Mafia Theory

Sammi Steele
Madison Schanbacher
Katie Schreiber
Callie McAdoo
Grant Smeyne
The Mafia was enraged with Kennedy after he ruined the Bay
of Pigs invasion, and their last hope at getting control of
organized crime back in Cuba. They were also mad at his
brother Robert for trying to put an end to organized crime.
JFK shared a mistress with a mob boss.
John and Robert were trying to put an end to organized crime
Several mob leaders were upset that Kennedy had failed to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel
Castro, who had closed down their lucrative casinos in Havana after he took power in
• If rumors that JFK shared a mistress with mobster Sam Giancana are true,
perhaps jealousy had something to do with Kennedy's death
• Giancana and Kennedy also shared a mistress, Judith Campbell Exner, with
whom they were involved with at different times (Kennedy first, then the mob
• In addition, Exner later claimed that she carried mysterious envelopes
between Kennedy and Giancana
Robert Kennedy had earned the enmity of Teamster's Union boss Jimmy Hoffa, as well as
other mafia members, during his probes and racketeering prosecutions
Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, further had aroused their animosity by launching a
high-profile probe of organized crime and aggressively pursued Teamsters Union leader
Jimmy Hoffa (pictured) for alleged corruption and ties to the Mafia.
Mafia godfather Carlos Marcello, facing trial and deportation, wanted to exact revenge on
the mob-busting 35th president.
Mafia conspiracy believers point to Lee Harvey Oswald's trip to New Orleans prior to the
assassination, as well as to the mob ties of Oswald's killer Jack Ruby
On Dec. 15, 1985, Marcello confessed to a fellow inmate — who happened to be an
informant for the FBI ---According to an FBI memo released in 2006, he said about JFK:
“Yeah, I had the son of a bitch killed. I’m glad I did. I’m sorry I couldn’t have done it
• The mob also had a Cuban connection. Before the Castro revolution, U.S.
mobsters had a lucrative stake in the Hanava casinos and were doing
whatever they could to get it back.
• Mafia families funnelled money to the Cuban exiles, knowing their payback
would come with Castro deposed.
• It's rumored that the CIA employed mob hitmen to do away with Castro.
• La Cosa Nostra was understandably irritated at the shabby treatment they
received in return from the Kennedys
Sam Giancana had longtime ties to the Kennedy clan, going back to JFK's father, Joseph P.
Kennedy, who was involved with Giancana in the bootlegging business during Prohibition
There also have been allegations that Giancana secretly helped JFK win the 1960 West Virginia
Sinatra (long time Kennedy friend) allegedly asked Giancana to use mob muscle to pressure
local union members to vote for JFK. The request was made through an intermediate, Sinatra
Giancana dispatched Paul "Skinny" D'Amato, who owned the famed 500 Club in Atlantic City, to
the state to use his influence with the sheriffs who gambled in the illegal gaming rooms of
Greenbrier County.
His job was to get the vote out for Kennedy—any way he could. Kennedy won the May 10
primary easily, with 61 percent of the vote
• Lee Harvey Oswald's uncle, a man named Dutz Murret, was a bookie for the
New Orleans Mafia.
• Oswald's mother was linked to several soldiers in the mob.
• The man who killed Oswald, Jack Ruby, had ties to the Dallas crime family,
which was more or less a subsidiary of the Marcello organization
Sam Giancana and Santo trafficante were both in the CIA’s plan to assassin Castro.
Santo Giancana had ties and met with Carlos Marcello and Jimmy Hoffa who all had
reason to kill the president
Hoffa and Robert Kennedy had a hate relationship.
Trafficante had a business in Cuba that he lost when Castro came into power.
On 22nd November, 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated. Rumours began to
circulate that Giancana and other gang bosses such as Santos Trafficante, Carlos
Marcello, and Johnny Roselli, were involved in the crime.
Hoffa had told him to take a message to Trafficante and Marcello concerning a plan to kill
Kennedy. When the meeting took place at the Royal Orleans Hotel, Ragano told the men:
"You won't believe what Hoffa wants me to tell you. Jimmy wants you to kill the president."
When Kennedy was killed Hoffa apparently said to Ragano: "I told you could do it. I'll
never forget what Carlos and Santos did for me." He added: "This means Bobby is out as
Attorney General". Marcello later told Ragano: "When you see Jimmy (Hoffa), you tell him
he owes me and he owes me big."
Just before Kennedy was assassinated on 22nd November, 1963, Jack Ruby made
contact with Marcello, and another Mafia leader, Santos Trafficante, about a problem he
was having with the American Guild of Variety Artists (AGVA). Ruby also visited New
Orleans that summer. So also did the alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.