Test Preview – Julius Caesar

Test Preview – Julius Caesar
Tuesday, January 10
3 Grades!
50 Point Test
Vocab Quiz – Unit 6 on Monday
Part A.
• 21 Questions
• Characters listed at top (Caesar, Brutus,
Cassius, Antony, Octavius, Portia, Calpurnia,
Titinius, Artemidorus, Casca, Cinna, Lepidus,
Cicero, Metellus Cimber, Flavius, Marullus,
Soothsayer, Strato, Pindarus)
• + Pompey, Shakespeare
Part B.
• 9 Questions
• Listed at top:
A. Antony C. Caesar
B. Brutus
D. Cassius
Then, 9 quotations are given. You only need
to write the letter of the speaker on you
answer sheet.
Part C.
Short Answers (2 pts. Ea.)
• 5 questions on the concept of tragedy,
tragic hero, tragic flaw, blank verse.
• Plus, 2 quotes from the play are given.
You must identify the Act, Scene,
Speaker, and Meaning.
• Each quote is 5 points (1 point each for
Act, Scene, Speaker; 2 points for
Character Review
• CaesarDR, Brutus EV , Cassius OC,
AntonyEB, Octavius DJ, Portia EG,
Calpurnia BC, Titiniusmg, Artemidorus AF,
Casca TI, Cinna AB, LepidusRB, Cicero tn
, Metellus Cimber JD, FlaviusCB,
MarullusBCAR, SoothsayerMS, Strato,
• + PompeyMM, Shakespeare JY
Part C Review
Tragedy SM
Tragic Hero ba
Tragic FlawAS
Blank Verse ms
Iambic Pentameter KB