Dover Athletic Football Club ltd - The Dover Atheltic Football Academy

The Football Academy
A partnership between Dover Athletic FC and The Abbey School
Mission Statement
 ‘To provide elite football coaching of a professional
standard to young players with ambition of
progressing in the game with Dover Athletic, or other
senior clubs, along with a structured academic /
vocational educational programme that meets their
learning needs’
What is a Football Academy?
 A programme of study accompanied with professional
football development and coaching
 Aimed at Year 12/ 13/ 14
 Structured games programme in Football Conference
Youth League
 Football coaching to a high standard
 A choice of academic and vocational subjects
Main Aims of the Academy
 To improve young players’ technical ability
 To improve young players’ tactical awareness
 To improve young players’ physical fitness specific to
the sport
 To improve young players’ mental approach to their
 To promote an environment where football becomes
the catalyst for successful academic learning
 To promote self discipline and good sportsmanship
and standards
Main Objectives
 Devise a technical / tactical syllabus and deliver it
 Develop individual personal fitness / training plans for each player
 Develop individual psychological profiles and develop techniques to
improve mental approach to performance
Provide 1 to 1 player reviews regularly with coach using specific log
books designed by the Academy
Provide competitive opportunities – school / club link
Provide a tailored education provision that meets the academic needs
of the individual
Provide the educational support and guidance required to achieve on
academic courses
Provide FA & 1st 4 sport coaching football qualifications at levels 1 and 2
What can the players / students do?
 A variety of different courses that fit with their football training
 12 / 15 lessons per week study time
 Football coaching
 Minimum 6 hours coaching and development, plus 1 game
(Wednesday afternoons), representing Dover Athletic in the Football
Conference Youth league. Coaching Provided by UEFA ‘A’ Licence
coaches, including Andy Hessenthaler, the Manager of the Club
 FA Level 2 coaching football (year 2) 90 GLH
 Recognised as an international qualification
 The Abbey School to become an accredited centre for the delivery of
FA qualifications
Application Procedures
 Open to any elite footballers from Year 11 or 12 in Kent
in year 1.
 Stringent entry requirements on ability and character
 Students to apply using the Abbey School 6th form
application forms
 Entry will be accepted upon successful trial,
subsequent interview and references.
Trial Dates
 Important Date!!!! The initial Academy Trials will be
held at The Abbey school on the 05th May (Tuesday),
and 06th May (Wednesday) starting at 5.30pm.
 If successful, final trials will be held the following
Tuesday 12th May.
 To book your place on the trial, application forms need
to be completed and returned to the Head Teacher,
Mrs Catrin Woodend.
 Contact will be made by phone or letter confirming
your place on the trial.
 Alternative trial dates will be arranged if the need
After the trials
 Players will be contacted by letter to either:
 Invite them to attend a formal interview at the school, each
player will be given a time slot.
 Or thank them for their attendance to the trials. It will be
impossible to give every interested player a place as you can
 After the interview, students will be written to again
offering them a place in the Academy, or placing them on a
waiting list.
Academic choices
Sixth Form Proposed Blocking 2009-2010
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Option E
Year 12
Level 3 Courses
Film Studies
Business (D)
Performing Arts
Sports Science (S)
Business (S)
Performing Arts
Sports Science (D)
Young Enterprise
HE Compact
Dance Leadership
Cooking for
Personal Finance
Year 12
Level 2 Courses
Child Dev
Public Services
Health & Social
Sports Science
Training sessions for small groups
* Double option
Level 3 students – 5 GCSE’s grade C or above.
Any three subjects from DIFFERENT option blocks. Subjects with (D) indicate double award
Level 2 students – less than 5 grade Cs
Any two options from DIFFERENT OTION BLOCKS.
Please note, the OPTION E block has been kept for the Academy, no subjects are available from this block
Football academy.
Matches &
Weekly programme
 The Academy training sessions have been ‘blocked out’
to ensure that the School could offer the best choice of
courses available.
 At least two sessions per week will be together as a
group, and one split, enabling smaller functional
group work, and conditioning
 All students will be available on Wednesdays to be
available for the Games program
 Andy Hessenthaler and Darren Hare to manage the
delivery of coaching sessions
Games Programme
 Competitive fixture program of around 20-24 games
per season, with a 16 player squad
 Selection will be based on a rota system
 Students will have the opportunity for a game on a
Sunday for Dover Athletic, if they do not play for the
Academy on a Wednesday
 Students may also sign for their current / existing club
to play on Sundays if they so wish.
 Games will be played at Dover Athletic FC Perry’s
 A Training kit pack will consist of the following;
 Shorts / socks x2
 Training shirt x2
 Sweatshirt x1
 Rain Jacket x1
 ¾ length bottoms x2
 Match Polo shirt and tracksuit x1
 All kit will be individually numbered according to your Academy squad
number, and be branded with DAFC and School logo
 Kit Packs will cost £150.00 through the school, payment plans available
 Boots. There will be discounted boot purchases through a top boot
retailer. More details to follow
Academy Discipline expectations
 Excellent punctuality to all training sessions and
 Appropriate school dress for non Football related
academic lessons
 Excellent attitude and application both on and off the
 Both the school and the Club will demand that you
maintain high standards when representing the
Academy in fixtures in terms of your discipline. Any
fines accrued for bookings / dismissals etc will be the
responsibility of the player. In addition, failure to meet
academic targets, and poor discipline issues could
result in you forfeiting a training session or match
Progression routes
 Higher Education (HE), University, Colleges
 Playing Contracts, either with Dover Athletic FC or
other clubs in the county
 Employment in the leisure industry
 Employment in the growing football coaching industry
either here or abroad
 Access to HE in the United States via their collegiate
soccer scholarship program, trials will be available for
Academy players after two years
What can you expect from the
 From the school……….
 Excellent pastoral care and advice
 Fantastic achievement in the 6th Form
 Thriving BTEC National Certificate in sport program, with 100%
achievement last year, with five students progressing to sports science
 Excellent Careers and Guidance program
 From the club……………
 Excellent Football education, games program
 Kent’s emerging Football club just winning promotion to the
Conference league, providing a fantastic level of football to aspire to
 A very professional football club infrastructure with a fabulous fan base
 A pro-active Management team who want to promote from within