Philippine Political Cartoon

Political Cartoon
By: Gautami Mundada and Andrew Halkyard
Flag Pole - What America promises to the
Filipinos if they were to follow them. (Peace,
Lands for the People, Public Improvements,
Education, Prosperity)
“Good” Filipinos - the Filipinos who followed
America, they were not liked by the “Bad
Lizards - what plagued the Philippines (hunger,
disease, all kinds of trouble, the water torture).
“Bad” Filipino - the people that wanted
independence, not US rule.
Ladder - shows that the “good” filipinos wanted the
“bad” filipinos to come and join them.
Presidents During/Time Frame
o McKinley (1897-1901)
o Roosevelt (1901-1909)
o Taft (1909-1913)
o Wilson (1913-1917)
On April 20, 1898 Congress passed a resolution, the Teller Agreement which
authorized war
o On May 1, Commondore Dewey’s fleet opened fire on the Spanish ships in the
manila bay
o The city was captured on August 13
Treaty of Peace (and the Philippine Annexation) was passed on February 6, 1899
Philippines outraged by not getting national independence
o causes people to revolt (Insurrection)
time frame (cont.)
Insurrection lasted till 1902
The passing of Jones Act of 1916 by Wilson granted full territory status, guaranteed
bill or rights, universal male suffrage, and the promise of independence after the
stabilization of a government
● Main cause: Spanish - American War
● Regions: Philippine Islands, Cuba
o Philippines were seen as a critical vantage point for naval operations
o First shots were fired in the Philippines
o War had to do with Cuba but part of it was fought in the Manila Bay in
● United States had control of the
● Filipino insurrection against US
until 1902
● Jones Act of 1916
This cartoon was showing
o How Americans thought that they were better
than everyone else.
o That following the American way will make you
a “good” person and not follow them will make
you a “bad” person.
The cartoon is very bias to the United States
Most likely was trying to convince the public that we
were helping the Filipino natives by bringing a better
way of life to the Philippines
● If this was the only source then it would be
o We would not know what the Filipinos
thought or if this cartoon was depicting
everything correctly.
● Has a specific view
o Showing to U.S. citizens that we intend
good for the Filipinos.
● Is very imperialistic because it is showing
that America wants to essentially rule over
the Philippines.
o It also shows that some Filipinos does
not want U.S. rule.
To what extent was US territorial expansion a proper and legitimate policy
for the US to follow at the turn of the 19th century?
It was a legitimate policy in the sense that the U.S. was finding strategic places
around the globe for either trade or war. This is also an inadequate policy
since the treatment of the residents in the territory would not have liked to have
their lives changed forcefully.