(Updated October 8, 2015)
Stellenbosch University & Africa International University:
Africa Bible College (Malawi); Dr Maggie Madimbo, mmadimbo@africanbiblecolleges.net
or sadyamaggie@gmail.com
Cell: 265 888 211 019; C/o African Bible College, PO Box
1028, Lilongwe, MALAWI
Africa International University (Nairobi, Kenya), Prof. Dr. James Nkansah-Obrempong,
Professor of Theology & Ethics, Dean of NEGST, Africa International University (AIU),
P.O.BOX 24686, 00502 KAREN, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel. +254 020 2603664/3; Mobile. +254
734419086; Email: james.nkansah@africainternational.edu
, Website : www.aiu.ac.ke
Deaf Christian Ministry Africa (Worcester, SA); Rev Jan Oberholzer, head.dcma@nid.org.za
+27 23 342 5555 cell +27 82 772 0132, NID 4, 30 De la Bat Road, Worcester, 6850, South
Hugh Goldie Lay/Theological Training Institution Arochukwu (HGLTTIA) (Arochukwu,
Abia State, Nigeria); Rev Dr Olo Ndukwe, goldie_media@yahoo.com
or olondukwe@yahoo.com
+234 (803) 711 4050; P.O. Box 107, Arochukwu, Abia State,
Instituto Superior de Teologia Evangelica no Lubango (ISTEL, Angola), Rev Avelino Rafael; avelinoistel@gmail.com
; +244 2612 45540 Cell +244 923 884207; ISTEL, CP 523, Barrio
Commandante Cowboy, Lubango, ANGOLA.
Josophat Mwale Theological Institution (Nkhoma, Malawi); Rev Matalius Likhoozi, principal, matalius@gmail.com
+ 265 999 312 823; PO Box 136, Lilongwe, MALAWI;
Prof Hoffie Hofmeyr, Vice-Chancellor Nkhuni, linhof@mweb.co.za
Jos ECWA Theological Seminary (JETS): Rev dr Cephas Tushima, +2348137782087 tushima.cephas@gmail.com, Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria & Rev Dr Bauta Motty,
Murray Theological College (Zimbabwe); Rev Dr Rangarirai Rutoro, rangarutoro@gmail.com
+263- (0) 772570873; MThC, Box 876, Masvingo, ZIMBABWE.
Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary (Windhoek, Namibia), Rev Simon Gillham, principal@nets.edu.na; +264-81-36-52-020; Tel: +264 61 22 2885 NETS, PO Box 158,
Windhoek, NAMIBIA.
Reformed Theological Seminary (Mkar, Benue State, Nigeria); Rev Dr Jonathon T Iorkighir, iorkighir5@yahoo.com
+ 234 706 907 2993; RTS, Mkar, PMB 204 Gboko, Benue State,
Scott Christian University (Nairobi, Kenya), Prof Dr Mumo Kisau, Vice Chancelor Scott
Christian University, Machakos, Kenya; +254 72 269 6026; wakisau@gmail.com
Seminario Emanuel do Dôndi (SED, Angola), Rev Adelaide Catanha acatanha@yahoo.com
(244) 923473596 semanueldondi@hotmail.com; SED, PO
Box no 551, Huambo, Angola.
Stellenboch University (South Africa): Prof Nico Koopman, nkoopman@sun.ac.za; Tel: +27
21 808 3255; Faculty of Theology, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND, 7602
Theological College of Northern Nigeria (TCNN, a seminary of the Fellowship of Christian
Churches in Northern Nigeria), C/o Dr Tersur Aben , +2348023619412 vnstaben@hotmail.com
; Box 64, Bukuru-Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria.
Executive : Chair: Dr Rangaria Rutoro; Vice Chair: Dr Maggie Madimbo; ED: Prof James
NetACT-Africa office : Executive Director : Dr Len Hansen. ldhansen@sun.ac.za
8083260; +27 84 431 0316; Faculty of Theology, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND, 7602
Program Coordinator : Prof Dr H Jurgens Hendriks, hjh@sun.ac.za +27-21-8083260 (o);
+27-73-772-6706, Faculty of Theology, Private Bag X1, MATIELAND, 7602
Pretoria University & St Paul’s University
Bishop Harrington Institute for Theology (Anglican Church Kenya, Mombasa, Kenya): Rev.
Martin Olando Wesonga, OSA, Principal, molandozz@yahoo.com P.O BOX 81150,80100,
MOMBASA,KENYA. CELL: 0721 333769. Skype:olandom
Orthodox Theological Seminary (Nairobi, Kenya). Fr.Evangelos Thiani , Deputy Dean and
Lecturer, +254 721 443 044, frevangelost@yahoo.com; PO Box 46119 00100, Nairobi,
Kenya, http://orthodoxwiki.org/Orthodox_Patriarchal_Ecclesiastical_School_of_Makarios_III
Pretoria University (SA). Dr Siphiwe Dube, E: siphiwe.dube@up.ac.za O: +27 12-420-6655; C:
+27 83-974-9825. Also: Tabe Jennet Otob Epse Benoni-Wang, tabe.jennet@yahoo.com , +27
78 535 0000. Private bag X20, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028. South Africa. http://www.up.ac.za/en/faculty-of-theology/article/16292/contact-us
Reformed Institute for Theological Training (Eldoret, Kenia) Dr Thomas Togom,
Ritt.togom@gmail.com Tel: +254 715 66 4424. RITT, PO Box 406, 30100 Eldoret, KENYA
St. Paul’s University (Limuru, Kenya). Rev Rowland van Es; vanesjr@spu.ac.ke
736 889 167, St Paul's University, Private Bag-00217, Limuru, Kenya
Zomba Theological College (Zomba, Malawi); Rev Frank Mfune, frankbengezu@yahoo.co.uk +265 1 524249 (Office); +265 993 707 339; Zomba Theological
College, PO Box 130, Zomba, MALAWI
Executive: Chair:….vacant ; Vice-chair: Fr Evangelos Thiani, ED vacant
Free State University & International Leadership University
Faculty of Theology of the University of Livingstonia, Malawi. Prof. David Mphande, a
Senior Lecturer at Ekwendeni Campus, Faculty of Theology of the University of
Livingstonia. davidmphande@gmail.com
Cell +265 992 239 506 or +265 888 552 178.
Institutional e-mail address: ulct2003@gmail.com
Free State University (Bloemfontein, SA). Prof Kobus Schoeman, +27 83 161 1990, schoemanw@ufs.ac.za, University of the Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, South
Africa. http://www.ufs.ac.za/contact-us
International Leadership University (Nairobi, Kenya). Prof Liz Mburu, Head Dept Biblical &
Theological Studies, +254 71 293 9226; lizwairimu@yahoo.com
; PO Box 60954-00200,
Nairobi, Kenya. www.kenya.ilu.edu
Justo Mwale University (Lusaka, Zambia). Dr Edwin Zulu, zulue1964@gmail.com
Telfax:+260 211 294252/+260 211 295364; cell +260 977 882 185; PO Box 310199,
Chamba-Valley-Munali Road, Lusaka, ZAMBIA.
Morija Theological Seminary (Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa). Rev.
B.Mojaki Kometsi, bmkoms@gmail.com
; Tel: +266-22360214 (Office); Cell: +266-
58419039 / +266-66300018.
Nile Theological College,. South Sudan. Rev. Santino Odong Othol, ntcmalakal@gmail.com
P.O. Box 40, Upper Nile State Malakal, South Sudan.
Ethiopian Full Gospel Theological Seminary (P.O. Box 8907, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) Pastor
Tsadiku Abdo, tsadikua@yahoo.com
or efgtseminary@yahoo.com
. +251-11-6479303 or +27
11 6545616.
Executive : Chair: Prof Liz Mburu, Vice-chair: Dr Edwin Zulu, ED: Prof Kobus Schoeman.
North West University & Daystar University
Baptist Seminary (Luanda, Angola), Rev Kiauzowa Kiangebeni Antonio; Principal, (Reitor do Seminario Teologico, Baptista), kikiazo@hotmail.com
; +244 924 088 704. Caixa Postal
3604, Luanda, Angola.
Daystar University (Nairobi, Kenya). Dr Washington Chege, wkamau@daystar.ac.ke
or drkamau2003@yahoo.com; PO Box 17 – 90145, Nairobi, Kenya. http://www.daystar.ac.ke/
+254 720 445 442
HEFSIBA (Mozambique): Rev Miguel Nobre, C/o nobrevila@gmail.com
+258 82 751 7700;
Post Address: Box 312, Dedza, MALAWI
Instituto Bíblico de Kaluquembe – Missão Urgente; Angola. Pastor Dinis Marcolino Eurico -
The President of Synodal Evangelical Church of Angola (IESA) +244 (923) 645-170 ; iesa.lubango@netangola.com
; and the Pastor Matias Chitutula Sambango – The Pedagogic
Director of Instituto Biblico de Kalukembe (IBK-MU). CAIXA POSTAL 985, TELF. +244
2612 22544, LUBANGO – ANGOLA. One may also use the following person to contact them: OSÉAS CHINGUI [ mailto:ochinguimatias@gmail.com
International Leadership University (Burundi): Bosela E. +25722221584 (Land line)
+25776006006 (Private Mobiles) +25778353500, +25779353500 E-mail: ebosela@burundi.ilu.edu
, ealebosela@gmail.com
North West University (SA). Dr Hannes Knoetze, Johannes.Knoetze@nwu.ac.za
Cell +27 82-
873-9122, work: 27 18 389 2698; Mafikeng Campus, NWU.
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Zomba, Malawi). Rev Joster M. Jumbe,
Principal, P.O. Box 626, ZOMBA, MALAWI. jmjumbe@gmail.com +265 (0) 999159894
UMCA Theological College (United Missionary Church of Africa). Revd. Dr. Peter O.
Awojobi, Provost, paawojobi@yahoo.com
Telephones: ……………….. UMCA Theological
College, PO Box 171, Ilorin, KWARA State, Nigeria.
Executive: Chair: Dr Washington Chege; VC: Dr Peter Awojobi, ED Dr Hannes Knoetze
Membership applications:
The following institutions want to join NetACT but were not able to attend the AGM and thus have not yet been assigned to a particular network:
Presbyterian University of East Africa, Kikuyu, Nairobi, Kenya (Contact person:
HEAD - School of Theology: dr Dorcas Chebet, jumadorcas@hotmail.com
Kenya Baptist Theological College, Limuru, Kenya (Contact: Dr Jack Yates, ndovu222@yahoo.com
Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya (Contact person Dr John Bwire, john_bwire@yahoo.com
Moffat Bible College, Kijabe, Kenya. (Contact person: Rev. Tom J. Obengo, Vice
Principal for Academic Affairs academics@moffatbiblecollege.org
ITIERA Instituto Teológico da Igreja Evangélica Reformada de Angola. Contact person: Pastor Campos Afonso, Tel. +244 936 045 183; Camposafonso-
or itiera@hotmail.com
Associate members:
Depending on where Associate Members (see defined in constitution) serve either an individual network of NetACT-Africa. We have to see how this is going to work best over the next couple of years. The following institutions are now regarded as Associate Members:
ACTEA (Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa) Dr
Emmanuel Chemengich (ED); echemengich@gmail.com
+254 (735)
960 101; Nairobi, Kenya . http://www.acteaweb.org/
Association for Ministry
Training Practitioners
Media &
Dr Hannes van der Walt, Hannes.VanderWalt@up.ac.za
, 0826432562,
C/o Centre for Contextual Ministry, Faculty of Theology, University of
Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa, 0002. http://www.amtpafrica.com/partners.html
Dr Hennie van Deventer: http://www.bmedia.co.za/ hennie@bmedia.co.za
Tel:+27 218648225 Cell: 0724330085; nbi@bmedia.co.za
Tel +27218648258. Bible Media Box 5, & Nehemiah
Bible Institute Box 841, Wellington, 7654. www.nehemiah.co.za
Mr Koos Fouché, Regional Director Southern Africa Biblica, South
Africa. (+27) 835974514. www.Biblica.com (formerly the International
Bible Society) Koos.Fouche@biblica.com
Christian Reformed
World Missions
Dr Mwaya wa Kitavi mkitavi@crcna.org
Tel: 616 224 0706 Christian
Reformed World Missions, P.O. Box 65928-00607, Kamiti-Nairobi. Dr
Gary Bekker, gbekker@crcna.org Tel: 616 224 0706 http://www.crcna.org/pages/index.cfm
Commission for
Witness DRC family
Dr Kobus Odendaal, missio@kaapkerk.co.za , Tel: +27 21 957 7204 cell
+27-82-732-4752. Kerksentrum, Privaatsak X8, Bellville 7535, South
Africa. http://www.ngkerk.org.za/wesensuidkaap/
Dutch Reformed
Church in SA
Dr Kobus Gerber, General Secretary, Dutch Reformed Church, PO Box
13528, Hatfield, 0028, Hatfield, South Africa, 0028. +27 (12) 342 0092;
Cell: +27 82 895 algemenesinode@ngkerk.org.za
5680. kobusg@ngkerk.org.za; http://ngkerk.org.za/wp/index.php/english/
Ecumenical Foundation of Southern Africa
Winning All
Dr Renier Koegelenberg; renier@cddc.co.za ; Tel.: +27 (0)21 880-
1734; Cell.: +27 (0)83 625-1047. Postal address: P.O. Box 3103,
Matieland, Stellenbosch, 7602, South Africa. E-mail: efsa@cddc.co.za
; Websites: http://www.efsa-institute.org.za
Church Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. C/o C/o Dr Nathan Chiroma, nhchiroma@sun.ac.za
; 0764278241; Faculty of Theology, Private Bag
X1, MATIELAND, 7602.
Zendings Bond
Arie van der Poel, (Reformed Mission League), arievanderpoel@gzb.nl
0343 - 512 444; Or: avdpoel@gzb.nl
= office 0343 - 521 392(f), Box
28, Driebergen 3970, Nederland Website www.gzb.org
Presbyterian Church
Doug Tilton, Tilton@igc.org
Cell: +27820790520, PO Box 291883,
Melville 2109, South Africa. www.pcusa.org/ http://www.pcusa.org/worldwide/africa.htm
Also: Debbie Braaksma,
World Council of
Churches (EHAIA)
Rev Dr Nyambura Njoroge. nn@wcc-coe.org
150 route de Ferney, PO
Box 2100, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland. Phone +41 22 791 6111 Fax
+41 22 791 0361. www.oikomene.org
(Direct phone to NN 6340)
EHAIA: Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy
World Communion of
Reformed Churches
Dr Douwe Visser. Executive Secretary for Theology, Mission and
Communion, World Communion of Reformed Churches. douwe.visser@wcrc.eu
; +41 227916240; cell +31 6 12 58 39 87;
Knochenhauerstr. 42, 30159 Hannover, Germany. http://wcrc.ch/