
Name: Katherine Reyes
SUBJECT/ TOPIC/ GRADE: Phonics/ “-ea” vowel digraph/ 3rd Grade
CONTENT OUTLINE (1) Text: I will be reading the book titled The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss. This book is about a group of
fictional characters called Sneetches. There are two types of Sneetches; the plain-belly Sneetches and the star-belly Sneetches. The
plain-bellied Sneetches are considered to be outcasts because they do not have stars on their bellies. However, one day the plainbelly Sneetches meet Sylvester McMonkey McBean who assures them that with a special machine of his he can give them stars on
their bellies too. Yet there is a price to pay, each Sneetch must pay one dollar for their transformation. The plain-belly sneetches
soon get stars on their bellies too, but the original star-bellied sneetches want something different on their bellies so they can
continue to be different. Once again Sylvester McMonkey McBean charges the Sneetches one dollar to change the stars on their
bellies. A back and forth battle ensues between the two groups of Sneetches, until they realize that it is best if they all look the
CONTENT OUTLINE (2) Reading Skill: The phonics skill that I will be teaching will be the –ea vowel digraph. A digraph is a
pair of letters that when read together only make one sound. In the case of the –ea digraph they make the same sound as when
pronouncing the long e sound; this is the rule that will be taught to the students. I will use the blending technique described on
page 227 of the CORE book. I will write several examples of words with –ea digraph and blend the words on the board. We will
then use word sliders, where they will have to create real words with the –ea digraph.
Lesson Part
Set / Advanced
Outcomes Label:
Cognitive, Reading
Process, Affective
Assessment (Must match
Align materials with
1. Framework
lesson plan
2. Direct
step/procedures where
Instruction) Explain,
Demonstrate, Guide,
Practice, Application,
Students Reflect
1. Activity to Stimulate the Topic- In order to stimulate the students’ interest I will begin by showing them pictures
of words that have the –ea sound in their name. I will ask them to name each picture and ask if they know what
each picture has in common. The pictures will be of words that will be later mentioned in the book The Sneetches
by Dr. Seuss. The words will include: beaches, near, year, clear, teach, screaming, beaks
2. Prior Knowledge, Test to Self, Text to Text, Text to World
1. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
2. Have you ever been left out of a group because you were not like everybody else?
1. Can you name some books that were written by Dr. Seuss?
2. In the book Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss, what are some of the words that rhyme?
1. What are some of the things that you can do to include all of your friends when you play a game?
2. Can you mention a time in history when someone was not treated equally because of how they looked?
Cognitive Objective:
Students will be able to
understand the concept
of fairness.
8. Knowledge
of subject
teacher shows
Reading Process
Objective: The student
will be able to
of subject
understand the –ea
matter and
vowel digraph. They
how it can be
will understand the rule
that it is pronounced like 10. Planningthe long e sound and will The
be able to identify words preprofessional
with this digraph
teacher plans
through the use of word and
Affective Objective:
Students will understand
the issues of diversity,
racism, segregation,
bullying and seclusion
after reading The
 Use spelling
Sneetches by Dr. Seuss. patterns and
Introduce the Book:
I will say the title of
the book and the
name of the author
and illustrator. I will
explain that the book
was written and
illustrated by the
same person. I will
ask students to guess
what the book will be
about by only looking
at the cover.
Picture Walk: I will
walk back and forth in
front of the class in
order to allow all
students to see each
page with
Read the Book
Aloud: With good
intonation in my
1. Pictures of the
words for the
activity to
stimulate the
2. The Sneetches
by Dr. Seuss
3. Marker for Dry
Erase Board
4. Construction
5. Markers
6. Scissors
Cognitive Assessment:
The student learning that
will be assessed is the
idea of being fair to
others. This will be
assessed by asking
students to write about
what it means to be fair
to everyone.
Reading Assessment:
The student learning that
will be assessed is the
ability to identify words
that contain the ea vowel
digraph when reading.
This will be assessed by
a worksheet in which
they will be given a
paragraph to read and
they will have to identify
all of the words
containing the ea vowel
Students will be able to
understand how it feels
to be segregated and
secluded from a group.
(e.g., word
ending rules,
word parts) in
writing words.
#10- Analyzes
language and
knowledge of
voice, I will read the
book aloud. I will
exaggerate my voice
in important parts and
use sound effects with
my voice whenever
Students’ Response:
1. Why did the
Sneetches decide that
it would be better for
everyone to look the
2. Besides the stars on
their bellies, were the
star-bellied Sneetches
different from the
3. How do you think
the Plain-bellied
Sneetches felt when
they could not go to
the same beach as the
star-belly Sneetches?
4. Why couldn’t the
Sneetches tell each
other apart when they
all had stars on their
5. How do you think
McBean’s machine
Affective Assessment:
The student learning that
will be assessed is the
concepts of racism,
diversity, and
segregation. The learning
will be assessed by
students being asked to
write in their own words
what these three words
6. Why Does McBean
try to continue to
change the Sneetches?
7. What are some of
the things that the
plain-belly Sneetches
could not do because
they did not have stars
on their bellies?
8. Instead of using
McBean’s machine,
what could the
Sneetches have done
to be accepted by the
other Sneetches?
9. What do you think
would have happened
if McBean would
have never shown up
with his machine?
10. What are some
reasons why people
are bullied today?
Direct Instruction:
ea vowel digraph- A
digraph is made of
two letters that when
pronounced together,
they only make one
sound; in this case the
long e sound.
Today we will be
leaning the vowel
digraph ea . A digraph
is a pair of letters that
when you read them
together, they only
make one sound. The
ea digraph, makes the
long e sound like in
the word team.
I will write on the
board the words tea,
eat, hear, near, bleak,
weak, and beaches on
the board. Using the
word blending
technique I will teach
them to use their
finger to slide it
across the word to
make the sounds of
the words and the ea
I will pronounce the
ea sound like long e.
I will continue to
write words on the
board which contain
this digraph.
With the use of word
sliders, students will
be able to create more
words that contain the
ea digraph.
In order to apply the
learned phonics
strategy, I will have
students write on a
sheet of paper a word
from the story that
contains the ea
digraph as I read the
book for the second
Students Reflect:
1. How do you feel
about discrimination?
2. How should all
people be treated?
3. What is it good that
everyone on Earth is
not the same?
4. How will you use
this new skill when
reading another book?
5. Can you tell me
some words that
rhyme with Sneetches
and have the ea
6. How can this skill
help you read longer
Closure/Transfer Closure:
Cognitive Objective:
1. I will say the word fear and students will have to tell me if the word uses the ea vowel digraph.
2. I will say the word care and ask students if the word uses the ea vowel digraph.
Reading Objective:
1. I will ask students to spell the word meat out loud.
2. I will write the word teamwork on the board and ask students to say it out loud.
Affective Objective:
1. What is something that you can do in your community to stop bullying?
2. Can you come up with one rule that we can follow so that everyone is treated fairly no matter how they look?
Transfer: Students will be able to use this reading skill when decoding longer words in much more difficult text. I would
explain to students that this phonics technique can be also be used outside of school when trying to read names of stores,
restaurants, billboards, and street names.
Modification for ESE / ESL: ESL students will be paired with an English speaking student and will be allowed to look in a dictionary for
words with the –ea digraph. They will work on a worksheet in which they will have to draw a picture for the five words that are listed before
working with the word sliders.
ESE students will be given extended time to create words with the sliders and will work with a non-ESE student. They will be given a
worksheet in which they will have to circle the picture of the item whose name contains the –ea digraph.
Self-Concept: (N&N, V, and C.)
Needed & Necessary: Thank you for trying your best in making the words today with the word sliders.
Valued: I am very happy about being able to work with you today, and I thank you for taking part I thank you for taking part in this lesson.
Capable: You have done a great job at listening and paying attention. I am very proud of your participation today. I know that you can do it.