
Law 12
Teacher : Louie Googoo
Sept. 5, 2013 - Jan. 2013
Course Description
Law in Action : Understanding Canadian Law is the main textbook for this
course. This textbook was designed the capture interest and provide information in a clear
and comprehensive way.
The course is divided into four units of study.
Introduction: Studying law a look into research, making notes and studying for tests and
A brief introduction into Statutes and Studying case studies.
Unit one : Our legal heritage.
Law and society; a look into law in our lives.
- Historical Roots of Law; the Code of Hammurabi, Mosaic Law, Greek Law,
Roman Law, France and Napoleonic Code
- Influences on Canadian Law; Dearly British Law, the Feudal System, Common
Law, Legal reforms, Aboriginal Law
Classifying Law; Sources of Law in Canada
- Common Law, Statute Law, Constitutional Law
- Categories of law; International law, Domestic law, Substantive law, Procedural
law, Public law and Private law.
Government and Statute Law.
- Canada’s Constitution ; B.N.A. Act, a Federal System, Division of powers
- Patriating the Constitution; Constitution Act 1982, Constitutional conflict
Unit two : Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilities.
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
- Recognizing Rights and Freedoms, jurisdiction, enforcement, guarantee,
Fundamental Freedoms, Democratic and Mobility Rights, Legal and Equality Rights, and
language and General rights.
Human Rights.
- Human rights legislation, Canadian Human Rights Act, Provincial Human
Rights, Administering Human rights legislation, Grounds of Discrimination, Antiterrorist legislation.
Unit three : Criminal Law.
- The nature of Crime; defining crime and criminal offences, Criminal Law, The
Canadian Criminal Code of Canada, history, Provincial jurisdiction, Actus Reus, Mens
rea, Proprietor, aiding, abetting, counselling, accessory after the fact, party to Common
- The Criminal Court System: structure, participants, role of jury, the criminal
trial process, verdicts, appeals...
- Investigation and arrest,: levels of police in Canada, starting a police
investigation, evidence, arrest and detention
- Criminal offences; levels of offences, offences against a person, offences against
property, other criminal code offences, drug offences.
- Defences for the accused; Mental state, justifications, double jeopardy,
- Sentencing and the Correctional system; Goals, procedure, types, restorative
justice, parole and pardons
- Criminal Law and Young People
Unit four: Civil Law and Dispute Resolution
- Understanding civil procedures; private law procedures, Civil courts, Civil
remedies, Alternative dispute remedies
- Negligence and Unintentional torts; Negligence, special types of liability,
defences to negligence.
- Intentional torts; Intentional torts, International interference with the person and
property, defences to intentional torts, defamation of character.
- Marriage: a Changing Tradition: Entering marriage, Families today, Ending
- Family Matters.
- Forming a contract.
- Contract Remedies and Consumer Protection.
Grade Break Down*
Term 1 35% Term 2 40%
Homework/Class work - 15 %
Case Studies - 10%
Mid Term Exam - 10
Tests - 20%
Projects/Assignments - 10%
Attendance** - 10%
Final Exam - 25%
Subtotal 75%
Final Exam 25%
TOTAL 100%
*- Subject to administration changes.
** Attendance is mandatory. You will need an attendance of 85% to pass this course.
Lateness makes up five percent of that attendance grade. You are only allowed to miss 15
classes or you will not be granted that particular credit/course.