2012 UNCT Report Narative

2012Ukraine UN Country Team Report
Major developments or political events that have had an effect on the work of the UNCT
While implementation of reforms, including public administration, social, health, labour, tax, justice,
electoral and constitutional reform continued to be the Government of Ukraine’s biggest priority in
2012, the institutional and legislative measures introduced in 2012 were considered to be insufficient
given the ruling government’s reluctance to undertake politically unpopular reforms on the eve of the
2012 elections to the Parliament held in October 2012. Amid concern expressed by international
observation missions that the elections were not conducted in line with international standards, no major
irregularities were reported.
Despite a stated commitment to reform and approximate Ukraine's policies and legislation to
international standards across all UN agency mandates, a realignment and overhaul of Ukraine's public
administration, including the reorganisation of line ministries, proved to be a challenge. While a
multitude of landmark legislative acts, long advocated by the UN Country Team (UNCT) were adopted
in 2012, policymaking and budgeting in particular, was conducted at a pace below potential. Ensuring
popular support for the incumbant government on the eve of the 2012 parliamentary elections remained
the focus of some policies, priorities and programmes on socio-economic development, preventing the
executive and legislature from enacting and implementing 'unpopular' yet much needed policies and
Given the contraction of economic growth, maintaining macroeconomic stability was the primary focus
of the government thus limiting, even further, state budget allocations for the needs of the most
vulnerable including persons of concern to UN agencies. The shortfall of funding to fuel and expedite
the necessary governance and fiscal reform remained one of the main threats to UN operation and
programme effectiveness.
Maintaining a balancing act between its bilateral relations with the European Union and with the
Russian Federation continued to be the underlying theme of Ukraine’s foreign policy as the signing of
an Association and Free Trade Agreement with the European Union, its declared foreign policy priority,
was juxtaposed with the signing and ratification of a Free Trade Agreement with the Commonwealth of
Independent States and its ongoing dialogue with Russia on Ukraine’s potential membership in the
Customs Union.
While efforts to consolidate public finances appears to have strengthened Ukraine’s resilience to
external shocks, limited access to international financial markets, including IMF loan facilities,
compounded by the absence of substantial economic reforms, reinforced the assumption that Ukraine
was at risk of macroeconomic destabilization. A sharp and sustained decline in net foreign currency
reserves, which, throughout 2012 hovered just above the 3 month import threshold, put downward
pressure on Ukraine’s sovereign credit ratings and macroeconomic outlooks. By end 2012, economic
growth slowed down to 2% due to a weaker demand for Ukraine’s exports and instability in
international markets. Inflation rose to approximately 4.4 % against a projected 1,5%. The real GDP
growth of 5.2 % in 2011 has been followed by 1 % growth in 2012, with a budget deficit of 2,6 % of
GDP (4.3 % of the GDP in 2011). Official unemployment, according to ILO methodology, slightly
reduced to 6.2% (6.4% in 2011) of workable population.
2012Ukraine UN Country Team Report
Highlights on progress in UN reform, including support to the national government in the
preparation, implementation and/or revision of comprehensive MDG-based national development
strategies, support of the national partners’ endeavors towards capacity development and aid
effectiveness; experiences with joint programmes and HACT, other highlights in coordination.
In 2012 the UNCT continued to provide high level policy advice to the Government on a broad range of
national development priority issues, including provision of comments and recommendations to draft
legislative acts based on best international practices, conducting workshops and public policy debates,
carrying out capacity development activities, as well as providing day-to-day advisory support to line
ministries and government institutions.
The UN offered its full support to the Government of Ukraine in its efforts to implement the Programme
for Economic Reforms for 2010-2014 and other sector wide reforms initiated in 2011. Through the
Government of Ukraine-United Nations Partnership Framework 2012-2016 the UN Country Team was
actively involved in the most reform processes and contributed to several “landmark” legislative acts,
programmes and strategies, including a complete overhaul of the legislation on criminal procedure,
customs and taxation, the formulation of the Strategy for Social Services Reform, Law on Social
Services, Law on Employment of the Population of Ukraine, Law on Employers’ Organizations,
Associations, Rights and Guaranties of their Activities, new Criminal Code, new Law on Civil Society
Organizations and a Strategy of the State Policy on the Support of Civil Society Development in
Ukraine, National Local Integration Programme 2014-2020, Anti-Discrimination Law, Law on
Biometric Documents, including for refugees, Anti-corruption Law, the Law on Counter-trafficking,
national referral mechanism, legislation and by-laws related to asylum, Law on Combating Trafficking,
State Programme on Combatting Human Trafficking and Government Decrees implementing Counter
Trafficking Law, State Programme on the Creation of Free Legal Aid system in Ukraine until 2018. As a
result of UN advocacy efforts, the State Programme on Employment for 2012-2016 was elaborated
based on the National Tripartite Jobs Pact and the new Law on Population Employment and ILO 155
Occupational Safety and Health Convention was ratified by the legislature, and Ukraine acceded to the
1954 and 1961Conventions on Statelessness. National legislation on older persons’ social security and
national standards of social care for older persons was reviewed and improved based on
recommendations provided by the UN system. WHO-advocated new legislation was instituted creating a
100% ban on smoking in all indoor public places, including restaurants, discos, nightclubs, indoor
workplaces and all institutions. Advisory and technical support to the State Drug Control Service of
Ukraine in the development of the new National Strategy on Countering Drugs for the period until 2020
to align with international commitments and recommendations.
Policy advice and recommendations were provided to government authorities based on the results of
various assessments and analysis carried out by the UN in 2012, including a social security coordination
study; a strategy paper for pension policy in Ukraine; analytical research on the situation of older
women with a focus on the gender aspects of population ageing; a survey on women’s participation in
2012 parliamentary elections; a study on gender equality provisions in current legislation and their
actual implementation; research on women’s participation in the labour force in Ukraine; an
implementation analysis of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing 2007-2012; a Multiple
Indicator Cluster Survey; an evaluation of youth friendly clinics and development of national scaling up
plan; research on awareness on human trafficking problem; a survey on children’s rights perspectives, a
study on stigma and discrimination in the health sector of Ukraine; an integrated study monitoring
2012Ukraine UN Country Team Report
awareness, behavior and prevalence of HIV-infection among prison population, review of HIV policies
of programmes in law enforcement and penitentiary sectors, etc.
The UNCT continued to play an important role in providing technical expertise and advice for the
acceleration of progress towards the achievement of the nationally set Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs). Thanks to UN advocacy efforts, MDGs targets and indicators were incorporated into most
state strategic and planning documents, including the 2013 State Annual Programme for SocioEconomic Development of Ukraine and main development directions for 2014 and 2015, the 2013 State
Macroeconomic Forecast of Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine, the draft State Regional
Development Strategy till 2020. Central and regional government officials were trained on MDG based
planning. Localizing MDGs continued in Crimea and other parts of Ukraine. The development and
institutionalization of the quality of life measurement system in Ukraine was launched, while analytical
papers on measuring society’s progress, quality of life, long term strategic planning in Ukraine were
produced and widely disseminated. The UNCT led and actively engaged in providing strategic guidance
to the Government of Ukraine to launch and hold national consultations on Post-2015 development
agenda and prepare the country’s input to the globally led process.
Human rights related issues and human rights mainstreaming were at the center of activities of UNCT.
A Universal Periodic Review of Ukraine’s international human rights treaty obligations was conducted
in 2012 – a process that was actively supported and facilitated by the UN by provision of support to the
Government but also facilitation of active engagement of civil society organisations. 57 UN Member
States provided 145 recommendations to Ukraine to improve the situation with human rights and
implementation of those recommendations which will serve as a basis for further UN assistance to the
Government in the following years. An Annual Assembly on Children's Rights was held under the
patronage of the President of Ukraine with UN participation. Cooperation was reactivated with the
Office of the Ombudsperson with the election of a new Parliament Commissioner on Human Rights,
who also assumed the function of a newly established National Preventive Mechanism.
The UN continued to facilitate the participation of civil society organization in the design and
implementation of various reform processes through developing ad strengthening CSO capacities, the
organization of joint councils, advisory boards and facilitating CSO participation in high-level meetings
and decision-making processes, including the Presidential Civil Society Development Coordination
The UN facilitated and supported Ukraine’s participation in regional and/or intergovernmental
conferences and processes. This included Ukraine’s participation in the United Nations Conference on
Sustainable Development Rio+20 and provision of inputs to the Conference outcome document. In
addition to participation of Ukraine’s high level delegation in the Conference, the event and the
Corporate Forum on Sustainable Development was attended by representatives of the private sector. The
UNCT advocated and supported the participation of Ukraine in the 56 session of the UN Commission on
the Status of Women; Regional Ministerial Conference on Ageing; 55 session of the Commission on
Narcotic Drugs. The UN also facilitated multi-stakeholder national participation in the ICPD Beyond
2014 review process, and facilitated input to the Quadrennial Comprehensive Performance Review. The
UNCT also hosted visits and held meetings with the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities,
the Secretary General of the UN World Tourism Organisation, the UNODC Executive Director, the
2012Ukraine UN Country Team Report
UNFPA Regional Director, the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board, the UN Secretary General’s
Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace.
Through the UN Resident Coordinator, the UNCT was actively engaged in promoting the aid
effectiveness agenda, and played a critical role in the development coordination dialogue both led by the
government and internal among major development partners operating in Ukraine. The UN advocated
for and carried out activities in partnership with bilateral and multilateral donors aimed at establishing a
more effective, strategic aid coordination system and strengthening of the Government capacities to
coordinate and manage international assistance, improvement of the system of planning, registration and
implementation of the international assistance projects. Best examples of aid coordination legislation
form other countries were provided by the UN Resident Coordinator to the Government to be used in the
process of drafting a new law on international assistance and a new strategy for attraction, coordination
and management of international assistance 2013-2016. In support of the increased transparency and
predictability of international aid, a technical assistance project was launched aimed to establish an
international aid monitoring system – the Development Assistance Database.
Four joint programmes continued to be implemented in 2012 (IOM/UNHCR Diversity Initiative;
UNV/UNDP Young Football Volunteers Project, ILO/IOM/WB on the Effective Governance of Labour
Migration and its Skills Dimensions; UNDP/WHO/UNAIDS/UNICEF/UNODC on Strengthening
Governance and Management of HIV/AIDS at the Sub-national Level. As a result of a joint application
submitted by four UN agencies (UNDP, UNICEF, ILO and WHO) funds were mobilized from the UN
Partnership to Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Fund for a joint programme to promote
accessibility and universal design standards for inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities.
Interagency cooperation on gender equality issues was strengthened under the leadership and facilitation
of the Gender Theme Group chaired by UNFPA and contribution of other agencies and the UN Women
Project Coordinator deployed in 2012. Continuous UN expert and advocacy support resulted in the
development and approval of the Concept of a State Programme for Ensuring Equal Rights and
Opportunities for Women and Men until 2016. Being an election year 2012 presented a number of
opportunities to raise awareness and advocate political parties, legislators and general public on the issue
of political participation of women in Ukraine. The number of women in Parliament increased from 8%
in 2007-2012 to 9,5% following the parliamentary elections. Gender equality at work was at the focus of
ILO and UNFPA and cooperation formalized in a signed MoU and a study on gender inequality in
employment with special focus on vulnerable groups of workers. A concept proposal on prevention of a
gender-based violence was developed by the interagency gender group to be submitted in 2013 for
funding to the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women.
Joint UN activities in the area of HIV/AIDS were coordinated through the operational Joint Team on
AIDS and special UNCT sessions/meetings on AIDS, during which policy issues, including AIDS
related legislation and programmatic issues were addressed. A new Joint Programme of Support for
2012-2016 and a Workplan 2012-2013 was implemented. At the request of the National Council on
HIV/AIDS and TB, the UN applied the MDG Acceleration Framework methodology to support the
assessment of the current National AIDS Programme (2009-2013) to use the results in the process as
part of the elaboration of a new National AIDS Programme.
2012Ukraine UN Country Team Report
Coordination and collaboration with regionally based UN agencies and their engagement into
programming activities at the country level continued in 2012. Agencies were engaged in the
implementation of 2012-2016 Partnership Framework and contributed to the operation of the established
working groups. Technical and administrative support in implementation of projects, missions and
events organised by the regionally based organizations in Ukraine was provided by the Office of the UN
Resident Coordinator. This includes UNEP consultations with stakeholders as part of the formulation of
a project on Chernobyl, UNECE innovation performance review of Ukraine, UNECE housing sector
review, UNCTAD Peer Review of competition laws and policies, etc. Under the leadership of the UN
Resident Coordinator, cooperation with UNOCHA was activated with a USD 100,000 Emergency Cash
Grant granted to Ukraine for immediate life-saving and life-sustaining support to the victims of the
extreme cold wave that affected the country.
Acknowledging the role business plays in the national development process and its contribution to
addressing development challenges, the UNCT continued to apply a coordinated approach towards
private-public partnership and promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR) through the UN Global
Compact (GC) initiative and its network, activities of which in 2012 were focused on human rights,
promotion of the draft National CSR strategy, business to business meetings and transfer of knowledge,
CSR trainings for business and media.
The year 2012 was also successful in terms of further improving the visibility of UN activities, goals and
priorities through joint communication, advocacy and campaigning activities. International Days were
observed by the UN agencies raising awareness on various issues. Special focus was given to the issues
of sustainable development in preparation to the Rio+20 Conference. Taking the advantage of the
hosting of the EURO 2012 football tournament a broad range of outreach activities and campaigns were
carried out addressing and advocating for gender equality, children’s rights, HIV/AIDS prevention,
healthy lifestyles, prevention of human trafficking, etc. The UN interagency communication group met
regularly to discuss and plan joint communication activities. Capacity development of communication
officers was ensured through the respective trainings and learning events organized, including on social
media, organization of events and press-conferences, etc.
Issues of operations management, harmonization of business practices, planning and implementation of
common services were addressed by the Operations Management Team (OMT) which meets three times
per year and is chaired by the UNDP Country Director. The OMT served as a platform for operations
and administration officials to share information on ongoing and planned activities and plan joint
undertakings in the area of common services. As a result of such coordination, the UNCT benefited from
several long term agreements on conference services, printing services, stationary, paper, translation,
travels, international courier services, mobile connection, and common hotel arrangements. The UNCT
continued the engagement and the dialogue with the Government on the common UN premises. While a
proposal was put forward by the Government, it did not meet UNCT requirements, so the alternative
options will be explored and considered if suggested by the Government.
Given the overall unfavorable climate within national authorities towards transparent and accountable
usage of UN funds the deferral and exemption from HACT implementation was granted by the Regional
Directors Team for Ukraine.
2012Ukraine UN Country Team Report
Highlights on progress towards UNDAF outcomes in support to the national development
priorities, including UNCT’s policy engagement activities with national partners and impact of the UN
reform at the UN common programming
2012 was a year of approval and signature of agencies’ programmes, including the UNICEF Country
Programme Action Plan 2012-2016; the WHO Biennial Collaborative Agreement 2012-2013, the ILO
Decent Work Country Programme 2012-2015, the World Bank Country Partnership Strategy 2012 –
2016. It was also the first year of implementation of the Government of Ukraine-UN Partnership
Framework 2012-2016. Working groups formed around the four main partnership areas were
operational and served as platforms for regular progress monitoring, information sharing and
coordination of joint UN interventions. While the established Partnership Framework working groups
served as information and coordination platforms, they continued to serve as an internal UN
coordination mechanism.
While a more comprehensive progress review will be conducted jointly with the Government during the
annual review of the Partnership Framework in early 2013, the UNCT efforts, activities and intervention
were coordinated in line with four areas featured in Partnership Framework: 1) sustained economic
growth and poverty reduction; 2) social development; 3) governance; 4) environment and climate
In the area of sustained economic growth and poverty reduction, the UN agencies contributed to the
policy formulation, capacity development, and public policy discussions on various issues related to
international economic integration, fiscal policy, private sector development, rural development and
agricultural policy.
Capacity development activities for representatives of the line ministries were carried out to ensure
strengthening of the national framework for foreign trade development. An Aid for Trade Needs
Assessment for Ukraine: Trade and Human Development provided analysis and recommendations
related to Ukraine’s economic situation including macroeconomic trends, monetary and fiscal policies,
business climate and human development. As a result, the capacity of small businesses was improved to
explore new trade opportunities, the sale of commodities to external markets, the ability of local
authorities to deal with exporters and provide trade-related information, ensure more consistent and
effective policy making in trade.
Regionally based organizations contributed to the overall progress in the partnership area though
implementation of a number of activities: a Foresight Workshop (UNIDO), Workshop on
Implementation of the System of National Accounts (UNECE), a training on population and housing
censuses (UNECE/UNFPA/EUROSTAT); Peer Review of Ukraine's Competition Laws and Policies
(UNCTAD); Review of the Housing Sector of Ukraine (UNECE); Innovation Performance Review of
Ukraine (UNECE) were carried out at the request of the Government with the respective
recommendations to be provided in 2013.
Technical and advisory support was provided to the State Statistics Service in the preparation of the
National Population Census, including staff capacity development, information campaign design and
development, exposure of the State Statistics Service to the regional best practices in population
statistics and census planning and implementation.
2012Ukraine UN Country Team Report
The impact that migration can have on the economy of Ukraine and the potential of migration for
sustainable economic growth was studied and respective recommendations provided to national partners.
A programme on the effective governance of labour migration and its skills dimensions aimed at
providing assistance to migrant workers from Ukraine was implemented by the ILO in partnership with
IOM and the World Bank. A study tour to Brussels for a high-level delegation of government officials
was facilitated to familiarize the participants with European practices of labour migration management
fostering their ability to design and implement rights-based labour migration laws, policies and
Empowerment of women to set up new businesses and create new decent jobs was facilitated within the
Start and Improve Your Business (ILO/World Bank) project.
A programme and extensive campaign to support agricultural cooperatives in Ukraine was implemented
proving that small scale agriculture cooperatives can play an important role in ensuring social equity and
rural development. Streamlining of agribusiness regulations in Ukraine, supporting economic growth
and job creation was ensured within the IFC agribusiness investment climate project, as well as the
UNEP supported survey on the status of organic agriculture and food – current trends, investment needs,
and ideas for accessing international markets.
In the area of social development, the UN agencies provided high-level advisory support to the Ministry
of Social Policy aimed at the improvement of legislation, formulation of strategies and implementation
of the social sector reform, reform of the employment system, social security, social assistance and
social services, including issues of migration and development.
A number of UN-advocated social initiatives were launched by the government in 2012 determining the
“new social policy” course in which social services reform in general and social services were featured.
A process of national planning of social services provision was supported by development and
introduction of the assessment of community needs in social services, as well as relevant capacity
development of local authorities on this issue. After years of stalemate, an Inter-Ministerial Commission
for the Protection of Childhood was restored providing a platform for coordination and strategic policy
making for children and families. A Strategy for Social Services Reform, a National Strategy to Prevent
Social Orphanhood was approved. UNICEF led UN system multi-year advocacy resulted in significant
improvement of funding for the National Plan of Action for Children.
A number of activities were carried out to strengthen national capacities to design and implement
scientific research of various social aspects of population ageing to be further used as source of data and
evidence for ageing-related policy making, monitoring and evaluation, and to help Ukraine build a
society for all ages, including review and improvement of the national legislation related to social
security of older persons, development of national standards of social services for older persons,
comprehensive research on the situation of older women for an in-depth analysis of the gender aspects
of population ageing in Ukraine, national research on women's participation in the labour force in
Ukraine (ILO/UNFPA).
The fast pace of reform within the social area was, however not matched in terms of the pace of health
sector reform which, in 2012 was characterized by an overall lack of vision for the health care system
2012Ukraine UN Country Team Report
transformation. The pace of the health care reform was contained by the reform’s funding arrangement
that lies within responsibility of regional and local governments.
The UN actively worked with the Ministry on Health to strengthen its capacity, implement health care
reform priorities, reproductive health and family planning policies and standards of care, support the
State Program Reproductive Health of the Nation up to 2015, National AIDS Plan, etc. A
comprehensive review of the immunisation system in Ukraine was carried out by WHO/UNICEF with a
set of recommendations provided to the national authorities with a strong call for restoring immunization
programmes in Ukraine and public trust to immunization, supported government response to the
increased cases of measles in Western Ukraine and prevention of measles outbreak in Ukraine. A study
on stigma and discrimination in health sector of Ukraine was conducted, recommendations produced and
widely shared.
Adaptation and implementation of the Beyond the Numbers maternal mortality and morbidity case
reviews methodologies, namely confidential audit of maternal deaths and near-miss case review was
conducted. To ensure that policies and standards of care in the area of family planning are in line with
the current requirements of health care system in the context of reforms trainings on Grow Healthy
Curriculum, designed for the secondary and vocational schools students to develop skills and knowledge
among adolescents to practice healthy lifestyles and protect their reproductive health were delivered.
The UNCT hosted and facilitated several regional health-related events, including a Training on
Tuberculosis and Harm Reduction Services Integration and Advocacy, a Workshop on Development of
a Scaling-up Strategy of the Comprehensive Care for Unwanted Pregnancies Approach (WHO), a
regional conference on enhancing the role of the law enforcement in supporting HIV/AIDS epidemics
national response for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (UNODC), the International High-Level
Conference on Comprehensive and Integrated Approach in Prevention and Tretament of Drug
Dependence and related HIV/AIDS (UNODC), the All-Ukrainian International Conference Current
Issues and Prospects for Provision of Youth-Friendly Medical and Social Services for Adolescents and
Youth in Ukraine supported (UNICEF/WHO).
UN technical assistance and advocacy efforts in the area of HIV/AIDS were built around strengthening
the capacities of the National AIDS/TB Council, increase of the state budget allocations, and
sustainability of AIDS response, scale up of treatment and prevention activities, assessment of the
National AIDS Programme (NAP) for 2009-2013. The UNCT led and facilitated a campaign against the
adoption of legislation that would violate the human rights of LGBT persons. Active engagement and
cooperation with a law enforcement authorities and the Penitentiary Service to raise awareness on the
matters of HIV and drug use, and advocate for a comprehensive sectoral policy and a framework for
HIV prevention, treatment and care in prisons, cooperation with narcology institutions to support the
revision of the national drug policy strategy.
In the area of governance special emphasis was placed on cooperation with civil society and national
level institutions in promotion of human rights, particularly the rights of vulnerable groups,
mainstreaming and advocating for the gender equality issues.
Advisory support to improve the legal environment for civil society resulted in the adoption of a
landmark Civil Society Development Law followed up by the establishment of a Civil Society
2012Ukraine UN Country Team Report
Coordination Council in 2012 - a body that is meant to serve as a coordination mechanism for the civil
society and government to adhere to European standards of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Whereas only 4 Ukrainian CSOs submitted inputs to Ukraine’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in
2008, as a result of UNCT facilitation this number grew tenfold in 2012, with 60 CSOs providing inputs
either in a coalition with others or individually. The technical and coordination capacities of the overall
human rights community of Ukraine was increased through establishment of a CSO coalition on UPR
which resulted in the increase of the CSOs participation and improved the quality of inputs.
Wide and broad consultations between government agencies and the civil society were facilitated to
develop a joint National Action Plan on the Open Government Partnership initiative. As a result, more
than 400 proposals from CSOs were considered and the National Action Plan adopted.
A country review of Ukraine’s implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption (CAC) was
conducted by the Convention’s Implementation Review Group. The UN facilitated a multi-stakeholder
discussion “Civic anticorruption expert assessment: Reality of today, prospects for tomorrow” and
recommendations produced were submitted to various authorities. The technical capacities of the civil
society organizations were strengthened by the participative elaboration of the methodology on civic
anticorruption expert assessments and the manual on step-by-step creation of a legal aid center. As a
result, the quality of services provided by the legal aid centers improved and featured some innovative
In the area of gender equality a capacity-building interventions were focused in the areas of public
administration, education and domestic violence prevention and response, gender based violence, gender
budgeting, gender and employment. The Ministry of Social Policy responsible for gender policy
development continued its internal reorganisation in 2012, but ensured the main policy level positive
developments - the approval of the UN-advocated Concept of the State Programme for Ensuring Equal
Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men until 2016. 2012 also saw the emergence of another
important actor in the area - a Special Representative for Gender Equality, Children Rights and NonDiscrimination established by a Parliament Commissioner on Human Rights, with whom the UN had
been actively cooperating. A number of the UN-led or supported events were held in 2012, including a
Panel Discussion “Connecting girls – inspiring future”; an open lecture “Overcoming gender stereotypes
in career choice”; Healthy Women of Ukraine, during which the first draft of a new Behavior Change
and Communications Strategy for Reproductive Health and Family Planning was presented and
discussed; an International Conference on the Current Trends of Development of National Gender
Mechanisms in European Countries within the framework of the Ukrainian Chairmanship of the Council
of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, a Round Table on the topic of Building up National System of
Combating Domestic Violence within 16 Days against Gender Violence Campaign, etc.
UN continued its efforts at strengthening partnership with Government authorities with a view toward
building an asylum system meeting international standards. Improved access of legal counsel to asylumseekers in detention was supported and equipment and other capacity-building support to government
authorities were provided. As a result of closer cooperation with the administrative court system and
training of judges, courts have improved the quality of decision-making in administrative expulsion
cases. Thanks to UNHCR led UN support and advocacy the Government advanced towards developing
2012Ukraine UN Country Team Report
and adopting national integration program for refugees and persons granted complimentary/temporary
forms of protection in Ukraine, but the scope of its funding remains unknown.
The development of a state-run voluntary return mechanism (third-country nationals) State-run
reintegration mechanism continued to be supported, as well as building government capacity on human
rights in administrative proceedings, as well as regular monitoring of detention conditions. The UNCT
supported the participation of the State Statistic Committee representative in the UNECE Migration
Statistics Workshop.
In the area of environment and climate change, the UN continued to work on promotion of green, lowemission and climate resilient strategies, building local capacities for environmentally friendly lifestyles,
developing capacities for low carbon growth, enhancing national and local capacities for climate change
resilient policies and practices, and improving capacities to meet international climate change
In 2012 the World Bank released a study on “Modernization of the District Heating Systems in Ukraine:
Heat Metering and Consumption-Based Billing”.
Promotion of sustainable development agenda and advocacy for Ukraine’s active engagement in
preparation and participation in the Rio+20 Conference was ensured. A consultation process was carried
at national level with wide involvement of key stakeholders including national and local government,
CSOs, academia and the private sector; high level government delegation as well as representatives of
the private sector attended the Conference; Conference outcomes discussed at the public and expert
event including also the issue of the sustainable development agenda and development of a Sustainable
Development Goals. The establishment of a working group to develop a road map to ‘green’ economy,
accelerate the work of the National Council on Sustainable Development and ensure wide public
awareness on sustainable development and "green” economy in Ukraine was ensured.
A UNECE-organised Forum on Forests in a Green Economy for countries in Eastern Europe, Northern
and Central Asia brought together different stakeholders, policy makers and international experts to
share experiences and explore opportunities for implementing the concepts and requirements of the
Green Economy in the forest sector.
UN support was provided to the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine to fulfill its obligations under the
Hyogo Framework for Action and ensure the establishment of a National Platform for Disaster Risk
Reduction, a multi-stakeholder committee to coordinate and advance disaster risk reduction efforts
throughout the country. Government capacities increased through delivered trainings on disaster risk
reduction. To improve health and safety of miners in Eastern Ukraine, health and safety risks
assessments of three mining communities were carried out. Four Ukrainian cities were registered to the
“Making Cities Resilient” global campaign providing these cities with support to make them more
resilient to disasters.
Key aspects of the proposed 2013 workplan and linkages to ongoing issues of concern within the
2012Ukraine UN Country Team Report
Provision of necessary technical and advisory support to the Government of Ukraine in its
national policy making efforts and processes, formulation of national development strategies,
programmes, policies and plans. Intensified cooperation with the legislative branch, particularly
the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Parliament) and its committees, to ensure advocacy for the
adoption of legal acts in line with international standards, UN contribution and inputs into
elaboration and improvement of legislative framework of Ukraine in the areas of respective
agencies’ mandates will be provided to ensure alignment with international practice, norms and
Focus on social sector reform, issues of migration, gender, youth, health and HIV/AIDS, justice,
human rights, energy efficiency and sustainable development.
Support to monitoring and acceleration of MDG achievement, MDG based strategic planning,
capacity building activities to support achievement of MDG targets. Ukraine’s input to the post2015 development agenda facilitated and provided.
Advocacy and enhancing of Ukraine’s adherence to international obligations and standards
derived from the UN Conventions, Declarations and International Conferences carried out.
Facilitation and support to implementation of follow up activities to Ukraine’s Universal
Periodic Review held in 2012.
Implementation of the Government of Ukraine–UN Partnership Framework. Respective working
groups around four partnership areas operational. Annual progress review carried out jointly with
the Government.
Strengthening government capacity on aid coordination, management, harmonisation and
monitoring in line with OECD/DAC recommendations, Paris Declaration, Busan Partnership for
Effective Development Cooperation, participation and contribution to elaboration of the new
strategy for attraction of international aid, streamlining of procedures for project initiation,
registration and implementation, other activities initiated by the national partners. Support to
revitalization of the sector and theme-based aid coordination architecture and its alignment with
national development priorities. Launch, operationalization and functioning of the development
assistance database ensured.
Promotion of the gender equality, strengthening of the national gender machinery, support to
elaboration and implementation of gender programme, National Gender and HIV/AIDS Strategy.
Interagency cooperation on gender intensified. Possible areas for joint programming identified
and opportunities for resource mobilization explored and used.
Intensifying of interagency cooperation on operation related issues towards harmonization of
business practices and implementation of common services, including initiation and signing of
the new long term agreements with service providers.
Implementation of the UN Communication Strategy, joint UN advocacy activities around critical
Strengthening and intensifying of coordination and collaboration with regionally based UN