the idea of self-government?
Why was the Massachusetts Bay Colony formed?
Who was John Winthrop and how did Winthrop contribute to the success of the Massachusetts Bay
What is meant by the term “Bible Commonwealth?” How was Massachusetts a Bible
What is antinomianism?
How does antinomianism relate to Anne Hutchinson?
In what ways was Roger Williams an “extreme Separatist?”
Support this statement: “Rhode Island was a forward thinking colony.”
What was the document known as the Fundamental Orders?
Discuss the interactions between the Puritans and the Indians in New England.
(Include the Connecticut River Valley, Pequot War and King Philip’s War)
What colonies were part of the New England Confederation?
What was the primary purpose of the Confederation?
How was the Confederation successful?
How was the Dominion of New England different from the New England Confederation?
Why did England feel it was necessary to enforce the Navigation Laws in the colonies?
In what ways did the Glorious Revolution in England impact the colonies in New England?
Explain how New Amsterdam became an aristocratic settlement.
What were the basic beliefs of the Quakers?
Use evidence to support the following statement:
“Quakers were especially offensive to the authorities, both religious and civil.”
How were William Penn’s contributions to Colonial America consistent with his beliefs?
Explain how each of the following relates to the Middle Colonies:
What caused colonists to seek more land in the Chesapeake colonies?
Why was there a need for indentured servitude in the Chesapeake colonies?
What specific groups made up the indentured servants?
What was the head- right system?
Who was William Berkley and why was he resented in Virginia?
Who was Nathaniel Bacon and what were the key reasons for Bacon’s Rebellion?
How did Bacon’s Rebellion contribute to the expansion of slavery in the Southern colonies?
What was the middle passage?
How does slave religion reflect the New World creation brought about by the diversity of the African
Describe the social hierarchy of Southern society in the early 1700’s.
What is the significance of the Fist Families of Virginia? (FFV’s)
How is the role of women in the New England colonies reflected in the following quote?”
“A new England woman might well have dependent children living in her household form the earliest
days of her marriage up until the day of her death.”
Compare and contrast Southern and New England ways of life.
What was the jeremiad?
What was the Half-Way Covenant?
How were the Salem Witch Trials reflective of the time period and the fear of the decline of religious
How did climate/geography influence economic development in the New England colonies?
What was Leisler’s Rebellion? (1689-1691)
Complete the chart showing growth in the colonies between 1700-1775.
Total Population
Black Population
% Total
Reasons for
Primary Area
What was the purpose of the Paxton Boys March in 1764 led by the Scots-Irish?
What was the Regulator Movement led by the Scots-Irish?
Michael Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur referred to America as a “strange mixture of blood.” Explain
this quote as it relates to America in the mid 1700’s.
Describe the social hierarchy of colonial society in the 1700’s. Include each of the following groups:
Indentured servants, paupers/convicts (jayle birds), black slaves
What was the leading industry in eighteenth century America? What other industries were important
and why?
Discuss the importance of the triangular trade.
How did the Molasses Act show the growing discontent of colonists? How was the act a
foreshadowing of events to come?
Discuss the issues of transportation in America in the 1700’s.
What were the two “established” churches in the colonies in 1775? What is meant by “established”
How did the Great Awakening influence religion in America?
What were the causes and effects of the Great Awakening?
Who was Jonathan Edwards?
What were the beliefs of the Old Lights?
What were the beliefs of the New Lights?
Why did education flourish in the New England colonies more than other colonies?
What was the primary focus of education in New England?
What was Phyllis Wheatley’s contribution to colonial literature?
Who was John Peter Zenger and what was the significance of the Zenger Trial?
What is a royal colony?
What is a proprietary colony?
Explain how Samuel de Champlain could be described as the “Father of New France.”
Discuss the impact the fur trade had on the area known as New France.
What role did Robert de LaSalle play in the French involvement along the Mississippi River?
During the earliest contests among European powers for control of North America, why was America
not considered worth the commitment of troops?
What did Britain gain from the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713?
Why did France and Britain view the Ohio River Valley as critical to their colonial empires?
What nations were the principal adversaries in the Seven Years’ War?
Explain why the Seven Years War was considered a global war.
Provide evidence for the following statements:
“The Albany Congress did not seem to give enough independence to the colonists.”
“The Albany Congress seemed to give too much independence to the colonists.”
What role did Edward Braddock play in the French and Indian War? Would you consider Braddock
successful? Why or why not?
How did the outcome of the Battle of Quebec lead to Great Britain emerging as the dominant power
in North America? Include the Treaty of Paris in 1763 in your analysis.
Some believe the history of the United States began with the fall of Quebec and Montreal. Explain
the theory behind this idea.
What was the importance of Pontiac’s Uprising?
How did Pontiac’s uprising lead to the London government issuing the Proclamation of 1763?
Should the French and Indian War be considered one of the major causes of the American Revolution?