Who We Are: National Criminal Justice Honor Society Began in September 1942 by Dr. Vivian Leonard (WSU) Brought to your EKU Regional Campuses in Jan. 2007. Comprised of Criminal Justice scholars whom show a distinguished effort of academia through having and maintaining an outstanding G.P.A. and active involvement in regional campuses’ activities. There are now over 360 chapters of APS nationwide. APS is now part of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science and recognizes outstanding scholastic achievement. Membership: Undergraduate students must have declared a major, minor, or equivalent in the criminal justice or related field. Must have completed three full time semesters (or equivalent). Must attain a GPA of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale in their cumulative and criminal justice classes. A minimum of four courses of the course work must be in the criminal justice field. Applications MUST be typed online. All fields must be completed, unless listed as “optional.” Then please print two copies and a copy of your degree works to be given to the Advisor. Completed applications must be submitted to the chapter advisor or assistant chapter advisor, for verification and signature. Chapter advisor shall mail application and $50.00 one time National Membership fee to ΑΦΣ National Headquarters. In addition, there is a $20 local chapter fee. Only money orders can be accepted, please contact an advisor for further assistance. Benefits: Networking Job Opportunities National and Regional Conferences Employment assistance through www.experience.com Ability to begin Federal positions at higher pay grade (GS-7) Regional member activities Graduation Honor’s Regalia (as shown here) Who We Are: National Criminal Justice Student Organization Brought to your EKU Regional Campuses March, 2007. Comprised of individuals studying or working in a criminal justice related field seeking to improve criminal justice through educational activities and foster professionalism in the field. The organization aims to promote high standards of ethical conduct, professional training, and higher education within criminal justice and provide a unified voice for professionals in and students of the genre. Membership: Membership in the Association is composed of individuals employed in the criminal justice system or taking a course of study in criminal justice at an accredited college or university at the time the application is submitted. If you qualify for membership, please complete two copies of the Membership Application and return the Application with your $36 initiation fee to the National Office. In addition, there is a $20 local chapter fee. Only money orders can be accepted, please contact an advisor for further assistance. Benefits: Pride in your self and your program. Job opportunities Networking National and Regional Conference Attendance Scholarships Excellence in Scholastics recognition Graduation Honor’s Regalia Regional member activities Student Competitions • Stephen F. Kappeler, School of Justice Studies Faculty and Coordinator of Regional Campuses • Faculty Advisor, APS & LAE • One Pennington Way, Corbin, KY 40701 • stephen.kappeler@eku.edu • 859-622-6710 Assistant Faculty Advisors: James David Lawson Adjunct Faculty contact: james.lawson@eku.edu Carla F. Lawson Adjunct Faculty contact: carla.lawson@eku.edu Shown with APS Honor’s Regalia Your Organizations’ at work for your communities! Mr. Kappeler visiting the Sunrise Children’s Services and delivering Christmas to the children there. This was provided by APS/LAE fundraising. For upcoming events, questions, or organization information, visit our Facebook page! www.facebook.com/EKUregionalcampusesAPSLAE Fundraisers and activities are being planned and will be announced here and via email, etc. You can submit your ideas for organizational events via the Facebook page, too! Your classmates and peers will be there! Be sure to share the page link and invite friends to follow us or join in the fun!! *We would love to hear from YOU! Our new School of Justice Study Regional Campuses website!!!: Regional Campuses Facebook page APS/LAE!: www.facebook.com/EKUregionalcampusesAPSLAE Alpha Phi Sigma: www.alphaphisigma.org www.cjregional.eku.edu www.facebook.com/AlphaPhiSigmaCriminalJustice Lambda Alpha Epsilon: www.acjalae.org www.facebook.com/groups/2209314401/ Here are organization-related photos from the Corbin campus. More displays to come! Feel free to stop by Corbin if you have the chance! These items are available to members of the organizations for graduation!!! Let the world see, join today!!!