Peer Editing for Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay

Peer Editing for Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay
Author’s name:_________________________________________________________
Editor’s name:__________________________________________________________
Does the introduction concisely and accurately introduce the text and author?
Does the introduction briefly introduce the topic of discussion in the essay?
What is the thesis? Underline it on the paper.
Does it provide a clear and debatable argument? Explain why or why not.
5. Underline the topic sentence of each paragraph.
6. Does each paragraph support the topic sentence and discuss ONLY that topic throughout
the paragraph? Explain which paragraphs do not do this.
7. Are there transitions between paragraphs, connecting the ideas and argument of each
paragraph? (They should be words and/or phrases.) Please comment.
8. Does the essay deal with one, focused subject or does it wander from one idea to another?
9. Does the essay include 1 quotation per paragraph from the text? Yes no
10. Is there only ONE quotation per paragraph?
Yes no
11. Do the quotations support the point/argument they are making in the paragraph?
12. Which paragraphs contain too much summary?
13. Which paragraphs go off topic and do NOT support the thesis and topic sentence?
14. Do the body paragraphs provide an analysis or deeper insight into the topic and
literature? Explain.
15. Does the conclusion provide a satisfying close to the discussion or does the essay simply
“stop”? Does the author provide a general comment about life, the so-what factor?
16. Put a star by the paragraph with the best analysis and give two reasons to explain your
a. 1.
b. 2.
17. Does the essay help you understand the literary work/topic better? If yes, explain. If no,
18. What is the title? (Write it below.) Is it creative and appropriate for the topic? Explain.
19. Other comments:
20. Put [ ] around phrases and sentences that sound awkward (incorrect English, fragments,
awkward word choice, etc…)
21. Put an X next to a line if there is a punctuation error in it.
22. Circle and write sp. for spelling errors.
Editor’s signature______________________________________________________________