Behaviour for Learning

Policy no: 5
Behaviour for Learning
Aim and Vision of the Behaviour for Learning Policy
Rewards and Sanctions
Behaviour for Learning in class
Behaviour for Learning out of class
Behaviour for Learning: How it works
Incident Reports
Further Strategies
Time Out Cards
Report Cards
Rewards and Recognition Programme
Removal Room
Vision and Values:
This policy provides effective methods to develop the responsibility of students and empower them to develop a
willingness to manage their own behaviour. The Behaviour for Learning Policy supports systematic and consistent
management of behaviour so that all students have an equal and fair chance to thrive and learn in an atmosphere of
courtesy, respect and dignity. It focuses on students’ attitude to learning, conduct in lessons and behaviour around the
school. Students’ ability to assess and manage risks appropriately, in order to keep themselves safe, form part of
Behaviour of Learning Policy.
Key Points:
All actions have consequences both positive and negative. This policy recognises the need for clear boundaries for all
members of the school community through rewards and sanctions. Disruption of learning and unsafe behaviour will not
be tolerated because students’ learning, progress and safety must come first.
Practice and Procedures
We reward:
Good learning and progress
Outstanding behaviour
Good achievement and attainment
Good attendance
Improvement in subject performance
Other positive contributions to the community
The power of praise must never by underestimated in terms of:
Motivating students
Raising self-esteem
Reinforcing positive patterns of behaviour and work
Praise needs to:
Be sincere
Communicate personal approval
Make connections between positive student responses and achievement
Reinforce high expectations
Rewards and Recognition at Castle View
Self Manager
Be organised – Go for it, finish it – Manage risk – Manage emotions
Think Creatively
Imagine – Make links – Question assumptions – Take creative risks
Reflective Learning
Set yourself challenges – Plan Do Review – Invite feedback – Share learning
Independent Enquirer
Explore a question – Evaluate evidence – Stay objective – Reach conclusions
Identify issues – Find solutions – Persuade others – Get involved
Effective Team Worker
and Recognition
at Castle
View the team – Evaluate the team
Take responsibility
– Build team strengths
– Manage
Silver Badge
Gold Badge
Bronze Shield
Silver Shield
Gold Shield
Platinum Shield
Castle View School reward programme is designed to
help students develop skills that will enable them to be
the best that they can be.
5 Points are awarded for:
 Using a Colour skill
15 Points are awarded for:
 Commendation (awarded for a high level
achievement in relation to an isolated lesson/piece
of work/action).
 100% Attendance every term (or significantly
25 Points are awarded for:
 Celebrating Success Award (for students who have
*Any student who does not wish to receive
participated in competition or special, international
an award as part of an assembly must notify
events, receiving a Jack Petchy Award etc.).
their FT/ LL who will arrange for it to be
 Above and Beyond Award (for students who have
awarded discreetly.
conducted themselves in an exemplary manner
being the best that they can be).
Achievement Assemblies are held half termly and Awards Evening annually: Most Improved Attendance
 Best Attending Form
 Annual Subject and Effort Prize Awards
 Sports Awards Evening
 Annual Awards Ceremony
 Headteacher’s Award
Impact of Behaviour for Learning
Behaviour in and around the school reflects a positive approach to giving students responsibility for
their behaviour, impacting on learning and the learning climate. It is the responsibility for every
member of staff to maintain a positive atmosphere within their classroom and around the school.
Behaviour for Learning:- In class
Behaviour for Learning is based on a system of clear warnings. All staff have access to the system. The
system is administered by staff and each stage is clearly identified with all student and staff actions
recorded on our Behaviour for Learning database.
The main sanction of the Behaviour for Learning system is school detentions. They last for one hour
and are issued if students do not take responsibility for modifying their behaviour.
Castle View School has legal backing to detain students after the school session on disciplinary
grounds without the consent of the parents. However, as always we will continue to work with
parents and hope that the change in the law reflected in the Education Act 2002/2011 does not bring
us into conflict. Parents have chosen to send their child to Castle View School therefore we trust that
they will support the school in its policies and practices.
The student is given a formal warning. The warning will tell the student what he/she is doing wrong
and what will happen next e.g. ‘I have asked you before to stop talking. I am now giving you a formal
warning to stop talking. If you do not co-operate you will receive the Behaviour for Learning
sanctions ie a detention.
The student is given a one-hour detention. A detention slip must be completed with the reason for
the detention clearly stated, the category of detention circled on the slip and signed by the member
of staff.
If the student still fails to co-operate, he/she will be sent to the Removal Room for the remainder of
the lesson, via On-Call System.
The member of staff should seek the assistance of the Director of Learning and complete an incident
slip as soon as possible. The incident slip must be referred directly to the Learning Leader. A record of
On-Call is kept in the relevant room.
Staff on call
Staff will use the school internal communication system to respond immediately to any eventuality or
disruption in classrooms. Students will be immediately taken to their Curriculum Area Leader or to
the Removal Room. Staff will be time-tabled to liaise with reception.
Punctuality is vital for students, so that they are fully engaged with their education. It also establishes
good patterns of behaviour for later in life. It is followed up by form tutors at the direction of the
Learning Leader. The attendance team provides Learning Leaders with records of student punctuality.
Punctuality is reviewed formally by the attendance team and by the Learning Leader at the termly
standards meeting.
Behaviour for Learning:- out of lessons
All students are aware of how they are to behave around the school. Students know that they should
be in their lesson and that they must not leave the site without permission.
School Detention day
Students will serve their detention in the designated whole school detention area. If a student
misbehaves or fails to attend the detention, the Director of Learning must inform the Learning Leader
and the detention will be completed in S.I.U. the following day or as soon as possible.
SIU/Removal Room.
For students who breach the Behaviour for Learning Policy, and do not respond to other sanctions, we
have an Internal Exclusion facility. The school will also use Internal Exclusion at times when Fixed
Term Exclusion may be appropriate as long as the student has not exhibited behaviour contrary to the
health and safety of themselves or others. The school will also use the removal room as appropriate.
The facility should be used for:
o External exclusion provision
o Assault
o Fighting
o Swearing at staff
o Bringing the school into disrepute
o Refusal to cooperate with senior staff
o Poor conduct on report cards
o Truancy and persistent lateness
o Leaving the school premises without permission
o Issues against race of equal opportunities
o Deliberately missing school detentions
o Poor behaviour in school detentions
o Bullying
o Behaviour that puts others at risk
o Vandalism of school or other property
o As holding area for students pending further action if no other option is available
Parents will be asked to attend a meeting if their son or daughter does not cooperate with the school policy.
Data about the number of detentions, SIU or On-Call can be published for parents with interim and full reports
at parent’s request.
The final stages of Behaviour for Learning is the use of Exclusion. Students excluded in Year 11, will not be
invited to the school Prom in July. This is because this is a social event, held privately, to celebrate the
achievement of Year 11 and at the invitation of the Headteacher. Good behaviour is a pre-requisite of such a
function. In addition, an incident slip can be used in the case of a referral. Referrals will only be made by
teachers and tutors if they feel they have exhausted the strategies available to them. Incident slips are also
used to record situations that require further sanctions.
Mobile Phone Policy(including other electronic devices)
At Castle View we recognise the importance of mobile phones as a means of communication and that they can
be used to facilitate learning. Students are allowed to bring mobile phones into school and are allowed to use
them during break and lunchtimes in designated outside areas. We also acknowledge that mobile phones can
be very disruptive to students learning therefore no student is allowed to use their mobile phone during
lesson time (unless directed by their teacher). Failure to adhere to these instructions will lead to the phone
being confiscated. Students will be able to collect their phone from reception at the end of the school day.
Mobile phones are banned from use in public examinations such as GCSE and students could be disqualified
should they be in possession of a mobile phone during a public examination or their mobile phone causes
disruption. The calculator facility of mobile phones cannot be used as part of any examination.
In the event of a mobile phone being used to record sound, photographic or video images of any persons in the
school, students or staff, the mobile phone will be confiscated and may be passed to the police for
examination. The police may also seize the phone for evidential purposes. Parents will be asked to collect the
mobile phone and the individual student concerned will be banned from bringing a mobile phone into school
for an indefinite period. In the case where a mobile phone is used to record sound, pictures or video images
which are deemed to be an invasion of privacy, the school will reserve the right to apply an appropriate
sanction which could include exclusion from school and, in extreme cases, permanent exclusion. It is also
possible that the individual student or teacher may wish to exercise their human right and take legal action
which would initially engage outside agencies including the police. The police also have the authority within
the school to examine the contents of any mobile phone brought in by students.
Mobile phones and other electronic devices such as Ipods, Ipads and Laptops etc, are expensive items and the
school will not take any responsibility for these if they are stolen, lost or damaged whilst at school.
Uniform Infringements
Students are allowed to wear any sensible raincoat or overcoat during cold spells. These should be removed
when entering the school building. No ‘denim jackets’ or ‘hoodies’ are allowed. If worn inside the building
they will be confiscated and returned to the students at the end of the school day.
Students are allowed to wear one pair of stud earrings no bigger than 5mm and a watch. No other jewellery is
permitted. Jewellery confiscated will be returned to the students at the end of the school day.
Nail Varnish is not permitted. Extreme hairstyles or unnaturally dyed or tinted hair are not permitted.
Lipstick and eye shadow are not permitted but light mascara and naturally looking foundation which is not
excessive is allowed. This will be decided at the Learning Leaders discretion. The Behaviour for Learning
Sanctions will be applied if students flout these rules.
Castle View School
This is a clear and non-negotiable policy
Not following instructions
Disruption of Learning in class
Use of electronic device (Ipods,
mobile phones etc)
 Uniform infringement
Detention Set
Teachers will always give
final warning
 Non-compliance – refusing to follow
 Leaving class without permission
 Swearing at a member of staff
 Truancy
Removal to quiet area
Persistent non-compliance
Leaving school premises
Racist incident
Vandalism of school or other
 If student fails to attend a
Curriculum Area detention
Silent Learning Area
 Behaviour that threatens the
safeguarding of any part of the
school community
 Vandalism of school or other
 Racist incidents
 Bullying
 Physical violence
 Threatening behaviour
 Failing to respond to Leadership
Team sanctions
Updated September 2012