Powerpoint slides



Psychology 2606

Some introductory thoughts

 We are clearly the most cognitively complex animals on this planet

 We can think about objects that are not present

 We can think about abstract ideas

 We use symbolic and syntactic language

 We plan and string events together

So, how is thought encoded in the brain?

 Monkeys, dots, motion and V5

So, individual cortical neurons were detecting motion and making decisions

Hebb’s idea of the cell assembly

 The association cortex is key in thought

 Anything not primary is association (that is most of the cortex)

 Receives input from the thalamus, but from areas that themselves get input from primary sensory areas

Spatial cognition

 Our ability to deal with spatial stimuli may have helped us evolve ‘consciousness’

 That and the standing up and big heart thing

 We seem to have specialized sub systems to deal with different types of information

 Modules if you will

A Purely Geometric Module in

Human Spatial


David R. Brodbeck 1

Andrea E. Pike 2

Cory Spracklin 1

Department of Psychology

1-Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Memorial University of Newfoundland,

Corner Brook, NL

2Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, NL


 Cheng (1986) got the ball rolling

Or the cocoa puff, as the case may be…

 Basically, he found that rats would use geometric information to locate food in a rectangular arena

 Most of their errors were to rotations of the originally baited location

Cheng (1986)

He then applied featural information

 walls corners

The rats still made errors, though most of these were rotational errors

He concluded that the rats were responding to the geometry of the box.

Hermer and Spelke (1994)

Tried the Cheng task with toddlers and adults

Disoriented the subjects

Using a cue

Toddlers are not unlike rats

Adults are different, seem to follow the cue

Same in Pike (2001)


 We decided to rotate the object

 A rectangle on a computer monitor

 Subjects (or participants, or whatever..) were shown a red dot on a black rectangle

 The rectangle was spun about the middle

 Dot faded

 Where was the dot?

Uncued Test Results

Original Dot Location Reflection Error

31.0% +/- 2.77

18.2% +/- 3.43

Reflection Error

17.4% +/- 2.88

Rotational Error

33.4% +/- 3.94

Cued Rectangle Results

Original Dot Location Reflection Error

37.2% +/- 3.58

11.6% +/- 3.38

Reflection Error

10.8% +/- 2.88

Rotational Error

40.4% +/- 3.62

So what?

 Well, it seems that whenever they can, people will use geometry in this task

 Even if there is a reliable cue

 What if we made geometry useless?

 A square

Uncued Square

Original Dot Location Reflection Error

23.2% +/- 2.57

24.8% +/- 3.46

Reflection Error

23.4% +/- 2.99

Rotational Error

28.6% +/- 4.00

Cued Square

Original Dot Location Reflection Error

34.2% +/- 2.79

23.2% +/- 3.63

Reflection Error

28.0% +/- 3.01

Rotational Error

14.6% +/- 3.77

What does it all mean?

 Evidence of a feature independent geometric module

 People will use features, if forced

 Under certain circumstances

 Rotational errors disappear when geometry is useless

 Errors then become based on the feature

So, What Does It All Mean?

 Clear evidence (we think) of a feature independent, geometric module in human spatial processing

 Perhaps if we slowed the rotation we would find better performance, and fewer rotational errors in the cued condition

 (Rotation was titrated until we found errors reliably)

Future Directions

Does Length : Width follow Weber’s Law?

 What if the dot was put closer to the centre of the stimulus?

 Touch screen

 Hmmm what about pigeons?

Thanks to

So we have a spatial module

 It may be the case that input from this spatial module, or cell assemblies on top of cell assemblies comes together in associative areas

 These modules can be isolated WITHOUT wet neurophysiology

So, ‘the dot is here’ could be considered a


Putting it together

 In the cortex there are columns, individual bunches of cells that go across layers of the cortex that seem to for circuits together

 Is this the unit of thought?

 Well, it might have something to do with it

 But still, we put all of our sensory and memorial thoughts together to form an experience

We started philosophically, why not end that way

 So, how are all of these things put together into an experience?

 The Binding Problem

 This, and the engram may be the holy grails of neuroscience and psychology
