
The Agricultural Economics Society of Japan Annual Meeting 2014
(Kobe University)
Instructions to applicants for the oral and poster presentation
We inform members of the submission instructions on the oral and poster
presentation. Applicants are encouraged to submit their necessary documents in
accordance with the following instructions. If you can understand Japanese, please
read also Japanese version.
1. Main points of modification from this year
(1) From this year, corresponding author must be assigned. Both lead (representative)
presenter and corresponding author must be the member of our society when apply
the oral and poster presentation. It is also ok the lead (representative) presenter
will be corresponding author at once.
(2) Applicants should use the templates when make ‘Abstract of the presentation’ and
‘Manuscript’: both are needed when apply the oral and poster presentation.
(3) Please write down 3 key words when make ‘Abstract’ and ‘Manuscript’.
(4) Submitted paper for The Japanese Journal of Rural Economics (JJRE: publication
of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan) is from 4 pages to 6 pages in
principle. If the paper will be accepted to be printed, authors should pay listing fee
(up to 4 pages: 20,000 yen, 5 pages: 30,000yen, 6 pages: 50,000yen).
2. Points to notice
(1) Applicants may become the lead author of oral or poster presentations for one
presentation only, regardless of the subject.
(2) The Documents to be submitted when apply are three; a) Presentation application
form, b) Abstract of the presentation, c) Manuscript. Manuscript must be completed.
Before there was the manuscript like a “preview,” even though it is still in the
process of analysis and a conclusion has not been reached at the time of application.
This kind of manuscript does not meet the established requirement for its
acceptance as a presentation.
(3) It should be noted that, considering the situation concerning the number of d
presenters and the space given, some applicants might be requested to move to a
different part (oral and poster) of presentation.
3. Documents to be submitted and how to submit
(1) Documents to be submitted
Please make three A4 size files separately.
a) Presentation application form: Please see the sheet 1 and fill out all the necessary
details (Table listing the sessions (fields of study)). Sample is sheet 2.
b) Abstract of the presentation: Please see the sheet 3, 4, 5.
c) Manuscript: Please see the sheet 6 ,7, 8.
(2) How to submit
Please send three files by e-mail. E-mail address is aesj@aafs.or.jp.
(3) Notifications
1) The subject of the e-mail should be: “Submission of (oral or poster) presentation
(Name: XXX, Affiliation: XXX).” And the name of the file should be “1 application
form (Name: XXX, Affiliation: XXX)”, “2 Abstract (Name: XXX, Affiliation: XXX)”
and “3 Manuscript (Name: XXX, Affiliation: XXX) ”.
2) Please set the priority of the e-mail before sending.
3) Prior to submission, please confirm that all the three requirements listed above
have been included. Applications with incomplete documents may not be accepted.
4) The secretariat will send a e-mail it shows the receipt number in a couple of days. If
you would not receive the e-mail and receipt number, please ask the secretariat
(e-mail address: aesj@aafs.or.jp).
4. Deadline
Must reach by 17:00 on Friday, December 20, 2013
5. The schedule table
The schedule table for the oral and poster presentation (venue and time) will be
posted on the website of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan in the end of
February, 2014.
6. Preparing the presentation application form
(1) Entering the membership number
The lead (representative) presenter and the corresponding author must be
member of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan for the FY2013 term at the
time of application. Non-members are required to become members as soon as possible.
(2) Representative presenter and corresponding author
Please enter the membership number of the lead (representative) presenter and
the corresponding author on the presentation application form. And please add *mark
after the name of the corresponding author. Corresponding author should be
responsible for the inquiries from readers. It is also ok the lead author will be
corresponding author at once.
(3) Choosing an appropriate session for your presentation
Choose an appropriate session (field of study) from the list of Sheet 1. It is also
likely that, based on the Planning Committee’s decision, the session allotted may be
different from the one initially chosen by the applicant.
7. The outline for presentation
Please also see the guide for presenters in detail.
(1) Oral presentation
Time for each presentation will be 25 minutes (17 minutes for presenting from the
author(s), 8 minutes for discussion (Question and answer session)). But there is the
possibility the presentation time interval will be changed according to the number of
all presentations.
Presentations using projectors should be only in the form of PDF files. Please send
PDF files by e-mail (address: aesj@aafs.or.jp) and must reach by 17:00 on Wednesday,
March 12, 2014.
(2) Poster presentation
Time for each presentation will be 10 minutes (a 7-minute speech and a 3-minute
discussion (Question and answer session)) in front of their posters according to the
schedule table. And presenters also should explain to and discuss with viewers for
specified time (from 11:00~12:00 Sunday, March 30, 2014). The Best Poster Award will
be granted, based upon the poster and the presentation but candidates are only under
40 years old (the age of lead (representative) presenter).
8. The submission for The Japanese Journal of Rural Economics (JJRE)
(1) If presenter will submit the manuscript as the paper of The Japanese Journal of
Rural Economics (JJRE: publication of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan),
the lead (representative) presenter should be lead (representative) author. It is also
ok the lead (representative) author will be corresponding author at once. But
corresponding author must be assigned any way. Both lead (representative) author
and corresponding author should be the member of our society also for the FY2014
not only FY2013.
(2) After the presentation, authors may submit their submitted papers to JJRE
incorporating the comments and the suggestions offered by the chairperson and
others concerned during the discussion and re-writing the manuscripts accordingly.
(3) Authors whose manuscripts do not need any revision must also remember to
re-submit it to the editorial board of the journal. Send the final draft by e-mail to
The Editorial Office of The Journal of Rural Economics (“Nogyo Keizai Kenkyu”) in
The Center for Academic Publications Japan. The further details (the deadline:
around April 10 at usual year, e-mail addresses, etc.) will be updated on the website
of our society later.
(4) Submitted paper for JJRE is from 4 pages to 6 pages in principle. If the paper will
be accepted, authors should pay listing fee (up to 4 pages: 20,000 yen, 5 pages:
30,000yen, 6 pages: 50,000yen).
[ Sheet 1 ]
Receipt No14
Application form for presentation (Oral / Poster)
1. Type of presentation[Please fill that applies] □Oral or □Poster
2. Title of the presentation
3. Name & Affiliation (Principally it will be shown on the program of proceedings copies)
Please add the *mark after the name of corresponding author
4. The membership number of lead (representative) presenter 031-
5. The membership number of corresponding author 031-
6. Submission of manuscript for publication[Please fill that applies]
□Plan to submit or □No plan to submit
7. Use of projector by PDF file at oral presentation(Use of OHP, OHC is not possible)
[Please tfill that applies] □Yes or □No
8. Language of presentation[Please fill that applies] □Japanese or □English
9. Area of presentation
□ Within Japan
□ Overseas [Name of the Country
[Please fill one]
□ International Comparison
[Name of the Areas or Countries
□ Theoretical
II Methodology □ Quantitative
[Please fill one]
□ Historical
□ Field Investigation
) Demand
III Category
) Production / Management
[Please select up to (
) Distribution / Marketing
two and rank your (
) Environment / Resources
) Rural Society / Culture
) Agricultural or / Rural Development
) Food Industry
) Regional Agriculture
) Agricultural or Rural Planning
) Policy / Institutions
I Subject
[ Sheet 2 ] Sample
Receipt No14
Application form for presentation (Oral / Poster)
1. Type of presentation[Please fill that applies] ■Oral or □Poster
2. Title of the presentation
Optimal Behavior of Rice Farmers in the Imperfectly Competitive Land Lease Market in
Japan -With a Focus on Transaction Costs and Uncertain Returns on Land Lease
3. Name & Affiliation (Principally it will be shown on the program of proceedings copies)
Please add the *mark after the name of corresponding author
Ueo AIU* (Kakiku Universiry)
Tsuteto TACHI (Sashisu Center)
4. The membership number of lead (representative) presenter 031- 123 -
5. The membership number of corresponding author 031- 123 -
6. Submission of manuscript for publication[Please fill that applies]
□Plan to submit or ■No plan to submit
7. Use of projector by PDF file at oral presentation(Use of OHP, OHC is not possible)
[Please fill that applies] ■Yes or □No
8. Language of presentation[Please fill that applies] □Japanese or ■English
9. Area of presentation
■ Within Japan
□ Overseas [Name of the Country
[Please fill one]
□ International Comparison
[Name of the Areas or Countries
□ Theoretical
II Methodology ■ Quantitative
[Please fill one]
□ Historical
□ Field Investigation
) Demand
III Category
( 2 ) Production / Management
[Please select up to (
) Distribution / Marketing
two and rank your (
) Environment / Resources
) Rural Society / Culture
) Agricultural or / Rural Development
) Food Industry
) Regional Agriculture
) Agricultural or Rural Planning
( 1 ) Policy / Institutions
I Subject
[Sheet 3]
Instructions for the abstract of the presentation (Oral / Poster)
1. Writing Style
(a) A4 size horizontal pattern. Horizontal 42 letters x Vertical 45 lines.
(b) Leave the left-right margins 30mm, top-bottom margins 25mm according to the sample provided.
(c) Figures/charts must also be included within the same layout.
2. Layout
(1) Title (Centering: Times New Roman font 14 point). In case of using more than two lines, move one
line below.
(2) In case of a subtitle, use ‘-‘(Centering: Times New Roman font 10.5 point).
(3) Leave one line blank.
(4) Author’s name (Centering: Times New Roman font 10.5 point). After the name of author, add
superscript number for each different affiliation. If the authors are more than two, divide by
comma and continue horizontally. Add * mark after the number of corresponding author it shows
his/her affiliation.
(5) Affiliation (Centering: Times New Roman font 10.5 point). Add superscript number before
affiliation. If the affiliations are more than two, divide by comma and continue horizontally.
(6) Corresponding author (after Corresponding author*: write down the e-mail address of him/her,
Centering: Times New Roman font 10.5 point).
(7) Leave one line blank.
(8) Text (Times New Roman font 10.5 point).
[Sheet 4] Layout sample for the Abstract (Select flame for A4 size paper)
-Subtitle※Leave one line
Name1, Name2, Name1*
Affiliation, 2 Affiliation
Corresponding author*: e-mail address
※Leave one line
This presentation is ………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………… 84 letters …………………………………………
(45 lines)
[Sheet 5] Sample of the Abstract
Optimal Behavior of Rice Farmers in the Imperfectly Competitive Land
Lease Market in Japan
-With a Focus on Transaction Costs and Uncertain Returns on Land Lease Investment Ueo AIU1*, Tsuteto TACHI2
Kakiku University, 2 Sashisu Center
Corresponding author*: aiue@kakiku-u.ac.jp
This presentation is … (the text will follows) …
[Sheet 6]
Instructions for the manuscript (Oral / Poster presentation)
1. Writing Style
(a) A4 size horizontal pattern. Before stating text, one column format and Horizontal 48 letters x Vertical 46
lines. After stating text, two column format and Horizontal 24 letters x Vertical 46 lines.
(b) Leave the left-right margins 25mm, top-bottom margins 20mm according to the sample provided.
(c) Figures/charts must also be included within the same layout.
2. Layout
(1) Title (Centering: Times New Roman font 14 point). In case of using more than two lines, move one line
(2) In case of a subtitle, use ‘-‘(Centering: Times New Roman font 10.5 point).
(3) Leave one line blank.
(4) Author’s name (Centering: Times New Roman font 14 point). After the name of author, add superscript
number for each different affiliation. If the authors are more than two, divide by comma and continue
horizontally. Add * mark after the number of corresponding author shows his/her affiliation.
(5) Leave one line blank.
(6) Summary up to 100 words (Times New Roman font 10 points).
(7) Leave one line blank.
(8) Key words. Write down Key words: by the Arial font 10 points and after it, write down 3 words divide by
comma and continue horizontally.
(9) Leave one line blank.
(10) Head line of the part (Centering: MS gothic font 10.5 points).
(11) Text (Times New Roman font 10.5 points).
3. Footnote
(1) Affiliation and who is the corresponding author should be written on the part of footnote. First, write
down affiliation and add superscript number in front of the affiliation which corresponds to the each
author. (Times New Roman font 9 points). If there are more than two affiliations, please start a new line.
Second, write down the e-mail address of corresponding author (after write down ‘’Corresponding
author*: , Times New Roman font and point will be appropriate to be settled one line).
(2) All the note of the text should be footnote.
[Sheet 7] Layout sample for the Manuscript (Select flame for A4 size paper)
-Subtitle※Leave one line
Name1, Name 2, Name 1*
※Leave one line
The objective of this study is ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・(Summary: up to 100 words)
※Leave one line
Key words:3 words
※Leave one line
1. Introduction
This paper is ……………………………
……… (two column format) ………………
←20mm→ ……… (48 letters for each line) …………
1 Affliiation
Corresponding author*: e-mail address
[Sheet 7] Sample of the Manuscript
Optimal Behavior of Rice Farmers in the Imperfectly Competitive Land
Lease Market in Japan
-With a Focus on Transaction Costs and Uncertain Returns on Land Lease Investment-
Ueo AIU1*, Tsuteto TACHI2
The objective of this study is to judge whether transaction costs and uncertain returns work as restrictions on the number of
land lease contracts in Japan. The main outcomes are as follows. First, the study makes it clear theoretically that the perfectly
competitive land lease market assumption adopted by the previous papers leads to the overvaluation of the number of land
lease contracts when the market competitiveness is imperfect. Second, the study proved empirically that the land lease markets
of rice farming are imperfectly competitive according to the significant estimation results of the transaction costs and the option
value coefficients.
Key words:farmland lease contract, transaction cost, uncertain return
1. Introduction
This paper is … (the text will follows) …………
Kakiku University
2 Sashisu Center
Corresponding author*: aiue@kakiku-u.ac.jp
(1) foot note