
Unit I:
Part A:
1. Identify the features of .Net framework.
Application Compatibility and Deployment, Improvements, Managed,
Parallel, Networking, Web, Client, Data, Windows Communication
Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation. (OR)
NET is Microsoft's new Internet and Web strategy
.NET is NOT a new operating system
.NET is a new Internet and Web based infrastructure
.NET delivers software as Web Services
.NET is a framework for universal services
.NET is a server centric computing model
.NET will run in any browser on any platform
.NET is based on the newest Web standards
2. What are the namespaces in .Net? Give an example.
Namespace is logical division of class, structure and interface OR way
to organize your Visual Basic .NET code is through the use of
Namespaces are a way of grouping type names and reducing the chance of
name collisions.
The namespace with all the built-in functionality comes
under System namespace. All other namespaces comes under
this System namespace.
Declaration of Namespaces:
// Namespace Declaration in C#
using System;
using System.Data;
namespace ExampleNamespace
class TestExample
public void ShowMessage()
Console.WriteLine("This is the TestExample namespace!");
3. List the building blocks of .NET.
4. What is a .Net Base class library?
The Base
Library (BCL)
a Common
Infrastructure (CLI) standard library available to all CLI languages. CLI
includes the BCL in order to encapsulate a large number of common
rendering, database interaction, and XML document manipulation, which
makes the programmer's job easier. It is much larger in scope than standard
libraries for most other languages, including C++, and is comparable in scope
and coverage to the standard libraries of Java. The .NET Framework, being
the first implementation of CLI, is the origin of the BCL. It is sometimes
incorrectly referred to as the Framework Class Library (FCL), but the FCL is
actually a superset including Microsoft specific namespaces.
5. Define .NET aware programming languages.
The .NET Platform programming languages — including Visual
Basic .NET, Visual C#, Managed Extensions for C++, and many other
programming languages from various vendors — use .NET Framework
services and features through a common set of unified classes.
6. What are the advantages of .NET CLR.
Performance improvements.
The ability to easily use components developed in other languages.
Extensible types provided by a class library.
Language features such as inheritance, interfaces, and overloading for
object-oriented programming.
Support for explicit free threading that allows creation of multithreaded,
scalable applications.
Support for structured exception handling.
Support for custom attributes.
Garbage collection.
Use of delegates instead of function pointers for increased type safety and
security. For more information about delegates, see Common Type
7. What is CTS?
Common Type System (CTS) describes how types are declared, used and
managed in the runtime and facilitates cross-language integration, type
safety, and high performance code execution.
The common type system defines how types are declared, used, and
managed in the common language runtime, and is also an important part of
the runtime's support for cross-language integration. The common type
system performs the following functions:
Establishes a framework that helps enable cross-language integration, type
safety, and high-performance code execution.
Provides an object-oriented model that supports the complete
implementation of many programming languages.
Defines rules that languages must follow, which helps ensure that objects
written in different languages can interact with each other.
Provides a library that contains the primitive data types (such as
Boolean, Byte, Char, Int32, and UInt64) used in application development.
Part B:
1. List the benefits and features of .NET framework
2. Define .Net types and .Net namespaces
3. Describe a) CLR b) CLS c) CTS
4. How to compile and run the .Net applications using
(i) Command line compiler (ii) VS.NET IDE
5. What are the unifying components using .Net framework?
Unit II:
Part A:
1. Define the basics of .Net framework.
ASP.Net is a programming framework that is used to create entrerpriseclass Web applications. ASP.Net is integrated with Visual Studio.Net
which provides a GUI designer, a rich toolbox and a fully integrated
debugger. ASP.Net uses the Common Language Runtime(CLR) provided
by the .Net framework.
2. What are the basics of ASP.NET ? List its features.
ASP.Net is a programming framework that is used to create entrerpriseclass Web . ASP.Net is integrated with Visual Studio.Net which provides
a GUI designer, a rich toolbox and a fully integrated debugger. ASP.Net
uses the Common Language Runtime(CLR) provided by the .Net
framework. The .NET CLR offers many advantages.
- Improved performance: The ASP.Net code is a compiled code instead of
an interpreted code.
- Flexibility: The entire .Net class library can be accessed by ASP.Net
applications. The language that best applies to the type of functionality
need can be used since ASP.Net is language independent.
- Configuration settings: The application-level configuration settings are
stored in an XML format. The XML format is a hierarchical text format is
easy to read and write.
- Security: ASP.Net applications are secure and use a set of default
authorizations and authentication schemes.
3. Define the terms (i) ASP.NET web forms (ii) ASP.NET web controls.
Web pages created using ASP.Net Web forms are called ASP.Net Web
Forms pages.
ASP.NET web controls.
The different types of server controls are:
HTML server controls: These controls refer to the HTML elements that
can be used in server code. The HTML elements can be converted into
HTML server controls. ID and RUNAT tags are used to add the HTML
controls. These controls can also be added by using the HTML tab of the
ASP.Net server controls: These controls do not map one-to-one to HTML
server controls. These controls include traditional form controls like
textboxes and buttons and complex controls like tables.
Validation controls: These controls are used to validate users input.
Validation controls can be attached to input controls to check the values
User controls: These controls are created using the existing Web Forms
pages and can be used in other Web Forms pages.
Define the term round trip.
Most web pages require processing on the server. Whenever a user
interaction requires some kind of processing on the server, the Web forms
page is submitted to the server, processed and then returned to the
browser. This sequence is called a round trip.
6. What is the event handler?
When the events are raised, you need to handle them for processing. The
procedures that are executed when an event occurs are called event
handlers. An event handler is associated with the corresponding event by
using the WithEvents and Handles keywords. The WithEvents keyword is
used to declare the control generating an event. The Handles keyword is
used to associate the event handler with the event, which is raised by the
Public Sub RegisterButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RegisterButton.Click
End Sub
7. Why does ASP.Net applications execute faster than other service side
Page and server control processing
State management
Data access
Web applications
Coding practices
8. What are the properties of AdRotator Control?
Along with the properties that are inherited from the System.Web.UI.
Control base class; the AdRotator control has three additional properties:
Part B:
1. How to create and deploy ASP.Net applications?
2. How to build a web form?
3. Describe the web controls with example
4. How to implement the events and event handlers?
5. List out the various Rich Web controls and explain with an example how
to work with them in ASP.Net
6. Describe the procedure to create and use custom controls
7. What are the different types of validation controls used in ASP.Net?
8. What is debugging? How to use the different debugging tools to error
handling ASP.Net Pages?
9. Describe the structure of an ASP.Net page
10. Explain the grid view control in detail
Unit III:
Part A:
1. List the basics of ADO.Net.
ADO.NET is a set of classes that expose data access services to the .NET
programmer. ADO.NET provides functionality to developers writing
managed code similar to the functionality provided to native COM
developers by ADO. ADO.NET provides consistent access to data sources
such as Microsoft® SQL Server™, as well as data sources exposed
through OLE DB and XML. Data-sharing consumer applications can use
ADO.NET to connect to these data sources and retrieve, manipulate, and
update data.
ADO.NET provides a rich set of components for creating distributed, datasharing applications. It is an integral part of the .NET Framework,
providing access to relational data, XML, and application data. ADO.NET
supports a variety of development needs, including the creation of frontend database clients and middle-tier business objects used by applications,
tools, languages, or Internet browsers.
2. Differentiate ADO.Net from ADO.
Multiple tables
Multiple tables in a
single result table.
for combining data from
DataTable objects without
requiring a JOIN query.
Data navigation
Scans the rows
Supports the connected
access, which
isrepresented by
theConnection object. To
communicate with a
database, ADO first
makes a call to an OLE
DB provider. However,
ADO also supports the
disconnected data access
by the RecordSet object
although it is not designed
for it.
Uses the Connection
object to transmit
commands for mapping
a data source that has an
underlying data
Uses a navigation model
for non-sequential access
to rows in a table. Tracks
relationships to navigate
from rows in one table to
corresponding rows in
another table.
ADO.NET uses standardized
calls for the
DataSetCommand object to
Communicate with a
database, which in turn
communicates with the OLE
DB provider.
Sometimes, the DataSet
communicates with the APIs
provided by a database
Uses the typed
characteristic of
XML. Data is selfdescribing because names
for code
items correspond to the "realworld"
problem solved by the
code. The
underlying data constructs,
such as tables and rows, do
not appear, making code
easier to read and write.
3. Define the terms
(i) Data table (ii) Data views (iii) Data Set (iv) Data relation type
(v) Data adapter (vi) Data reader (vii) Data binding
The ADO.NET DataSet is a memory-resident representation of data that provides
a consistent relational programming model regardless of the source of the data it
contains. A DataSet represents a complete set of data including the tables that
contain, order, and constrain the data, as well as the relationships between the
DataTables (ADO.NET): Describes how to create a DataTable, define the
schema, and manipulate data.
Data relation type: Represents a parent/child relationship between
two DataTable objects.
DataRelation objects can then be used to return the related child or parent rows
of a particular row.
the DataReader can increase application performance both by retrieving data as
soon as it is available, and (by default) storing only one row at a time in memory,
reducing system overhead.
DataView : Represents a data bindable, customized view of a DataTable for
sorting, filtering, searching, editing, and navigation. The DataView does not store
data, but instead represents a connected view of its corresponding DataTable.
Changes to the DataView’s data will affect the DataTable. Changes to
the DataTable’s data will affect all DataViews associated with it.
Data binding, in the context of .NET, is the method by which controls on a user
interface (UI) of a client application are configured to fetch from, or update data
into, a data source, such as a database or XML document.
Data adapter
Provides an overview of what data adapters are, what they are used for, and how
they are structured.
4. What is the ADO.Net managed providers.
Managed Providers are a collection of classes in the .NET Framework that
provide a foundation for the ADO.NET programming model. The .NET
Framework allows you to write language-neutral components, which can be
called from any language, such as C++ or Visual Basic. In the .NET
Framework, the OLE DB and ADO layers are merged into one layer. This
results in high performance, and at the same time allows components to
be called from any language. The Managed Data Providers include classes
that can be used for the following:
Accessing data from SQL Server 7.0 and later
Accessing the other OLE DB providers
The Managed Provider for ADO.NET is the System.Data.OleDb
namespace, which allows you to access OLE DB data sources. This
namespace includes classes that are used to connect to OLE DB data sources
and execute database queries to access and manipulate data.
5. Explain the events that are support by repeater control.
The Repeater control supports two events:
 ItemCreated: Enables you to customize the way items are created.
One way to customize the item-creation process is to set certain
properties while the items are being created.
 ItemCommand: Generated when users click one of the buttons included in
the Repeater control items. These buttons could be the usual Button controls
or the LinkButton controls
Part B:
1. Describe the ASP.Net configuration sections
2. How to manage the entire security configuration from the web.config
3. What are the different interfaces and classes used to create HTTP
4. What you understand caching in ASP.Net? Define caching page output
5. Describe the features of ASP.Net security
6. What is localization in ASP.Net
7. List the main difference between repeater control, data list control and
data grid control
Unit IV:
Part A:
1. What are the concepts in ASP.Net configuration?
ASP.NET is designed to provide developers with rich support for
designing, developing, and deploying Web applications. For application
deployment, ASP.NET provides a rich set of configuration settings. The
configuration information for the entire ASP.NET application is defined
and contained in configuration files. These files are written in XML and are
named Web.config.
ASP.NET uses a hierarchical configuration architecture that uses an XML
format. In the hierarchical configuration architecture, whenever a client
makes a request for an ASP.NET application or a specific ASP.NET
resource, ASP.NET checks the settings for the URL requested by the
client in a hierarchical fashion. The check is carried out using the
configuration files located in the path for the requested URL. These
settings are then logged or cached by the application Web Server to speed
up any future requests for ASP.NET resources. To understand the
hierarchical configuration architecture better, consider a Web site that has a
file structure similar to that shown in Figure 14-1.
2. Define the basics of .Net framework.
The .NET framework is a software development framework from Microsoft. It
provides a controlled programming environment where software can be developed,
The principal design features are:
Interoperability: This allows for .NET-developed programs to access
functionalities in programs developed outside .NET.
Common Runtime Engine: Also known as the common language runtime,
this allows programs developed in .NET to exhibit common behaviors in memory usage,
exception handling and security.
Language Independence: Common language infrastructure specifications
(CLI) allow for the exchange of data types between two programs developed in different
Base Class Library: A library of code for most common functions--used by
programmers to avoid repetitive rewriting of code.
Ease of Deployment: There are tools to ensure the ease of installing programs
without interfering with previously installed applications.
Security: Programs developed in .NET are based on a common security
3. Give architecture of HTTP Runtime?
4. How to create HTTP handlers with example?
Creating a class that implements the IHTTPHandler interface
Using the handler class in a Web application.
The syntax is given as follows:
<add verb="[HTTP Verb]" path="[Request Path]" type="[.NET Class]" />
5. What is caching?
Caching, as a technique for improving system performance, is not a new concept. It
has been used successfully in various applications, ranging from relational databases
such as Microsoft SQL Server to various operating systems.ASP.NET provides a
Web cache to store Web objects.
6. Define caching page data?
Storing frequently requested data in memory variables on the server side is a familiar
concept for ASP developers. In classic ASP, two intrinsic objects, the Session object
and the Application object, are used to store application data in memory variables.
The Session and Application objects are available in ASP.NET, but their functionality
is not enhanced much. ASP.NET encapsulates the application data caching in the
Cache class. The following sections cover the Session and Cache objects in detail.
7. What are the different types of dependencies in caching?
File-based dependency
Key-based dependency
Time-based dependency
Part B:
1. Describe XML with an example in detail
2. How to publish and find web services and providers
3. What are the infrastructures in web services
4. Describe leveraging ASP.Net features in web service
5. Describe SOAP in details
6. List the features of Microsoft SOAP toolkit
7. How to test and debug the web service
8. How to create and test the consumer application
9. Describe the application execution model
10. Explain caching in ASP.NET
11. Explain about Data Bind in detail.
Unit V:
Part A:
1. What is web service?
A Web service is a programmable URL. Stated another way, a Web service is an
application component that is remotely callable using standard Internet protocols
such as HTTP and XML. Thus, any system that supports these basic, standard
protocols is capable of supporting Web services.
2. What are the fundamental elements of web services?
The basic elements of Web services include simple object access protocol (SOAP),
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI), and Web services
description language (WSDL).
3. Define XML, syntax of XML, and XML document structure
XML stands for EXtensible Markup Language
XML is a markup language much like HTML
XML was designed to carry data, not to display data
XML tags are not predefined. You must define your own tags
XML is designed to be self-descriptive
XML is a W3C Recommendation
<p>This is a paragraph.
 In XML, it is illegal to omit the closing tag. All elements must have a closing tag:
 <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<br />
 <article>
<author>Gerhard Weikum</author>
<title>The Web in Ten Years</title>
<abstract>In order to evolve...</abstract>
<section number=“1” title=“Introduction”>
The <index>Web</index> provides the universal...
 </article>
4. Describe SOAP,.
 SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol
 SOAP is a communication protocol
 SOAP is for communication between applications
 SOAP is a format for sending messages
 SOAP communicates via Internet
 SOAP is platform independent
 SOAP is language independent
 SOAP is based on XML
 SOAP is simple and extensible
 SOAP allows you to get around firewalls
 SOAP is a W3C recommendation
Part B:
Explain the Windows authentication and forms authentication with example