4 Review Igneous Basics l

Igneous Review
Marble demo, rock specimens, Petrographic Microscope, Olivine Porphyry or Gabbro
Trays of mafic and felsic minerals
Characteristics of magma
Igneous rocks form as molten rock cools
and solidifies
 Characteristics of magmas (molten rock)
depend on parent material and where they
 Where determines speed of crystallization
 At surface, fast cooling makes small crystals
 Rocks formed from lava at the surface are
classified as extrusive, or volcanic rocks
 Rocks formed from magma that crystallizes
at depth are termed intrusive, or plutonic
Silica-rich rocks (with
Quartz, K-feldspar)
melt at cooler
Melts are viscous
Silica-poor rocks (with
Olivine, Pyroxene,
Ca-feldspar) melt at
higher temperatures
Melts are very fluid
Basaltic Magmas
 Many initially form from partial melting of
- those are basaltic
Two Geologic Environments Where Igneous Rocks Form
Igneous Rocks
Formed in Rift
Igneous Rocks
Formed Above
Sinking Plate
Both melts are "Basaltic" i.e. Olivine, Pyroxene and Ca-Feldspars
Extrusive Igneous Rock - Lava (Hawaii)
Intrusive Igneous Rock (Granite) – This granite
cooled 30 kilometers under the surface
K Feldspar
Characteristics of magma
Three parts:
– Liquid portion, called melt, that is
mobile ions
– Solids, if any, are silicate minerals
already crystallized from the melt
– Volatiles, which are gases dissolved in the
melt, including water vapor (H2O), carbon
dioxide (CO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2)
Bowen’s Reaction Series
Molten- VERY Hot
No solids
First mineral to crystallize out
Molten- Not so hot
100% Solid
Fine crystals
Need a microscope
Low silica, HOT, fluid
Course crystals
Easily seen
High silica, warm, viscous
Crystals can react with the melt if they touch it
If the first formed crystals of Calcium-rich (Ca) Plagioclase touch the melt they will react with it,
and will become more sodium-rich on their outer rims
Zoned feldspar (plagioclase) showing change in
composition with time in magma chamber
(calcium-rich in core to sodium-rich at rim)
If early (mafic) grains are removed, the melt
becomes richer in Silica
Fe, Mg, Ca
Some Si
You can start with a
Mafic (silica-poor)
and end up with some
Felsic (silica-rich)
Left with
K and Al
Most of Si
Marble Demo
A melt will crystallize its mafic components first, and the remaining melt may be granitic
Igneous textures
Most important is crystal size
Factors affecting crystal size
 Rate of cooling
– Slow rate promotes the growth of
fewer but larger crystals
– Fast rate forms many small crystals
– Very fast rate forms glass
Types of Igneous textures
Types of igneous textures
 Aphanitic (fine-grained) texture
– Rapid rate of cooling of lava or magma
– Microscopic crystals
– May contain vesicles (holes from gas
 Phaneritic (coarse-grained) texture
– Slow cooling
– Crystals can be identified without a
Aphanitic texture
Fine grained because it cooled
quickly at the surface
Phaneritic texture
Coarse crystals cooled slowly
at great depth
Igneous textures
Types of igneous textures
 Porphyritic texture
– Minerals form at different
temperatures as well as differing rates
– Large crystals, called phenocrysts, are
embedded in a matrix of smaller
crystals, called the groundmass
 Glassy texture
– Very rapid cooling of molten rock
– Resulting rock is called obsidian
Porphyritic texture
Glassy texture
More types of Igneous textures
Types of igneous textures
Pyroclastic texture
–Various fragments ejected during
a violent volcanic eruption
–Textures often appear to more
similar to sedimentary rocks
Pyroclastic Rock Superheated Flows
Naming igneous rocks – pyroclastic
Composed of fragments ejected during a
volcanic eruption
Tuff – ash-sized fragments
Volcanic breccia – particles larger than
Still more types of Igneous
Types of igneous textures
 Pegmatitic texture
–Exceptionally coarse grained crystals
–Form in late stages of fractionation of
–This is often what prospectors are
looking for
A Pegmatite with Feldspar and Zircon
Zircon is very good for obtaining radiometric ages
Show tray of Mafic Minerals
Igneous Compositions
Igneous rocks are composed primarily of
silicate minerals that include:
 dark (or ferromagnesian) colored silicates
– Olivine
– Pyroxene
– Amphibole
 versus
“MAFIC” Magnesium and Iron
Show tray of Felsic Minerals
Igneous Compositions
Igneous rocks also contain light colored
silicate minerals that include:
– Quartz
– Muscovite mica
– Feldspars
“FELSIC” Feldspar and Silica
Igneous Rock Classification- Bowen’s Reaction Series on its side
Note Minerals in
Felsic rocks crystallize from warm melts
Note Minerals in
Mafic from hot melts
Igneous compositions
Naming igneous rocks – granitic (felsic)
– Phaneritic
– Over 20 percent quartz, about 25 percent
or more feldspar (usually much more
– Plagioclase is Sodium-rich
– Abundant and often associated with
mountain building
– The term granite covers a wide range of
mineral compositions
Igneous compositions
Naming igneous rocks – granitic (felsic)
fine grained because extruded,
so crystallized quickly
– Extrusive equivalent of granite
– May contain glass fragments and vesicles
– Aphanitic texture (means fine grained
– Less common and less voluminous than
– Phenocrysts can include quartz and
Igneous compositions
 Basaltic composition can be fine or coarse
– Composed of dark Olivine and Pyroxene and grey
calcium-rich plagioclase feldspar
– No Potassium-rich feldspar (no K-spar
– Designated as being mafic (magnesium and
ferrum, for iron) in composition
– Much denser than granitic rocks - sinks
– Comprises the ocean floor as well as many volcanic
islands such as Hawaii. Also rift valley lavas
Igneous compositions
Naming igneous rocks – basaltic (mafic) rocks:
– Volcanic origin
– Aphanitic texture
– Composed mainly of pyroxene, some olivine and also
calcium-rich plagioclase feldspar
– Most common extrusive igneous rock
Scoria type Basalt note Gas Bubbles
Igneous compositions
Naming igneous rocks – basaltic (mafic) rocks:
Coarse Grained
–Intrusive equivalent of basalt
–Phaneritic texture consisting of pyroxene
and calcium-rich plagioclase
–Makes up a significant percentage of the
oceanic crust, beneath the basalt pillow
Igneous compositions
Other compositional groups
 Intermediate (or andesitic) composition
– Contain at least 25 percent dark silicate minerals
– Associated with explosive volcanic activity
– Often gray
Intermediate rocks
 Andesite
– Volcanic origin
– Aphanitic texture
– Often resembles rhyolite
– Intermediate silica content
– Frequent composition in volcanoes above
subduction zones, e.g. in Andes Mountains
Igneous compositions
Extrusive products can include:
 Pumice
– Volcanic
– Glassy texture, very light weight, mostly air
– Frothy appearance with numerous voids
(extrusive foam)
– Forms when lavas have a lot of water and other
Common with
Intermediate rocks
 Diorite
– Plutonic equivalent of andesite
– Coarse grained
– Intrusive
– Composed mainly of intermediate feldspar and
Igneous compositions
Silica content influences a magma’s
 Granitic magma
– High silica content
– Extremely viscous
– Liquid exists at temperatures as low as 700oC
– Huge explosion if it erupts (Yellowstone, Toba)
When Yellowstone
explodes, half of Wyoming
will perish
Igneous compositions
Silica content influences a magma’s behavior
 Basaltic magma
– Much lower silica content
– Fluid-like behavior
– Crystallizes at higher temperatures
– Gurgles when it erupts (Hawaii)
Origin of Magma
 Role of Pressure
– Reducing the pressure lowers the melting
temperature – the rock probably melts
– RIDGE: When confining pressures drop,
decompression melting occurs
Origin of Magma
Role of volatiles - WATER
–Volatiles (primarily water) cause
rocks to melt at lower
–This is particularly important
where oceanic lithosphere
descends into the mantle in a
subduction zone
Assimilation and magmatic
Show Samples
Basalts forming in rifts and MORs
Decompression Melting:
Magma under lithosphere heats and cracks
it. Mantle rock is exposed to low pressures
– it partially melts
Origin of Andesite & Diorite:
intermediate silica content
Basaltic here
Good diagram for the
Andes Mountains
Small blobs, not much heat in them
Assimilate some crust, fractionate
Plate Tectonics- Andesite Line
Andesites form above the deep portions of a subduction zone
Origin of Granitic Rocks
Huge blobs w/ low
temps but lots of
magma, fractionation &
assimilation => Granite
Can also get small amounts of granites from deep felsic rock passed by ascending magma