Maxwell Wheel (+3 to your average) This suspended wheel continuously winds and unwinds up and down a string. It demonstrates the principle of potential and kinetic energy. The wheel gradually loses height each time it winds back up the string, due to friction losses, so energy is not conserved. Pascal's Law (Equilibrium) Tubes Our solid base holds 4 differentshaped tubes that show that liquid levels are independent of the shape of the containing vessel. Magdeburg Hemispheres (+3 to your average) Our plastic half-spheres withstand 180 pounds of force when pumped free of air. Pass them around the classroom, inviting students to try to pull them apart using safety handles, or place in the Vacuum jar and remove the air to equalize the pressure and watch the halves separate. Bell In Vacuum w/Plate & Bell Nature, of course, abhors a vacuum - and sound waves won't travel through one. Prove it with a ringing bell inside a sealed glass jar. As air is gradually pumped out of the jar, the bell becomes faint, then dies. Optics Box and modeling Human Eye (+5 to your average) Study reflection, prisms, parallel and convergent rays and more ONLY lenses and prisms will be provided by Physics teacher Total Internal Reflection (+3 to your average) ONLY transparent rectangualar blocks will be provided by Physics teacher. Laser Ray box can be built by teacher’s help. Show some of the more curious aspects of optics. How? By focusing on its effects in water. Light only moves at 75% its vacuum speed in water, which causes a ray to bend at the air/water interface, a phenomenon know as refraction. If the angle is steep, the ray will reflect off this interface instead. We use a low power laser beam and a circular tank filled with water to demonstrate refraction and reflection. As the tight, bright beam bends, its angle can be read on the scale printed around the tank. The laser is permanently fixed to the tank and can be pointed at any angle. Should you wish, you can fill the tank with mineral oil or other liquids to vary the effect. Van de Graaff Generator The classic Van de Graff Generator device demonstrates some of the fundamental concepts in electrostatics: charge accumulation, potential differences, capacitance, and resistivity. The Generator's conductor sphere is detachable, the drive motor has controllable speed, and the device includes a small discharge sphere on a rod. Radiometer Convert light into motion and demonstrate radiant heat. This device has a rotating shaft supporting two vanes, mounted in an evacuated glass bulb. One side of each vane is black, the other shiny silver. High light levels cause the vanes to turn. Ball and Ring This popular demo of metal expansion and contraction consists of a brass ball and ring mounted on steel rods with wooden handles. At room temperature the ball passes through the ring; when heated it will not. Solar Furnace Did you know temperatures can reach more than 150 degrees C in bright sunlight? Demonstrate this with a parabolic reflector. It concentrates sunlight in a black colored copper cup. You can use a satellite dish and cover its inner surface with small cut mirrors. Static Spinner Detect an invisible electric wind from a Van de Graaff with our static spinner. since pointed objects carry a much greater concentration of electric charges than the Van de Graaff's sphere, the spinner will rotate rapidly when in its vicinity. Visible Magnetic Field Lines (+3 to average) Magnetic line is an imaginary tool we use to describe the abstract concept of magnetic field. In this experiment, we present the 3dimensional and 2-dimensional magnetic lines with simple apparatus. ONLY permanent magnets will be provided by Physics teacher. Steady Hands Game and Electric Conductivity (+5 to average) Buzzwire is a steady hand game that is well known to many as a table top amusement. Buzz wire is a challenging and competitive game where you are playing the number of touches against time. The player has to get the right balance between speed and skill in order to obtain the winning score. ONLY Buzzer, Batteries, Thick Wire and Lamp will be provided by Physics teacher. Design idea and construction is up to student. Design Options: You will decide about the design of your buzz wire maze and the stand or frame. You will also decide about the start point and end point of your maze. This apparatus demonstrates conservation of momentum and energy in an interesting way. When you pull aside a particular number of balls from one end and then release them, they fall back to their original position, and in colliding with the remaining (stationary) balls, transfer their momentum to them such that an equal number of balls emerges from the opposite side with the same velocity the first set of balls had upon collision, and rises to the same height to which the first set of balls was raised. This second set of balls then falls back to its original position, transferring momentum back to the first set of balls. These then fly away from the rest and rise to the height from which they were originally released. The cycle continues until losses from friction, and from the fact that the collisions between balls are not perfectly elastic, damp the motion. (The balls do not quite make it to exactly the same height each time; some of the kinetic energy is converted to heat.) If you release any number of balls, the same number will always fly away from the opposite side, independent of how high you raise them before you release them. Newton’s Cradle (+5) Balance Project – Find the Mass of Wooden Block (+5) ONLY equal arms balance stand will be provided by Physics teacher. 50cm 10 9 8 7 6 50cm 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10g X 25cm=250 50g X 15cm=750 8 9 10 10g X 50cm=500 750 Some Instructions: • • • 10g 20g 50g Unknown mass The balance stick must be homogenous Each side hooks have 5cm distance between Students should try to estimate the balance conditions by calculation and then try it practically. DNA Model (+5 to average) Educational game for children. DNA Activity Model. Easy-to-understand replica of the "molecule of life". Construct double helix model to complete with cytosine, adenine, guanine and thymine nucleic acid bases; connecting phosphate strands; and a centre rod representing hydrogen bonds. Easy-to-assemble, three-dimensional model is made of durable plastic components. Design and used material is up to student. Bed of Nails and Balloon – Pressure Experiment (+3 to average) When you place the balloon on the bed of nails, the pressure points are spread all across the surface of the balloon. Design and used material is up to student. Build Your Own Light Bulb (+3 to average) This experiment is about how to make a pencil lead light that can also be used as a light bulb. ONLY power supply and crocodile clip cables will be provided by Physics teacher. Crashing Cane Air Pressure When a can filled with hot water is closed and is cooled down rapidly by pouring cold water on it, it will crash instantly. Explanation: When the air inside the can is cooled, its pressure decreases. The high atmospheric pressure outside exerts a great force on the can and causes it crashes. The cardboard does not fall and the water remains in the glass even though it’s not supported by anything. Explanation: The force caused by the atmospheric pressure acts on the surface of the cardboard is greater than the weight of the water in the glass. Optical Fiber – Total Internal Reflection (+3 to average) Total Internal Reflection Total internal reflection is the reflection of light at the boundary of 2 medium where the angle if incident exceeds the critical angle of the medium. An optical fibre is a long thin strand of glass surrounded by glass cladding with low refractive index. Rays of light entering one end of the fibre experience repeated total internal reflection until they emerge at the other end. ONLY power supply, Laser Diode, Fiber Optic Cable, and crocodile clip cables will be provided by Physics teacher. Construction materials belongs to student. Ping Pong Ball in an Electric Field (+3 to average) ONLY power supply, will be provided by Physics Teacher. The ball will still remain stationary. This is because the force exert on the ball by the positive plate is equal to the force exerted on it by the negative plate. If the ping pong ball is displaced to the right to touch the positive plate, it will then be charged with positive charge and will be pushed towards the negative plate. When the ping pong ball touches the negative plate, it will be charged with negative charge and will be pushed towards the positive plate. This process repeats again and again, causes the ping pong ball oscillates to and fro continuously between the two plates. Electric Bell – Electromagnetism (+3 to average) ONLY power supply, will be provided by Physics Teacher. When the switch is on, the circuit is completed and current flows. The electromagnet becomes magnetized and hence attracts the soft-iron armature and at the same time pull the hammer to strike the gong. As soon as the hammer moves towards the gong, the circuit is broken. The current stops flowing and the electromagnet loses its magnetism. This causes the spring to pull back the armature and reconnect the circuit again. When the circuit is connected, the electromagnet regain its magnetism and pull the armature and hence the hammer to strike the gong again. This cycle repeats and the bell rings continuously. Periscope (+3 to average) Periscopes, including this one, can help you see around barriers. But what if you want to see something behind you? Submarine periscope operators walk in circles, turning the whole periscope. Why not just rotate the top mirror? Try it with this rotating periscope, and you'll see that the image of everything behind you is upside-down! An elegant demonstration of basic plane mirror reflection, this is also a great way to test student understanding of image formation High Voltage Ignition Coil Experiments 500W dimmer Mains Input 220VAC 50Hz Neutral 440VAC 3.5µF Spark Gap Plasma Ball Experiments Blind Spot of Human Eye (+3 to average) The spot where your optic nerve connects to your retina is called the optic disc. There are no photoreceptor cells on this disc, so when an image hits that part of your retina, you can't see it. This is your blind spot. You don't notice this blind spot in every-day life, because your two eyes work together to cover it up. The brain doesn't just match colored backgrounds. It can also make other changes to what you see. Try drawing two filled-in rectangles side by side with a circle in between them. A few inches to the right of this, draw a square. Close your right eye and focus your left eye on the square. Move the paper until the circle disappears and the two separated bars become one bar. How did that happen? The circle in between the bars fell on your blind spot. When it disappeared, the brain filled in for the missing information by connecting the two bars! Here is one final experiment with your blind spot. In this instance the brain doesn't match the blind spot with its immediate white background, but instead with the pattern surrounding it. Draw a line down the center of your page. On one side draw a small square and on the other draw rows of circles. Color the center circle red and all the others blue: Close your left eye and look at the square with your right eye. As you move the paper, the red circle should disappear and be replaced by a blue one! Students should prepare different designs for the same experiment result. Visitors will be allow to take away prepared examples of blind spot papers. DRY ICE Experiments (+5 to average) Students should arrange the big size aquarium and also buy Dry ice. Dry ice is so called because it does not melt into liquid carbon dioxide before turning into gas. The process of a liquid changing state into gas is called evaporation. When a solid changes directly into gas, the process is called sublimation (the solid sublimes). Carbon dioxide be liquefied under higher than atmospheric pressures, but the concentration of the gas in air prevents the liquid from forming naturally on Earth. Carbon dioxide is more dense than, and descends in normal air. Because the air filled bubbles are less dense, they float on the invisible layer of carbon dioxide in the aquarium. Helium filled balloons float in air for exactly the same reason, except that helium is less dense than air. Any substance (or object) will float when immersed in a fluid (ie gas or liquid) if the substance (or object) is less dense than the fluid.