VEPADA MANDAL ACTION PLAN 2015-2016 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Kothavalasa Sub Division VIZIANAGARAM DISTRICT Vepada Action plan Page 1 Sl. No. Index 1. Vepada Mandal Map 2 Introduction 3 Area, Production and productivity 4 Area, production and productivity of growth engines 5 Soil Health Profile 6 Irrigation 7 Key Performance Indicators 8 Conclusions Vepada Action plan Page No. Page 2 Title 1. Details of vepada Mandal 2 Geographical, wet, dry, forest areas of vepada mandal 3 Normal areas of crops grown during 2013-14, 2014-15 4 Village wise cultivated normal areas of crops in acres 5 Crop wise area production and productivity in 2013-14 1nd 2014-15 6 Growth engines area, production and productivity during 2013 and 2014 7 Growth target, production, productivity, GVA 8 Village wise soil sample details of vepada mandal 9 Fertilizer consumption for last five years 10 Village wise tanks in the mandal 11 New varieties adopted in the mandal 12 Varietal Replacement plan targeted for 2015-16 and GVA 13 Actual chemical fertilizer consumed for last 2 years 14 Fertilizer requirement 2015-16 15 Micro nutrient deficiency in Normal areas and targets of Micro nutrient supply during 2015-16. 16 Details of agronomic practices in the mandal 17 Methods of sowing with their cost saved 18 Integrated pest management and its cost reduction 19 Page No. Cost Reduction due to implimentation of Integrated nutrient Management Vepada Action plan Page 3 Vepada Action plan Page 4 Vepada Action plan Page 5 2. Introduction Vepada mandal is a vast mandal consisting of 29 panchayats with 39 revenue villages. The mandal comes under Kothavalasa subdivision of vizianagaram district of north coastal agro climatic zone of Andhra Pradesh. It is surrounded by L.kota mandal in the east, devarapalli mandal (vizag district) in the west, Kotapadu mandal (vizag dt) in the south, Srungavarapu Kota mandal in the north direction. Vepada mandal is located 83 0 South longitude and 17 0 east latitude. The total geographical area of the mandal constitutes of 15286.8 ha with a gross cropped area of 6324 ha. The major crop grown in the mandal is paddy in kharif followed by pulses (black gram, green gram) in rabi. Some area is covered under sesamum depending on the rainfall. Other crops grown in the mandal are ground nut, sugarcane, horse gram, ragi. Horticultural crops grown in the mandal are Mango, oil palm, cashew nut, vegetables. Nearly 95% area of the mandal depends directly or indirectly on rains, mainly tankfed conditions. The rain water harvested in the tanks during monsoons act as a source of irrigation for the rest of the crop period. Major portion of the mandal constitutes light soils. Most of the area comes under upland condition. General temperatures of the mandal ranges from minimum of 29 0 c to maximum 42 0 c maximum temperatures. Annual rainfall of the mandal is 112.71 mm. Mandal constitutes 102 % cropping intensity and with a irrigation intensity of 76.04%. Totally 3220 farm holdings are present with an operation of 7460.40 ha of land. Most of the farming community falls under small and marginal farmers. The farmers are not much aware of the latest technologies, moreover very less innovative farmers are observed in the mandal. Vepada Action plan Page 6 Some farmers, with the intervention of Dept. of Agriculture following organic farming to some extent. Very, very few farmers are adopting non pest management, moreover not completely following the non pest management. One Non government oragnisation is operating in the mandal. The mandal details are presented here under in the Table 1: Table 1: Details of the Mandal S No Category Unit Total 1 Total Geographical Area Ha 15286.8 2 Gross Cropped Area Ha 6324 3 Net Cropped Area Ha 6186 4 Gross Irrigated Area Ha 3668.2 5 Net irrigated Area Ha 2789.3 6 Number of Farm Holdings Nos. 3220 Nos. 1224 ii) Small Nos. 1856 iii) Others Nos. 140 i) 7 Marginal Total area operated by Ha 7460.4 Ha 4112 ii) Small Ha 2540.8 iii) Others Ha 807.6 mm 112.71mm i) Marginal 8 Normal Annual Rainfall 9 Cropping Intensity % 102 10 Irrigation Intensity % 76.04 Vepada Action plan Page 7 Table 2 : Geographical, wet, dry, forest areas of vepada mandal GEOGRAPHICAL AREA WET Ha ha MARIKA 2121.2 K.G.PUDI 1238.4 SK SR PURAM 533.6 P.K.R.PURAM 233.2 R.S.PETA 147.2 Jakeru 610 KARAKAVALASA 200.8 CHAMALAPALLI 207.6 D.R.PETA 442 Vepada 826.4 Veeluparthi 295.6 Veldam 170.8 Pedadungada 348 Vavilapadu 619.6 CH. Agraharah 212.4 Rayudupeta 170 Nallabilli 604 Chinagudipala 358.8 Jammadevipeta 35.6 n.k.r.puram 149.2 Pedagudipala 352 M.SINGAVARAM 145.2 VALLAMPUDI 576.4 GUDIVADA 556.4 Sompuram 479.2 BODDAM 354.8 MUKUNDAPURAM 130.4 OBULAYAPALEM 106.8 PATURU 340 ARIGIPAFLEM 184 SINGARAI 274.8 ATHAVA 658.4 BANADI 229.2 BALLANKI 436 B.T.K.R.PURAM 52.4 M.K.R.PURAM 94.8 A.K.J.PALEM 94.8 K.R.PETA 252 Kumpalli 444.8 TOTAL 15286.8 VILLAGE Vepada Action plan 0 82.4 115.2 106.4 78 142 65.6 82.8 160.4 341.2 104 56 70.8 226.4 25.2 76.4 231.2 102 9.2 56.4 140.8 69.6 268 277.6 208.4 144 39.6 33.6 160.4 83.6 107.2 218 123.6 163.6 8 19.6 31.2 92.4 198.4 4519.2 DRY Poramboku FOREST Ha Ha Ha 100.8 2.8 2017.2 318.8 812.4 24.8 46.4 103.6 268.4 62.8 64.4 0 30.8 38.4 0 227.6 240 0 118.4 16.8 0 90 34.4 0 152 110.8 18.8 336.8 148.4 0 121.2 68.4 5 88.4 26.8 0 141.6 135.6 0 286.4 106.8 0 106.4 81.2 0 60.8 25.6 6.8 289.6 83.2 0 220.4 36.4 0 18.4 8 0 64 28.8 0 165.6 45.6 0 46 29.6 0 219.2 88.8 0 145.6 133.6 0 128.8 142.4 0 124.8 86 0 67.2 23.6 0 53.2 19.6 0 74 105.6 0 68.8 31.6 0 140 27.6 0 372 68.4 0 77.2 28.8 0 178.4 94 0 31.6 12.8 0 70.4 4.8 0 48.8 14.8 0 134 25.6 0 214.8 31.6 0 5242 3187.6 Page 8 3. Areas,Production &Productivity 3.1 Areas Paddy, black gram, green gram, sugar cane are the major crops grown in Vepada mandal. Other crops are sesamum, ground nut, horse gram, ragi, mango, oil palm, vegetables, cashew nut are grown in the mandal. The normal cropped areas of the mandal during 2013 -14 and 2014-15 are presented here under in the Table 3: Table 3 : Normal areas of crops grown during 2013-14, 2014-15 CROP 2013-14 2014-15 Area (ha) Area (ha) Paddy 3370 3516 Sesamum 128.4 550 Sugarcane 100.5 229 Ground nut 37.6 53 2 10 Vegetables 14 7 Ragi 6.8 3 Black gram 1922 878 Green gram 572.4 870 Mango 892 892 Palm oil 46.8 46.8 Red gram Vepada Action plan Page 9 Table 4: Village wise cultivated normal areas of crops in acres pa dd y u.I s. no village pad dy irr Blac kgra m Gree ngra m 1 Marika - 2 k.g.pudi 153 102 39 11 9 145 3 3 s.k.s.r. puram 198 114 52 7 14 72 5 4 p.k.r.puram 194 109 43 13 39 3 5 r.s.PETA 163 92 32 8 19 6 boddam 308 142 35 11 79 7 Mukundapuram 14 5 8 Obulayapalem 9 paturu 368 10 sompuram 261 11 jakeru 282 12 Karakavalasa 113 13 Chamalapalli 14 15 Ra gi Ses ame s sugar cane 3 63 24 Bana na 92 3 Cashe wnut 96 4 20 20 200 16 10 23 208 62 9 128 78 24 7 21 148 172 98 42 11 6 23 81 D.R.PETA 300 152 110 16 9 100 14 vepada 621 402 101 19 21 150 104 16 veeluparti 138 92 36 4 19 49 38 17 veldam 78 26 14 5 17 13 118 18 Pedadungada 129 92 46 25 86 19 vavilapadu 427 310 85 12 6 123 50 20 nallabilli 417 302 101 11 7 40 21 21 CH.agraharam 90 5 22 rayudupeta 157 23 Chinagudipala 187 24 jammadevipeta 16 4 5 25 n.k.r.puram 108 67 26 26 Pedagudipala 253 158 43 3 27 b.t.k.r.puram 14 7 5 2 15 28 A.K.J.PALEM 48 24 16 7 12 29 M.K.R.PURAM 31 19 6 3 10 2 30 K.R.PETA 173 146 15 4 58 12 31 kummpalli 413 124 51 5 194 32 ballanki 312 131 33 6 110 10 33 banadi 256 123 46 19 12 86 5 34 m.singavaram 113 75 33 2 19 35 vallampudi 526 286 59 4 26 45 36 gudivada 548 312 49 5 19 40 37 arigipalem 184 104 11 4 38 singarai 174 114 13 7 11 35 39 athava 424 245 32 8 18 48 38 4 9 40 2 19 2 10 38 42 4 3 8 39 8 11 5 8 94 45 11 20 28 96 32 17 13 107 14 3 3 15 12 13 3 oilp alm 18 12 2 Gro und nut 11 32 4 vegeta bles 75 115 Vepada Action plan 64 12 Ma ngo 40 8 6 3 4 12 3 9 3 19 22 Page 10 10 3.2 Production and Productivity: Average productivity of paddy in the mandal is 3302 kgs/ ha with a production of 12554.204 Metric tonnes. The average production and productivity of the major crops grown in the mandal are presented here under in the table 5. Table 5 : Crop wise area production and productivity in 2013-14 1nd 2014-15 1 2 3 4 5 2013-14 Areas Crop Paddy Black gram Green gram Ground nut Sesamum 3802 756 572.4 24 128 production productivi (Mts) ty (kgs / ha) 12554.204 3302 226.800 300 171.72 300 48.00 2000 32.00 250 2014-15 Areas 3516 630 670 53 396 production (Mts) 11743.44 201.000 201.00 106.00 99.00 productivity (kgs / ha) 3340 300 300 2000 250 4.0 Area, Production& Productivity of targets of Growth Engines Major growth engines in the mandal are: 1. Paddy - Kharif 2. Black gram – Rabi Table -6 : Growth engines area, production and productivity during 2013 and 2014 2013-14 Sl. No . 1 2 Name of the Crop Area (ha) Paddy 3802 Black gram 756 Vepada Action plan Produc tivity (Kg/ha) 3302 300 2014-15 Producti on (Mts) GVA 12554.20 377.61 4 lacs 28.689 226.800 lacs Product ivity (Kg/ha) Productio n (Mts) 3516 3340 11743.44 670 300 201.000 Area (ha) GVA 234.853 lacs 80.42 lacs Page 11 Areas, Production &Productivity of targets of Growth Engines 2015-16 Table- 7 : Growth target, production, productivity, GVA Sl.No. Name of the Crop 1 Paddy 5 Black gram Normal Estimated Area Area(ha) (ha) Productivity estimated kgs /ha 3644 3644 3404 670 720 401 Production (Mts) GVA 362.63 14062.808 lacs 115.48 288.724 lacs % of Growth over 2014-15 (production) 19.75 % 41.23% The above said 19.75% in paddy and 41.23 % in Black gram is possible only with intervention of key performance indicators. 5. Soil Health Profile Vepada mandal constitutes 75% percentage of light soils 25 % of heavy soils. 50% of the lands are uplands, 50 % are low lands. As per ISS (Intensive soil sampling) grid system, 2048 samples have to be drawn from 2015- 2018. Out of which, 559 soil samples are drawn althrough village wise the mandal using GPS system. The coordinates, farmer details etc are recorded and uploaded to soil sample screen. The samples are analysed in the soil testing lab, vizianagaram. Based on the analysis, the soils are low in micronutrients. 5.1 Soil Sampling: The total cultivable area of the mandal is divided by a factor (7.5) and number samples to be drawn are obtained. These samples are drawn yearly village wise covering every 10 ha of dryland and every 3 ha of wetland. The samples are drawn from each subdivision and by quartering method, prepared a composite sample. The village wise samples drawn are presented here under Table – 8. Based on the soil test results fertilizers ae recommended. Vepada Action plan Page 12 Table -8 : Village wise soil sample details of vepada mandal S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Village Marika k.g.pudi s.k.s.r. puram p.k.r.puram r.s.PETA Boddam Mukundapuram Obulayapalem Paturu Sompuram Jakeru Karakavalasa Chamalapalli D.R.PETA Vepada Veeluparti Veldam Pedadungada Vavilapadu Nallabilli CH.agraharam Rayudupeta Chinagudipala Jammadevipeta n.k.r.puram Pedagudipala b.t.k.r.puram A.K.J.PALEM M.K.R.PURAM K.R.PETA Kummpalli Ballanki Banadi m.singavaram Vallampudi Gudivada Arigipalem Singarai Athava Total Vepada Action plan TOTAL area (acres) 3 326 385 359 295 496 85 112 548 487 563 222 329 587 1164 289 140 280 842 846 62 331 359 43 213 468 28 101 59 338 605 491 456 242 901 933 303 319 749 15359 acres Total Samples as per grid sysem 0 43 51 48 39 66 11 15 73 65 75 30 44 78 155 39 19 37 112 113 8 44 48 6 28 62 4 13 8 45 81 65 61 32 120 124 40 43 100 2048 SAMPLES drawn 2015-16 3 15 17 10 11 20 13 14 26 27 15 10 14 20 7 12 25 20 2 10 20 11 20 20 25 20 8 6 10 13 15 20 19 20 2 5 6 10 15 556 Page 13 3.2 Fertilizers and Nutrients As most of the farmers are small and marginal farmers, they depend on nitrogenous fertilizers. Usage of DAP and complex fertilizers are very low in the mandal. The usage of micronutrients in the mandal is only 1 % upto 2014-15 agricultural year. The fertilizer stock status utilized in the last five years are presented in the table – 9. Table – 9 : Fertilizer consumption for last five years S.No Fertilizer (Mts) 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 1 UREA 386 375 389 436 567 632 2 DAP 70 77 107 107 129 151 3 MOP 90 100 80 70 87 114 4 SSP 60 60 100 74 90 126 5 COMPLEX - - - 10 17 114 6. Irrigation Vepada directly and indirectly depends on rains. The rain water is harvested in the tanks and utilized although the crop growth period. Vijaya Ram Sagar, a minor irrigation project is present in the village covering two villages i.e., K.G.Pudi, SKSR puram and some parts of PKR puram village. There are totally 325 water tanks, dug wells, 545 bore wells, 188 solar pump setsc in the mandal. The village wise water bodies along with the ayacut areas are presented in the Table10: Vepada Action plan Page 14 Table 10 : Village wise tanks along with ayacut areas Sl. No. Name of the village 1 Marika 2 Kondagangupudi Name of the Tank Ayacut in Ac. - - Rai Banda 26.07 3 Krishnamma tank 53.29 4 Khana Patruni Tank 23.07 5 Dasari Banda 33.25 6 Bheemuni Banda 27.52 7 Vanthana pudi Tank 19.09 Jaganadha Sagaram 20.00 9 Lingamma Banda 33.54 10 Ganivada Banda 15.00 11 Ananda Sagaram 22.00 12 Rayudu Tank 205.00 Venkata Ramana Tank 205.60 14 Sanyasi Naidu Tank 50.42 15 Kotha Banda 9.04 Seethamma Tank 11.46 8 13 16 SKS Puram Pedakrishnaraja Puram Ramaswamy peta 17 Danda Patruni tank 50.49 18 Sagaram Naidu Tank 104.56 19 Nispala Vani Banda 2.96 20 kari tank 8.46 21 Nakkala Banda 1.01 22 Mangali Banda 4.26 23 Gangula Vani Tank 189.02 24 Narsu Tank 98.04 25 Kittayya Tank 30.52 26 gangu Tank 64.32 27 Voora Tank 19.42 28 Kitta Tank 31.22 29 Mudi Naidu Tank 11.52 30 Ramu Naidu Tank 5.40 Krishna Sagaram 3.72 32 Yeruku Naidu Tank 49.44 33 Gedda jaladaram 9.56 34 Chakali Banda 10.79 35 Muriki Banda 5.49 36 Chaviti banda 1.79 37 kanchivani Tank 26.70 38 Kotha Banda 7.07 31 Boddam Mukunda Puram Vepada Action plan Page 15 39 Gummadi Banda 31.12 40 Kotha tank 8.19 41 Bakkavani Tank 2.86 42 Cheemaranda Vani Banda 3.64 43 Jamavani Tank 15.70 44 Seetha rama Sagaram 7.08 45 Ralla Banda 11.94 46 Mangali Banda 2.40 47 Butla Banda 6.10 Rajula Tank 266.04 48 Vobulaiah Palem Paturu 49 Vabala Rayudu Tank 6.04 50 Lenka Banda 3.02 51 Yeduvaka vani Tank 19.46 52 Karri Vani Tank 52.12 53 Sagayya Banda 6.40 54 Seelavani Tank 9.09 55 Sangavani Tank 15.42 56 pativani tank 12.92 57 Ayyavni Banda 13.52 58 Swantha Banda 2.16 59 Musiki Banda 23.72 60 Godi Banda 15.09 Thammayya Tank 4.08 62 Bayyavani Tank 2.96 63 Saladivani Tank 5.42 64 Ravi Tank 5.52 65 Nispala Vani Tank 8.21 66 Annamma Tank 6.92 67 Thammu Naidu Tank 2.42 68 Venkamma tank 17.02 69 China raju tank 8.02 70 Chakaram Banda 7.29 71 Kapu Ganti Tank 5.32 72 Rangayya Tank 4.09 73 Kapula Banda 2.52 74 Chandrayya Tank 4.39 75 Latchamma Tank 4.12 76 Thattu Tank 2.43 77 Devasthanam Tank 3.92 78 Tekumulla vari Tank 76.02 79 Karri Suryanarayana Tank 6.92 80 Boja Banda 7.94 81 Peda Jaggam Banda 2.12 82 panthi vani Tank 11.90 83 China jaggan Banda 2.12 84 Yerra Banda 4.12 85 Pydamma Tank 9.12 61 Sompuram Vepada Action plan Page 16 86 Suramma Tank 6.25 87 Letu Vani Tank 15.12 88 Jangam Banda 10.90 89 Appalayya Koneru 2.47 90 Gavara Paruni Tank 34.12 91 Jangam Tank 11.02 92 Venga Banda 10.19 93 Yedivani Tank 3.12 94 Nalla Tank 40.12 95 Ravi Tank 19.10 96 Nadima Tank 21.12 97 Peda Tank 31.10 98 Peda Raju Tank 65.03 99 Chinthala Tank 25.04 100 Jagga Tank 21.09 101 Pyla Tank 19.42 102 Yedla Vani Tank 19.36 103 Sompuram Batlu Vani Tank 35.69 104 Koru Konda Banda 20.90 105 Voora Tank 62.42 106 Gopamma Tank 54.39 107 Peda Tank 21.76 108 Kittanna Tank 30.99 109 Thimayya Tank 17.79 110 Chinthalavani Tank 12.76 111 Yeruku Naidu Tank 18.06 112 Gowri Gundam 16.92 Mutchakarla Vani Tank 112.92 114 Appanna Tank 45.19 115 Karravani Tank 21.07 116 Darma Koneru 5.92 117 Polayya Tank 7.08 Voora Tank 34.62 119 Nalla Tank 39.92 120 Arigivani Tank 72.19 121 Regamma Tank 34.92 122 Singamma Tank 18.42 123 Pydanna Dora Banda 10.39 124 Yerakannadora Banda 10.10 Kanumala tank 203.49 Chinnam Naidu Tank 106.76 113 118 125 Jakueru Karakavalasa Chamalapalli DR Peta 126 Vepada Action plan Page 17 127 Thuma Tank 300.10 128 Appamma Tank 76.60 129 Kannayya Tank 11.18 130 Arigivani Tank 23.94 131 Kotha Banda 7.23 132 Voora Tank 33.82 133 Manyam Banda 27.08 134 Dasari Tank 31.89 135 Bakku Naidu Tank 55.76 136 Pydamma Banda 22.22 137 Barjumanu Banda 4.60 138 Baddipalli Banda 12.90 139 Vydehi Tank 168.87 Kanumala tank 219.92 141 Bhupalaraju Tank 52.66 142 Kamsali Tank 19.87 Nagarayudu Tank 186.19 140 143 Vepada Veeluparthi Veldam 144 Badavali Tank 8.46 145 Naram naidu Tank 84.12 Dari tank 40.79 147 Konda Banda 40.96 148 Kalavala Tank 15.56 149 Chakirevu Banda 6.32 150 Demudu Banda 5.47 151 Golugu Banda 8.01 152 Sangamma Banda 4.07 153 Chintala banda 16.52 Krishana Raju tank 232.92 155 Naidu Tank 52.89 156 Gopamma Tank 210.12 157 Pola Gedda 10.92 158 Challavani Tank 12.12 159 Kotha Banda 3.98 160 Marika Gedda 5.72 161 Varatu Banda 4.57 162 Kumireddi Banda 12.10 163 Sabbavarapu Banda 8.10 Appala naidu Tank 23.12 165 Akula Banda 90.19 166 Rajayya tank 76.08 167 Kuncham Banda 13.02 168 Bariki Banda 5.30 169 Ganchepu banda 8.98 146 154 164 Pedadummeda Vavilapadu Nallabilli Vepada Action plan Page 18 170 Jami vani Tank 36.08 171 Mallu Naidu Tank 20.17 172 Kanumala banda 50.70 173 Murthi vani tank 150.40 Karri Tank 18.43 175 meddula kandi tank 20.19 176 Voora Tank 15.96 177 Seetharayudu Tank 20.76 178 Deyyala Tank 10.10 179 Telaga tank 5.96 180 Thiva Tank 11.92 Voora Tank 45.68 182 Rayudu Tank 98.02 183 Yedla Appanna Tank 16.96 184 Krishanam Rayudu tank 20.02 185 Yedla Appanna Koneru 7.89 186 Vechalapuvani tank 8.52 174 181 187 Nallabilli Chamaladevi Agraharam Rayudu Peta Gonangi Tank 15.50 188 Kotha Banda 16.13 189 Pakalapadu tank 12.25 190 Appala naidu Tank 13.26 191 Maru Banda 1.58 192 Seetharamulu tank 1.58 193 Pydamma Tank 2.35 194 Sehadri Tank 81.34 195 Devaraya banda 6.42 196 Mutyalamma Banda 81.56 Jangam Banda 20.19 Kotha tank 15.96 Marayya banda 15.49 200 Chakali Banda 18.24 201 Pydamma Banda 2.64 202 Pena Banda 9.37 203 Seethayya Banda 3.08 204 Venkayya banda 13.24 205 Mahalaxmi banda 20.17 206 Golla banda 1.09 207 Ramanna Banda 3.24 208 Kommaya Banda 12.77 209 Appala Raju Tank 6.21 210 Korla banda 15.33 211 Pouju banda 9.22 197 Chinagudupala Jammidevi Peta 198 199 NKR Puram Vepada Action plan Page 19 212 Akula Banda 16.31 213 Bugga Raju Tank 84.87 214 Bariki Banda 43.47 215 Amma tank 48.23 216 Demudu tank 46.31 Batha Banda 15.20 218 Isuka Tank 10.19 219 Kandala Banda 8.99 220 Seethamma Banda 2.72 217 221 Pedagudipeta BTKR Puram Akkayya Tank 3.74 222 AKJ Palem Karrivani Tank 17.20 223 Madhiga Banda 2.98 224 Mogili banda 3.35 225 Pala Banda 10.51 226 Amma tank 15.22 227 MKR Puram Marri Banda 32.17 228 KR Peta Eegala Tank 10.12 229 Guru Naidu tank 66.54 230 Kamsali Tank 8.41 231 Krishnam naidu tank 13.44 232 Juvvi Tank 3.66 233 Narasamma tank 7.99 234 Venkayya Tank 12.92 235 Yerra Banda 11.70 236 Yerakamma Tank 49.55 237 Akku naidu Tank 40.00 238 Kummapalli Boda banda 25.15 239 Kagu tank 30.46 240 Komati Tank 48.19 241 Kotha tank 40.47 242 Nalla Tank 54.19 243 Chakati Tank 10.12 244 Musidi banda 15.32 245 Palakavani Tank 14.19 246 Regu banda 14.96 247 Lingamma Tank 10.01 Vepada Action plan Page 20 248 Adikarra Banda 10.19 249 Appala Swami Banda 4.12 250 Kamsali Tank 4.06 251 Narasamma tank 42.16 252 Pinnamma Tank 38.09 253 Dasula Tank 35.04 254 Krishnam naidu tank 10.12 255 Appayya tank 1.88 256 Guru Naidu tank 12.17 257 Narasamma tank 42.11 258 Perayya Tank 15.12 259 Naidu Tank 45.09 260 Ravi Vani Tank 10.19 261 Dasari Banda 10.16 Gulavila Tank 86.92 263 Krishna tank 51.20 264 Mahadevi banda 26.91 265 Thumma tank 5.28 266 Venku Achamma Tank 15.70 267 Gummadi Tank 13.31 268 Venkamma tank 15.21 269 Kodanda Raju Tank 11.48 270 Bariki Banda 17.53 271 Kaki Banda 15.16 262 Ballanki Banadi 272 M.Singavaram Mycherlavani Tank 165.80 273 Vallampudi Kannayya Tank 213.12 274 Yerra Tank 262.06 275 Veera Nagamma Tank 228.52 Bariki Banda 11.39 277 Komati Tank 36.03 278 Pinnama raju Tank 51.35 279 Barika Banda 77.44 280 Gudivada Tank 12.06 281 Veduvada Tank 125.01 282 Seetayya Tank 39.46 283 Gangayya Tank 50.76 284 Panakala Tank 40.80 285 Ayyarapuvani Tank 3.95 286 Velagali tank 109.98 287 Ramanna Tank 35.00 288 Nayanappa Tank 30.00 289 Rama Krishna Tank 32.00 290 Gudivada Vani Tank 29.00 276 Gudivada Vepada Action plan Page 21 291 Modali Tank 93.33 292 Pragada Tank 47.92 293 Ravalla Banda 63.38 294 Vedulavani Tank 37.24 295 Arigi Palem Thamayya Tank 79.81 296 Komati Tank 94.98 297 Voora Tank 64.99 298 Bupala Raju Tank 45.59 299 Kittanna Tank 37.15 Singarai tank 20.48 301 Nata Raju Tank 8.32 302 Gundavani Tank 6.40 303 Kamsala Banda' 14.90 304 Yerru Naidu Tank 9.12 305 Bupala Raju Tank 13.02 306 Komati Tank 22.56 307 Raippa Tank 90.19 308 Kanthamma Tank 92.06 309 Kalyani Tank 12.09 310 Pydi raju Tank 30.27 311 Ragava Banda 40.12 312 Kummari Tank 40.69 313 Chukkala Raju Tank 7.36 314 Natha Raju Tank 16.92 315 Kokga Banda 15.29 316 Swantha Tank 12.99 317 Yeramma Banda 10.12 318 Kotha banda 8.24 319 Vengalamma Banda 7.66 320 Chaviti banda 6.90 321 Kittadi Banda 12.85 322 Narasayya Banda 7.04 323 Papamma Banda 10.12 324 Laxmi Kaluva 9.54 325 Neyyilavani Kaluva 4.19 300 Singarai Athava Vepada Action plan Page 22 7. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) The following is the action plan for 2015 -16 in vepada mandal. 7.1 Additional Areas There is no water source in the mandal, hence no additional area will be added in the mandal. 7.2 Varietal Replacement Farmers in the mandal are more habituated to age old varieties like MTU- 7029, MTU-1001 in mostly 95 % of the area. Constraint: Due to continuous usage of age old varieties, the incidence of pest and disease like Blast, sheath blight, BPH etc. Strategy : In 2015- 16, new varieties like MTU -1121, MTU-1075, IR-64, Saubagyadha, Swarna Sub-1 varieties are distributed in the mandal. Except MTU1121 all the varieties are supplied on 50 % subsidy. As the varieties are new varieties, the pest and disease incidence will be less. The new varieties are first promoted in a less area and propogated in vast areas based on the success of the variety in the mandal. The detailed variety wise seed requirement in the mandal and expected yield to be increased are presented in Table -11. Table 11 : New varieties adopted in the mandal Sl.No . Crop New Varities Area in Ha Seed requireme nt/ha Yield increase per Ha 210 Ha 75 kgs/ ha 375 kgs /ha MTU-1121, MTU- 1075 Swarna sub-1, IR- 64 SAUBAGYADAN, MTU -1061 1 Paddy 4 Green gram LGG 460 200ha 20 kgs/ha 150 kgs/ha 5 Black gram Pu-31 200 ha 20 kgs/ha 125 s/ha Vepada Action plan Page 23 Table 12 : Varietal Replacement plan targeted for 2015-16 and GVA Sl. No . Crop Padd 1 y Are a in Ha Seed requirem ent/ha Yield increase per Ha MTU 1075 25 75 kgs/ ha 300 kgs/ha 102000 MTU 1061 2 200 kgs/ha 5440 MTU 1121 75 kgs/ha 75 kgs 100 /ha 375 kgs/ha 510000 IR-64 2 75 kgs/ha 8400 Swarna sub-1 60 75 kgs/ha 300 kgs/ha 50 kgs/ha or less 75 kgs/ha 20 kgs/ 200 ha 150 kgs /ha 4080 150 kgs / ha 180000 200 150 kgs/ ha 195000 2800720 New Varities Sabhagyadhan Green 4 gram LGG 460 Black 5 gram PU-31 2 20 kgs/ha GVA 40800 Total The gross value addition of the mandal due to replacement of the old varieties with new varieties Rs. 28, 00, 720 /-. Vepada Action plan Page 24 7.3 Soil Health Management A .Fertilizer requirement as per Normal Areas for last 2 years Fertilizer requirement is presented as per normal areas but consumption is less only due insufficient availability of nitrogenous fertilizers. Table 13: Actual chemical fertilizer consumed for last 2 years. Fertilizer 2013- 14 2014-15 Requirement Consumption Requirement Consumption Mts Mts Mts Mts 1 Urea 712.87 567 659.20 645 2 DAP 475.25 129 439.50 151 3 MOP 380.20 87 351.600 114 4 SSP 475.25 120 439.50 126 5 Complex 30.000 17 42.000 114 As per the targeted area, fertilizer requirement for 2015-16 (as per the soil test based recommendations). Table 14: Fertilizer requirement 2015-16 Fertilizer 2015-16 Requirement Mts 1 Urea 750.00 2 DAP 440.00 3 MOP 350.00 4 SSP 300.00 5 Complex 20.000 6. Gypsum 17.000 7. Zinc sulphate 5.000 Vepada Action plan Page 25 Table 15 : Micro nutrient deficiency in Normal areas and targets of Micro nutrient supply during 2015-16. Fertilizer 2015-16 Micro Targetted Yield Normal areas nutrient Area (Ha) increase (ha) supply GVA Kgs/ha 1 Gypsum 3516 34.000 tons 20 ha 400 938000 2 Zinc sulphate 3516 5.000 tons 100 ha 300 4556000 Zinc sulphate is applied @20 kgs/ha, in last ploughing and puddling. Problematic soils like Saline, Alkaline, salt etc. and areas and measures taken for reclamation (quantify): Gypsum @ 200 kgs per acre is applied during plouging operation for reclamation of alkaline soils. Constraint : Usage of chemical fertilizers, though increases the immediate yield, they used to spoil the soil health and increases the cost of cultivation. Excess usage of the nitrogenous fertilizers, attracts the pest and disease incidence to the crop. Strategy : Usage of bio fertilizers like azospirillum, phosho bacteria, improves the soil health along with reduction of cost. Usage of neem cake along with urea improves the efficiency of the utilized fertilizer, along with reduced incidence of pest and disease. Utilization of zinc sulphate @ 20 kgs/ acre improves the fertilizer uptake also. Vepada Action plan Page 26 7.4 Good agronomic practices The present constraints and stratagies in the mandal are present here under: Constraints Most of the farmers nearly 92 %, practice transplanting of paddy in the mandal. Due to uneven disbursed rainfall although the crop period, in the last two years overaged seedlings are transplanted, resulted in reduced yield. Inefficient weed management. Green manuring is not practicable due to less availability water during incorporating of the the green manure during flowering stage. Usage of neem coated urea or neem cake is not practiced Clipping of leaf tips is not practiced in turn resulting in stem borer incidence in the main field. Formation of alley ways is not practiced. Seed treatment is followed only by 30 % of the farmers. Strategies In the mandal, 50 ha of paddy area is targeted to be sown with seed drill, 10 ha targeted for drum seeder, 50 ha targeted under line sowing of paddy. With direct seeding or seed drill, there is no significant increase in the yield but there is reduction in the cost of cultivation. Efficient usage of weedicides in the paddy is targeted to improve the yield and cost of cultivation, based on method of sowing. Green manuring improves the soil health, nutrient status and reduces the weeds. But it is only practicable under assured water source during incorporation. Wherever there is assured water source is present, green manure is raised and incorporated. (10 ha). Utilization of neem coated or neem cake or neem oil mixed urea application is targeted in 200 ha in the mandal. Due to neem content usage, pest and disease incidence is reduced and improves the the yield. Utilization of neem coated urea reduces the loss of urea. Clipping of leaf tips in the nurseries is targeted in an area of 50 ha, helps in reducing the stem borer attack. Formation of alley ways are targeted in an area of 50 ha to decrease the Brown plant hopper attack, resulting in improvement of yield. Vepada Action plan Page 27 Seed treatment is targeted and adopted in 300 ha of paddy. Pseudomonas @250 g per 30 kg of seed is supplied to each and every farmer on 50 % subsidy, which may reduce the incidence of blast in nurseries and early stages of the crop. The agronomic practices targeted in the mandal is presented in Table no- 16. Table 16 : Details of agronomic practices in the mandal S.N o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 A. Intervention Targetted Area in Ha yield increase kgs /Ha 40 100 10 100 50 150 10 450 300 100 50 100 Total yield increase kg 4000 1000 7500 4500 30000 5000 1.68 0.5 2.45 0.89 12.66 2.11 GVA in lakhs Seed drill Drum seeding Line Sowing GREEN MANURING SEED TREAMENT Clipping of leaftips Maintanance of Optimum population Formation of alleys Weed management with weedicides Soil test based fertiliser application Neem coated urea application NPM Techniques Red Gram on paddy field bunds Mechanical Harvesting Mechanical Threshing Crop Sequence (Cropping pattern) 100 50 400 400 40000 20000 8.29 4.21 40 300 12000 2.76 40 400 16000 3.26 200 2 200 100 40000 200 11.26 0.84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sesamum - Paddy – Pulses 200 0 0 0 7.5 Cost Reduction Now – a – days labour cost is increasing which is unaffordable to the farming community. This can be decrease by use of machinery like seed drills where ever is possible. Usage of weedicides in time, also reduces labour usage. Vepada Action plan Page 28 Table 17 : Methods of sowing with their cost saved Direct Sowing (Ha) Hand Spreading Machine Transplanting(Ha) Diect seeding/ SRI/SMSRI Seed drill(Ha) S.No Area Ha 1 50 Amount saved per Ha 2875 Amount Saved 143750 Area Amount saved per Ha 2 3050 Amount Saved Area 6100 40 Amount saved per Ha Amount Saved 8500 340000 Total Amount saved (Rs) Total Area (Ha) 50 125000 Table 18: Integrated pest management and its cost reduction Integrated Pest management Cost Reduction due to implimentation of Integrated pest management S.No Name of theIntervention Saved Cost per Ha No of Ha implimen ted Total savings a)Seed treatment (400 saving or 1000/ha 200 300 60000 b ) Neem cake / neem oil usage with urea 500 25 12500 D)usage of carbofuran in nurseries 200 40 8000 E) formation of alley ways 400 20 8000 f) leaf clipping 200 50 10000 Table 19 : Cost Reduction due to implimentation of Integrated nutrient Management S.No Name of theIntervention Cost per Ha No of Ha implimented Total savings Extra Yield to be achieved (Kg/Ha) Total extra Yield(kg) Total Amount 1 Green Manures 1800 10 18000 450 4500 810000 2 Vermi Compost usage Neem coated urea application 200 10 2000 100 1000 200000 200 275 55000 100 27500 5500000 500 50 25000 100 5000 2500000 1000 16 16000 3 4 5 Bio-Fertilizers usage Soil Test based fertiliser use Vepada Action plan 100 1600 Page 29 7.6 Extensions and Capacity building Polam pilusthondhi Intensifying Polam Pilusthondi Program and developing measurable indicators for assessing the impact of different interventions like pest & disease control, selection of right chemical & dosage, balanced use of fertilizers, varietal replacement etc. Weekly twice on every Tuesday and Wednesday Polam pilusthundhi programme has been organized since August 8 th 2014. Chandranna Rythukshetralu Chandranna Rythu Kshetralu of 25 acres each are organized @ 1 per each MAO, AEO and MPEO. Best management practices are demonstrated in each crop for increasing production and productivity levels. New varieties are supplied to chandranna kshetralu on 50 % subsidy. Paddy sowing is done with seed drill and line sowing is practiced. VILLAGES : 1. D.R.PETA - MAO 2. KARAKAVALASA - AEO 3. RAYUDUPETA - MPEO Special awareness programmes and trainings ATMA has planned to organize three demonstrations and trainings for MPEO`s, AEO`s and farmers on seed drills. Two ATMA D plots are organized in the mandal. Vepada Action plan Page 30 Involvement RMGs, SHGs, NGOs & other Organisations SHGs : Three SHGs are identified in the mandal and seed disbursement is carried out through them for facilitating the farmers for easy seed distribution for 2015-16 i.e., sompuram, NKR puram, Vepada. NGO: Haritha , a NABARD funded organization is working in nine villages in the mandal, organizing natural farming, non pest management, seed production of paddy. FTC – Farmers training centre is organizing training and demonstration programmes on organic farming in K.G.Pudi and SKSR puram villages. Organic farming certification is done for the farmers in the above said villages. 7.7 Farm Mechanisation Promoting improved Farm Mechanization to reduce cost of farm operations by providing subsidy. Harvest & Post harvest equipment like Tarpaulins, Combined harvesters, and Post harvest procurement centers being promoted. Farm mechanization equipment like seed drill, rotovators, power tillers, oil engines are supplied under subsidy. Vepada Action plan Page 31 Farm mechanization reqirement and target achieved 2015-16 target required 2014-15 achieved Land preparation equipment 1 Rotavators 2 Disc ploughs 3 Cultivators 4 power tillers Sowing equipment 1 Seed cum fertiliser drill 2 Seed drill 3 Drum seeders 4 power sprayers Post harvest technology 4 Tarpalins 5 winnowing Fans 5 Others if any 5 1 6 5 4 5 17 18 5 1 0 0 0 0 500 200 0 100 7.8 IT applications i) Farmers use : Online Soil Health Card Generation Interest Free Crop Loans Automation of Transactions Agricultural Services available through Mee Seva Services - 38 Work Flow for Application of Subsidy Seed - Mee Seva Work Flow of Application for Farm Implements - Mee Seva Farmers Portal : Crop wise best management practices in Telugu ii) Department efficiency : Online Input Licence Management System (OLMS) – Fertilizer monitoring upto retialers level E-Agri Labs Application CORE Dashboard Crop Data Entry System Vepada Action plan Page 32 Fertilizer Monitoring System Polam Pilustondi – Response of Farmers 8. Conclusions of Double Digit Growth Rate By the intervention of key performance indicators the growth rate of 19.75 % (Table-7) in terms of production in paddy will be achieved along with improvement of GVA. Initially the new innovations are practiced in less targeted area and based on its successful result it is wide spread to large area. The farmer once accept the success of the innovative method, he will adapt the method. Once it is spread in a vast area, the GVA is improved a lot. Vepada Action plan Page 33