
Developmental Psychology
(Intersession - 3 Week)
Revised 5/6/2014
Instructor: Dr. Chrystie Meziere
Northeast Campus Office: Room 2419
Office Hours by Phone (918-695-2075)
3:00pm – 5:30pm
Campus Office hours by appointment
On-line: Intersession 2014
Course Dates: 05/12 to 06/01
Course ID:
PSYC 2023, 290, 32244
Distance Learning Office
Phone: (918) 595-7282
Toll Free: 1 (888) 822-2973
Associate Dean: Ernest Evans, PhD
Room NEC 1102
Phone: (918) 595-7089
Intro Psych 1113
TCC Blackboard:
Textbook Web Site:
TCC Catalog PSYC 2023 Course Description
A theoretical and research based psychology course that covers social, emotional, physical and cognitive
aspects of human development throughout the life span.
Course Objectives
 Identify key biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial influences occurring over the life span.
 Observe and summarize features of cognitive development over the life span.
 Relate developmental psychology research findings to observations of everyday life,
including self-observations.
 Observe and critique the role of cultural factors influencing attitudes and beliefs over the
lifespan, including the role they have played in your own life.
Online Class Requirements
To successfully complete this developmental psychology online class, you are required to:
print and read this syllabus;
have a reliable computer and Internet connection, preferably with a cable or DSL connection*;
check your TCC Outlook e-mail account on a daily basis for announcements, etc.
sign on to our class Blackboard site on at least once per day to check for announcements, changes, etc.;
install the latest versions of (a) Mozilla Firefox Web browser, (b) Adobe Flash Player, (c) Adobe
Shockwave, (d) Adobe Acrobat Reader, and (e) the Respondus Lockdown Browser. Web links to all
required software can be found in the External Links tab at our class Blackboard site and at the TCC
Distance Learning Students Resources site:
If you have a portable 3G/4G connection or a slow dial-up, you will find it frustrating – or impossible – to watch the videos
on your home computer. The “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs) section at our class Blackboard site has suggestions for
dealing with this issue.
Online Teaching Methods: How This Fast Track Class is Organized
The learning activities for this Internet class include: reading assignments, Web, online videos, and practice
tests. All of these learning activities are designed to help highlight some of the most important text material.
However, it is important to understand that the Web activities, observations, and online videos are not
designed to cover all the information assigned from the text. The textbook – The Developing Person Through the
Life Span (8th Edition) by Kathleen Berger – is the primary source of information that you will need to master in
this online class. It is absolutely critical to your success in this online class to set up a daily schedule of reading
assignments and utilizing the available review materials.
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May 2014 Intersession: 5-12-2014 to 6-1-2014
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Revised: May 6, 2014
To accommodate the 3 week condensed schedule for the May 2014 Intersession, our online class is broken
into three major sections. Each section includes: (a) specific reading assignments, (b) a Web or
observational activity, (c) videos, (d) a practice test for specific chapters or reading assignments, (e) a quiz
over the Web Activity & Videos (abbreviated as a WAV Quiz), and (f) a test over the assigned chapters or
text pages. Each components is described below.
Reading Assignments: The overall objective of this class is for you to understand the physical, cognitive,
social, and psychological changes that occur throughout the entire lifespan. Consequently, we will
cover a good deal of Berger’s 8th edition of The Developing Person Through the Life Span (see the text
cover on the next page). Please note: Any other edition or text will not work as a substitute as explained
in the FAQs (“Frequently Asked Questions”) tab at our class Blackboard site.
The specific reading assignments will: (a) give you an overview of physical, cognitive, social, and
psychological changes over the life span; (b) issues related to each stage of human development;
(c) an appreciation of the role that culture plays in shaping our ideas about developmental stages;
and, (d) opportunities to transform knowledge into real world observations of others and yourself.
Practice Tests: Each section has two or more 25-question practice tests that are each worth 20 points. The
practice tests for each section are required. They are part of the total points used to determine your
final class grade. The practice tests are designed to give you maximum flexibility. There is a 90minute time limit and you can take each practice test up to 4 times if you want.
The practice tests provide realistic examples of the kinds of questions you can expect on the actual
test, which has 80 to 100 questions.
To earn 20 points for doing each practice test, you must correctly answer at least 80% of the questions (i.e.,
a minimum of 20 out of 25 questions answered correctly) on at least one attempt. Close does not count! On
at least one attempt, 20 questions or better need to be answered correctly! No exceptions!
Practice tests must be completed before you take the actual test. Practice tests will be available until 11:59
PM on the day before the WAV Quiz and test closes for that section.
Web Activities: Think of the Web activities as virtual field trips to locations like national or international
centers focused on specific life span issues (e.g., high-quality daycare, elder care, dealing with
bereavement, etc.), or special exhibits, such as the PBS Miracle of Life site, or interviews with
experts. The Web activities are designed to be interesting and to help highlight text information.
You watch the videos at our class Blackboard site via YouTube. Videos can range from about 8 up to
50 minutes long. The video clips were selected to: (a) help illustrate human development; and, (b)
highlight diverse developmental psychology research topics.
Web Activity/Video (WAV) Quizzes: Each section will have a 30-to-50 question WAV Quiz covering (a) the
information you learned in completing the Web activity; and, (b) the information presented in all of
the required videos for each section. Each Web Activity/Video (WAV) quiz is worth 50 points. Very
important: You must take the WAV quiz before the test. You can take the WAV Quiz and test on the
same day. Or, you can take the WAV quiz on a different day prior to the day that you take the test.
The Schedule & Due Dates tab at our class site lists when WAV Quizzes and tests open and close.
There are 3 regular tests plus an optional final exam. Each regular test has up to 100 multiple-choice
questions. Be forewarned! Some questions may contain visual information (e.g., identifying images,
graphs, etc.). There is also an optional final exam, which has 100 questions.
Quizzing & Testing Options: You have a couple of options for how you quiz and test in this class. This is
explained in more detail in the FAQs Quizzes & Tests tab at our class Blackboard site.
Bonus Points: There will be bonus points on each “Test” and at least one bonus point opportunity during
Section 3.
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May 2014 Intersession: 5-12-2014 to 6-1-2014
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Revised: May 6, 2014
Schedule & Due Dates: Check the Schedule & Due Dates tab at our class Blackboard site on a regular basis
for any modifications in due dates or closing dates.
Required Materials
Required text: The Developing Person Through the Life Span by
Kathleen Stassen Berger, Worth Publishers, New York © 2011
Hardcover text:
Paperback text:
ISBN-10: 1-4292-3203-X
ISBN-13: 978-1-4292-3203-6
ISBN-10: 1-4292-3205-6
ISBN-13: 978-1-4292-3205-6
Required: Firefox Web browser:
Required: Respondus Web Browser (RWB). The link to download
Respondus can be found at our class site in the External Links,
Respondus Quiz, or FAQs Quizzes & Tests tabs.
Required free word processing software: Through Blackboard all
TCC students can download a free copy of Microsoft Office 2011 for
Macintosh or Microsoft Office 2010 for Windows.
Text cover
Required: Adobe Acrobat Reader, Flash Player, and Shockwave.
All are free at: or by going to the External Links tab at our class Blackboard site.
Contacting Chrystie Meziere (a.k.a. your instructor)
Option #1: Post General Questions on the Questions, Questions, Questions Discussion Board
If you have got a general question, post it on the Questions, Questions, Questions discussion board by starting a
new question thread. All students should “subscribe” to the Questions, Questions, Questions discussion board
(the "Subscribe" button is at the top) so you automatically get an e-mail when there is a new post. If you know the
answer to a question that someone has posted, please help your classmate by posting a response! Thanks!
Option #2: Questions Pertaining Specifically to You: Call me at: 918.695.2075
If your question pertains specifically to you or is a question that needs to be discussed privately, please call me at: 918695-2075. Please do not apologize if you call me at home. You are not bothering me! I am here to help you
succeed in my class. Instead, just say, “Hi, this is _____ and I’m in your intersession online developmental psych
class. I need to talk to you about…..” If I miss your call, leave a voice-mail message with your name and phone
number. I will return your call ASAP.
Option #3: It’s a CRISIS! Call My iPhone: 918.695-2075
If it is an issue that needs to be dealt with ASAP, such as a major glitch/freeze/crash while taking an
assessment, please call me: 918.695-2075 The FAQs Quizzes & Tests tab and the instructions on all the WAV
Quizzes and Tests at our class Blackboard site have information about what to do if a glitch or computer
freeze occurs while taking a WAV Quiz or Test. Please review those instructions right before beginning each
assessment you take in this class.
Optional #4: E-mail Me:
Do Not e-mail me about a problem during an exam! You must call me. However, outside of that you may e-mail
me. Please follow this format in the subject line:
PSYC 2023-290: [Your FIRST & LAST NAME]: [Issue or Problem]
PSYC 2023-290: Ashley Simpson: Abducted by pirates & missed test
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May 2014 Intersession: 5-12-2014 to 6-1-2014
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Revised: May 6, 2014
Grading System
The FAQs Quizzes & Tests tab at our class site answers the most common grade-related questions (e.g.,
“When will my grades be posted?” “How is my test grade calculated?”) Assignments are listed by
abbreviation in the same order in the online grade book as they are on the Activities Schedule tab. The
abbreviations are indicated in parentheses on the Activities Schedule tab.
The name of the game in this developmental psychology class is to acquire as many points as you can over the class.
Below are the different ways that you acquire points in this class:
(a) Practice tests: 110 Points Total As noted previously, you can take each practice test up to 4 times. To
earn 10 points for doing each practice test, you must: (a) complete the practice tests before you take the test;
and, (b) correctly answer at least 80% of the practice test questions In other words, a minimum of 20 out
of 25 questions must be answered correctly. Close does not count! Twenty questions or more must be
answered correctly or a grade of 0 is applied.
(b) Web Activity/Video (WAV) Quiz: 200 Points Total Each WAV quiz covers information from the Web
activity plus the videos in the Section Videos folder. Even though the number of questions varies from
WAV quiz to WAV quiz, your score on each WAV quiz will be converted to a 50-point scale. Very
important: WAV quizzes must be taken prior to the test. Videos for each section will be available until the test for
that section closes. WAV quizzes cannot be made up.
(c) Tests: 600 Points Total Each regular test covers information in the text and is worth 200 points. Your
percentage grade for each test will be calculated and posted after the section closes for all students.
(d) Optional Final: Any student can take the optional final to: (1) replace their lowest test score on any of the
first three tests; or, (2) substitute for a missed test on any of the first three tests. The optional final cannot be
used as a substitute for Test #4. Information covered on the optional final will be posted on our class
Blackboard site. If you take the optional final, your score on the final exam will be substituted for your
lowest test score on the first three tests or for a missed test.
The Makeup Test Policy
If you miss either of the first two tests, you can elect to take the optional final exam. The score you make on
the final will substitute for the missed test score. There is no makeup option for Test #3. See above for
more information about the optional final exam.
There are no makeups for WAV quizzes. Please do NOT wait until the last minute on the last day to take
WAV quizzes and tests. All students get the same opportunities and flexible scheduling so exceptions to
deadlines are not going to be made. Successful online students plan ahead!
If you know you have a schedule conflict, you can always take a quiz or a test ahead of schedule in this
class. Call me and I will work with you and make the necessary advance arrangements.
Expanded Grading Scale for Assignment of Final Class Grades:
The Activities Schedule tab lists the points available for each section. All together, there are 950 points
available.* At the end of the class, grades will be assigned according to the following cumulative point totals:
A ............ 846 to 950 Points ..............89% to 100% of total points
B ............ 741 to 845 Points ..............78% to 88.9% of total points
C ............ 637 to 740 Points ..............67% to 77.9% of total points
D ............ 532 to 636 Points ............. 56% to 66.9% of total points
F ............ 531 Points & below ........... Below 55.9% of total points
*If the number of available points changes, the cumulative point totals for assigning final course grades will be adjusted proportionately.
The percentage range for each letter grade will not change. The instructor reserves the right to correct any errors in this syllabus, the
grading scale, or grade calculations.
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May 2014 Intersession: 5-12-2014 to 6-1-2014
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Revised: May 6, 2014
Active Participation Defined
Very important: You are required to actively participate in this online class. Active participation means that you
sign on at least once per day to our class Blackboard site, check for class-related e-mails, read Blackboard
announcements, watch videos, and complete Web activities, practice tests, WAV quizzes, and the actual tests.
Administrative Withdrawals, Incompletes, and Grade Disputes:
I may elect to “administratively withdraw” any student who has not “actively participated” in the course up
to and including the first exam. Beyond this, an AW or Incomplete will not be given out without legitimate
documentation of extenuating circumstances and a current “passing” status in this course. Appeals for an
AW, I, or altered grade requires that you submit your justification to me in writing for consideration ALONG
WITH documentation to support the request. Upon receipt, I will review your justification and
documentation, and decide whether or not the request has merit. Verbal requests or disputes over these issues
will not be entertained.
Course Withdrawal Policy: Last day to w/d: 5pm Tuesday May 13th
The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the duration of any class. Check the TCC
Academic Calendar for deadlines. Begin the process with a discussion with the faculty member assigned to
the course. Contact the Advisement Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course ('W'
grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Withdrawal and/or change to an audit from a course after the
drop/add period can alter the financial aid award for the current and future semesters. Students may receive
an outstanding bill from TCC if the recalculation leaves a balance due to TCC. Students who stop
participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial
aid consequences for the student.
Important Academic Dates listed in the Intersession 2014 TCC Calendar:
Memorial Day, Monday May 26th: All campuses closed
Last day to audit or withdraw with “W” grade from this 4 week course – Tuesday, May 13th
Realistic Expectations and Time Commitment to Succeed in this 3-Week Class
This is a college-level class. In a traditional 16-week college class, students spend 44+ hours in the classroom over
the semester and considerably more time studying outside of class. Previous students who successfully completed this
intersession online class reported that they spent at least 16 hours per week on just this class. You may spend more or less
time depending on your study skills, reading ability, and text comprehension.
The Student to Student tab at our class site has some very candid advice from previous students who successfully
completed this developmental psychology class. Beyond their advice, here is some additional advice:
Print this syllabus and refer to pages 2 to 4 on a regular basis.
Do yourself a favor and review all the items in the FAQs tab and the FAQs Quizzes & Tests section at our
class site. If you do not, you will get confused and frustrated and work against your own success.
Check the Activities Schedule tab on a regular basis for any changes and to remind yourself of deadlines.
Pace yourself! Do not underestimate the amount of time it takes to successfully complete this college class. The
Activities Schedule tab lists the specific opening and closing dates for each section.
Be proactive! Schedule time for reading and assignments just as if you were attending this class on campus.
Do not wait until the last minute to start reading chapters, complete Web assignments, or prepare for tests.
This class was designed to give you as much flexibility as possible in when you complete activities, take
quizzes, tests, etc. Please don’t ask for deadline extensions because you are going on a cruise, beginning a
prison sentence, were abducted by aliens, are going to see a concert in Dallas, or (fill-in-with-your-favoriteexcuse). Asking for exceptions is not fair to your peers who adhere to the deadlines. However, if you know
you’ve got a schedule conflict and want to complete tasks ahead of deadlines, I can work with you.
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May 2014 Intersession: 5-12-2014 to 6-1-2014
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Revised: May 6, 2014
Psychology is the most exciting science that exists! (Okay, fine, fine, fine, so I’m a little biased about this
but it’s still true.) As one of psychology’s major specialty areas, developmental psychology speaks to each
of our lives. Actively participate in this developmental psychology class and the learning process to get the
most out of it!
“What Have You Learned?” & Other Review Activities
Our class Blackboard site (and The Developing Person Text Companion Web
Site) have numerous materials to help you review information.
BIG HINT  The What Have You Learned? (WHYL) questions are good
tools to help you focus on important points in the assigned readings. Use
the WHYL questions, PowerPoint summaries, flashcards, and other
review activities at our Blackboard site or at The Developing Person
Companion Web site to help gauge your learning progress prior to the test.
Click on the Web site image to the right or use the link below:
Your Next Psychology Class
Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1113) and Developmental Psychology (PSYC 2023) are the two core
psychology classes that provide a foundation for more advanced psychology classes. After successfully
completing these two psychology classes, check with your academic advisor about any other psychology
classes you might need to take to complete your major. Beyond that, if you have electives available, other
psychology classes that you would probably find informative include:
PSYC 2423 – Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 1313 – Human Relations
PSYC 2523 – Child Psychology
PSYC 2533 – Adolescent Psychology
The Syllabus Addendum: Required TCC Statements
There are several statements that every TCC instructor is required to include as part of his or her syllabus. All
of those required statements and other information can be found in my Syllabus Addendum. The Syllabus
Addendum is available as a separate document in the Course Documents tab at our class site. Although the
intent of many of those statements are already incorporated in earlier sections of this syllabus, please review
the required statements for your own knowledge and awareness.
If you have any questions about this Syllabus or any of the required statements in the Syllabus Addendum,
please post your question on the Question, Questions, Questions discussion board.
The Fine Print
The instructor reserves the right to correct any errors or typos in this syllabus and its addendum, our class Blackboard site, the Schedule & Due Dates document, grade calculations and postings, and the assignment of
final class grades. Please contact the instructor ASAP if you believe that information is inaccurate in any area of course or if you believe that grade you have received is inaccurate. Thanks for reading the fine print!