PAWNS OF FATALITY Apart from the buzz on the internet about a possible terrorist attack on the University of Phoenix stadium and all of the ritualistic numbers and moments that could have generated disaster, I spoke with my staff prior to the Super Bowl and told them that there would have to be some way the Super Bowl creators could sneak in a reference to Baphomet or a Goat because the Chinese new year was approaching and of course it is the year of the goat. Ever since the latter part of October we have observed a very real influence of the Baphomet and the importance of the goat just prior to the Chinese New Year. Baphomet has always been an enigmatic symbol of the goat and the feminine. Aleister Crowley and many of his initiates have stated that the symbol represents the joining of the harlot or whore of Babylon and the beast. Crowley's protégé Kenneth Grant has stated that Baphomet is Satan, the devil, Set, and Pan. He also said that the name contains the number of the Beasty or the Abyss in cabala. Baphomet is the personification of the doorway to the underworld. In his observation it represents the beast and the woman conjoined, meaning Babylon and the Beast of Revelation. Eliphas Levi, the creator of the goat-headed Baphomet image, said in 1862 that the symbol represents that fate of the church and religion itself: <blockquote>"A day will come when the pope… will declare that all the excommunications are lifted and all the anathemas are retracted, when all the Christians will be united within the Church, when the Jews and Moslems will be blessed and called back to her. She will permit all sects to approach her by degrees and will embrace all mankind in the communion of her love and prayers. Then, Protestants will no longer exist. Against what will they be able to protest? The sovereign pontiff will then be truly king of the religious world, and he will do whatever he wishes with all the nations of the earth."</blockquote> The symbolism of the goat is very important to explore and it goes without saying that combined with the ritualism that was to be expected at The Superbowl we did not walk away from the experience without being exposed to the rich symbolism of chaos, which included commercials and even publicity photos featuring the goat among other symbols. For example Sprint offered a TV spot that featured a screaming goat prominently in their commercial. There was also a moment where a donkey was featured. (SPRINT) The same animal combination of goats and a donkey were featured in the T-Mobile ad with Sarah Silverman and Chelsea Handler. (pic) During reports about Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady, there were retrospectives that often showed Brady in his 2005 GQ spread where he poses as a cowboy and chaps holding a baby goat. (pic) Just five days before the Superbowl a baby goat or “kid” was beheaded in Algiers Louisiana. According to a news release from the LASPCA, the beheading happened in Brechtel Park. The park actually uses baby goats to eat the weeds at the park. Local goat owners are paid to keep their goats at the park and visit the goats daily to make sure they are properly taken care of. The goats are fenced off in an area near the baseball field in the park. The owner of the baby goat believes that an altercation with a group of teenagers over the weekend may be the root of the gruesome act. The New Orleans Police Department and the LASPCA said investigators have not found the head of the goat. The brother of the beheaded goat is also missing from the park. It was also noted that there were many commercials that were shown during the Superbowl that were full of death and dismemberment. One of the commercials that was a complete a downer was the Nationwide insurance ad that showed a young kid lamenting that he would never learn to ride a bike. He then says that he will never get cooties from his first kiss. He sadly says that he will never learn to fly, or travel the world with his best friend or even get married. The reason is later revealed as he says “I died from an accident.” (Nationwide) Many people tweeted that the commercial seemed a bit foreboding even for the Superbowl and the fact that the ad aired just before the halftime ritual performed by Katy Perry. The symbolism of her Superbowl ritual brought together the themes of juvenile fantasy, the joining of the beast and the female and later the aspects of new dawn symbolism and the overtones of Luciferian Illuminisim. February 1st begins the pagan holiday of Imbolc. It is the day set aside Brigid, the Celtic goddess who in later times became revered as a Christian saint. Imbolc refers to the lactation in the breasts of the goats and the ewes. It means literally "In Milk" it is the flow of milk that heralds the return of the life-giving forces of spring. This celebration is also known as Candlemas, the Feast of Brigid, Festival of Light, Feast of the Virgin, and The Festival of Milk. Brigid was also known as the Celtic Goddess of fire and inspiration. When Katy Perry performed at the Super Bowl, she entered the stadium wearing a costume that was adorned with flames. Brigid was also the goddess of high places. Katy was hoisted high above the crowd riding a shooting star that resembled the Masonic symbol of the “Blazing Star” (Lucifer) falling from Heaven. The Goddess Katy also rode a large animatronic lion into the stadium which made her look very much like the ancient depictions of the Whore of Babylon. She also represented the Indian goddess Durga. Durga is a divine goddess who rides a lion or a Tiger and with her 18 arms she carries weapons and makes secret hand gestures to believers. Now we understand the fiery goddess has arrived at the holy line of blood sacrifice which is the 33rd degree North parallel. The University of Phoenix stadium rests on that parallel that has been known to be the place of bloodletting and sacrifice. Keep in mind that the 33rd parallels is the place where the same line passes through the Phoenician city of Tyre, which is a city with an entrance adorned by the two pillars of Boaz and Jachin, and Baghdad, Iraq; near where the Tower of Babel was believed to exist. Between the two pillars is the stone known as the benben stone. It is the exact stone where the mythical Phoenix lands, burns and then resurrects from the ashes. Now obviously no blood was spilled during the halftime show. However, Katy Perry tweeted, “It seemed appropriate to draw blood tonight.” This was a reference to the tattoo she got backstage of “XLIX,” the Roman numeral 49. It is noteworthy also that in the Arabic numerals used in the West in modern times, the 4 and the 9 add up to 13. After her Katy’s big arrival she performed the song “I Kissed a Girl” with Lenny Kravitz. This was symbolic as well because Lenny Kravitz has appeared in the Hunger Games films as Cinna. Cinna was Katniss Everdeen's stylist during her campaigns through the 74th and 75th Hunger Games, as well as a supporter of the rebels in District 13. Cinna had designed the clothing of “the girl on fire” including one particular outfit that makes Katiniss look like the Phoenix. Katy Perry’s outfit made her look like the fire goddess and during the performance with Kravitz there was a lot of pyrotechnics used on stage. During the performance of “Dark Horse,” there were dancers dressed as pawns on a huge chess board. The checkerboard pattern is well known Illuminati symbolism for duality and the power of opposition. Also, in Masonic lodges, the OTO, and other Hermetic secret societies, a chequerboard floor is traditional. From the book <i>A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe</i>, by Michael S. Schneider, we read: <blockquote>In the cosmology of chess, the four-sided board symbolizes the 'worldmountain,' or the Axis Mundi -- so we can look at it as four concentric rings of squares. The game's battle is often for the board's central area, the 'high ground,' the area of the Hindu temple known as the 'seat of Brahma,' the central chamber housing the divinity. The board is ringed by twenty-eight squares and is therefore traditionally associated with the twenty-eight 'mansions,' or nightly stations, of the moon's orbit around Earth, recognized in many cultures. The number twenty-eight is interesting in that it results from the sum of numbers one through seven (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28), and was called a 'perfect number' since, like the number six, it is one of the few numbers known to be equal to the sum of its divisors: (28 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14). It was also known as the number of days in a traditional lunar month of four seven-day week (28 + 4 x 7(), thirteen of which make a lunar year of 364 = 13 x 28 days, the time the moon takes to pass through the cycle of the zodiac."</blockquote> It is interesting to note that February will have a Friday the 13th, and will end on the 28th day in 2015. The song “California Gurls” for some reason had no real Illuminati symbolism in it. Katy performed in what looked like a uniform from “Hot Dog on a Stick,” alongside animated beach balls and sharks. Many people say that Katy Perry loves to take adult themes and change them into more childish or juvenile affairs. It is like taking child poetry and making it tawdry and lascivious. The final act of the show was her performance of “Firework” where we saw her rise above the stadium on a platform that was adorned with a shooting star. It was here that Katy combined the Goddess Brigid, “The Highest One” and Venus the Morning Star and in similar fashion, Astarte the Goddess. Astarte was one of the most popular of the goddesses in the Greco-Roman pantheon in the first century. According to mythology, much like the phoenix she came to earth in a ball of fire -- a meteor, a black stone. The Old Testament contains references to Astarte, but each time she was mentioned, the word was changed to Ashtoreth, a combination of Astarte and bo-sheth, a Hebrew word that means “shame.” As a result, nowhere in the Torah do the Hebrew letters for the goddess’s name, Astarte, or Ashtar, appear. The Latin word for light is Luc; the Latin word for bearer is ferre. The planet Venus was known to the ancients as the “Light Bearer” because Venus appears in the sky each morning before the sun rises. In ancient Greco-Roman mythology Venus was the goddess of love, sexuality, and procreation. The goddess Venus, the “Light Bearer” was called Luc-ferre, or Lucifer in Latin. Lucifer was always associated with the dawn or the new dawn and making wishes to be granted with bargains to be made for the new day or the new year. In similar fashion as selling one’s soul to the devil. The old childhood poem “Star Light, Star Bright” is in effect a childhood poem about making a deal with Lucifer. "Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." Madonna’s song “Lucky Star” from the 1980s, which was based on this nursery rhyme, is obviously a paean to the inspiration of a Luciferian familiar spirit or muse. Last night, Katy Perry appeared to be the goddess of the highest dangling below the 5 pointed star. The Pentagram, pentangle and pentacle are all names for a five-pointed star. This symbol apparently originated as the symbol of a Goddess who was worshipped by the name of Kore or Cor. This Goddess is also known as Car, Cara, Carnac, Ceres, Core, Kar, Karnak, Kaur, Kauri, Ker, Kerma, Kher, Kore, Q're. Kore had a sacred fruit. It is probably no coincidence that it was the apple. The apple has always been the metaphoric evil or forbidde fruit taken by Eve in the Garden of Eden. When an apple is cut through its middle, both halves will reveal a near-perfect pentagram shape at the core. There is a seed at every point. They are known as the seeds of Illuminisim or knowledge of good and evil. It is also noted that in ancient writings the inverse pentagram or 5 pointed star is used to invoke the Qliphoth or spirits of the darkness. According to Aleister Crowley there are certain rituals to invoke chaotic spirits: <blockquote>“In order to do this he first has to evoke the qliphoth, which he does by formulating the averse pentagram (the Star of Set) after he has established his magical supremacy by balancing within himself the five elements represented by the upright pentagram (the Star of Nuit.)”</blockquote> Katy Perry balanced herself under the five elements of the star in order to finish her chaos ritual. In what has been called “The ball, the call, and the brawl,” the Super Bowl ended in chaos. In the last minutes of the game the Seahawks blew a chance at victory. On second and goal at New England's 1-yard line, the Seahawks passed instead of handing off to Marshawn Lynch. Russell Wilson threw an interception. Game over. This later resulted in a fist fight between team players which eventually broke up. The Patriots won the game 28 to 24,