AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF NURSING GNRS 588: ADVANCED NURSING CARE FOR ADULTS COMPREHENSIVE CARE PLAN #: ___#2 Student: Yliana M Penalosa Instructor: Tayag Date of Care: 7/10/2015 Date of Submission: 7/17/2015 Nursing Clinical Worksheet Student Name: Yliana M Penalosa Patient Initials: Age: Sex: F G.D.M 69 Allergies: Diet: Low Fall Risk: NKA Carbohydrates 11 Isolation and Type: None Braden Score:14 Activity:Level 1 bed bound Code Status: Full LOC: A&Ox4 Date: Admit Date: 6/29/2015 Primary MD: Dr. Bandyl Consulting MD: Dr. Brandyl Admitting Diagnosis: Bilateral lower extremities non-healing after transmetarsal amputation. Secondary Diagnosis (Past Medical Hx and surgical Hx): Diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, chronic back pain, and peripheral artery disease. Patient’s Hospital Course (refer to progress notes): Patient went to the emergency department the week prior to the current admission for increased pain and redness in the left foot. She was placed in antibiotics (bacterium and Keflex). She stopped taking the antibiotics on 7/5/15 but continues to have left foot pain, denies pain in the right foot. She is being cared for in a skilled nursing facility where she is not walking due to pain on the left foot. The pain on her left foot remains rating it at an 8 on a ten point numerical pain scale. Prioritized To Do List (refer to patient’s orders): Vital signs every 4 hours, wound dress check, keep wound clean, continue on a low carbohydrate diet, follow safety protocols due to high fall risk, use incentive spirometer, maintain patient’s glucose levels within targeted ranges, provide patient with a quite environment and good personal hygiene including oral hygiene. Education is essential in this patient regarding glucose levels, diabetes control, safety including rails up (2/4) and light call within reach. Also educating patient regarding spirometer, side effects of medications and reporting any symptoms or changes or level of consciousness or discomfort. Diagnostic tests and procedures Results Tests (Date completed) Foot x-ray (6/30/15) Chest x-ray (6/30/15) Myocardial at perfusion stress and rest test Test Range RBC 4.6-10 Hbg 13.7-17.3 Hct 35-45 Glucose 70-110 Left foot has minimal amount of bone fragmentation at and near the first metatarsal and diffuse soft tissue swelling, vascular calcifications present. The right foot has bone fragmentation at and near first metatarsal; reason for x-ray was patient had transmetarsal amputation. Right transjugular central venous catheter; no pneumothorax; reason for x-ray patient had a central venous catheter because peripheral IV catheter was not possible. No evidence of inducible ischemic; normal activity; reason for test patient was experiencing sinus tachycardia. Abnormal / Pertinent Lab Values Value at Recent value Why this test was ordered and what is the significance Admission (date) of the value? 4.07 3.20 (7/9/15) Patient was bleeding from wound site which can lead to low levels of RBC and become anemic, weak, and fatigue. 11.7 9.6 (7/9/15) Patient was bleeding which decreases RBC count and Hbg count; which can lead to anemia. 35.6 26.7 (7/9/15) Patient was bleeding which decreases RBC count and Hct count; which can lead to anemia 153 177 (7/9/15) Patient has diabetes and find it challenging to control her glucose levels. Doc Flowsheet Data Vital Signs Noninvasive Blood Pressure (NIBP) 0800 113/55 1200 1600 111/55 117/56 Ventilator Settings IV Fluids Type Piperacillin in Rate/ Site 12.5mL/hr IV 8 h.q Mean Arterial Blood Pressure (MAP) Pulse Rate Respiration Rate (RR) % O2 Saturation (SpO2) Temperature Hemodynamic Monitoring Arterial Blood Pressure (ABP) Central Venus Pressure (CVP) Pulmonary Artery Pressure (PAP) Pulmonary Artery Occlusion Pressure (PAOP) Cardiac Index Cardiac Output (CO) 69 71 74 99 19 96 98.3 0800 N/A 95 22 99 98.8 0900 95 15 96 98.6 1000 Mode: N/A sodium chloride 0.9% 50mL solution Rate: N/A 1100 1200 TV: N/A N/A FiO2: N/A N/A N/A PEEP: N/A N/A PS: N/A N/A Other Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Blood Glucose (POC) Pain Level Intake/Output N/A 166 8 Intake ( ml per shift) Enteral IV Oral Shift Total 474 175 8 0 TOTAL 250 724 Urine Output 1,250 Output (ml per shift) Emesis Drains BM Not measured 0 0 TOTAL 1,250 Please state why there is a significant difference in the I/O (if any): The difference between intake and output can be due to patient receiving diuretics. PLACE ECG STRIP HERE HR 94 Rhythm Sinus P wave PR QRS P:Q ratio ST segment T-wave Q-T Ectopy Rhythm Interpretation: Patient has sinus rhythm all waves are within normal findings. Complete Head-To-Toe Assessment General Survey Neurologic Physical Appearance: Mood: Signs of Acute Distress: Orientation Speech Pupil (L) Pupil (R) Obese Appropriate for situation, friendly, polite, compliant Present, dull pain on the left lower extremity, rating pain at 8 using a numerical pain scale A&Ox4 Clear and understanding PERRLA PERRLA Pain Assessment GCS score Abnormal Muscles Provocation/ palliation Quality Region/ Radiation Severity Time Oxygenation Respiration Pulmonary Cardiovascular Gastrointestinal R. Lung L. Lung Capillary Refill Skin Color/ Temp Apical Pulse Heart Sounds Peripheral Pulses Oral Mucosa Tongue Abdomen Nutrition Tube Feeding Genitourinary Bowel Sounds Bowel Movement Urination Urine Color Urine Character Urine (ml) Skin (wounds) Urinary Catheter Skin Color Skin Integrity Musculoskeletal Wound/ Ostomy Insertion Site(s) IV Assessment IV Fluids Describe abnormalities: Psychosocial 15 Location: None Strength: Transmetarsal amputation on both feet. Pain related to wounds not healing. Dull throbbing pain Left lower extremity (including entire leg and foot) 8 Continuous (entire shift) X Room Air ☐ Device Flow rate: ___________ L/min Quality: clear to auscultate, unlabored, symmetrical bilateral chest expansion Rate: 18 bpm Rhythm: Regular Clear to auscultate Clear to auscultate ≤2 seconds Appropriate for ethnicity, warm to touch. 2+ Short rate and rhythm at fifth intercostal space left midclavicular line. S1 & S2 normal sounds, no murmurs or gallop. Radial equally bilateral 2+ regular rhythms except on lower extremities (feet are 1+ using a Doppler) Pink and moist, no lesions present. Pink and moist, no lesions present. Soft, non-distended, tender. Low carbohydrates Current Rate: N/A Goal Rate: Residuals: _____________ Type: ☐ N/A ☐ NGT ☐PEG ☐ J-tube Present normoactive Last BM date: 7/10/2015 Frequent Amber yellow Clear 1,250 Insertion date: 7/2/2015 Appropriate for ethnicity Wounds related to amputation on feet and left leg has a laceration related to surgery and trace of edema on bilateral lower extremities. N/A Right upper extremity and right external jugular vein. No phlebitis or infiltration IV flush 3mL Q8hr with sodium chloride 0.9% Lower extremities are weak related to patient not ambulating. Marital status Psychosocial Assessment Widow History Education level Social resources Spiritual resources Occupation Employment Smoking Alcohol Recreational Drugs High school Family Catholic Retired None No No No Spiritual Assessment Spiritual Integrity Presence of….. X X X X X X 1) Look: (Signs of Meaning, Relationships, Hope and Joy) Spiritual Distress Absence of…. Provide checkmark in either box for each criteria Family, friends, visitors, wedding ring, photographs Cards, letters, phone calls, flowers, pets Attention to personal care and appearance Work, projects, hobbies, music, books, tapes Newspapers, magazines, television, radio Special dress, prayer cap, head scarf, cross X Articles of faith, pictures, statues, rosary, star X Books of faith, Bible, Koran, Torah prayers X Smiles, motivation, coping skills, healthy lifestyle Uses the observations listed above to begin your Spiritual Assessment Acknowledge and inquire about photographs, cards, flowers, visitors Acknowledge and inquire about hobbies, books, television/newspaper content Acknowledge strength and inquire about profession Acknowledge and inquire about articles of faith & religious preference Acknowledge and inquire about mood (physical and psychological) With your client as your guide, and after a sense of trust and connectedness have been established, continue with the assessment. Phrase your questions and indirect statement in ways that convey your genuineness, style, and comfort. I would like to hear more about your life and/or your family. When you return home, will there be someone available to help you? What brings you joy, makes you happy, or makes you laugh? What has brought you the greatest sense of pride and accomplishment to date? What is your next goal? What give you such strength? Who do you turn to in tough times? Would you like me to pray for you or with you? Spiritual Integrity Listen: (Actively listen for signs of meaning, relationships, hope, and joy) Spiritual Distress Pt verbalizes... **Provide checkmark in each box that is applicable Pt verbalizes… X Sense of purpose and meaning My life has no meaning X Source of pride & accomplishment Guilt, if only….I should have X Source of joy & happiness Sense of sadness and despair Future Goals and desires Lack of motivation X Hope and Courage Hopelessness “What is the use?” X Interest in world & concern for others Lack of concern for others X Personal Strengths Powerlessness I am useless. X Connection to others Loneliness and isolation Connection to a higher source Helplessness, anxiety, fear X Religious affiliation “This is not fair. Why me?” Request for special diets, clergy “Why am I being punished?” X Appreciation for nature Apathy X Ability to adapt to changes Inflexibility 2. Nursing Diagnosis: Analyze the data, and if appropriate, select one of the following nursing diagnoses. Potential for Enhanced Spiritual Well-Being Spiritual Distress Hopelessness X Other 3. Plan: Develop a short-term goal and a long term goal for your client. ST Goal: The Client will LT Goal: The Client will 4. Interventions: Identify the specific nursing interventions you will use with your client. X Be present. X Establish a therapeutic relationship conveying respect, warmth, empathy and genuineness X Active listening. X Assist client to identify strengths, supports, and interconnections. X Instill hope. X Use of touch, if client is comfortable with closeness. X Provide an environment conductive to reflection, prayer, and spiritual growth. X Provide an environment conductive to client’s beliefs (food, ceremonies.) Provide religious articles as requested. X Support client in search for meaning and purpose in life, illness, and death Support client in search for a relationship with a higher power. Pray with the client. X Pray for the client. X Promote private time with people who are significant in client’s life. X Be available and approachable to assist client with meeting spiritual needs, and making spiritual choices. Collaborate with chaplain or spiritual leader. Other: Other: 5. Evaluation: Evaluate the client’s progress towards the goals. (Note: Each person’s spirituality is highly variable, individual, and ever changing!) ST Goal: try to meet with the priest to talk about spirituality and pray for her recovery for tomorrow. LT Goal: continue to pray and not lose faith throughout her spiritual journey. **This Client Spiritual Assessment Tool (CSAT) was adapted from: Hoffert, D., Henshaw, C., & Mvududu, N. (2007). Enhancing the ability of nursing students to perform a spiritual assessment. Nurse Educator, 32(2), 66-72. Scheduled Medications and PRN Medication Given (please also include all saline flushes and IVFs) Generic Name: Furosemide Classification : Loop diuretic Pt. Specific Indications: Treat patient’s edema. Dose: 40mg Trade Name : Lasix Route: oral Frequency/ Rate: Daily Mechanism of Action: Rapid-acting loop diuretic and antihypertensive. Inhibits reabsorption of sodium and chloride primarily in loop of Henle and in proximal and distal end tubules. Contraindications: history of hypersensitivity to furosemide, increasing oliguria, anuria, fluid and electrolyte depletion states. Side Effects: postural hypotension, dizziness with exercise. Adverse Effects: acute hypotensive episode, hypovolemia Patient Family Education: patient should intake potassium-rich foods including bananas and oranges to reduce/prevent low potassium levels. Educate patient about hypokalemia including symptoms of cramps or weakness to physician. Reposition slowly to reduce likelihood of dizziness or imbalances. Generic Name : Insulin Lispro Classification : Antidiabetic, fast acting insulin Dose: 3 units Trade Name : Humalog Route: Frequency/ Rate: Before meals Subcutaneous Pt. Specific Indications: Patient has DM type 2 Mechanism of Action: Fast-acting insulin, enhances trans-membrane passage of glucose across cell membranes in muscle and adipose tissue. Promotes conversion of glucose to glycogen in the liver. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to insulin. Side Effects: localized allergic reactions at injection site; generalized urticarial or bullae, hypoglycemia, hyperinsulinemia (profuse sweating, hunger, headache, nausea, tremors, palpitations, tachycardia, weakness Adverse Effects: Edema, Heart failure, DKA, Severe Hypoglycemia, Hypokalemia, Anaphylaxis Patient Family Education: Notify physician of local reactions at injection site. Generic Name: Famotidine Trade Name : Pepcid Classification : H-2 blockers Dose: 20mg Route: Oral Frequency/ Rate: BID Pt. Specific Indications: reduce amount of acid in the stomach Mechanism of Action: inhibits histamine at histamine H2-receptor site, decreasing gastric secretion while pepsin remains at a stable level. Contraindications: kidney problems, liver problems Side Effects: constipation, diarrhea, feeling dizzy, headaches Adverse Effects: chest tightness, jaundice, pneumonia Patient Family Education: avoid irritating foods, alcohol, aspirin, extreme-temperature foods that may irritate GI system. Trade Name : Zosyn Generic Name : Piperracillin/tazobactam Classification: Antiinfective, broad spectrum Dose: 3375mcg Route:IV Pt. Specific Indications: Patient appears to be positive for MRSA on lower left foot. Mechanism of Action: Interferes with cell-wall replication of susceptible organisms. Frequency/ Rate: 12.5mL/hr Contraindications: hypersensitivity to penicillin, neonates, carbapenem allergy. Side Effects: lethargy, hallucinations, anxiety, depression, Adverse Effects: seizures, cardiac toxicity, pancreatitis, oliguria, twitching, insomnia, headache, fever, dizziness, vertigo. hematuria, renal failure, bone marrow depression. Patient Family Education: Report sore throat, fever, fatigue, anxiety, depression, hallucinations and seizures. Trade Name : Roxicode Generic Name : Oxycodone Classification : Opiod Dose: 5mg Route: oral Frequency/ Rate: QID Pt. Specific Indications: treat patient’s moderate to severe pain. Mechanism of Action: inhibits ascending pain pathways in CNS, increases pain threshold, alters pain perception. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, addiction (opiate), asthma, ileus. Side Effects: drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, headache, sedation, Adverse Effects: “black box warning” respiration depression euphoria, fatigue, abnormal dreams/thoughts, hallucinations. Patient Family Education: Report any difficulties in breathing, allergies, changes to CNS, avoid alcohol, driving operating machinery if drowsiness occurs. Present History and Relevant Past History: (Provide a synopsis of patient’s history leading to hospitalization) Patient is a 69 year old woman who went to the emergency department the week prior to the current admission for increased pain and redness in the left foot. She was placed in antibiotics (bacterium and Keflex). She stopped taking the antibiotics on 7/5/15 but continues to have left foot pain, denies pain in the right foot. She is being cared for in a skilled nursing facility where she is not walking due to pain on the left foot. The pain on her left foot remains rating it at an 8 on a ten point numerical pain scale. Pathophysiology of Admitting Diagnosis:(Describe pathophysiology as you would explain it to the patient. Provide general reference.) GDM returned to the hospital approximately a week after being admitted to the emergency department and receiving antibiotics. Her pain persisted then decided to return to the hospital. Cultures were done on both lower extremities to test for MRSA which returned positive for the left foot. Yet she is not in isolation precaution. The slow wound healing can be related to the presence of MRSA on her left foot in which she currently continues to have pain “8” on a numerical scale. In addition the patient is diabetic which can also result in slow wound healing. At the moment she is receiving antibiotics, oxycodone and Lasix to treat the infection, pain and swelling lower leg extremity. Patient’s Plan of Care: (Briefly describe patient’s current plan of care during hospitalization, discuss relevant procedures, therapies, tests, etc.) The patient will continue to take her antibiotics IV, Lasix and opioids to care for the infection, swelling and pain of her lower leg extremity. Her intake and output are being measure to confirm the Lasix are working. Also daily labs are being withdrawn to monitor her electrolytes, WBC, RBC, BUN, and Creatinine. Physical therapy will visit her on Monday to begin both upper and lower body exercises. Patient will also receive education regarding controlling her blood glucose levels. List 4 Nursing Diagnosis In Order Of Highest Priority: (Based on your patient’s specific needs, identify three nursing diagnosis and rank them in order of importance, be sure to include at least one physiologic and one psychosocial diagnosis) 1. Chronic pain related to ineffective pain management as evidence by patient reported 8/10 in a numerical pain scale. 2. Risk for electrolyte imbalance related to receiving Lasix intravenous as evidence by tracing of edema on lower extremities. 3. Impaired physical mobility related to limited range of motion, bed bound and as evidence by amputation in left and right lower extremities (transmetarsal amputation). 4. Impaired tissue integrity related to ineffective healing of wound as evidence by red, swollen, purulent wound on the left lower extremity (transmetarsal amputation). Select one physiologic and one psychosocial nursing diagnosis listed above and create a nursing care plan for each selection: (For each nursing diagnosis provide 1 goal, 3 interventions with rationales, and indicate if goal was met, not met or in progress) List of Real/ Potential Nursing Problems (NANDA) NSG DX #2 NSG DX #1 Chronic pain related to ineffective pain management as evidence by patient reported 8/10 in a numerical pain scale. 1. Chronic pain related to ineffective pain management as evidence by patient reported 8/10 in a numerical pain scale. 2. Risk for electrolyte imbalance related to receiving Lasix intravenous as evidence by tracing of edema on lower extremities. 3. Impaired physical mobility related to limited range of motion, bed bound and as evidence by amputation in left and right lower extremities (transmetarsal amputation). 4. Impaired tissue integrity related to ineffective healing of wound as evidence by red, swollen, purulent wound on the left lower extremity (transmetarsal amputation). Risk for electrolyte imbalance related to receiving Lasix intravenous as evidence by tracing of edema on lower extremities. Related Assessment NSG DX #1: Chronic pain related to ineffective pain management as evidence by patient reported 8/10 in a numerical pain scale. Vital signs including respiration rate. Reassessed for pain 60 minutes after oral pain medication. Patient indicates pain 8/10 the majority of the day although pain medication had been administered. Relevant Labs and Tests Arterial blood gases Complete blood count Outcome Parameters/Goal Patient will verbalize lower pain levels after 60 minutes of each administration of pain medication; full understanding of how long medication takes to work before 9am this morning. Patient will feel comfortable asking for pain medication before 9am this morning. Interventions & Rationales 1) Patient will be educated about pain reassessment after 60 minutes of oral pain medication. Rationale: Patient needs to be educated about the importance in reassessing pain, confirming that oxycodone helped diminished pain levels. 2) Patient will be educated about the side effects of oxycodone including respiration depression, drowsiness, possible allergic reactions and changes in level of consciousness or present hallucinations. Evaluation Rationale: Oxycodone is a “black box warning” drug it is essential for the patient to report any side effects to physicians and nurses immediately. Relevant Meds Oxycodone 3) Patient will report any discomfort or pain in lower abdomen or feelings of bloated lower abdomen to nurses and physicians immediately upon appearance of symptoms. Rationale: Intake and output must be monitored for decrease output which may indicate urinary retention as a possible side effect opiates. Patient verbalized a decreased in pain levels within 60 minutes after pain medication was administered, however patient continued to experience pain 5/10. Patient’s pain diminished to 5 then return to 8 in a numerical pain scale. Patient verbalized sleeping helped managed with pain. Related Assessment Patient indicates pain 8/10 the majority of the day although pain medication had been administered. Lasix intravenous as evidence by tracing of edema on lower extremities. Interventions & Rationales Patient appears to have responded to Lasix urine output has been greater than her intake. Outcome Parameters NSG DX # 2: Risk for electrolyte imbalance related to receiving 1) Patient will receive a nutritious meal high in potassium including food options of bananas, peaches, oranges and potatoes. Patient will verbalize an understanding of appropriate food options maintain adequate potassium levels before noon/lunch. (Goal met) Patient will verbalize the symptoms of hypokalemia before noon (goal met). Rationale: Patient should intake potassium-rich foods to reduce/prevent low potassium levels. Relevant Labs and Tests 2) Patient will be educated about hypokalemia including Evaluation symptoms of cramps or weakness to physician. Arterial blood gases Complete blood count Urine analysis Relevant Meds Furosemide Patient verbalizes an understanding of the side effects of Lasix including orthostatic hypotension and the need to intake foods rich in potassium; she had a banana for lunch and not fall incidences occur during the shift. Patient verbalizes that she feels comfortable reporting symptoms of cramps or weakness to her physician if present; no current symptoms present. Potassium levels are within normal limits. Rationale: Patients who receive Lasix are at risk of hypokalemia which can lead to dysrhythmias due to Lasix getting rid of sodium and potassium through urine output. 3) Patient will reposition slowly to reduce likelihood of dizziness or imbalances. Rationale: Orthostatic hypotension may occur as a side effect of Lasix. Resources: Sung, G.M., & Seung, H.K. (June 30, 2001). Pelvic Fistula Complicating Pelvic Surgery or Diseases: Spectrum of Imaging Findings, Korean Journal of Radiology, 97. Retrieved from Lewis, S.L, & Dirksen, S.R, Heitkemper, M.M, Bucher, L., & Camera I.M. (2011). Medical Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 8th edition 2nd volume, 1053-1054. Retrieved from: Kizior, R., & Hodgson, B. (2015). Nursing Drug Handbook 2015 (pp. 510-966). St. Loius: ELSEVIER SAUNDERS. Rx List (2014.) The Internet Drug Index). Retrieved from: Rx List (2014.) The Internet Drug Index). Retrieved from: Rx List (2014.) The Internet Drug Index). Retrieved from: Rx List (2014.) The Internet Drug Index). Retrieved from: Rx List (2014.) The Internet Drug Index). Retrieved from: WebMD(2014). Retrieved from: