The Hobbit - project

Summit 8 – K. Beaucock
The Hobbit – Group Project
Description: Ms. Beaucock will divide Summit 8 into six groups. Each group will be
assigned 3 chapters and must select one scene from each of their assigned chapters to present in
front of the class. In addition, each group will be responsible for providing the answers to
questions related to their assigned chapters. Ms. Beaucock will provide a list of questions for
each chapter. At the end of this project there will be a test on The Hobbit which will be based on
the chapter questions.
Group One: Chapters 1, 7, & 13
Group Two: Chapters 2, 8, & 14
Group Three: Chapters 3, 9 & 15
Group Four: Chapters 4, 10, & 16
Group Five: Chapters 5, 11, & 17
Group Six: Chapters 6, 12, & 18
Presentations of Chapters: Each group must select one scene from each of the chapters
they have been assigned. That is, each group will act out three scenes – one from each assigned
chapter. The presentation of the scene can take many forms such as a puppet show or one person
can narrate the scene while the rest of the group mimes the scene or everyone acts out the scene
or video tape a performance of the scene or a rap song, etc. However, each group must act out
their scenes in 3 different ways. And each performance of the scene must be at least 5 minutes
but no longer than 10 minutes. The scenes will be assessed based on the following marking
Costumes & Props:
10 marks
Accuracy of the Scene: 10 marks
10 marks
Everyone involved:
10 marks
Voice (loud & clear)
10 marks
50 marks
Summit 8 – K. Beaucock
Chapter Questions: After a group presentation of a scene from their assigned chapter, the
group must lead a discussion related to chapter questions and/or create a game of some sort to
get the rest of the class thinking about the answers to the questions. As well, the group can create
a power point, prezi, overhead notes or write the answers on the white board. However, the
group should not provide a handout of the answers, the class must write down the answer to each
question. Groups will be assessed according to the following marking criteria:
Accuracy of answers – 10 marks
Creativity/Effort Total
20 marks
30 marks
*Note: At the end of the project there will be a test on The Hobbit which will be
based on the chapter questions
Chapter Presentation Dates
Chapters 1, 2, & 3 – Tues, October 9th
Chapters 4, 5, & 6 – Thurs, October 11th
Chapters 7, 8, & 9 – Mon, October 15th
Chapters 10, 11, & 12 – Wed, October 17th
Chapters 13, 14, & 15 – Mon, October 22nd
Chapters 16, 17, & 18 – Wed, October 24th