Second Grade Weekly Homework Sheet

Mrs. Obiedzenski’s Class News
Week of 3/3/14
Happy Monday 
We are in need of a ROOM MOM! Mrs. Bouis has been so incredibly helpful thus far but her family will be
moving out of state in a few weeks. If anyone is interested in picking up Room Mom, or being a co-room
mom, please let me know. I greatly appreciate you help with this!! 
Early Release Day on Friday, 3/7 has been changed to a full day o be used as a make-up day. Although we
were tracked out, we will still participate in the make-up since Wake County does not want to run buses
twice. Track 3 students can be picked up by parents at the Early Release time of 12:20 and be counted
present for the full day. Your child is also able to say a school until the 2:40 dismissal time.
We are in need of a few supplies! Please help us out by visiting our sign-up page:
Symphony field trip is Thursday, 3/20. Students will need to dress up to attend. Example: boys- khaki pants or
dress pants, collar shirt, shoes; girls- dress or dress pants, shoes. Students should not wear sweats, jeans, or
sneakers. We will be eating lunch at school as normal so there is no need to pack a bag lunch.
See Aquarium field trip permission slip, info sheet, and itinerary in your child’s Monday folder. I will be sending
out an email later this week to parents wanting to chaperone regarding transportation, itinerary, etc.
Please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns via email at
Jacklyn Obiedzenski 
We Will Be Learning:
CAFÉ: We will compare poetry, prose, and drama.
Language: We will work on lesson 12 in Wordly Wise
this week.
Writer’s Workshop: We will revise an opinion piece.
Social Studies: Our class will work on the 2nd portion
of unit 3, economics, with Mrs. May (track 4).
Math: We’ll be learning about mixed and improper
fractions this week. We’ll also begin comparing
This week’s Specials:
Monday- Art (smocks!)
Tuesday- Music (recorders)
Wednesday- P.E. (sneakers)
Thursday- Science
Friday- Technology
 Sign and return Monday Folder
 Sign student agenda each night
 Check ClassDojo!
Important Dates:
3/7- Early Release CANCELLED
3/12- Spirit Night @ Milton’s
3/20- Symphony field trip
3/25- Aquarium field trip
3/31- Music class talent show @ 1:10