Licensee Presentation - The Product

" The Ultimate Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
My name is Shawn Tait, and this is my son Keenan Tait,
and were from Seattle Washington...
How’s everybody doing today ?
First of all, I would like to thank you all... for taking the
time out of your schedule, and allowing me to present
you with a product, that I think you will find new and
exciting... and a product with a bit of fun built-in to it.
CounterWatch™ Sentry
Real Quick !...
What is the top pet-peeve of cat owners ?
How much money do you think we can make, offering a highly effective and
stylish hi-tech product to eliminate all of the cat owner’s top pet-peeves ?
Think about it… NO more cats…
 Getting on Kitchen Countertops
 Climbing up Curtains and Drapes
 Soiling Carpeting and Floor Areas
 Indoor Cats Attempting to Escape Outside thru Doorways
Age Old Cat Problems Solved with
MSRP : $46.95
With (95M*, 76M***) pet cats in the US, and
(127M*) In the other Top Ten Major Countries…
That's 193M Pet Cats in the World's Top Ten Countries.
Over one third of Pet Cat Owners in the USA, own 2* or more cats, and over
one quarter of Pet Cat Owners, own three or more cats...
Pet Products are truly mass market items !
Its’ Time to Make Some Real ROI !
" The Ultimate Pet Training System & Deterrent Product “
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Shawn Tait and my passion
is, and always has been to solve a physical problem, create a solution
to the problem in the form a needed product, and then successfully
bring these new product concepts to market and enjoy the rewards.
As a Manufacturing Engineer exclusively working with New Product
Development Teams, I successfully developed patentable new
products for Siemens (Medical Device div.), Bendix Electrodynamics
(US Military Vendor), Echlin Corp. (largest Automobile Aftermarket
Parts Mfg.) and the Aerospace and Motorsport Racing Industries.
Please allow me to give you all some perspective of myself and brief
history. Do you want to hear the longer 2-3 minutes " Go-Fast Story ".
You'll find it in the Appendix section, it's a page long... it's a fun life.
At the age of 56, I am a proven successful entrepreneur of 25+ years
experience, small business owner, manufacturing engineer and
consummate realist.
Product Concept to Market Success is what I do best...
CounterWatch™… a portable hi-tech pet deterrent and training
device, that is a compact, low cost, and is an extremely effective
solution for training and deterring indoor pets away from offlimits unwanted areas or unwanted surfaces.
Keep Pet Cats…
off your countertops and tables
off your furniture, shelves and bed
from climbing curtains or drapes
soiling carpet and floor areas
from loitering at entry door to escape outdoors
Available in most colors – Mono or Two Tone
Assembly with Translucent Reservoir
Cats just don't like being squirted with simple inexpensive water
or the smell of CounterWatch™ Organic Aromatic Deterrents.
CounterWatch™ has 5 pet training and deterrent modes which
keeps the cat from assimilating to the same deterrent event.
Spray Only - Spray & Voice – Voice Only
Fill with water for direct active contact with pet.
Fill with scent deterrent for passive non-contact with pet.
Voice = User Recorded Audio for Playback (up to 10 seconds).
Playback Message, Sound, Command or Reprimand.
SolidWorks CAD - Virtual Prototypes
Ready to Manufacture
 Low Profile Stylish Stealth Design. A Designer Pet Product.
 CounterWatch™ is the only ergonomic and esthetically High-Tech Cat Deterrent and Training
Product designed to please even the most discerning pet owner.
Easy setup
and use :
2. Fill with your Favorite Deterrent
1. Simply Add Batteries
3. Set Deterrent Mode,
Record Playback MSG &
Adjust Spray Nozzle
4. Place Horizontal or Vertical Position
Current Status of Manufacture : CounterWatch
Working Electronics System has Been Demonstrated to Work Reliably and
Efficient with Power Source Reserves. All Tested and Ready for Production.
Working Fluid Dispensing System has Been Demonstrated to Work Reliably and
Efficiently. All Tested and Ready for Production.
Working CounterWatch™ Prototypes 001-003 are nearly completed.
How Much to Manufacture : CounterWatch
$8-$10 USD Landed; Std. or Deluxe Model. Constructed from High Quality
Chinese Components and Assembled in USA Ensures Customer Satisfaction.
Product Specifications : CounterWatch
Size : 5.5"(141mm) x 2.75"(70mm) x 1.9"(49mm) Weight : 8oz.(225gr)
Power Supply : 6VDC (4x1.5v AA Batteries)
Suggested Retail Price : CounterWatch
$44.95 USD Standard Model
$48.95 USD Deluxe Model
Brilliant and Fashionable Hydrographic pattern
finish applied to CounterWatch™
Available in the color or design of your choice.
For fun… Wild Cougar Print, or for profit... ‘Hello Kitty’
Stock-Line Suggested Color Schemes :
Two-Tone Models
Mono-Tone Models
All Models have Translucent Spray Fluid Reservoir to View Available Deterrent Supply Level.
SolidWorks CAD - Virtual Prototypes
Ready to Manufacture
Pets Quickly Assimilates to, or Unable to Hear Sound Deterrent Event.
Audible (by Animals & Humans) Single Noise Deterrent
Have a major limitation with today's modern home full of audible
sounds, beeps, voices, such as from microwave ovens, coffee pot
timers, voices on radio-TV, and other sound emitting devices.
The pet to be deterred therefore quickly assimilates to a single audible deterrent
sound, as the pet is unable to differentiate from device deterrent audible sounds
from environmental or ordinary daily household sounds and noises.
Single Tone Audible Deterrent
MSRP : $29.95
Ultrasonic In-Audible (by Humans) Single Sound Deterrent
The question always remains with in-audible (by humans) type of
device deterrent, is the device even working properly, since you can't
even hear it (in-audible) when it is working properly. As per one of the
nations top retailers in this category, states in their disclaimer…
The fine print…
"A cat may not respond to the CatScram. This happens because some cats lack the
capability to hear noises as high pitched as that emitted by the CatScram. This is
more common in older cats who have lost some hearing range, very young cats
who have not yet fully developed, and occasionally in rare purebreds."
Ultrasonic In-Audible Deterrent
MSRP : $39.95
Must be Removed and Stowed before Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area
Mats-Audible Deterrent
Place Mat in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat Senses Pet, Emits
Audible Sound/Beep. Product is hindered by today's modern home full of
audible sounds, beeps, voices etc., such as from microwave ovens, coffee
pot timers, voices on radio-TV, and other sound emitting devices.
Pet quickly assimilates to a single audible deterrent sound, as the pet is unable to differentiate
from device deterrent audible sounds from environmental or ordinary daily household sounds.
Sofa ScramMat
Audible Tone Deterrent
MSRP : $39.95
Mats-Electric Shock Deterrent
Place Mat in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat Senses Pet, Emits
a Electric Shock to Pet.
Quite Effective
Shocking for
Pet is&
Cool !
Take Care Around Young Children !!
Electric-Shock Deterrent
MSRP : $59.95
Mats-Prickly Deterrent
Place Mat in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks on Mat, Mat is Constructed
with Nail Like Protrusions. Effective for Small Horizontal Surface.
18” the
x 18”
Very limited usesize
size square.
of a folded newspaper.
Stepping On Nails Deterrent
MSRP : $18.99
Buyers’ like it at first… then hate the cost of refills… then don’t use them !
Spray Air Deterrent Devices
Place Device in/on Off-Limits Area, Pet Walks in Sensor Range, Device
Emits Short Blast of Canned Air. Effective for Horizontal Surface.
However… Consumable Aerosol Deterrent Refills make It Absolutely Cost
Prohibitive To Operate (i.e. one stubborn pet cat in a household may
trigger canned air blast usage of 2 or more proprietary and expensive
canned air deterrent refills @ $10 each weekly; that's $20 a week !... for
Spray Air Deterrent
one cat !!). Imagine if you have 2 or more cats as most households often
MSRP : $36.95
have, the cost of weekly refills then become a real issue.
Consumable Refills : $12.99
Redirect Sensor or Turn Off before Human Can Use Pet Off-Limits Area.
Consumers understandably are resistant… to the high cost of consumable
propriety canned air refills that begin to quickly add up for the pet
owner, very fast, product often shelved because of high operating cost !
In just 1 months time…
Pet Owners could Spend More $$$ in Canned Air Refills,
2-4x the Product Costs ! … CUSTOMERS’ Don’t Like This !
Plus… unable to view or detect remaining deterrent supply !
Spray Air Deterrent
MSRP : $38.95
Consumable Refills : $13.95
CounterWatch device uses means and methods that join active contact and non-contact passive
training and deterrent methods, together creating a synergistic result in the training and deterrent
of the indoor household animals.
Why Our Product is Best :
No Mandatory Consumables to Buy, Simply Refill with Tap Water
or CounterWatch™ Aromatic Organic Citrus Scent Deterrent.
Unattended Hands Free Operation
No Electrical Shock Hazard
Small Footprint
Cats unlikely to assimilate to multiple varying deterrent events.
Can be used both on horizontal surfaces, or hung from a vertical surface.
Low Profile Stylish Stealth Design. A Designer Pet Product.
CounterWatch™ is the only ergonomic and esthetically High-Tech Cat Deterrent and Training
System designed to please even the most discerning pet owner.
Advantages over competition :
No Expensive Proprietary Canned Air Deterrent Refills to buy.
Deterrent Supply Level Visible with Translucent Reservoir.
No Cruel and Barbaric Shocking of your Pets or Young Children.
No Mats to Remove and Stow Before The Pet Owner Uses Pet Off-Limits Areas.
Pet Cat Owners… Instantly See the Value of CounterWatch™ over any competitor !
Exclusive Manufacturing and or Distribution License
Let’s Talk
Then We Welcome Your Letter of Intent
Letter of Intent Specifics :
Exclusive Opportunity Deposit : The letter of intent must contain a deposit provision, with the
previously agreed to deposit amount. A deposit is required with your letter of intent upon receipt.
The potential licensee agrees to pay a set deposit to the Licensor, so that the potential licensee
has the exclusive opportunity to evaluate suitability for the manufacturing and or distribution
rights for a specified period of time as the letter of intent is in effect (typically 30 days). This
deposit is non-refundable, however if the transaction closes, the deposit will be applied to the
agreed to licensing fee.
Termination : The letter of intent must contain a termination provision, with the previously
agreed to specified period of time as the letter of intent is in effect (typically 30 days). This
provision allows the potential licensee to withdraw at any time during the specific time set forth
in the termination provision section of your letter of intent.
USPTO Private PAIR Registered; Inventor #126527
Current IP Status of Utility Patent
Reg. No. 14486090
Filed 09/15/14
Current IP Status of Design Patent
Reg. No. 29507159
Filed 10/24/14
Current IP Status of USPTO PCT Foreign Filing
Awaiting Investor Capital Infusion.
Reg. No. TBA
To be Filed TBA
Current Registered Trademark Status
Reg. No. TBA
To be Filed 12/30/14
Emerge Products, LLC
Seattle, WA USA
Websites :
Contact Info :
Shawn Tait
Appendix :
Product Developer Shawn Tait and the Go Fast Story…
Early Pictures of the First CounterWatch™ Prototype 001
CounterWatch™ Virtual Prototypes in Various Colors
Retail Packaging and Display Suggestions for CounterWatch™
Pet Market and The Economy - Sources & References
Sources of Referenced Information
Supporting Documents Available :
 Utility Patent Application in Issued Pro-Forma Format
 Design Patent Application in Issued Pro-Forma Format
 Manufacturing CounterWatch – Cost, Facility and Details
 Trade Mark Documentation (to be filed 12/30/14)
 IBISWorld Industry Reports - 2014 US Pet Store Industry
 CounterWatch™ Instructions and Training Guide
My History and Passion ("My Go Fast Story") : It all started for me at the age of 7… I wanted to go-faster, as I told mommy
sitting in my racing go kart, mom says “we have no money to buy those high-tech go-fast racing parts, sorry”. So I had to
figure out my own way to go faster.
At the age of 7-12 years old, I studied every math and engineering book I could get my hands on (from old engineering
library books and college textbooks), and began learning how to design, develop and make my own motorcycle go-fast parts
(among everything else!, that interested me). But most of all, first I still needed to make money to buy the needed
materials to make those new racing parts (products) that are in my mind.
By the age of 12 years old, I was on my way funding my new product ventures through my hard work and natural
entrepreneurship. I had several daily paper delivery routes and was starting to sell my newly developed and produced
racing parts.
With junior high metal shop and high school machine shop classes, this gave me the perfect learning environment for
R&D, making prototypes and producing my racing parts, utilizing the foundry, lathes, mills, fabrication equipment and
welding equipment.
I also took electronics classes which taught me the fundamentals of electronic design and implementation. With both
mechanical and electronics background, I could now invent, test and bring quality and reliable product concepts to
fruition at the lowest cost possible. Often aided by re-purposing existing items to be utilized in my newly designed products
to reduce R&D cost, and the time it takes to be first to market.
In my earlier years up to age 30, I successfully developed patentable new products for Siemens (Medical Device div.),
Bendix Electrodynamics (US Military Vendor), Echlin Corp. (largest Automobile Aftermarket Parts Mfg.) and the
Aerospace and Racing Industries. At age 30, I was done with Corporate America, began to create my own future.
At the age of 56, I am a proven successful entrepreneur of 25+ years experience, small business owner, manufacturing
engineer and consummate realist.
Product Concept to Market Success is what I do best.
Please contact me directly, if your interested in sharing future successes together.
Shawn Tait
In a Bathroom Setting
Fresh off the 3D
Looks Great,
Works Great, and
Feels Great in the
In a Kitchen Setting
Black over
Std. Model
In a Kitchen Setting
Std. Model
In a Modern Kitchen Setting
Protecting Curtains and Area
Shown in a Vertical
Hanging Position
In a Entryway Door Setting
Shown hanging
from door knob.
Keep indoor pets
from loitering
and or escaping
to outdoors.
In a Living Room Setting
Shown guarding
couch and table
areas using noncontact passive
‘Aromatic Scent
Deterrent Mode’
In a Bedroom Setting1
Shown guarding
a bed from an
lounging pet.
Keep your bed
area clean of
pet hair or fur.
In a Bedroom Setting2
Shown guarding
entry door from
escaping indoor
pet. And
Protecting your
bed from getting
all ‘Furred Up’.
Inexpensive Logos, Licensing or Designs Easily Applied…
Simply process of
dipping Top
Cover in to the
coating solution
before final
Durable !
CounterWatch™ Shown in Clamshell Packaging
For further information about the continuing strong growth and rise in sales of pet products, and
this industries ability to avoid fluctuations in the health of the economy.
10 Surprisingly Recession-Proof Industries -
Best Recession-Proof Businesses -
Is the pet industry recession-proof ? - NY Daily News
The Top Pet Industry Trends for 2012 - Pawsible Blog
Pet Industry Booming, With Sales of Gourmet Treats -
The doggone truth- Spending on pets is soaring - NBC News
Why One Recession-Proof Industry Just Keeps Growing -
Humane Societies and Pet Associations :
*The Humane Society of the United States - U.S. Pet Ownership Population Estimates
**ASPCA - U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics
Reference and Statistical Data Sources :
***Compare Infobase Limited - Top 10 Countries with the Most Pet Cats
IBISWorld Industry Reports - 2014 US Pet Store Industry
Pet Business - 2014 Pet Business Top 25 Retailers
Major Domestic Pet Product Retailers :
PetSmart® Company Information
PetCo® Company Information
Walmart Corporate - Locations by Country
Trade Periodicals :
Pet Age
Pet Business
Pet Product News International
Trade Shows :
Global Pet Expo - Orlando Florida
Total Pet Expo - Chicago Illinois
SuperZoo - Las Vegas Nevada