A L C O S O B J E C T I V E 1
Diversity of Plants
Anthocerophyta – Hornworts
Bryophyta – Mosses
Hepatophyta – Liverworts
Lycophyta – Clubmosses and Spikemosses
Pterophyta – Ferns and Horsetails
Cycadophyta – Cycads
Ginkgophyta – Ginkgo and Maidenhair
Coniferophyta – conifers
Anthophyta – Flowering plants
Diversity of Plants
Nonvascular seedless plants
Small, grow near water
Dominant gametophyte
Originated 475 mya
Division Anthocerophyta
Sporophyte typically 5cm in height
~ 100 extant species
Phaeoceros laevis
Diversity of Plants
Anthoceros agrestis
Diversity of Plants
Division Bryophyta
Sporophyte typically
~15cm in height
Form dense mats
15 000 extant species
Found on every continent except Antarctica
Diversity of Plants
Pyrrhobryum spiniforme Sphagnum sp.
Diversity of Plants
Division Hepatophyta
Sporophyte less than 5cm in height
Typically found in tropical or subtropical regions
~9000 extant species
Diversity of Plants
Frullania ericoides Marchantia polymorpha
Diversity of Plants
Seedless vascular plants
Evolution of vascular tissue
Dominant sporophyte
Originated 420 mya
Division Lycophyta
Clubmosses and
~1200 extant species
Most primitive vascular plants
Diversity of Plants
Lycopodium tristachyum Selaginella apoda
Diversity of Plants
Division Pterophyta
Ferns, Horsetails and
Wisk ferns
12 000 extant species
Thrive in temperate climates
Dominated forest of carboniferous period
Diversity of Plants
Osmunda cinnamomea Polystichum acrostichoides
Diversity of Plants
Cheilanthes alabamensis Trichomanes petersii
Psilotum nudum
Diversity of Plants
Equisetum hyemale
Diversity of Plants
Vascular seed plants
Evolution of seeds
Dominant sporophyte
Originated 360 mya
Division Cycadophyta
~100 extant species
Grow exclusively in tropical habitats
Only species found wild in
U.S grows in Florida
Cycas circinalis
Diversity of Plants
Encephalartos sclavoi
Diversity of Plants
Division Ginkgophyta
1 extant species
Ginkgo biloba
Cultivated trees
Maidenhair tree
Fan-like leaves turn gold in autumn
Diversity of Plants
Division Gnetophyta
75 extant species
Most species found in desert regions
Some species may live to be over 1000 years old
Diversity of Plants
Ephedra torreyana Welwitschia Mirabilis
Diversity of Plants
Division Coniferophyta
600 extant species
Most are evergreen
Adaptations for conserving water
Pinus palustris
Diversity of Plants
Pinus taeda
Diversity of Plants
Taxodium distichum Juniperus virginiana
Diversity of Plants
Division Anthophyta
Flowering plants
Subdivided into
Monocotyledons and
65 000 extant species
Grasses, orchids, lilies and palms
185 000 extant species
Shrubs, trees, cacti, wildflowers, garden flowers, vegetables and herbs
Digitaria sp.
Diversity of Plants
Andropogon glomeratus
Diversity of Plants
Hymenocallis coronaria Platanthera ciliaris
Myrica cerifera
Diversity of Plants
Smilax laurifolia
Acer rubrum
Diversity of Plants
Liquidambar styraciflua
Quercus rubra
Diversity of Plants
Quercus alba
Diversity of Plants
Spigelia marilandica Mitchella repens
Clitora mariana
Diversity of Plants
Trillium sp.
Dichotomous Keys
Made up of set of numbered statements
Each set deals with a single characteristic of the organism
Leaf shape or leaf arrangement
Bark and twig structure
Flower arrangement and structure
A key to the trees of Alabama