Understanding the Meaning

Unit 2
The Teddy Stoddard Story
Lesson 1
• Pre-reading questions
• New words & expressions
• Background
• A global picture
Pre-reading Questions
• Who is your favorite teacher? What
do you remember him/her for?
• What qualities do you expect of a
good teacher?
New Words & Expressions
Reading loud (Pronunciation)
Understanding the meaning
Word derivation
Word differentiation
Understanding the Meaning
• slump
slump down in a chair
Understanding the Meaning
• unkempt
– messy, having
untidy clothes
and hair
The man with
greasy ~ hair left her
a very bad
Understanding the Meaning
• bold
– bold character
– boldfaced
Understanding the Meaning
• Making bold X’s and marking the F at
the top
of the
with a
red pen
Understanding the Meaning
• sullen
– She’s rather
– The ~ child
refused to
answer my
Understanding the Meaning
• inquisitive
– Don’t be so ~; I’m not telling you what
I’ve promised not to say.
– The boy examined
inquisitively with
a magnifying
Understanding the Meaning
• withdraw
– She withdrew
£50 from her
bank account.
– She has made
withdrawals from
her account
Understanding the Meaning
• withdrawn <adj.>
Habitually quiet and often
seeming more concerned
with one’s own thoughts
than other people 孤僻的;
– After the accident, he
withdrew into himself
and refused to talk to
either his family or
Understanding the Meaning
• tardy
– We apologize for our
~ response to your letter.
The ~ student is
being blamed.
Understanding the Meaning
• rhinestone
• bracelet
Understanding the Meaning
• cologne
light perfume
• Cologne
– a city in North Germany
on the River Rhine
– It is a port and an
industrial center.
– Its German name is Koln.
Understanding the Meaning
• stifle
– She is
trying to
~ her
– We ~d
in the
heat of
the city. 我们在城市的炎热中透不过气来。
Understanding the Meaning
• exclaim
– She ~ed in delight
when she saw the
Understanding the Meaning
• dab
– She put a ~
of perfume
behind her
– She ~bed
She ~bed a little
some cream
perfume on her wrists.
on her face.
Understanding the Meaning
• pew
Understanding the Meaning
• bride & groom (bridegroom)
Word Derivation
V. venture
N. venture
withdrawal joy
A. venturesome
V. exclaim
N. exclamation assurance
A. exclamatory assured
Word Derivation
groom groom
inquisitive inquisition/
Fill in the blank with the appropriate
form of the word given.
I don’t have very much to feel ___________
about at the moment.
Several hundred people were crammed into the
(stifle) room.
The police subjected him to an ______________
(inquisitive) that lasted 12 hours.
He has become more _____________
venturesome (venture)
this season with dress designs that incorporate a
variety of ethnic influences.
She turned her back to him and stared ________
(sullen) out of window.
Fill in the blank with the appropriate
form of the word given.
There’s been a _________
(slump) in the
demand for new cars.
Now that the finance has been secured, the
production of the film is _________
assured (assure).
The bank became suspicious after several large
withdrawals (withdraw) were made from his
account in a single week.
How do they maintain the ______________
(constant) of temperature inside the plane?
My uncle is known for his ___________
tardiness (tardy) in
paying his bills.
Word Differentiation
Venture vs. Adventure
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are both
written by Mark Twain.
There are many joint ________
ventures in Suzhou
Industrial Park.
Nobody ventured
_______ to speak to the angry king.
The book is about the adventures
_________ of Sinbad
the Sailor.
Word Differentiation
• Alike, Liking, Like etc.
Friends and family _______
were devastated by
the news of her death.
Was the meal to your _________,
I like all kinds of music, jazz, rock and the ____.
We all have different likes and dislikes.
Life can be likened
_______ to a journey with an
unknown destination.
He voted for the change and he expected his
colleagues to do __________.
Word Differentiation
• Constant; continual; consistent; continuous
• Her work is sometimes good, but the
problem is she’s not consistent
constant insults
• Foreigners have to suffer ________
from the local population.
• Aging is a continuous
__________ process.
• His plane went down after continual
Word Differentiation
Broad vs. Board
The hijackers boarded
________ the plane at London
The boy flashed a broad
_______ grin at us.
board some students from
She arranged to _______
the university.
The news soon spread _______.
abroad (=everywhere)
The boat is ready to leave. All________!
The plane crashed, killing all 200 people _______.
Word Differentiation
• Bold vs. bald
• When he took off his hat, we saw that he
bald as a coot!
was as ______
Bold words denote chapter headings.
• ______
bold enough to take
• No journalist was ______
on the Prime Minister.
• His hair was combed forward to hide a
bald patch.
growing ______
Word Differentiation
• Dab vs. Dub
I’d rather watch a film with subtitles than
one dubbed
______ into English
She dabbed
_______ (at) the wound with a wet
It is an American film dubbed
_______ in Chinese.
Cf: caption: words printed above or below
a picture to say what it is about or give
further information
Word Differentiation
• Assure; ensure; insure; reassure
• “Don’t worry, you car will be ready
assured him.
tomorrow,” the mechanic ________
• Make sure you insure
______ your home
contents for an adequate amount.
• Careful planning is needed to ensure
______ the
smooth running of the event.
reassured him.
• A squeeze of her hand _________
Word Differentiation
• Pew vs. Dew
• The grass was wet with early morning
• Groom vs. Gloom
gloom and doom
• There is widespread ______
about the company’s future.
_______ for the wedding, the young man
awaited his bride.
Word Differentiation
Quit, Abandon, Resign
He resigned
_________ his post because he had been
offered a better job.
He __________
abandoned his wife and children.
You must resign
_____ yourself to waiting a bit longer.
The game had to be abandoned
__________ because of
crowd trouble.
He seems quite resigned
________ to his fate.
Word Differentiation
Claim vs. Exclaim
“Good heavens!” he exclaimed
_________. “It’s six
o’clock already.”
Did you ________
on the insurance after your
car accident?
If no one claims
_______ the lost bike, the person
who found it can keep it.
He exclaimed
__________ at the size of the bill.
They ______
claim to have discovered a cure for the
A Global Picture
• How do you understand the title?
• How is “The Teddy Stoddard Story”
different from “The Teddy Stoddard’s
• Refer to note 1 on page 18.
• How do you understand the italicized
sentences at the beginning of the text?
• Why are they used?
Theme of the Text
A good teacher makes a good
student. It is the teacher who teaches
with his/her heart/care rather than
his/her instructions that makes a
confident and successful student,
both in study and in life.
A Global Picture
• What is the author’s purpose of writing?
• To tell the readers how a teacher’s
attitude towards a pupil can affect
his/her life.
• How many parts does the text fall into?
• Five.
• What is the main idea of each part?
Structure of the Text
• Part One (para.1-5)
– Mrs. Thompson’s general impression about Teddy
from her observation.
• Part Two (para.6-8)
– What Mrs. Thompson learned of Teddy from his
• Part Three (para.9-12)
– A description of how Teddy’s Christmas present
touched Mrs. Thompson, which is the turning point of
the whole story.
Structure of the Text
• Part Four (para.13-14)
– Mrs. Thompson’s special care and
encouragement to Teddy — the changes in
both Mrs. Thompson and teddy after
• Part Five (para.15-20)
– the five successive notes by Teddy at
important stages of his study life
Thank you!
To be continued.
Lesson 2
• Word review
• Text analysis
•Language points
•Sentence highlights
Define the following words:
• sullen
• inquisitive
• silently showing dislike or bad
• always wanting to find out the
details about things and people
• to (cause to) not to take part in
• to prevent from happening
• to sink down; depress
• slow in action
• to cry out or speak suddenly
and loudly
Text Analysis
• Comprehension questions
• Language points
• Sentence highlights
Comprehension (Para.1-5)
• What lie did Mrs. Thompson tell her
• Why was it a lie?
• What did Teddy look like?
• Why did Mrs. Thompson take
delight in Marking Teddy’s papers?
Language Points (Para.1-5)
• Make impact on (foreword)
– The computer has made a great impact on
modern life.
– The nuclear experiment has made a major
impact on world peace.
• Actions (foreword)
– Actions speak louder than words.
– The police had to take firm action to deal with
the riots.
Language Points (Para.1-5)
• Lack of (foreword)
– The building was never finished because of a
~ of money. (n.)
– He lacks common sense. (v.)
• Venture (foreword): an activity or
undertaking involving risk or uncertainty
– He thought the ~ was too risky and didn’t want
to become involved.
– Venture capital 风险投资 Venturer 风险投资人
Language Points (Para.1-5)
• On the very first day (para.1)
– You are the very man I want. (=just; exactly)
– We were there from the very beginning.
• Take delight in (para.5)
– I took delight in watching him making a fool of
– He seems to take great delight in teasing his
Sentence Highlights (Para.1-5)
• …there in front of her, slumped in his
seat on the third row, was a little boy
named Teddy Stoddard. (para.2)
• This is a periodic sentence, in which the
most important information is postponed
to achieve end-focus and create a
Sentence Highlights (Para.1-5)
• Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the
year before and noticed he didn’t play
well with the other children, that his
clothes were unkempt and that he
constantly needed a bath. (para.3)
Note: The verb “notice” is followed by three
object clauses.
Sentence Highlights (Para.1-5)
• It got to the point during the first few
months that she would actually take
delight in marking his paper… (para.4)
• It (Her dislike for Teddy) had developed
to such an extent/extreme during the
first few month that it was in fact a kind
of joy for her to mark his paper…
Language Points (Para.4)
• To the point: to the particular time or
– It was so confusing that eventually it got to
the point where no one knew what was
going on.
– Their family situation decayed to the point
that they argued with each other all the time.
– It goes to the point where communication is
simply not possible.
Comprehension (Para.6-8)
• From the teachers’ comments, what
changes could be noticed in Teddy?
• What caused Teddy to change from a
“bright, inquisitive boy” to “a sullen
little boy”?
• What was Mrs. Thompson’s reaction
when she read Teddy’s file? Why?
Language Points (Para.6-8)
• Record (para.6):
– A person’s medical ~s
are confidential.
– He is well known to the
police and has a long
criminal ~.
A student’s academic record →
Language Points (Para.6-8)
• File (para.6): written records that are
kept about a particular person or subject
– The police have opened a file on local
– I’ll keep your record
on file.
Language Points (Para.6-8)
• Be in for (para.6): be about to have
– We’re in for some trouble if we don’t finish it
– It’s pretty stormy! I think we’re in for a rough
• Ready (para.6): willing; quick
– I gave a ~ consent.
– He has a ~ tongue.
– I have no ~ answer for the question.
Language Points (Para.6-8)
• Be hard on (para.7): treat unfairly
– Don’t be so ~ on him — he’s new to the job.
– My husband travels frequently. His absence is really ~
on our children.
– Children are very ~ on their shoes. (=wear out quickly)
• Take steps (para.7): take action, to do what is
– We have taken steps to prevent such unpleasant
things from taking place again.
– We must take steps to help those homeless children.
Sentence Highlights (Para.6-8)
• When she opened his file, she was in for
a surprise. (para.6)
• When she opened his file, she was
about to have / experienced a surprise.
Sentence Highlights (Para.6-8)
• “Teddy is a bright, inquisitive child with a
ready laugh…” (para.6)
• “Teddy is a clever child who is curious
and prepared to laugh...”
• “Teddy is a bright and cheerful child who
likes asking questions…”
Sentence Highlights (Para.6-8)
• …but his mother’s death has been hard
on him. (para.7)
• …but his mother’s death has had a
negative impact on him.
• …but his mother’s death has affected
him greatly.
Sentence Highlights (Para.6-8)
• He is tardy and could become a problem.
• He is often late for school and could
become a problematic/difficult student.
Comprehension (Para.9-12)
• When and how did Mrs. Thompson
begin to focus on Teddy?
• How did Mrs. Thompson react to Teddy’s
Christmas presents?
• Why did Mrs. Thompson cry after the
children left that day?
Language Points (Para.9-12)
• Except for (para.10): <used only before
– In New York City, ~ for government-subsidized
construction, the only rental units being built
are luxury units.
– I was naked ~ for my socks.
• Clumsily (para.10): awkwardly; without skill
– The boy cut the cake ~ into two halves.
Language Points (Para.9-12)
• presents in beautiful ribbon and bright
vs. present in brown paper
Language Points (Para.9-12)
• grocery bag (para.10)
• A scissored grocery bag:
a bag used for carrying
groceries has now
been cut with scissors
to be turned into a
present wrapper
Language Points (Para.9-12)
• a bottle that was one-quarter full of
cologne (para.10)
– The currency has been
reduced to a quarter of
its former value. (=a fourth
part of a whole)
– I waited a quarter of an
hour and then went home.
(=15 minutes)
Sentence Highlights (Para.9-12)
• Teddy Stoddard stayed behind just long
enough to say,… (para.11)
• Teddy Stoddard stayed behind but he
left as soon as he had said,…
Comprehension (Para.13-14)
• What change did Mrs. Thompson make
in her teaching?
• What was the remarkable change in
Teddy’s study after Mrs. Thompson had
changed her attitude towards him?
• Why would Mrs. Thompson remember
that cologne on days when there was
an important test?
Language Points (Para.13-14)
• Come alive (para.14): become active
– The meeting really came alive when she stood
up to make her speech.
– The office comes alive at eight a.m.
• Vow (para.14): declare; swear; promise
– She ~ed that she would take the matter to
– Priests ~ their lives to the service of the
Sentence Highlights (Para.13-14)
• On that very day, she quit teaching
reading, writing and speaking. Instead,
she began to teach children. (para.13)
• Starting from that very day, she stopped
regarding her pupils as mere “objects” of
her instruction in reading, writing and
speaking. Instead, she treated them as
human beings and gave them more care
and encouragement.
Sentence Highlights (Para.13-14)
• … he had also become the “pet” of the
teacher who had once vowed to love all
of her children exactly the same.
• …he had also become the most adored /
favorite pupil of the teacher who had
once promised to love all her children
just the same.
Comprehension (Para.15-20)
• How many notes or letters did Mrs.
Thompson receive from Teddy?
• What were the occasions on which
Teddy sent the notes?
• What was the consistent message in all
the notes or letters?
• Why did Teddy ask Mrs. Thompson to
attend his marriage ceremony?
Language Points (Para.15-20)
• While (para.17): although
– While a Rolls Royce is a very nice car it is
extremely expensive to run.
– While I understand that you’re busy at the
moment, I really think you ought to see these
• Stick with (para.17): continue in spite of
– You gave me the courage to ~ with my reform
to the end.
Language Points (Para.15-20)
• M.D. (para.18)
= Doctor of
Note: the
change from
“Teddy” to
Language Points (Para.15-20)
• Reserve for (para.19): set apart for
– Japanese food has been presented as
expensive and ~ for special occasions.
– A place was ~ for her in the front row.
– We’ll ~ the ticket for you till tomorrow noon.
• I bet (para.20): to state sth. confidently
– I bet that it will rain tomorrow.
– I bet you she won’t agree.
Sentence Highlights (Para.15-20)
• …she got another letter, saying that
while things had been tough at times,
he’d stayed in school, had stuck with
it… (para.17)
• …she got another letter which told her
that, although he had had difficulties
occasionally, he had kept moving on in
school and had never given up…
Sentence Highlights (Para.15-20)
• Teddy said he’d met his girl and was to
be married. (para.19)
• be to do sth:表示按计划安排即将发生的
– A meeting is to be held as 3 o’clock this
Background Information
• The touching tale is one of pure invention.
• The story was penned by Elizabeth
Silance Ballard in 1976 and published that
year in Home Life magazine.
• Originally, the story was entitled “Three
Letters from Teddy” and the main
character’s name was Teddy Stallard.
Besides, there are two extra paragraphs
for the ending.
Background Information
• Two extra paragraphs as follows:
• (Paragraph 21) They hugged each other,
and Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs.
Thompson’s ear, "Thank you Mrs.
Thompson for believing in me. Thank you
so much for making me feel important and
showing me that I could make a
Background Information
• Two extra paragraphs as follows:
• (Paragraph 22) Mrs. Thompson, with
tears in her eyes, whispered back. She
then said, "Teddy, you have it all wrong.
You were the one who taught me that I
could make a difference. I didn’t know
how to teach until I met you.”
Background Information
• The child in the story has been variously
named “Teddy Stallart,” “Teddy Stoddart,”
or “Teddy Stallard”.
• Some versions in circulation even
conclude Teddy Stoddard as being a
doctor now at Iowa Methodist in Des
Monies, which is in fact not true.
Thank you!
To be continued.
Lesson 3
•Duty report
• Translation practice
• Grammar exercises
• Word expansion
• Oral practice
Wedding Ceremony Participants
(Bridal Party)
Maid of honor
Best man
Flower girls
Page boys
British Wedding Custom
Optimism & hope
Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.
Wedding Anniversary
• In many countries, one can receive a
greeting from the monarch or the President
for any wedding anniversary on or after the
• Do you know any wedding
anniversary and its related
Wedding Anniversary
5th anniversary
10th anniversary
15th anniversary
20th anniversary
25th anniversary
30th anniversary
40th anniversary
50th anniversary
60th anniversary
Wooden → Daisy
Tin → Daffodil
Crystal →Rose
China → Aster
Silver → Iris
Pearl → Lily
Ruby → Gladiolus
Golden →Yellow rose
Diamond → Violet
Translation Practice
Lack of
Take delight in
Put off
Be in for
Take steps
Focus on
Take pains
Translation Practice
• 这门课程需要老师懂两
• 婚礼上要求穿正式的服
• 所有乘客都被要求出示
• 系安全带是法律规定的。
• True marriage ~s us to
show trust and loyalty.
• The course ~s the
teacher to be bilingual.
• The wedding ceremony
~s formal dress.
• All passengers are ~d
to show their tickets.
• The wearing of seat
belts is ~d by law.
• 真正的婚姻要求双方彼
Translation Practice
• 我不知道他是否赢得了
• 我刚才正琢磨你上哪儿
• 她为自己的愚蠢而感到
• Sometimes he ~ed if
other men ~ed the
same things.
wonder <v.>
• I ~ if he has won the
• I was just ~ing where
you were/had been.
• She ~ed at her own
• 有时他纳闷,不知道别
Translation Practice
• 绑架者向他保证他的女
• 她查了查确定那份文件
• Victory would ~ them a
place in the finals.
• 我可以向你保证我们的
• The kidnapper ~d him
of her daughter’s safety.
• She ~d herself that the
document was still in
the drawer.
• 这场胜利将确保他们进
• I can ~ you of the
quality of our products.
Translation Practice
• 他唯一的问题就是缺乏
• 由于缺乏证据,那名犯
• This young man
displayed a complete ~
of courtesy.
• 他因经验不足而遭到拒
lack of
• His only problem is ~ of
• For ~ of evidence, the
prisoner was released.
• 这个年轻人表现得极端
• He was turned down
for ~ of experience.
Translation Practice
• 我已经邀请他们吃饭了,
• 记者招待会推迟一周进
• Never ~ off till tomorrow
what you can do today.
• He can’t ~ off going to
the doctor any longer.
put off
• I’ve invited them to
dinner, but I’ll have to ~
them off because my
mother’s sick/ill.
• The press conference
has been ~ off for a
• 今日事,今日毕。
• 他的病不能再拖了。
Translation Practice
• 我们必须立即采取措施
• The President took
unusual ~s of altering
his prepared speech in
order to condemn the
terrorist attack.
• The country is taking its
first tentative ~s
towards democracy.
take steps
• We must take
immediate ~s to help
those who were injured
in the accident.
• 总统采取了不寻常的措
• 这个国家正在尝试向民
Translation Practice
• 这对夫妇煞费苦心,对
• 她总是不厌其烦地摆弄
• I took great ~s to
distinguish cultured
pears from genuine
• 系主任花了很大功夫挑
take pains
• The couple took great ~s
to keep the plan secret.
• She always took ~s with
her hair.
• 我花了很大力气学习辨认
• The dean took great ~s
to select the best staff
Translation Practice
• 今晚的节目集中在离
• 今年的会议集中探讨
• The visit helped to ~
world attention on the
plight of the refugees.
• The astronomer ~d
his telescope on the
focus on
• Tonight’s program ~es on
how divorce may affect
the children.
• This year our meeting ~es
on the question of
women’s rights and
• 此次访问有助于使世界都
• 那位天文学家将天文望远
Grammar Exercises (pa.22)
• As <conj.> vs. Like <prep.>
as his father used
• He is an honest person ____
to be.
like everybody else.
• He is just ______
like trying.
• There is nothing _____
• To an expert, rococo music is not much ____
baroque music.
• Tom is very healthy, _____
as are his brothers.
Word Expansion (pa.21)
• contain; attain; obtain; retain; entertain; maintain;
sustain (-tain = to hold)
• recede; precede; intercede; antecede; intercede
(-cede = to go; to proceed)
• dispel; repel; expel (-pel = to drive away)
• suspend; depend; append (-pend = to hang; to
attach to)
• include; conclude; exclude (-clude = to shut)
• resist; assist; consist; insist; persist; subsist
(-sist = to stand)
Review — Retelling
• Retell the story
– from the point of view of Mrs. Thompson
– from the point of view of Teddy
– from a third person point of view
Oral Practice
• Do you know any famous teachers or
great educators home and abroad?
• What do you know about them? What
similarities do you think they possess?
Cai Yuanpei
Ye Shengtao
Tao Xingzhi
Thank you!