Case Study - UNIX - METU Computer Engineering

Chapter 10 : Case Study - UNIX
• History of unix
• Overview of unix
• Processes in unix
• Memory management in unix
• Input/output in unix
• The unix file system
• Security in unix
Note: This case study covers only UNIX. Please read
chapter 10 of the text book for LINUX.
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
History of UNIX
• Originated from the MULTICS (Multiplexed
Information and Computing Service)
operating system by M.I.T, Bell Labs and GE
• There are two main versions:
– AT&T System V Release 4 (SVR4)
• Originally developed by AT&T, now
– BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Overview of UNIX
Supports various architectures
Structure varies
Supports preemptive multitasking
Multiuser environment - generally secure
Supports multithreaded applications
Protection/Security is high on modern versions
Supports symmetric multiprocessing
Highly scalable/portable to various systems
Many types/flavours of UNIX exist
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
UNIX Layers
The layers of a UNIX system.
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
UNIX Utility Programs
A few of the more common UNIX utility programs required by POSIX
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
UNIX Kernel (1)
Approximate structure of generic UNIX kernel
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
UNIX Kernel (2)
• Bottom layer
– Device drivers for character and block devices
– Process dispatcher which stops the current
process, saves its state and starts the appropriate
driver when an interrupt occurs
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Process Creation in UNIX - fork
Process creation in UNIX.
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
A highly simplified shell
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
The ls Command
Steps in executing the command ls type to the shell
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Some UNIX Process Concepts
• Daemons (background processes)
– Cron daemon which wakes up once a minute to
check scheduled events (eg., disk backup)
• Pipes - syncronized channels between
processes to pass byte streams
• Signals – software interrupts used for
interprocess communication. Choices:
catch, ignore, or kill process
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Signals Required By POSIX
The signals required by POSIX.
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
System Calls for Process Management
s is an error code
pid is a process ID
residual is the remaining time from the previous alarm
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Thread Calls in POSIX
The principal POSIX thread calls.
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Thread Calls in POSIX
• Threads were not in the first versions of UNIX
• There are many thread packages in use which are
standardized in POSIX
• Thread calls are the same for user-space or kernelspace
• In kernel-space implementation calls are system
• In user-space implementation calls are to a runtime library
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Thread Communication - mutexes
• Threads use locks called mutexes for short-time
locking a resource (say a shared buffer)
• A mutex must be first created (and finally destroyed
• Mutual exclusion is implemented by locking a
mutex before accessing a resource and unlock it
when they are done (like binary semaphores which
is “0” or “1”, a mutex is either locked or unlocked)
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Thread Communication – condition
• For long-term synchronization (such as waiting for
a tape to become free) condition variables are
• Condition variables have to be created first and
later destroyed like mutexes
• A condition variable is used by having one thread
wait on it, and another thread signal it. If no
thread is waiting when a signal is sent, the signal
is lost
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
UNIX Scheduler (1)
• The UNIX scheduler is based on a multilevel queue structure
(highest priority queue first, round-robin in each queue)
• In this scheme, a process which was blocked and waiting for an
event joins the appropriate queue when blocking is over (a
process whose disk I/O is finished joins,say, queue –4)
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
UNIX Scheduler (2)
• Once a second the priority of all processes are recalculated
to avoid starvation using
priority = CPU_usage + nice + base
• CPU_usage, represents the average number of clock ticks
per second that the process has had during the past few
• Nice is a value between –20 to 20 (default 0). Nice system
call can be used to set this value 0-20
• Base is a system parameter in UNIX source code
• The scheduler forces CPU bound (on positive queues) get
any service that is left over when all I/O bound and
interactive processes are blocked
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Booting UNIX (1)
• The first sector of the boot disk (master boot
record) is read in and executed
• This sector loads the boot program
• Boot reads root directory, loads kernel and starts
its execution
• Kernel reads the rest of the operating system
(main C-code section)
• C code does some initialization, allocates system
data structures, loads device drivers and
handcrafts the first process, process 0
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Booting UNIX (2)
The sequences of processes used to boot some systems
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Handling Memory
Process A
Process B
• Each process has three segments (shown as one segment in the figure, but if
hardware supports they can be separate):
– Text : executable code (which is shared in the figure)
– Data : variables, strings, arrays etc.
• initialized data – variables which must be initialized to some value when program
• Uninitialized data (BSS) – not initialized but has value 0 as default
– Stack
• Text is fixed in length, data and stack can grow and shrink
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Paging in UNIX (1)
• Prior to 3BSD, UNIX systems used swapping
(if memory is full, swap processes to disk)
• To run a process, all that is needed is the user
structure and page table. The pages of the
text, data and stack segments are brought in
on demand
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Paging in UNIX (2) – Core Map
Page on Disk
table entry
• Main memory: kernel, core map, pages
• Core map has an entry for each page and contains
information about the contents of the page frames
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Page Replacement Algorithm (1)
• The page replacement algorithm is executed
by the page daemon (process 2)
• Page daemon wakes up every 250 msec and
transfers pages to disk if the amount of free
memory is less than the system parameter
lotsfree (typically set to ¼ of memory)
• Page daemon uses the two-handed clock
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Basic Clock Algorithm (1)
• The pointer (hand) points to the oldest page
• When a page fault occurs,
– if the R bit of the pointed page is 0 (page not referred), this page is
evicted (the new page replaces this page - written to disk first if it
is dirty)
– if the R bit is 1 (page accessed), R bit is cleared and the hand is
advanced to the next page
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Two-handed Clock Algorithm (2)
• Page daemon has to do two passes with one core map
pointer. Pass 1 clears all R bits, second pass removes
pages (R bits are set between pass 1 and 2)
• Page daemon maintains two pointers into the core
map to speed up the process (one pass instead of two)
for large memories
• When page daemon runs, it first clears the R bit at the
front hand, and then checks the R bit at the back
hand, after which it advances both hands
• Each time the page daemon runs, the hands rotate less
than a full revolution, the amount depending on the
number of pages needed to reach lotsfree
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
• All I/O devices are integrated into the file
system as special files
• These special files are accessed like
ordinary files (ie., file operations such as
read, write, open are the same for special
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Networking in UNIX (1)
• Sockets are used to establish a connection
between network nodes
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Networking in UNIX (2)
• Sockets are created and destroyed dynamically
• Creating a socket returns a file descriptor, which is
needed for establishing a connection, reading data,
writing data, and releasing the connection
• One party makes a listen call on a local socket,
which creates a buffer and blocks until data arrive
• The other party makes a connect call giving as
parameters the file descriptor of the local socket and
the address of a remote socket (a sockets has an
address in the network like the internet)
• Once a connection is established, a socket functions
like a pipe
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
UNIX I/O (1)
• When a user accesses a special file, the file system
determines the major and minor device numbers and
whether it is a block or character special file
• Major device number is used to index into either bdevsw
array for block special or cdevsw for character special files
• These structures contain pointers to the procedures to open
the device, read, write etc., Some of the fields of a typical
cdevsw table are shown below
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
UNIX I/O (2)
The UNIX I/O system in BSD
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
UNIX I/O (3)
• For block special files (eg., disks) the blocks are
cached in a buffer cache
• The buffer cache works for both reads and writes
• Usually dirty (modified) blocks are written to the
disk in every 30 seconds
• For character special devices, data is buffered in a
chain of C-lists. A C-list block is 64 characters
long, plus a count and a pointer to the next block
(BSD method of character buffering)
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
The UNIX File System (1)
Some important directories found in most
UNIX systems
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
The UNIX File System (2)
• Before linking.
• After linking.
(a) Before linking. (b) After linking
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
The UNIX File System (3)
• Separate file systems
• After mounting
(a) Before mounting
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
(b) After Mounting
Locking Files in UNIX (1)
• Accessing a file by several processes need some
critical section management
• This is done by locks
• A lock is defined by a file name, the starting byte and
the number of bytes
• When placing a lock, the process specifies to
– Block: when the existing block is removed, the process is
unblocked and the lock is placed
– Not to block: the system call returns with a status code
telling whether the lock succeeded or not
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Locking Files (2)
(a) File with one lock
(b) Addition of a second lock
(c) A third lock
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
System Calls for File Management
• s is an error code (-1 if an error has occured)
• fd is a file descriptor (a positive number: 0 standard input)
• position is a file offset
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
The stat System Call
Fields returned by the stat system call
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
System Calls for Directory Management
• s is an error code
• dir identifies a directory stream
• dirent is a directory entry
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
UNIX File System (1)
Disk layout in classical UNIX systems
• Block 0 is the boot block
• Block 1 is the superblock which contains information
about the layout of the file system, including the
number of i-nodes, number of disk blocks, and start
of the list of free disk blocks
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
UNIX File System (2)
Directory entry fields.
Structure of the i-node in System V
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
UNIX File System (3)
File descriptor table is
indexed by the fd
parameter and has one
entry for each file
The relation between the file descriptor table, the open file description
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
UNIX File System (4)
A BSD directory with three files.The same directory
after the file voluminous has been removed
• File name can be 255 characters long
• The first 4 fields are fixed length
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Security in UNIX (1)
• Each UNIX user has a UID (User ID). A
UID is an integer between 0 and 65536.
Files, processes and other resources are
marked with the UID of their owner
• The user with UID 0 is the superuser
• Users can be organized in groups, which are
also numbered with 16-bit GID’s (Group
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
Security in UNIX (2)
Some examples of file protection modes
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems
System Calls for File Protection
• s is an error code
• uid and gid are the UID and GID, respectively
Ceng 334 - Operating Systems