輔仁大學織品服裝學系所 99-1 學年度課程綱要表 Fu Jen Catholic University 2010-2011 Department / Code (開課單位/單位代碼) 織品服裝學系 組 Course Code 4360-14388 (課程代碼) x 一年級 x 二年級 大學部 X 碩士班 每週授課堂數 三年級四年級 碩專班 每週實習堂數 授課教師 丁瑞華 教室 Course Name (課程名稱) Course Objectives (課程目標) TC202 2 別 X 每週 單週 □雙週 時間 Credit 流行品牌管理 週四 5/6 必修 選修 通識 (學分數)2 X The objectives of this course is to achieve the latest thinking and developments from both academia and industry of brand development, the exploration of brands, brand equity, and strategic brand management combines a comprehensive theoretical foundation with numerous techniques and practical insights for making better day-to-day and long-term brand decisions—and thus improving the long-term profitability of specific brand strategies. Finely focused on “how-to” and “why” throughout, provides specific tactical guidelines for planning, building, measuring, and managing brand equity. Students will study numerous examples on virtually every topic and over 100 Branding Briefs that identify successful and unsuccessful brands and explain why they have been so. Prerequisites (先修課程) 行銷管理 Course Materials (課程教材) Strategic Brand Management 3e Kevin Lane Keller 2008 Prentice Hall 期刊論文 1.Managing Brand Equity, David A. Aaker, 1991, Free Press. Reference (參考書目) 2.Building Strong Brand, David A. Aaker, 1996, Free Press. 3.Strategic Brand Management, Jean-Noel Kapferer, 1997, Kogan Page. 4.Brand Leadership, David A Aaker, Erich Joachimsthaler, 2002, Free Press.(品牌領導) 課堂之前測(Pre-test) 課堂中的隨堂測試(Quiz) Evaluation (評量方式) *可自行增刪項目 期末報告/論文撰述(Team Paper/Theses Writing) 25% % 課堂參與(Class Participation) 50% 期中考(筆試)(Midterm Test) % 心得/作業撰寫(Assignment) 25% 課堂後測/期末考(筆試)(Final Test) % 專題發表(Presentation) % 學生表現側寫報告(Profile Report) 個案分析報告撰寫(Case Report) % % 課堂上實作演練(Role Playing) 專業團體之證照檢定(Certification) % % 其他(Others) 例:出席率(討論統一的原則) % 個別面試或口試(Oral Exam) Pedagogical Methods (教學方法) *可自行增刪項目 Course Web (課程網頁) % % 授課方式:講課、多媒體、分組報 告、分享討論、考試 點名規定:點名三次未到者以扣考論(不論是 否請假)遲到、早退都會記錄,學期一併扣分 1 9/15 課程介紹 Chap.1 Brand and Brand management Davies and Chun, ”The Use of Metaphor in the Exploration 2 9/22 of Brand Concept,” (2003), Journal of Marketing Management, 19, 45-71. Chap 2 Customer-Based Brand Equity 3 9/29 Case Study : Dockers Chap 3 Brand positioning and Values 4 10/6 Case study: iPod 5 10/13 IFFTI 研討會 Chap 4 Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity Park, F.W, Bernard J. Jarwoski, and Deborah J. MacInnis, 6 10/20 “Strategic Brand Concept-Image Management,” Journal of Marketing, 50 (October 1986), pp.621-35. Chap 5 Designing Marketing Program to Build Brand Equity Aaker, A. David, “ Measuring Brand Equity Across Products 7 10/27 and Markets,” (1996), California Management Review, Vol. 38, No 3,pp.102-120. Chap 6 Integrating Marketing communication to build brand Course Outline (課程大綱進度) Equity Case Study : Benetton---Camuffo, Arnaldo, Pietro Romano, 8 11/3 and Andrea Vinelli, ”Back to the Future: Benetton transform its Global Network, “ MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall 2001, 43, 1. Chap 7 Leveraging Secondary Brand Knowledge to build 9 11/10 Brand Equity Case Study: Nike Chap8 Developing Brand Equity Measurement Management 10 11/17 System Case study: Red Bull Chap 9 Measuring Source of Brand Equity Liu, liu, and Lin (2008),”The competence and constraints of 11 11/24 brand building for contract manufactures,” Brand Management, Vol. 15, No. 6 pp.412-432. Chap 10 Measuring Outcomes of Brand Equity Aaker and Joachimsthaler, “The Brand Relationship 12 12/1 Spectrum: The key to the Brand Architecture Challenge,” California Management Review (2000), Vol 42, No.4 pp.8-23. Chap 11 Design and Implementing Branding Strategies. 13 12/8 Farquhar, P.H.,Julia Y. Han, and Paul M. Herr, and Yuji Ijiri, “Strategies for Leveraging Master Brands,” Marketing Research(Sep, 1992),pp.32-43. Chap 12: Introducing and naming new products and brand extensions 14 12/15 Aaker and Keller(1990) “Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extension” Journal of Marketing (Jan), Vol 54, pp.27-41 Chap 13: Managing Brand Over Time Park, Milberg and Lawson (1991), “ Evaluation of Brand 15 12/22 Extensions: The Role of Product Feature Similarity and Brand Concept Consistency” Journal of Consumer Research, 16 12/29 Vol.18, Sep. pp.185-193 Chap 14: Managing brands over geographic boundaries and market segments Kirmani et al(1999)”The ownership effect in consumer response to brand line stretches,” Journal of Marketing, Jan. pp.88-101. Park, Jun and Shocker (1996), “ Composite branding : An investigation of extension and feedback effect,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 43, Nov. pp.453-466. 17 1/5 Desai and Keller (2002) “The Effects of Ingredient Branding Strategies on Host Brand Extendibility”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.66, pp.73-93. Monga and John(2007), “Culture differences in brand extaension evaluation: the influence of analytic versus holistic thinking,” Journal of consumer research, March 18 1/12 Vol.33. pp.529-536 Monga and John(2010) “ What makes brand elastic the influence of brand concept and styles of thinking on brand extension evaluation,” JM May Vol 74, pp.80-92 Name: 丁瑞華 Instructor (老師資料) E-mail: liao518@yahoo.com.tw Phone: 29053644 Office Hour: Room: TC306A