Enduring Understandings Chart - OISE-Social-Science

HSB4M Challenge and Change
Unit: Deviance and Conformity
Cho, Nat, Annette, and Harmony
Enduring Understandings Chart
Essential Questions
1. An understanding of A. What is the definition of
key terminology
regarding deviance B. What is the definition of
and conformity.
C. What is the definition of
D. What are the common
definitions/ideas about
2. The definition of
social deviance is
constructed and
changes over time
A. What is a social
B. How is it different from
absolute reality?
C. What are some of the
factors that help change
the perception of
D. What are some
norms/laws that might
come to be redefined?
Overall Expectations
Social Change:
 Describe the key features of
major theories from
anthropology, psychology, and
sociology that focus on change
Specific Expectations
Forces that influence Social change:
 Explain the relationship among
conformity, alienation, and social
Using Research Methods and Skills:
Research and Inquiry Skills
 Effectively communicate the results of
 Demonstrate the ability to select,
their inquiries, using a variety of
organize, and interpret
methods and forms (oral
information gathered from a
presentations, written reports, videos)
variety of print and electronic
 Communicate the results of their
inquiries effectively
Social Change:
Forces that influence Social change:
 Describe the key features of
 Explain the relationship among
major theories from
conformity, alienation, and social
anthropology, psychology, and
sociology that focus on change
Using Research Methods and Skills:
Research and Inquiry Skills
 Effectively communicate the results of
 Demonstrate the ability to select,
their inquiries, using a variety of
organize, and interpret
methods and forms (oral
information gathered from a
presentations, written reports, videos)
variety of print and electronic
 Analyse for bias, accuracy, and
relevance articles or programs on
 Communicate the results of their
issues related to deviance and
inquiries effectively
HSB4M Challenge and Change
Unit: Deviance and Conformity
Cho, Nat, Annette, and Harmony
Essential Questions
3. Deviance can lead to A. What are some of the
social change.
social functions of
B. What are some examples
of deviant
individuals/groups who
have contributed to social
C. How have these deviant
groups contributed to
positive social change?
D. How can these historical
examples enrich our
understanding of the
nature of deviance?
4. The construction of
deviance and
conformity depends
largely on the
distribution of
power amongst
differing groups.
A. Who defines deviance?
B. What forces shape our
understanding of reality?
C. What are the interests
involved in the creation
of deviance?
D. To what extent do power
hierarchies (racist,
classist, gendered, ageist,
ableist, or otherwise)
factor into the
construction of deviance?
Overall Expectations
Social Change:
 Describe the key features of
major theories from
anthropology, psychology, and
sociology that focus on change
Specific Expectations
Using Research Methods and Skills
 Demonstrate the ability to select,
organize, summarize, and interpret
information gathered from a variety of
print, media, and electronic sources
Research and Inquiry Skills
Using Research Methods and Skills:
 Demonstrate the ability to select,  Effectively communicate the results of
organize, and interpret
their inquiries, using a variety of
information gathered from a
methods and forms (oral
variety of print and electronic
presentations, written reports, videos)
 Analyse for bias, accuracy, and
 Communicate the results of their
relevance articles or programs on
inquiries effectively
issues related to deviance and
Social Change:
 Describe the key features of
major theories from
anthropology, psychology, and
sociology that focus on change
Forces that influence Social change:
Explain the relationship among
conformity, alienation, and social
Using Research Methods and Skills:
Research and Inquiry Skills
 Effectively communicate the results of
 Demonstrate the ability to select,
their inquiries, using a variety of
organize, and interpret
methods and forms (oral
information gathered from a
presentations, written reports, videos)
variety of print and electronic
 Analyse for bias, accuracy, and
relevance articles or programs on
 Communicate the results of their
issues related to deviance and
inquiries effectively
HSB4M Challenge and Change
Unit: Deviance and Conformity
Cho, Nat, Annette, and Harmony
Essential Questions
5. The
A. Is it appropriate to view
deviance as either
tion of deviance and
positive or negative?
conformity depend B. What might be a more
largely on context.
appropriate way to
perceive difference?
C. In which contexts could
deviance be considered
6. Many forms of
conformity are
naturalized to the
A. What are some of the
mundane acts of
conformity in which we
Overall Expectations
Specific Expectations
Social Challenges:
 Demonstrate an understanding of
the social forces that shape value Deviance and Conformity:
judgements about deviance and  Explain the relationship between
deviance and conformity
 Assess the role of stereotyping and
norming as a barrier to full
participation in society.
Social Change:
Forces that influence Social change:
 Describe the key features of
 Explain the relationship among
major theories from
conformity, alienation, and social
anthropology, psychology, and
sociology that focus on change
Using Research Methods and Skills:
Social Challenges:
 Effectively communicate the results of
 Demonstrate an understanding of
their inquiries, using a variety of
the social forces that shape value
methods and forms (oral
judgements about deviance and
presentations, written reports, videos)
 Analyse for bias, accuracy, and
relevance articles or programs on
issues related to deviance and
Social Change:
 Describe the key features of
major theories from
Challenges in Context:
 Analyse social structures that
support, and those that weaken,
Using Research Methods and Skills:
 Effectively communicate the results of
their inquiries, using a variety of
HSB4M Challenge and Change
Unit: Deviance and Conformity
Cho, Nat, Annette, and Harmony
extent that they
become invisible.
7. Skill: Identify power
relations at work in
defining and
Essential Questions
Overall Expectations
Specific Expectations
all participate?
B. What psychological and
sociological forces compel
us to label others as
deviant? What function
do these tendencies
C. How do notions of
deviance influence
representations of
D. How is difference
represented in different
mass media?
E. How does the
construction of deviance
serve to reinforce the
invisibility of conformity?
anthropology, psychology, and
sociology that focus on change
methods and forms (oral
presentations, written reports, videos)
 Analyse for bias, accuracy, and
relevance articles or programs on
issues related to deviance and
A. What is a “social
B. How/is it different from an
absolute reality?
C. What forces shape our
understandings of reality?
D. What interests are involved
in determining whether a
thing is understood as
“deviant” or not?
E. What groups currently seen
as deviant might come to be
defined as agents of
positive social change?
Social Change:
 Describe the key features of
major theories from
anthropology, psychology, and
sociology that focus on change
Forces that influence Social change:
 Explain the relationship among
conformity, alienation, and social
Using Research Methods and Skills:
Research and Inquiry Skills
 Effectively communicate the results of
 Demonstrate the ability to select,
their inquiries, using a variety of
organize, and interpret
methods and forms (oral
information gathered from a
presentations, written reports, videos)
variety of print and electronic
 Analyse for bias, accuracy, and
relevance articles or programs on
 Communicate the results of their
HSB4M Challenge and Change
Unit: Deviance and Conformity
Cho, Nat, Annette, and Harmony
Essential Questions
Overall Expectations
inquiries effectively
Specific Expectations
issues related to deviance and
Social Challenges:
 Demonstrate an understanding of Challenges in Context:
the social forces that shape value  Analyse social structures that
support, and those that weaken,
judgements about deviance and
Deviance and Conformity:
 Explain the relationship between
deviance and conformity
 Assess the role of stereotyping and
norming as a barrier to full
participation in society.