Human Population & Carrying Capacity Worksheet

H- Biology
Unit 4 – Ecology
Name: _________________________
Date ______________Pd: 1 2 6 7 8
Human Populations and Carrying Capacity WebQuest
This activity is designed for you to see how the population of the Earth continues to change
over the course of time. At some point in time the carrying capacity of the Earth may be
reached. Use the links below to discover more about the human carrying capacity as well as
to answer the corresponding questions.
Click here:
1. What is the current world population? ______________
2. What is the exact time right now? ___________
3. What is the U.S. population right now? ____________
4. What are the top five MOST populous countries? ___________________
Click Here:
5. Using the 2000 census data, where is Illinois ranked among state populations?
6. What percent of people in the US live in Illinois? ________________
Click Here:
Scroll down this website to find the links to answer the questions below.
7. Where does the US rank for life expectancy at birth? _________
8. What is the life expectancy at birth in the US? ________
9. Which country has the highest life expectancy at birth? _________________and which
has the lowest? ____________________________
10. On what continents are these countries located? Highest: ____________ Lowest: ___________
Click on the topic "Animated Map" and watch.
11. On what continent did the human population appear to start? _____________________
12. What was the world population in 1985? _____________
13. What is the expected world population in 2020? ____________
Adapted from:
Most countries are trying to reduce their growth rate. Zero population growth means that as
many people are being born as there are dying. To achieve zero population growth, each
couple would need to have no more than two children (to replace the parents).
Even if this number is achieved, the population will continue to grow because the parents will
still live on for decades, as their children have children, and their children have children...........
The rate of growth in developed nations has become more constant in recent years, while
many developing nations are still growing exponentially.
Population density measures how crowded a population is. This measurement is always
expressed as the number of individuals per unit volume. In order to calculate population
density, use the following formula: number of people ÷ the area they occupy = population
Click here for a list of least developed countries:
14. Select three different countries on the list and find the following data:
a. Country:
a. Country:
a. Country:
b. Population:
b. Population:
b. Population:
c. Surface area:
c. Surface area:
c. Surface area:
d. Population density:
d. Population density:
d. Population density:
Click here for similar data about the US:
15. Record the following data for the U.S.
a. Surface area: ____________
b. Population: _____________
c. Population density: ____________
Click Here for a link to see the effects of Human Population:
16. Name 5 stresses the Human Population is currently putting on the Earth.
1. ___________________
4. ___________________
2. ___________________
5. __________________
H- Biology
Unit 4 – Ecology
Name: _________________________
Date ______________Pd: 1 2 6 7 8
17. What effects could these stresses have on the Earth and how can these affect your
Go back to the US population data:
18. What is the exact time right now? _________________
19. How many minutes have elapsed since you answered question # 2?
20. What is the US population right now? ____________________
21. What was the gain in US population while you have been working on this activity?
22. What has been the gain in population per minute over this activity? Show your work.
23. What was the population gain per second over this activity? ______________
24. Read “the Most Harmful Consumer Activities” In your opinion which of these is the worst
behavior humans do to impact the Earth. Why? You must explain your answer.
Adapted from: