Ola High School Air Force JROTC 2nd Annual RED TAIL Group Drill Team Invitational Saturday, 15 November, 2014 http://schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/domain/1217 or www.GeorgiaDrill.com HOSTED BY AFJROTC Unit GA-20102 Ola High School 357 N. Ola Rd McDonough, GA 30252 (770) 288-3222 #107 1 Special Thanks the Georgia Air National Guard, / for their valuable assistance in support of the Ola High School RED Tail Group Drill Team Invitational. Event score sheets and floor diagrams can be found on the websites listed on cover page and within this SOP. Standard Operating Procedures for Ola High School AFJROTC 2nd Annual RED TAIL Group Drill Team Invitational Saturday, 15 November, 2014 1. GENERAL: A. The Ola High School Drill Meet Committee is responsible for the operation of the 2014 2nd Annual RED TAIL Group Drill Team Invitational. B. The drill meet will be held on Saturday, 15 November, 2014 at Ola High School, 357 N Ola Rd. McDonough, GA 30252. C. The Point of Contact (POC) for all matters concerning this Standard Operating Procedure is SMSgt Torrance McGee (School 770-288-3222 #107) or (Cell 678-644-4177), email: Torrance.mcgee@henry.k12.ga.us. D. This drill meet is not sanctioned, sponsored, or affiliated with the USAF or HQ AFJROTC. E. Entry fee per team is $150. Each additional armed or unarmed color guard, inspection, and regulation team is $25 per team up to two teams per event. F. For Individual Solo Armed Exhibition l and Dual Armed and Unarmed Exhibition events, each school will receive one free entry. The fee for each additional competitor for Individual and Dual armed and unarmed events are $5 (each cadet) on the day of the event. G. Current AFJROTC and Air Force Manuals/Instructions will be used as source documents for this meet. H. Current USAF Drill & Army Field Manuals will be used for color guard and all armed regulation events. (For Armed Regulation and Armed and Unarmed Color Guard, Army Training Circular No. 321.5 will be used for the handling of the rifles, not for basic marching.) I. If a team drops from an event, times will not change; each team will compete as scheduled. J. The first event will be scheduled to begin at 9:00am. K. There will be two open IDR competitions after all events are completed. One will be for 1st Year Cadets only and the other will be for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Year Cadets. There will be no charge for these events. All cadets in uniform will be allowed to participate in IDR. L. The eight-person Raider Team will not be contested under the Unarmed Division for scoring this year. M. We will have an Overall Armed and an Overall Unarmed Champion. You may have students cross over between events if you choose to enter both divisions but must have a different commander for each team. N. Commander scores will be used as event tie breakers. 2. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: A. Do not discuss anything about the Drill Meet, rules, regulations, your team’s time, the SOP, guidelines, floor layout, your team, or any other team, with any judge. All the Judges will be briefed. 2 You will be warned the first time, the second time we will consider disqualifying your unit from the meet. Do not stop any runner to discuss scores being delivered. Address all your questions to the school hosting the event, or other instructors working as part of the committee. (Cadet Commanders may ask questions to the judges once they are in the ready area, prior to their event.) B. Team Commanders will not use whistles. No Cadence may be called during any event. All maneuvers will be military in nature, demonstrating great dignity, military bearing and precision. Dancing, tumbling, cartwheels, backbends, gymnastic movements, lights, luminous clothing, music, loudspeakers, hoods, and any other device not dignified in nature for a military drill meet is strictly prohibited. You may not use props, i.e., Flags, Ribbons, etc. C. Safety is paramount; there will be NO pyramids, NO throwing cadets, NO lifting cadets off the ground in any manner, and NO bayonets of any type on any rifle (real or rubber). D. Cadets may crossover between divisions in all events. However, no one Cadet may be on two Color Guard teams. (Instructors should have integrity and ensure this rule is followed.) E. All Regulation teams should enter and exit the drill area with element leaders leading the flight. 3. UNIFORMS: Inspection, Regulation, & Color Guard: Uniforms for ALL inspections, regulation drill & color guards will be the Issued United States Air Force Service Dress Uniform with Flight Caps only (IAW-AFI 36-2903, AFJROTCI 36-2001, and the AFJROTC Uniform and Awards Guide.) No HQs Uniform waivers accepted for Regulation, Inspection, & Color Guard. All Female Cadets must wear issued low-quarter dress shoes and slacks only, SKIRTS are allowed. Shoulder cords may NOT be worn for these events. Metal Air Force Nametags are optional for all events. If one team member wears one, all members must wear one. Service Caps, Shoulder Cords, Medals, Plastic/Corafram Shoes, Bib Scarves, and Berets are not authorized for any regulation, inspection, or color guard event. Shoe taps are not allowed for any event. Color Guard Exceptions: A harness and pistol belt is required for all flag bearers. Pistol belts are not allowed for guards. No ascot bib scarves. Honor Guard belts, hats, gloves, helmets, berets or service caps are allowed. Exhibition Uniforms: IAW AFJROTC Uniform and Awards Guide, Uniforms for Special Teams are required to be approved by HQ AFJROTC. All schools must have a copy of HQ approved uniform waiver sent to Ola Meet Committee prior to meet and on hand during meet. Please ensure that your team meets this requirement. 4. TIME LIMITS: Regulation and Color Guard events do not have any specific time limits. Use the time properly and have your team march at the proper cadence (100-120 BMP). The judge may note “Extremely too slow” on your score sheet. 3 5. FLOOR DIAGRAMS: You may locate the floor diagrams at www.GeorgiaDrill.com or http://schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/domain/1217. All events will have sizes and floor diagrams with entry/exit points. Practice according to the diagrams. Drill Teams competing should come to the meet and know the entrance and exits of all areas. If your team does not exit at the proper location, you will receive a boundary violation on your score sheet. 6. SEQUENCES: All sequences will be located on the score sheets. You will find the score sheets in this SOP or posted at www.GeorgiaDrill.com or http://schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/domain/1217 . 7. WEAPONS: Weapons must be all of like model; they will not be mixed. Rifles must be demilitarized (Heavy). If any school has any other type of heavy rifle besides the AF issued Daisy Springfield, or Glendale Parade Rifle for exhibition, they must be approved in advance by Ola Meet Committee. The only exception to this rule; if your Armed Regulation Team is all females, they may compete with all Facsimile (Lightweight) rifles. The cadet who drops a weapon should immediately come to attention, march to the weapon, salute the weapon, pick up the weapon and return to the team and continue the routine. 4 Awards & Trophies Ola High School 2nd Annual RED TAIL Group Drill Team Invitational Saturday, 15 November, 2014 Armed Division Champions Unarmed Division Champions You must have a team in all events in order to receive an overall trophy in that division. ARMED DIVISION UNARMED TROPHIES TROPHIES DIVISION ARMED UNARMED OVERALL CHAMPIONS* 1st - 2nd OVERALL CHAMPIONS* 1st - 2nd ARMED INSPECTION 1st -5th UNARMED INSPECTION 1st -5th ARMED REGULATION 1st -5th UNARMED REGULATION 1st -5th ARMED COLOR GUARD 1st -5th UNARMED COLOR GUARD 1st -5th UNARMED EXHIBITION 1st -5th RAIDER TEAM Not Contested * If there is a tie for the Overall trophy in either division, the Division Inspection score will be used to break the tie.* The awards below do not count toward the Overall Trophies. EVENT AWARD Individual Drill (IDR) 1st Year Cadet 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th – Trophies Individual Drill (IDR) Veteran Cadet 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th – Trophies Individual Solo Armed Exhibition 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th – Trophies Dual Armed Exhibition Team 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th – Trophies (Team) Dual Unarmed Exhibition Team 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th – Trophies (Team) OUTSTANDING COMMANDER 5 A Trophy will be given for the Top Commander in DRILL and COLOR Guard. 2 Top Commander Trophies INSPECTION ARMED & UNARMED 1. All Inspection events will be closed to spectators from other schools. Each Instructor will be allowed to have his spectators in the area and anyone else he allows to be there. Once the Inspection begins, spectators are expected to be quiet inside the area. 2. You may have up to two unarmed inspection and two armed inspection. You may NOT have duplicate cadets in these inspections, but do not use the same commander for both. The cadets marching regulation drill do not have to be the ones being inspected. The inspection team must have 12 cadets plus a commander. 3. Head Judge positioning will be exactly half-way along the boundary against the boundary tape, giving the cadets maximum floor space to utilize. (Middle of 20 ft area) 4. Additionally, competing cadets MUST wear ALL AFJROTC ribbons earned during their time in AFJROTC. 5. The Inspection areas are a tight fit for the standard inspection spacing. For the sake of uniformity and to allow that every unit is inspected using the same standard, all units will be expected to report in with the cadet commander roughly 2 paces from the Head Judge (HJ) and centered AFTER the Open Ranks command is executed. Inspection Preparation All instructions regarding Flight Inspection rules & regulations should be carried out to the letter to earn a top score. Several procedures have been changed from AFMAN 36-2203 for safety and/or time reasons. The judges will be looking for the team that come prepared for the Inspection Evaluation. There is much more to your Inspection Evaluation than the Uniform (though this will be a large part of it). Proper procedures will be a large part of inspection. Military Bearing and Confidence will also be a part of this evaluation. Each team will set up in the ready area, in line formation, with four Element Leaders located on the right side of the flight. The Team will get ready to march straight in from the Ready Area into the Inspection Area, directly toward the HJ. When you hear the judge command, “your school name, REPORT!” the Cadet Commander will lead his/her cadets into the inspection area centering the unit on the HJ. Teams should enter, forming with four elements of three cadets each. NO OTHER FORMATION will be acceptable. Forming in this manner will allow each judge to inspect a single element. The team will enter straight into the inspection area from the ready area. Team must be centered on the HJ. The inspection area is taped off. All cadets must be inside the taped off area at all times during Open Ranks and inspection. The Inspection area is 22ft x 31ft. The HJ is on the 22 ft side, standing directly in the center. Once the Cadet Commander gives the command, Flight, HALT, Salutes the HJ and reports in. The HJ will return salute and give the command PREPARE FOR INSPECTION. On this command, the Cadet Commander performs an About FACE”, and orders Open Ranks, MARCH. Cadet Commander should move 6 to review cadet for dress and cover during Open Ranks. After review, Cadet Commander will take three paces past first element, HALT, Left FACE, command Ready, FRONT, take one step forward (in front of first element leader), and Right FACE. When HJ approaches Cadet Commander, Cadet Commander will Salute, and report ”“Sir” or “Ma’am”, thw flight ia prepared for inspection. (NOTE: DO NOT have the entire formation salute the judge – this is an exhibition movement)! The HJ will return salute and briefly visually evaluate the Cadet Commander and then the HJ will command, “Precede me through the inspection”. (The Cadet Commander WILL NOT give 2nd, 3rd, and 4th elements Parade REST. All judges at this point step off to evaluate the element leaders. Each cadet will be asked questions and will be expected to answer these questions properly, while keeping their military bearing. Questions are located in this SOP and on website. When confronted by a judge, ALL CADETS ARE ENCOURAGED to greet the judge and provide their name as follows, “Good Morning ( Rank of Inspector), Cadet (Last Name of Cadet) is prepared for Unarmed (Armed) Inspection”. Sounding Off, while answering your questions, will show enthusiasm and motivation to the judges. Always address the judges in a professional and military manner. The judges will ask you questions from the provided list of questions, however, they also reserve the right to ask questions not on the provided list. Be prepared. The Cadet Commander should be in front of cadet #2, one pace back, in the 1st element, leading the HJ. Other Judges move across the formation, visually and verbally evaluating each cadet. When the Head Judge moves to cadet #3 in the 1st element, the cadet commander should be to the judge’s right with sufficient distance to allow the HJ to move to the back of the rank and continue the inspection. At this point, the Cadet Commander will be FOLLOWING the head judge. When the HJ completes inspection of 1st element, the Cadet Commander will return to initial starting positions in front of the frist element leader, three paces in front of the first element leader, HALT, and at ATTENTION. When the HJ sees that all elements have completed inspection, the HJ will inform Cadet Commander. The Cadet Commander will Left FACE, command Close Ranks, MARCH, Right FACE, salute and verbally report out. When the HJ returns salute, the Cadet Commander will re-center on flight, facing flight, , command Right FACE, and then give the unit the proper column of files command in order to exit the Inspection Area in a single file. The First Element leader must be the first cadet to lead the flight out of the Inspection area. The Head Judge will not move from his location in the center. You may not march your team straight out of the Inspection area in flight formation. All Teams must exit the inspection area in a single file, with their element leaders leading in proper order (1st Element Leader, then all the members of 2nd Element, then 3rd Element Leader, with all members of 4th Element, etc.). Your team will be evaluated until they are out of the area. Armed Inspection ALL armed cadets when confronted by a judge should move to inspection arms and expect the rifle to be taken and evaluated. Weapons may be De-Mil or Facsimile, but they should not be mixed within a flight. Cadet Commanders will carry their rifles slung on their shoulder, or may carry a saber the entire time. Continue with the inspection procedures noted above. Once the inspector steps directly in front of the cadets in the flight, the cadet will automatically move through the Inspection Arms procedures in Army TC 3-21.5, Appendix D, page D-8. There are different types of inspection arms based on different types of rifles; these procedures best fit the type of rifles issued and normally used. All schools may simulate bolt opening and closing procedures. CAUTION: Some rifles such as M1s are dangerous for cadets to close after opening the bolts. It is the option of the school to decide if they will open the bolt on their rifles. Some schools do not have operational bolts on their rifles. So they would have to simulate these required movements. The inspector will take the rifle from the cadet when the cadet has completed “Inspection Arms.” Once the inspector takes the rifle, immediately place your hands at the position of attention. When the inspector hands the rifle back to you, (1) immediately grasp the rifle with your left hand, (2) assume Port Arms, (3) close the rifle bolt (or simulate), (4) release the grasp of the right hand and grasp the small of the stock with the right forefinger on the trigger, pulling the trigger (If your trigger does not move, simulate the movement. DO NOT verbally say 7 click to show the judges what you are doing.) (5) Resume Port Arms, (6) then Order Arms. Teams should practice so that they all do it the same way while keeping their military bearing. Inspection Area (Hall) (HJ) X CC O O O O O O O O O O O O Exit To Hallway 8 Inspection Ready Area In Hallway ARMED & UNARMED COLOR GUARD (No Uncasing the Colors) GENERAL: The commands for the Color Guard (CG) sequence are the same as the AF Nationals. All Color Guard teams will consist of two flag bearers and two riflemen. The CG Commander will carry the National Colors and call the commands. Only Regulation Color Guard movements are authorized. Fancy Exhibition style movements and timings are not acceptable. No prompt sheets may be used; commands must be committed to memory. All CG Teams must have 2 matching rifles either facsimile or de-mil. Unarmed and Armed Color Guard sequences are exactly the same. Both divisions use rifles. All CG teams WILL NOT uncase the colors. No cadet may be on more than 1 Color Guard team. Please use integrity on this matter. ***See paragraph 3 for uniform/equipment requirements for Color Guard. CG PENALTIES: No CG team will be automatically disqualified for mistakes! They will receive penalties. The US Flag should not be allowed to slip and fall lower than the other flag at any time. Neither Flag is allowed to touch the floor. Both flags need to be as close to equal height as possible. (IAW TC321.5, section 15-14, “The socket is below the waist and adjusted to ensure that the finials of all Colors are of equal height.”) Using proper flag etiquette, the US Flag should not be lower than the organizational flag. 9 Armed & Unarmed Color Guard Sequence Enter Color Guard Area 1. Carry Colors 2. March In 3. Center on Head Judge 4. Present ARMS 5. Report In 6. Order ARMS 7. Colors Reverse MARCH (Forward MARCH) 8. Left Wheel March (Forward MARCH) 9 Colors Reverse March (Forward MARCH) 10.Color Guard Halt (Centered on Head Judge) 12. Order Colors 13. Parade Rest 14. Color Guard, Attention 15. CARRY COLORS – 5 Sec Pause 16. Forward March 17. Right Wheel March (Forward MARCH) 18.. Right Wheel March (Forward MARCH) 19.. Colors Reverse March (Forward MARCH) 20. Eyes Right 21. Ready Front 22. Left Wheel March (Forward MARCH) 23. Left Wheel March (Forward MARCH) 24. Left Wheel March (Forward MARCH) 25. COLOR GUARD, HALT – 5 Sec Pause 26. Present Arms 27. Report Out 28. Order Arms 29. Exit 10 ARMED & UNARMED REGULATION DRILL GENERAL: The teams must consist of 12 members and 1 commander. The commands are to be given in the sequence listed. Protests will not be heard for crowd noise. If the HJ feels that crowd noise interfered with a team's performance, the HJ may stop the performance and allow unit to start over. Drill teams must exit the Drill Area through the cones at the exit area). After reporting out, you may depart to the exit area in any direction, but all Regulation teams must exit the drill area with element leaders leading the flight, using legal commands. No Guidons are allowed. DRILL FLOOR AREA: Armed Reg Unarmed Reg 94x50 ft 94x50 ft UNIFORMS: (See Page 3) 11 Armed Regulation Sequence TEAM ENTERS & REPORTS IN* 1. Inspection, ARMS 2. Ready, Port, ARMS 3. Order, ARMS 4. Dress Right, DRESS 5. READY, FRONT - 5 Sec Pause 6. Right, FACE 7. Count, Off 8. Close, MARCH 9. Extend, MARCH 10. Left, FACE 11. 15-COUNT MANUAL, ARMS - 5 Sec Pause 12. Open Ranks, MARCH (See Note Below) 13. Ready, FRONT 14. Close Ranks, MARCH 15. Left Step, MARCH 16. Flight, HALT 17. Left, FACE 18. Right Step, MARCH 19. Fight, HALT 20. About, FACE 21. Right Shoulder, ARMS 22. Forward, MARCH 23. Column Right, MARCH (Forward, MARCH) 24. Column Right, MARCH (Forward, MARCH) 25. Column Right, MARCH (Forward, MARCH) 26. Left Flank, MARCH 27. Right Flank, MARCH 28. Column Left, MARCH (Forward, MARCH) 29. To the Rear, MARCH 30. To the Rear, MARCH 31. Flight, HALT 32. Left Shoulder, ARMS 33. Column of Files from the Right, MARCH 34. Flight, HALT 35. Column of Threes to the Left, MARCH 36. Column Left, MARCH (Forward, MARCH) 37. Port, ARMS 38. Column Left, MARCH (Forward, MARCH) 39. Double Time, MARCH 40. Quick Time, MARCH 41. Flight, HALT - 5 Sec Pause 42. Right Shoulder, ARMS 12 43. Column Left, MARCH (Forward, MARCH) 44. Column 1/2 Left, MARCH 45. Column 1/2 Left, MARCH 46. To the Rear, MARCH 47. To the Rear, MARCH 48. Flight, HALT 49. Forward MARCH 50. Eyes, Right 51. Ready, Front 52. Column Left, MARCH (Forward, MARCH) 53. Left Shoulder, ARMS 54. Column Left, MARCH (Forward, MARCH) 55. Left Flank, MARCH 56. Flight, HALT (Centered on Head Judge) Team Reports Out and Exits ** NOTE: During Open Ranks, the CC should go through the alignment movements, but not move anyone. **Teams should report out and exit the floor with the element leaders leading. The team will not Present ARMS when reporting out. Unarmed Regulation Sequence TEAM ENTERS AND REPORTS IN 1. Dress Right, Dress 13 2. Ready, Front 3. PRESENT, ARMS – 5 Sec Pause 4. Order, ARMS 5. Parade, Rest 6. Flight, Attention 7. Count Off 8. Right, FACE 9. Close, MARCH 10. Extend, MARCH 11. Left, FACE 12. Open Ranks, MARCH (See Note Below) 13. Ready, Front 14. Close Ranks, MARCH 15. Left, FACE 16. About, FACE 17. Left Step, MARCH 18. FLIGHT HALT -5 Sec Pause 19. Left, FACE 20. About, FACE 21. Right Step, MARCH 22. Flight HALT 23. About, FACE 24. Right, FACE 25. Forward, MARCH 26. Column Right, MARCH (Forward MARCH) 27. Column Right, MARCH (Forward MARCH) 28. Column Right, MARCH (Forward MARCH) 29. Left Flank, MARCH 30. Right Flank, MARCH 31. Column Left, MARCH ( Forward MARCH) 32. To The Rear, MARCH 33. To the Rear, MARCH 34. Flight HALT 35. Column of Files from the Right, MARCH 36. Flight, HALT 37. Column of Threes to the Left, MARCH 38. Column Left, MARCH (Forward MARCH) 39. Change Step, MARCH 40. Column Left, MARCH (Forward MARCH) 41. Double Time, MARCH 42. Quick Time, MARCH 43. FLIGHT, HALT -5 Sec Pause 44. Column Left, MARCH (Forward MARCH) 45. Column 1/2 Left, MARCH 46. Column 1/2 Left, MARCH 47. To the Rear, MARCH 14 48. To the Rear, MARCH 49. Flight, HALT 50. Forward, MARCH 51. Eyes, Right 52. Ready, Front 53. Column Left, MARCH (Forward MARCH) 54. Column Left, MARCH (Forward MARCH) 55. Flight, HALT 56. Forward, MARCH 57. Half Step, MARCH 58. Forward, MARCH 59. Counter, MARCH (Forward MARCH) 60. Counter, MARCH (Forward MARCH) 61. Left Flank, MARCH 62. Flight, HALT Team Reports Out and Exits ** NOTE: During Open Ranks, the CC should go through the alignment movements, but not move anyone. **Teams should report out and exit the floor with the element leaders leading. The team will not Present Arms when reporting out. 15 EXHIBITION DRILL UNARMED ONLY (ARMED will not be contested) 1. GENERAL: The time limit for this drill event is 6-9 minutes, starting when the first team member (including the Commander) enters the field. The time ends when the last member of the team exits the drill area. The CC may enter and exit the team at any location. The CC will place the HJ at any location. Any use of musical devices, whistles, or other noise making devices or non-standard equipment will result in the disqualification of that team from this event. 2. PENALTIES: The minimum number of cadets, 9 plus a commander, is required to participate in Exhibition. Any use of musical devices, whistles, or other noise making devices or non-standard equipment, dancing, tumbling, gymnastics, cartwheels, backbends, lights, music, loudspeakers, luminous clothing, hoods, or any other device not dignified in nature for a military drill meet is strictly prohibited and will result in disqualification of that team from this event. You may not use props, i.e. the Flags, Ribbons, etc. 3. UNIFORMS: IAW AFJROTC Uniform and Awards Guide, Uniforms for Special Teams are required to be approved by HQ AFJROTC. All schools will be required to have a copy of their HQ approved uniform waiver on hand. Please ensure that your team meets this requirement. DRILL FLOOR AREA: Unarmed Exhibition 16 94x50 ft Individual & Dual Armed Exhibition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We will have an Armed/Unarmed Individual and Armed/Unarmed Dual Championship. Trophies will go the top 5 in each event These events will be held outside in a 20ft x 20ft area. Time limit is between 1-2 minutes for both events. Each school will receive 1 free score sheet for Armed/Unarmed Individual and 1 free score sheet for Armed/Unarmed Dual Drill, to be used by a cadet in unit only. Teams will need to submit names of cadets competing in these events prior to drill meet. Other cadets wishing to compete in respective events will need to pay $5 per person. Collected on the day of the event. 6. Rifles may be Demilitarized (Heavy) or Facsimile (Light). This is your choice… if you feel that one style of rifle has an advantage over the other, then use the other, it is your choice. Everyone will be judged on what they can do with what they have. Individual Drill/Regulation (IDR) Knock-Out 1. IDR will be held as a mass event at the very end of the drill meet at no charge. When all other events are finished, all cadets in uniform will be invited to the drill floor. We will conduct a single elimination Unarmed IDR for 1st Year Cadets and a single elimination Unarmed IDR for Veteran Cadets. We expect SASI's/ASI’s and PARENTS to conduct themselves appropriately during the IDR competition. 2. All legal commands from AFM 36-2203 Drill and Ceremonies may be used during the competition. Commands may be varied in speed, inflection and order. The IDR caller has the right to use improper commands during the competition. The Head IDR Judge will have final authority. Trick commands WILL NOT be used (i.e. “Order Army”). 3. The command, AS YOU WERE, will and must be given by the Head IDR Judge to clear any and all improper commands before other movements may be executed. Commands will begin at a slow cadence and pick up speed as the event proceeds during each series. 4. IDR will be single elimination. 17