Chapter 5 Guided Notes 3-4

U.S. History
Ms. Areces
Chapter 5 Guided Notes
Forming a Government
Section 3: Creating the Constitution
Constitutional Convention
Constitutional Convention was held in May 1787 in
o It was going to improve the ___________________________________________
o Many delegates were prominent Americans: Benjamin Franklin, James Madison,
George Washington (president of the convention)
o But many were absent: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry (chose not
to attend); also women, African Americans, and Native Americans did not have
the right to be there
Great Compromise
Many of the delegates from the different states _____________________ on many things
o Issues: small and large states had different ideas about
_________________________, economic concerns with tariffs, _____________,
and the power of the _________________________________________________
Virginia Plan
New Jersey Plan
After a _____________________ of debate, they still could not reach a decision
But finally, Roger Sherman (CT) proposed a compromise:
o The legislative branch would have ____________________________
 Each state would have ________________ representatives in the Senate &
the state’s ______________________________ would determine the
amount of representatives in the House of representatives
 This agreement pleased both the larger and smaller states
This became known as the __________________________________________________
U.S. History
Ms. Areces
Three-Fifths Compromise
The debate over representation continued…
Southern delegates wanted _________________________________________________
to be counted in their population to have representatives (and more _________________)
in Congress
o Northerners thought that the number of slaves should determine
_____________—not representation
As a compromise, they came up with the
o Meaning ________________________ of a state’s slave population would count
when determining representation
Another issue was the _________________________________________________
o Some delegates wanted to ban slaves while others believed that slavery was
needed in the _________________________________ economies
 Many southerners said they would leave the Union if the Constitution
ended the slave trade
 There was also the issue of taxes on imports
The _____________________________________________________ allowed Congress
to charge import taxes but not export taxes, and allowed the importation of slaves until
the end of 1807
o But the words “_____________________” or “_________________” are not
used in the Constitution—instead it said “free Persons” and “all other Persons.”
The Living Constitution
The Convention delegates wanted a
____________________________________________________, but they also wanted to
maintain popular sovereignty, the idea that political authority belongs
They also wanted to balance the power of the central government with the power of the
o They created ___________________________________—the sharing of power
between a central government and the states that make up the country
o Under the Constitution, the states have whatever power that is
(i.e. local government, education, marriage, laws, etc.)
Constitution also balances the power among the __________________ branches
1. _____________________________ branch: Congress is responsible for
proposing and passing laws (made up of two houses)
2. _____________________________ branch: the President and the departments
that run the government makes sure that the law is carried out
3. _____________________________ branch: national courts are responsible for
interpreting the laws, punishing criminals, and settling disputes between states
U.S. History
Ms. Areces
__________________________________ keep any branch from becoming too powerful
o Example:
o Congress has the power to pass bills into law, but the president can veto the law
o But then Congress can override the president’s veto with a 2/3 vote
o The Supreme Court can review laws passed by Congress and say that the law is
The final draft of the Constitution was completed in September 1787
o Only 3 of the 42 delegates refused to sign
The signed Constitution was sent to Congress and then sent to the states for
It was not a perfect document, but it protected the ideas of
Section 4: Ratifying the Constitution
Federalists and Antifederalists
When the Constitution was made public, a huge ___________________ began among the
American people
___________________________________________ (people who opposed the
Constitution) thought that they should not have created a new government
o Others thought that the Constitution gave ___________________________
power to the central government
o They believed that the Constitution did not guarantee
o Many were _________________________________ and debtors
o Patriots like Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry were Antifederalists
_____________________________________ were supporters of the Constitution, like
James Madison, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander Hamilton
o They believed the Constitution offered a _________________________________
of power
o Many were ___________________________ planters, farmers, and lawyers;
some were workers and craftspeople
The two groups debated over the approval of the Constitution by
_________________________________ and _________________________________
Federalist Papers
One of the most popular defenses of the Constitution was a series of essays called the
o They were written anonymously under the name Publius—but were actually
written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay
U.S. History
Ms. Areces
o They tried to reassure Americans that the new federal government would
o In No. 10, Madison argued that the ____________________________ of the U.S.
would prevent any one group from controlling the government
o The essays were widely printed in newspapers around the country
 They were finally collected and published as a book in 1788
Only 9 states had to pass the Constitution, but all the states had to ratify to ensure
o States held their own conventions to discuss the Constitution
December 7, 1787: ___________________________ became the first state to ratify the
o It went into effect in June 1788 after New Hampshire became the 9th state to ratify
o Virginia and New York were hard to convince to ratify the Constitution with
intense debates and even riots
o ____________________________________ was the last to ratify it in May 1790
Bill of Rights
Several states only ratified the Constitution because they were promised
o Antifederalists said that the Constitution did not protect individual freedoms
o Federalists said that the whole Constitution was already a bill of rights
James Madison encouraged the legislators to put together a bill of rights that would be
added to the Constitution as _________________________________, or official changes
o Amendments had to be approved by 2/3 majority of both houses in Congress and
the ratified by ¾ of the states before taking effect (guaranteed in
Legislators got ideas from the state ratification conventions, the Virginia Declaration of
Rights, the English Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence
Sept 1789: Congress proposed 12 amendments and sent them to the states for ratification
December 1791: the _____________________________________ was officially ratified
o 10 amendments intended to protect the rights of the citizens
The Constitution has allowed this country to survive for more than _____________ years