2015 Social Studies Menu

Social Studies Menu for the 13 English Colonies Chapters 3-4 pgs. 47-81
What were the similarities and differences among the colonies in North America?
Name: __________________________________________
Period: _______
Pick any from the menu you would like! Your grade will be based on 50 points, so choose
activities from the menu to equal 50 points. Check off the items you finished, then staple this top
sheet to all your work.
_________/50 total points.
 Brochure 20 points
Create a travel brochure to
promote tourism in one of the
13 colonies. Items include
historic sites,
occupations, geographic
features/climate, religion, and
daily life in the colony.
 Postcards/Letters
20 points
Create a set (4) postcards
and/or letters exchanged by
two people during this time
period in colonial history.
Both people do not live in the
same colony. Include at least
2 exchanges (4 total). What
would they want to know
about each other?
 Compare and Contrast
5 points
Make a Venn diagram and
compare/contrast an African
slave’s life pgs. 62 & 70 and
an indentured servant’s life
pg. 63 in the Virginia colony.
Middle Venn Compare=3 total
Each side Venn Contrast=9
total. 2 sentences each bullet
 Timeline 20 points
Use page 80&81 only as a
sample. Create your own
timeline and illustrate 8 major
events that happened during
this time in colonial history.
Each item needs a date, a 5-7
sentence description of why it
is a main event & illustration.
 Judge 5 points
New England Southern
 Create 10 points
Create an original play, poem,
or song/rap about an event or
historical person from one of
the 13 colonies. Include at
least 10 facts along with your
creative ideas. 20 lines
 Indentured Servant
10 points
Start with reading pg. 63, then
get an additional handout
Use a t-chart to explore two
from Kissinger. Write an
different viewpoints. A
indentured servant contract.
colonist’s perspective in a
Make sure you include
New England colony and a
number of years, terms of
colonist’s perspective in a
service, occupation, living
Southern colony. 5 on each
quarters, and release date to
side, 3-4 sentence description. become an official colonist.
 Interview 10 points
 Story Time 10 points
Choose one person of significance
Use Chapter 4 “Life in the
in this time period. Create 10
Colonies” pgs. 66-74 to
interview questions to ask.
type/write a short story 1-2
Also: Tell why you would want to
pgs. From a young 14 yr. old
interview and know more about
this person. What would you want colonist’s perspective.
Combine facts and fiction.
to tell him/her about from your
time period, the here and now?
Include life on a farm or city,
Use Chapter 3, any founders of
rights, punishment, religion,
colonies, people pgs. 60-63,
education, family, leisure.
Chapter 4, people pgs. 76-79.