CH 12: Review How do psychologists differentiate between normal


CH 12: Review


How do psychologists differentiate between normal and abnormal behavior?

Psychologists differentiate between abnormal from normal behavior if:

The behavior is considered strange within the persons own culture

The behavior causes personal distress

The behavior is maladaptive

The person is a danger to self or others

The person is legally responsible for his or her acts.


What is bipolar disorder? What are its characteristics? a.

Bipolar disorder: a mood disorder in which manic episodes alternate with periods of depression, usually with relatively normal periods in between. ( a condition in which individuals exhibit two radically different moods- the extreme highs of manic episodes [or mania] and the extreme lows of major depression- usually with relatively normal periods in between) b.

Bipolar characteristics: manic episodes a.

Manic episodes: marked by excessive euphoria, inflated self-esteem, wild optimism, and hyperactivity. c.

Bipolar characteristics: temporarily lost touch with reality and frequently have delusions of grandeur with their euphoric highs, waste large sums of money on getrich-quick schemes. If people try to stop tem they become hostile, enraged, or even dangerous.


How does the suicide rate compare across gender, age, racial, and ethnic factors? a.

White Americans are more likely than African Americans to commit suicide b.

Natie Americans suicide are similar to those of white Americans c.

Hispanic Americans are similar to those of African Americans d.

Asian Americans have the lowest suicide rates for all ethnic groups e.

Suicides rate are far lower for both white and African American women than men. f.

Highest rate of suicide is in white males especially when their older. g.

Suicide rates among teens and young adults have increased over the past few decades.


What is the prevalence of anxiety disorders as compared to other psychological disorders? a.

Anxiety disorders are the most common category of mental disorders and account for more than 4 million visits to the doctor each year.


What are the relative contributions of biological vs. psychological factors in

Obsessive Compulsive Disorders? a.

Obsessive compulsive disorders appears to be caused by psychological AND biological factors. b.

Studies have shown that early autoimmune system diseases, early strep infections, and changes in the brain caused by infection may predispose a person to develop



Several twin studies and family studies suggest that a genetic factor is involved in the development of OCD as well d.

Genes affecting serotonin functioning are suspected of causing OCD in some people, many of whom are helped by antidepressant drugs that increase serotonin levels in the brain.


What appear to be the main causative factors in Dissociative Disorders? a.

Main causative factors in dissociative disorders: dissociation has a psychological rather than physical cause. b.

In a response to unbearable stress, some people develop dissociative disorders, in which they lose the ability to consciously integrate their identities. Their consciousness becomes dissociated from their identity or their memories of important personal events or both


What are the main characteristics of Antisocial Personality? a.

Characteristics of Antisocial personality:


What is the Biological perspective of abnormal behavior? a.

Biological perspective: views abnormal behavior as arising from a physical cause, such as genetic inheritance, biochemical abnormalities or imbalances, structural abnormalities within the brain, and/or infection. b.

Biological treatments would be drug therapy.


What is the Psychoanalytic perspective of abnormal behavior? a.

Psychoanalytic perspective: views abnormal behavior as stemming from early childhood experiences and unresolved, unconscious sexual or aggressive conflicts. b.

Treatment would be: psychoanalysis/ bring disrupting repressed material to consciousness and help patient work through unconscious conflicts.


What is the Biopsychological perspective of abnormal behavior? a.

Biopsychological perspective: agrees that physical biological causes are of central importance but also recognizes the influence of psychological and social factors in the study, identification, and treatment of psychological disorders. b.

Biopsychological psychologists often advocate treatment strategies that include both drugs and psychotherapy.


Which are the anxiety disorders? a.

Anxiety disorders: psychological disorders characterized by frequent fearful thoughts about what might happen in the future.


Which are the mood disorders? a.

Mood disorders: disorders characterized by extreme and unwarranted disturbances in emotion or mood. b.

People with true mood disorders have symptoms that are severe enough to interfere with their normal functioning.


What diagnosis carries the greatest risk of suicide? a.

Mood disorders and schizophrenia, along with substance abuse are major risks for suicide in all age groups.
