VCE Legal Studies Unit 3 – 2011 1 Tues P1 theory 2 Wed P4 investigation 3 Thurs P2 Study/catch up 1 2/3 Feb 2 6-10 Feb Media File: SAC1, due 3/6 Key terms: chapter 1,2 Purpose of the law PP with text pg 9-11 How to use summary checklist – keeping notes in order – study expectations 3 13-17 THE AUSTRALIAN SYSTEM Principles of Parliament Representative, responsible, separation of powers A history lesson - Reminder of Westminster system, youtube clip, draw diagram on boards - Clickview: History of Federation – highlight/notes worksheet Clarify resp and rep. Worksheet – separation of power – use text pg 19-20 If time – in groups, create concise explanation of each power, describe why it is separate, why it may not be, in a manner easy for others to understand Begin media file with Study: read pg 30, pg 21 Q3-5 example – youtube with pg 11 head scarf Parliament Bicameral System Testing Structure ‘Pods’ – workshop Knowledge 4 Fri P1 evaluation Structure of course: assessment outline, pg9 disc Re-introduction: structure of lawmaking activity on board - Statute / Common - Criminal / civil Trivia questions Sources of law: refer to diagram and text pg 7,8 Study – define key terms Australian Parliament history activity: finish Key knowledge and skills Define key legal terminology and use it appropriately. Discuss, interpret and analyse legal information and data Explain the principles and structures of the Australian parliamentary system. Ext: Parliament Structure Activity Begin pg 31 txt Responsible and Representative Government Changing the law Define key legal terminology Feb 4 20-24 Feb 5 28 Feb – 2 March internet activity pg 31 LA1 – go with SAC Re-cap – pg3641 headings with 2 sentence explanation Influencing change Types: informal and formal – summary worksheet 18 Methods PP Invisible no more as example Use examples from text – pg 42-54 Prac exam Q1b Study pressure for change pg 55 Media File work Commonwealth and State Look back to Assessment Plan, what has been covered Using the Summary Checklist pg32 Sample exam questions – test Sample answers PP Bicameral Study: Q1a test, Case Study: Tasmania SAC 1 Study: Revision questions VLRC – formal pressure PP with handout Jigsaw worksheet 21 Review current changes / reports - worksheet Outcome part b Glossary chpt 3 Reasons for change: Read pg36-41 Summary – Reasons for change worksheet Hoon laws case study Media file work Practice exam q’s The Legislative Process Glossary chpt 4 Types of Bill PP Making the law DVD Case Study: Tattooing and Body Piercing Discuss, interpret and analyse legal information and data Use contemporary examples to explain the influences of legislative change Define key legal terminology and use it appropriately. Discuss, interpret and analyse legal information and data Use contemporary examples to explain the influences of legislative change Study: finish worksheet SAC: Media File Due Short response models handout and use it appropriately. Delegated legislation Strengths and Weaknesses Factors that Hinder change Clickview – law justice and society Evaluate the effectiveness of methods used by individuals and groups to influence change in the law Define key legal terminology and use it appropriately. Discuss, interpret and analyse legal information and data Critically catch up 6 5- 9 March 7 12-16 March Monday 12th Labour Day 8 21-25 March Prac exam Q11a Checklist: can you...... Understanding parliament 4 corners Summary checklists, revision questions, practice questions Parliament multiple choice(disc) AoS 2: the Constitution and the Protection of Rights Overview PP, pg 96 Glossary chpt5 Division of powers – parliament, write as table on board using txt pg98 Worksheet 27 with pg 98-99 SAC 1: Case Study Part A: Parliament Changes to the law 4 corners Summary checklists, revision questions, practice questions SAC 1: Part B: changes Download – constitution Impact of section 109 Pg 102 text Questions 2 pg 104 Practice exam Questions: Pg 153 Q1 Pg 152 Q1, 2 Quiz Restrictions Pg 103-104 – read Article analysis Work sheet 30 - Division of power Changes – indigenous representation Process for change – s128 AEC referendum group task Study – q3 prac exam – check answer Read pg100-101 – summarise in notebooks In pairs complete A3 table worksheet 30 Test on the division of powers Remember – Describe each of the divisions Understand – scenarios when section 109 would come into play – teams, explain and evaluate Impact of referendum Successful referendum Vs Unsuccessful – why? Worksheet 32 first half Questions worksheet 31 Why referendums fail Who has the power – updated laws worksheet Create – write a song about the C Apply Evaluate CASE STUDY: 1967 Referendum PP How it changed the division of powers? Tell the story evaluate the law-making processes of parliament Define key legal terminology and use it appropriately. Discuss, interpret and analyse legal information and data Identify the types of lawmaking powers. Explain the roles of the Commonwealth Constitution with respect to law-making powers and the protection of rights. Define key legal terminology and use it appropriately. Discuss, interpret and analyse legal information and data Explain the methods and processes of changing constitutional power 9 26-30 March Role of the High Court – interpretation PP Key cases pg 112-113 Landmarks pg 115 Study – summarise each case, decision pg 120-121 pg 109-110 Significant cases: 2 Poster activity Tasmanian Dam – DD Pg 117 Communist party case /high-court-book/chapter-two-major-cases-1/ Get to know the high court internet activity Mid-semester break 10 CASE STUDY: Impact of the Capacity of Test 16-20 Treaties and high court states to make April the Has the high law Constitution court gone too Referral of Pg 118-119 far? Pg 125 legislative power Worksheet 32, 33 – Ex-nuptial children Pg 111-112 Study: Q6 Study - revision 11 Protection of Bill of rights PP Study: 23rights: How do the Democratic and 27April constitution separation and human rights 4 Wednesda Key terms chpt 5 division of corners y 25th Case study – law powers protect? Key cases for Anzac day institution PDF Structural explicit and Democratic and protection implied pg 130human rights def Pg 128, 129 134 - PP articles, q’s pg StructuralPP, 130 express, implied Catch up How are rights protected in Australia? 12 Significant case: 1 Comparison to Canada Protecting 30 CASE STUDY: Roach case rights PP April- 4 Clauses etc May Ie Dietrich and another like case Evaluating rights protection in Comparison visual organiser Australia Pg 141-144 Study – Q8 Pg 134-136 Worksheet 36 COURT EXCURSION – TUES 3RDworksheet50 Study – Q8 Analyse the impact of referendums, High Court interpretation , and the referral of powers o the division of lawmaking powers Apply legal principles to relevant cases and issues. Analyse the impact of referendums, High Court interpretation , and the referral of powers o the division of lawmaking powers Evaluate the means by which rights of Australians are protected by the Commonwealth Constitution, and the extent of this protection. Apply legal principles to relevant cases and issues. Compare the approach used to protect rights in a selected country with the approach used in Australia. 13 7-11 May 14 14-18 May 15 21-25 May 16 28 May-1 June Extent of protection How effective is the C? PP strengths and weaknesses Pg 139 Q’s Is it time for a bill of rights? Pg 149 Revision AoS 3:role of the courts in law making Key terms chpt 6 Operation of the doctrine of precedent: snail in the bottle case – worksheet 43 Precedent PP eg pg 159 Study – worksheet 39 The common law Pg 156-157 Flexibility and precedents Pg 163 CASE STUDY: when playtime causes injury pg 164 Strengths and weakness of law-making through courts Strengths and weaknesses worksheet Worksheet 46 Pg 188-189 Study – judge made law and SAC 2: Extended Response Part A Ability of judges to make law pg 169-171 Reasons for interpretation Judge made law PP Pg 167-169 with Q Worksheet Statutory interpretation PP How do judges interpret? Pg 177179 Refer back to D v S Relationship between courts and parliament Worksheet 44 Abortion law – slow pg 184 Practice exam Pg 153 Catch up / Revision Revision Essay pg 150 Revision questions pg 132 Revision SAC 2: Part B Effects of interpretation Common law case study PP CASE STUDY: The chroming case pg 173 Study – worksheet 42, studded belt case pg 182 Evaluate the means by which rights of Australians are protected by the Commonwealth Constitution, and the extent of this protection Define key legal terminology and use it appropriately. Discuss, interpret and analyse legal information and data Apply legal principles to relevant cases and issues. Describe the nature, importance and operation of courts as lawmakers CASE STUDY: Trigwells case pg 171 Native Title pg 185- 187, The castle Apply legal principles to relevant cases and issues. Discuss the relationships between lawmaking bodies Analyse the impact of courts in lawmaking change pg 191 17 4-8 June 18 11-15 June Revision Role of courts 4 corners Courts as law makers pg 193 Worksheet 48 Practice sac Revision SAC 3: Test Critically evaluate the law-making processes of courts Phillip Cummins visit Student evaluation worksheet 51 Exam week Revision / Study Notes – practice exam questions GAT – Thursday 16th Friday - ?