Oral Language Project: Due Thursday, October 31, 2013 Science


Oral Language Project: Due Thursday, October 31, 2013

Science: Biome 3 LS 3.b

You will need to select one biome to research. Make your selection from the following biomes: grassland, arctic tundra, tropical rain forest, temperate rain forest, deciduous forest, desert, wetlands, freshwater, or marine biome. Remember, you pick just one biome to research and report on. You will need to research and report on the climate, soil, plants, and animals of your selected biome. Additionally, you will need to explain at least one animal adaptation and one plant adaptation that has helped that animal and plant survive in the biome. You may include more than one plant and animal adaptation.

Reading: You may use your Science textbook, other reference books, encyclopedias, magazine articles, and/or the internet to read about and research your biome. You should use the attached organizer to bullet information that will help you write your paragraph and present your oral report. You should include the following information about your selected biome in your written and oral report: climate, soil, animals, plants, animal adaptations that have helped the animal survive in its environment, and plant adaptations that have helped the plant survive in its environment.

Writing: You will need to write an Informal Outline and a paragraph about your biome. The star ideas should include, climate and soil, plants and their adaptations, and animals and their adaptations. Make sure you revise by making it sound better with rich vocabulary and using a different word to begin each sentence. Do not use “dead words” like so, cool, nice, good, etc.

Also, use CUPS to edit your paragraph.

Visual: You will design a shoe box biome which demonstrates what you have learned about your biome. Your visual will assist you in presenting your oral report. Your shoe box biome should give your audience (your classmates and me) information about your biome. It should include information from the six requirements you put on your organizer. ***Please note: No other

visuals will be accepted. Be creative and neat!

Oral Presentation: You will orally present your shoe box biome on your assigned day the week of Nov. 4th. All project requirements (Writing and Visual) need to be completed and turned in on October 31 st .


I have read the requirements for the Shoebox Biome Oral Language Science Project due on Oct.

31, 2013, with my child. He/She and I are aware of all the project requirements and due dates.

We understand late projects will receive a reduced grade.

My biome__________________________________________________________

Student Name: _______________ Parent Signature _________________________
